• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 3,939 Views, 257 Comments

Queen of Equestria - BlackWater

Queen Twilight Sparkle is now the only ruler of Equestria. Her own safety and that of the nation are torn apart by those intent on their own rise to power and a shadow obsessed with immortality...

  • ...

17 - Loud Unknowns

The plan was working! Sunburst snickered behind the large crystal that jutted up proudly from within the snow bank. His wizard’s cloak was bound tightly around him. He didn’t exactly wear it for fashion, as it was entirely practical for its excellent insulation while out in the frigid conditions. The look of it he did enjoy, though.

This was research. Yes, research. He needed further confirmation of his theory regarding the Crystal Heart and the relationship of the dragon and unicorn. They had parted earlier to go about their governing tasks, but Sunburst never once lost sight of Rarity. He decided to follow her since she would be harder to track down than Spike. The Hero of the Empire was always the talk of the city. Ask anypony on any street and they knew exactly where Spike was at any given moment.

Here the two had reunited behind the Crystal Inventions shop. It was a pleasant public space – something of a sheltered exotic garden amidst the empire’s present snowscape. A fine mesh was stretched over the small tucked-in garden to help hold the warmer temperature. Crystal resonance environmental stabilizers were perched on the top of each pole that held of the mesh. An obvious feat of technological prowess that Crystal Inventions made to prevent snowfall over gardens and regulate micro-climates within it. Many touring Equestrians had remarked in a possibly prophetic manner that the Crystal Empire might be the entity to usher the inhabitants of Equestria into a new technological age.

Sunburst crouched outside the garden, but he had a good view into it to observe his targets. Conveniently, the Crystal Heart was in view to his right a mere eight hundred hooves to his right. Any regular pony might prefer binoculars at such range, but Sunburst had recently manged to perform one of the simpler vision enhancement spells in his vast repository of magic knowledge. It flipped on and off quickly and automatically as he looked from the Heart to the couple.

“Teleporting sure would be a handy skill,” Spike joked as he sat down on a stone bench that rested before one of the garden’s raised circular growing plots.

“Alas,” Rarity nodded in agreement as she laid next to him on the bench, “teleportation is a skill few unicorns have. My magic ability is attuned to my special talent. I can do little more than levitate beyond it.”

Spike brushed his claw fondly against Rarity’s cheek as she laid her head over his lap. “Gem Gear’s idea for a public inner-city transport system seemed quite sound. Maybe we should bring it up to the road maintainer?”

“Gem Gear?” Rarity looked up the medium-size dragon’s face. She then turned her gaze to the resonance crystals around the garden. “He is certainly not without considerable ability and success. I am no expert at such a field of engineering but I am certain Smooth Street would give a fair assessment. I am assuming Gem Gear would need to work with her for the project?”

Sunburst grumbled to himself. Come on already! Of course they were stewards of the Empire first and foremost, but Sunburst wasn’t interested in their mundane tasks. He wanted observations for his research on the Crystal Heart. “Just kiss already,” he whispered through his teeth.

“Did you get lunch?” Spike finally asked after they spoke for a moment longer on other duties. Although it was hard to tell by the sky that lunch time had recently eclipsed, the residents of the Empire knew their time and went about the heavily overcast, sunless, and snowy day like any typical Equestrian in clearer conditions.

“Of course,” Rarity answered with closed eyes and her typical air of oddly placed pride. “A lady knows her schedule and does not deviate from it.”

The dragon grew a sly grin as his claw moved to her midsection. He had slipped his warm claw into her heavy overcoat so that he could gently rub her soft sides in the interest of helping her keep warm and relaxed. “On the contrary,” he countered with a devious tone, “I happen to know you can be very deviant.”

“Oh,” Rarity’s face gave one expression after another as she tried to settle on what she heard and how to react. She ended with a simple blush and a “my” to couple with her “oh.”

“Did you have any dessert?” Spike continued as if his last remark hadn’t occurred.

Rarity wouldn’t let him have it, though. She would not be teased. “Oh, darling. Why would I ever choose some dreadfully ordinary dessert when I could have you.”

The mare leaned up towards Spike and he took the hint. They kissed briefly on the lips. Sunburst’s gaze shot to the Crystal Heart and then back to them. Crystal Heart. Spike and Rarity. Crystal Heart. Spike and Rarity. Crystal Heart. Spike and Rarity. Nothing.

We must test a stronger stimulation, Sunburst thought to himself as he peered harder at the couple and wished Cadance was around to cast some love magic on them. Not that they needed it, but it might help encourage a stronger...intimacy. If Cadance had been right about there coming to pass in the future the existence of pony-dragons, then this could be the trigger to bring the Heart to its next stage of evolution!

“Maybe if I spike their drinks they’ll have the courage,” Sunburst snickered again to himself.

“I cannot imagine a more perfect life,” Rarity said, her breath hot against Spike’s lips that she had barely left. “I do so very much look forward-”

Sunburst’s eyes widened. Rarity had started to glow a brilliant white!

“What?!” Spike suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

Rarity looked down to herself, checking her hooves and natural coat beneath her clothing. “Oh dear. Oh dear!”

“What’s going on?” Spike worried but didn’t let his mare go.

“I’m not-”


Spiraling butterflies of pure light shot out from the unicorn in a hundred different directions before exploding in a light show not dissimilar to fireworks. Spike squinted in the light and heat of the eruptions, but didn’t worry for either of their safeties since Rarity was at the center and he, after all, was a dragon.


The last of the explosions faded out into a magical sparkling, like a hundred fireflies disappearing into the distant night.

“What...was that?” Rarity continued looking around herself and at herself. The glow had petered out to nothing. She couldn’t see anything around them that hadn’t been there before. She didn’t feel any different. Nor did she see anyone around but themselves. Most of the local residents were either inside or at the square bonfire.

“I’m not sure,” Spike frowned, just as confused. Their connection let him know she didn’t feel any different. Something had just happened but neither knew what.

“If only Twilight were in range,” Rarity shifted about and got out of Spike’s grasp. She was antsy to say the least.

“Maybe Sunburst will have some idea. I mean, if his ideas about the Heart are worth anything.”

Rarity gave an unsure agreement.

Sunburst knew they would be looking for him and so he abandoned the crystal he had been hiding behind and made a discreet path back to the Crystal Heart. His vision spell had already fallen apart, so he had no need to disable it. The difficulty of actually performing real magic still bothered him greatly, but at least he had made some progress.

The Heart had remained the same. He stood before it with a frown. Something had happened to Rarity when she was with Spike. He thought it must have triggered some change no matter how minute. Close inspection revealed nothing more than the same glowing pink Heart, miniscule streams of cold water melting away as each new snowflake crowded closer at the base of the spinning relic.

Steps behind him. The crunch of the snow only made the sound louder rather than softer. It was obvious who it was even before he turned. Only one creature in the Empire had that gait.

“The Brave and Glorious,” Sunburst turned with a friendly smile.

“Anything with the Heart?” Spike immediately asked as he put down Rarity. He had been carrying her in his arms so she could get over a large snowbank that had formed up to the base of the castle.

“No, I’m afraid,” the wizard’s frown began to return. “I told you I’d get you if anything happened.”

“Something did happen,” Rarity spoke up with a more serious face than Sunburst had seen on her before. “Except it was not with the Heart.”

Sunburst tried to look lost. He already knew the issue.

“What do you know about magic?” Spike insisted. “Specifically when a pony glows and causes a random fireworks show.”

The wizard withheld the “nothing” they obviously didn’t want to hear. Actually, he did know many spells that involved glowing and explosions. Without advanced analytical magic, though, it would not be possible to do a check on the mare’s body. He knew what the spells required but could not perform them.

“Look,” he sighed. “I wish I could help. I really do. But I just can’t perform the magic necessary to figure out what you want to know. Lots of spells fit your description and the only pony I know of that can perform a cross-sectional uni-genetic computation analysis spell is Queen Twilight Sparkle.”

“Twilight...” Rarity considered aloud. Perhaps what happened relates to what she is doing right now.

Spike looked to his companion and nodded in deep thought. We have to hope that figuring it out is not time sensitive.

Rarity grimaced at the idea of it being an urgent problem.

“I wouldn’t worry, though,” Sunburst added without being privy to the silent conversation. “I know every ailment that involves magical glowing. If there was a serious time-sensitive issue then I can assure you that you would already be incapable of walking.”

Rarity stepped forward and back just to be sure.

“I wish we’d have a normal day for once,” Spike huffed in conclusion, in spite of his relief.

“Mmm,” Rarity hummed in agreement and simultaneous musing. “Normal in which manner?”

“The normal that doesn’t cause unpleasant interruption,” Spike answered succinctly. There had been such a pleasant mood between them before. He could only hope to get it back by the night.

“Was that really necessary?” Chrysalis deadpanned.

One hundred percent, the Vine replied in a haughty tone.

“Fluttershy is going to be so worried,” Twilight frowned.

“Aw, you’ll cheer her up for sure,” Pinkie slung a foreleg casually around her queen. “No need to be a frown factory. We’re immortals.”

“It’s not like I was done talking, you know,” Twilight sighed. She turned her attention to the draping plant in front of them. “You said immortality for those ponies only because they are the Elements of Harmony.”

I’ve always had the ability to make every being on this planet immortal. I’ve never done it because of the problems it would cause. I’m sure I don’t have to spell it out for you.

“No,” Twilight agreed. “But there are so many others besides us. Our relationships will change with those who will not live forever. I’ve considered this and – perhaps I’m selfish – I just couldn’t imagine going on without my friends. Still-”

Have someone in mind?

“You know that I do, don’t you?”

Mother, father, brother...besides one’s close friends, mortals think of their close family. But you can see, can’t you, that if I made the close family of each of the Elements of Harmony immortal then it would only widen the problem. Those ponies would then also have friends and family they would want immortal. It simply balloons out of control. That is why I must be strict. Besides...

“Besides what?” Twilight began to squint with suspicion.

“I’ve already compromised with an exception. Granting an extra mortal eternity was bad enough but granting a lineage...sometimes I wonder if Harmony is right and I do have a little Chaos in me still.”

“Lineage?” Chrysalis added in her own curious suspicion. She continued glancing to the arachne around them. Not entirely comfortable even after all of those strawberry doughnuts.

Ask your sister-in-law when you return to your land.

“Cadance? What do you know about her? I know you granted her immortality by Celestia’s request,” Twilight stated.

The Vine was quick to dance around the subject. I do not speak of exceptions lightly, Princess of the Horizon. I grant them on my terms and on my time. Perhaps I will grant others in years to come. For now, I will not allow it further.

“I don’t have any way of convincing you otherwise, I suppose,” Twilight shifted her lips about.

No, it agreed with a sickening chuckle. Only Death can convince me by force to go against my will. Nothing on this planet right now can harm me or even move me.

“I do have others I love greatly and don’t wish to see grow old and die while I live on,” Twilight made further comment. Admittedly it was more towards herself than the Vine. “I have not discussed it with the others. Not extensively, anyways.”

“Seeing my folks pass on sure won’t be fun,” Pinkie drooped a little besides the queen. “But...I think they should be the ones to decide if they want immortality or not.”

“Everypony should talk to those that concern them on this issue once we return,” Twilight said to Pinkie. She glanced to Chrysalis but knew the changeling’s lack of connections.

“Vine of Life,” Twilight returned her focus to the Origin.


“Thank you again for this gift. It can never be repaid,” the purple alicorn bowed. “If nopony else is ever granted eternity after this then I must at least be grateful for who has.”

Such gratitude and diplomacy, the Vine replied. I see the magic of friendship that rests in your heart. Make use of it, Twilight Sparkle. Ka’Ran, take them to the provisions and refreshment chambers before seeing them off.

“We’re leaving?” Pinkie pouted.

Your business is concluded, the Vine answered. You may see me again should your situation change. I have an interest in your fates. But do not scurry. You have all of time itself and even more.

Ka’Ran came around in front of Twilight and stretched one of her non-spider legs towards the way they had entered. Refreshments would likely prove a welcome distraction from the issues and questions tumbling about in Twilight’s mind.

Applejack chuckled as she rolled across the floor. Rara’s wagon house bedroom was matched to the scale set by the rest of it. Huge. After having made friendly fun of Rara’s latest show costume, Applejack had been subjected to a thorough pillow beating and then shoved off the bed onto the floor. Even if the pillows and sheets hadn’t come off with her, the thick carpeting would have ensured her landing was soft.

“You are such a pushover when you want to be,” Rara giggled from atop the almost bare mattress. She had on no special dress or make up. Her mane was put up into a simple ponytail just to keep it out of the way.

Night had come and, lacking a place to stay, Rara decided to have her visiting friend simply extend her visit into a sleepover. Applejack’s earlier clothes had been ditched due to the warmth of Rara’s mobile home. Some kind of fancy machine at the back of the massive wagon was handling the washing of the material, since the earlier altercations had rendered them sufficiently dirty.

“You’re just too much fun,” Applejack replied as she tossed herself around to get upright. “I love my other friends but I didn’t go to Friendship Camp with them. ‘Sides,” she continued upon dragging the sheets and pillows back up and then throwing herself at the soft messy pile on the bed. “Sleepovers with Rarity are all frou frou and RD is...well actually RD ain’t quite the same no more.”

“I get you, though,” Rara agreed and got comfortable next to her old friend. “It’s just nice to hang out with an old friend that gets you.”

“Well now,” Applejack averted her gaze since Rara’s was now so close.

“How about we move on to smores and a movie?”

“Smores?! Y’all got the stuff?” Applejack just about laughed. “Still the princess of camp smores, huh?”

“Always. But the rest of my show staff hates them because they make your hooves sticky. And everypony thinks I’m some pampered princess.”

“Fancy star Countess Coloratura munchin’ on messy smores,” Applejack did laugh that time.

“We have to go outside for a minute to make them, though. Got to be fresh and I don’t want my wagon to burn down,” Rara stuck her tongue out playfully.

The farmpony nodded her head. “Works for me. How we playin’ a movie anyhow?”

Seeing her friend look at the projector screen that was situated on the wall opposite the bed’s headboard, Rara pointed to a modern-looking device on the ceiling. “Projector reel,” she answered while getting off the mattress. “Really new with great clarity, but it can still play old reels so we can watch just about anything in my collection.”

Applejack followed her lead out of the brightly lit bedroom and into the kitchen, where she grabbed the snack materials. “Y’all got Cursed Swamp Monsters of the Everfree?”

“Same one that played at Camp,” Rara winked in answer upon walking out the wagon.

“No way!” Applejack laughed again while following. It was quite cold outside without the wagon’s heat or her clothes, but she could see the firepit Rara went to light. It would be warm enough and they wouldn’t be out for long.

Rara fiddled a marshmellow onto one of the two skewers she had taken with them and was about to pass it to Applejack when the mare’s body broke into a brilliant orange glow. Sparks flew out from her and exploded in sequence. It was like a special effects flare that some of her shows featured for dramatic effect.

“Oooooh, nelly!” Applejack flapped her forehooves uselessly at the small eruptions until they died off.

Rara looked frantically around them but kept going back to her fillyhood friend. “What was that?!”