• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 3,938 Views, 257 Comments

Queen of Equestria - BlackWater

Queen Twilight Sparkle is now the only ruler of Equestria. Her own safety and that of the nation are torn apart by those intent on their own rise to power and a shadow obsessed with immortality...

  • ...

24 - Star and Flame

Fluttershy stepped into the warm and cozy bedroom. It wasn’t the one she shared with Twilight. This was Rarity’s...and Spike’s. Some special arrangements and furniture moving had allowed them to sleep together. With Chrysalis on-site, the sleep ring transmitter had been installed in a proper fashion, as opposed to the rig Spike had made so they could make use of the four-poster bed at night.

After Rarity had beckoned her yellow friend onto the bed with her, that was one of the first topics they talked over.

“You prefer this bed?” Fluttershy continued in curiosity.

“Prefer is not the proper word, darling,” Rarity said frm half beneath the sheets. She laid there comfortably and apparently warm enough that she didn’t feel the need to bundle up beneath the covers. “I happen to enjoy the romantic flair it provides us.”

The pegasus giggled.

Using the hivemind to get the hint, Rarity shrugged. “I can not help it if we both find it appealing. Though, I might ask Chrysalis to make something special for us. She is simply divine with her designs – so far as comfort is concerned. My own designer’s eye may provide the bridge we need. Ah.”

“Are you okay, Rarity?” Fluttershy asked, noticing the squeak the mare made upon shifting on the bed.

Rarity groaned, pushing the covers further off herself. “Just between the two of us, I am unable to decide if I should have taken matters easier last night.”

Fluttershy stroked the smooth and clean sheets under her forehoof. “Just by looking, I couldn’t tell.”

“Oh, I had to have the maids take care of the bed this morning, darling. I might have done it myself, but...well...I am in no state. I do not mind getting a little dirty, mind you. But it was – how should I say it? - rather much.”

“I like your...outfit,” Fluttershy had a hard time finding the right word. She blushed when she said it in spite of the fact that Rarity seemed to hold no shyness of her own over it.

Rarity paused a moment at that, looking down at the fresh negligee she had put on after awaking earlier in the morning. The black lacey design was similar to what she had worn prior. She smiled sweetly. “Why, thank you, Fluttershy. I had been meaning to ask if there were any such outfits you might be interested in.”

“Always generous,” Fluttershy grinned, bopping her friend gently on the nose.

“Perhaps we shall speak of it later, though,” the white unicorn had a second thought. “I have been dying to know how your night went!”

The blush came back to Shy without delay. “Twilight said it was okay to tell you, so...I’m...well, I’m glad we’ve kept our privacy in the hivemind but...”

Seeing the mare fidget gave Rarity all the information she needed. “If it is too much then I completely underst-”

“I’m sorry,” Fluttershy giggled nervously this time. “I just don’t know where to start. It was the four of us, after all. A lot happened.”

“If it makes you feel better, I can tell you about mine first, dear Fluttershy,” Rarity soothed while reaching out a hoof to stroke the other mare’s mane.

“Oh my,” was her response.

And yet she nodded.

Twilight read over the copied notes Sunburst had given her. The development of the Crystal Heart had been relatively quick and without apparent danger for the time being. One more evolutionary stage would be required to bring it to Sombra’s prophetic dream. Sombra…

If only he had not gone insane with the desire for power, Twilight thought to herself, only one other mind focusing on hers in their shared mental space. He might have been very helpful right now.

“The Heart?” Chrysalis prompted. She chose to speak aloud since it was only the two of them in the bedroom for the time being. She purred in Twilight’s lap in her cat form while the mare continued pouring over notes at the bedroom’s large desk.

“The Heart is less worrying to me,” she admitted before closing the notebook with a deep breath. She leaned back and petted the changeling cat. “It’s the rest of Equestria. The Cloudsdale refugees have mostly been dispersed from Canterlot to either stay with family or in one of the construction camps the court ordered for creation of Pegasopolis. But that’s just it-”

“I was the only leader of my hive,” Chrysalis reminded, looking up to her queen. “There were no courts or councils. No opposition to appease. If there was any, I simply crushed it. I have no advice you’d find useful, my queen. I apologize for my uselessness.”

Twilight shook her head with little energy in the act. With her magic, she levitated her changeling over to the bed, which she migrated to as well. It was getting late once again and she’d need to lower the sun soon. The light was getting moody through the open curtains of the room – amber hues drifting across the Empire, clearly visible from the room’s high position in the Crystal Castle.

Though still on the bed, Twilight gazed out the window to the South. Towards Equestria and the cities and villages therein. “Changelings have their own chemistry. Their own way of life. So do ponies. There’s no solution...no action that I can take that will avoid what I know will happen.”

Feeling her queen’s heavy heart, Chrysalis let her continue. She knew Twilight would feel better if only the words were voiced and nothing else changed. The pleasantries of the previous nights had been by Chrysalis’ encouragement, but she knew it was only for the moment. Nothing could relieve Twilight of the burden she now bore as the ruler of Equestria. “What is it?”

“I feel like talking about it is a waste of time-”

“And you know I think it will make you feel better,” Chrysalis countered, flashing back into her regular form. She leaned down to nuzzle the smaller alicorn. “If not for yourself then do it for me...Twily.”

Twilight hesitated but ultimately gave in. “I have to sign for the creation of a new pegasus-oriented city,” she gestured with her head towards the desk they had left. “With a ground foundation like Las Pegasus since there is too much resistance right now to rebuilding an airborn city. It will take an enormous amount of resources but there is no way around it. We’ve managed to prevent Canterlot from collapsing by spreading out the refugees to other cities but it’s not a permanent solution. A city was destroyed. A big one. We can’t just make a new one overnight and we can’t avoid making one either.”

Chrysalis went along. “And the blame?”

“With Sombra dead according to the official story, the blame has shifted to those behind the coup. The court’s first formal investigation just concluded. The summary letter is over there along with the signature documents. It’s not good. Ponies were involved in the cloud poison conspiracy. Sombra didn’t act alone. Of course he didn’t. The pegasi are more proactive in security than most – especially Cloudsdale’s support layers and stabilizer factories.”

“So there were traitors in Cloudsdale,” Chrysalis tried to downplay it. She knew it was a lost cause but wanted to at least attempt to help.

“The investigators got names. Connections. Ponies that backed the Twenty Hours Coup are being rounded up – ponies that weren’t on the street and already locked up. Financial backers and strategists. Half of Canterlot’s upper districts are on the list! Each conspirator on the list that gets brought in only reveals a half dozen illegal rackets they were involved in besides the coup.”

Seeing Twilight begin to get worked up made Chrysalis consider what things might help her calm down and relax. Music? Desserts?

“It’s all conspiracy and corruption that has been centuries in the making. The court in Canterlot has already been purged of any strong oppositional parties due to the their involvement in the armed coup. The lower courts throughout other cities are getting weeded out as the investigations reveal the connections. By the time this is over, there may be no more legal political opposition in existence within the Equestrian courts. How long until the new court is labeled a false front and I’m called a dictator?!”

Chrysalis was already speaking to the maids to run a hot bath and bring cupcakes. Twilight didn’t even notice, her eyes wide as she panicked towards the window.

“And even when I’m relinquishing control from Celestia’s historical matriarchal levels to local councils! What do I do?! I can’t let the Elites off the hook after what they’ve done. What they still want to do! Golden Gavel wants all pegasi to be sterilized to prevent ‘unnecessary breeding’ and for Earth ponies to be used as free labor with no citizen rights. And he was a judge in the Manehattan upper court for Celestia’s sake!”

“You’ll do the best you can,” Chrysalis offered in once more and put a forehoof around her queen to help bring her breathing back under control. “So Celestia gave you a ticking time bomb of a nation before skipping town to go on permanent vacation with her sister and that freak. No big deal! Worst case scenario, you have to live here the rest of your life for political asylum while the world of ponies falls into unstoppable turmoil and bloodshed.”

Hey, Spike added in over the hivemind, We’ve got several bakeries, a crystal hat shop, and used patio furniture sales every weekend. The Empire rules!

I know right?! Pinkie agreed with immense joy.

“And me,” Chrysalis smiled big at her queen. “Don’t forget me.”

Twilight failed to find the cup half full.


Twilight needed to vent every now and then. Chrysalis had already learned and understood that about her lover and queen. The purple alicorn was, however, returning to a calmer state along with her hoof-in-hoof-out gestures that her pink alicorn sister-in-law had taught her. It was an amusing routine to watch while laying back upon the comfy bed. Twilight was getting better but also gravitating towards the desk she had left.


Chrysalis instantly transformed into her cat form again.

A messenger pony soon burst through the door before waiting for her knock to be answered. Twilight’s prior concerns were forgotten when she saw who it was. A certain crystal pony dressed in golden trim and bearing the royal crest on the lapel of her uniform that gave her the authority to transport even the most secret documents and those pertaining to the very life or death of her people.

“Mercury?” Twilight asked, concerned at the pony’s appearance and look of distress.

“Urgent, your highness!” Mercury bowed before passing an enclosed folder to Twilight. “I will await your word in the event you wish to send a reply.”

Twilight nodded grimly while scanning the text upon the black envelope.

URGENT: Twenty Hours Coup Investigation. Captain of the Royal Guard, Storm Sword. Baltimare Garrison, Equestrian Royal Guard.

The date was marked today. The investigation papers she had on her desk behind her were two days past. That resulted in a quick conclusion. Something had just been found out in the trials that was so serious it could not wait to arrive with the next batch of papers. And if the Captain of the Guard was personally sending her an urgent message then it was likely to be an immediate physical threat. She wasted no time in opening it.

Twilight broke Storm Sword’s cloud and sword seal on the envelope. Inside was only a single page with a short and to the point letter signed by Storm.

I strongly request your presence in Baltimare as soon as possible, Twilight. I have narrowly defused an attack against the public within the city. It was revealed in advance by testimony at court, but it was almost too late. We have been apprehending many of the core ranks of the Elite party membership responsible for the coup. However, splinter groups have begun lashing out in protest and the violence is likely to escalate – especially in your absence. They somehow have acquired advanced offensive magic spells and heavy armaments.

We can discuss the matter more in detail when you arrive.

Also, some additional traitors were revealed within the ranks who did not reveal themselves in the coup. They have been detained, pending trial. Two cases in the Fillydelphia garrison resulted in some injuries to our guards but there have been no casualties thus far.

Oh no, Pinkie wilted, her focus turning from her baking in the castle kitchen.

“Well,” Twilight groaned. “That’s that. Back to Equestria.”

We’ll be there in ten sec-

No, Dashie, Twilight denied. I want us to be cool-headed and discreet. We’ll take regular transport. Spike and Rarity, I’d like to continue watching over the progress of the Heart and the changelings as well as keep the Empire’s superior position for negotiations with the northern tribes. I intend to be back as soon as I can if events allow it. Chrysy will come with us, so no need to worry. She finished creating all the building clod that was needed so there won’t be any problems once we smuggle her out.

Catsalis meowed out loud in happiness.

Mercury looked over quizzically at the black cat but didn’t give her a second thought.

“Mercury, thank you for delivering this. I will reply with my own presence in Baltimare. I’ll have Spike give you something special as a reward. Please request anything you wish. You are excused.”

The mare’s eyes sparkled but she kept a collected response. Normally, she would have denied any such reward and claim she was only doing her duty, but the chance to ask something of Spike was a special opportunity. “Thank you, your highness,” she said promptly before bowing and exiting.

Chrysalis returned to her regular form after the door closed. “You want me to use my new power?”

“Our priority is the safety of the ponies in Baltimare. Not a show of unnecessary force. Use only what is necessary. No more,” Twilight instructed. She knew that the changeling’s powers had been increasing along with advances in their relationship. Chrysalis had become supercharged since their intimate night. Only the changeling’s maturity had kept the power in check, but Twilight could see the lightning in her eyes just as she knew it danced in hers.

“Boo,” Chrysalis pouted.

“It seems like there is always some trouble in Equestria now. Not like it used to be, though. Instead of some ancient evil, it is mostly the ponies themselves. There must come an end to it,” Rarity said from across the table.

Spike, on the other side, shrugged and finished his meal of gems. He was ever thankful for the bountiful supply of gems the Crystal Empire had. After all, what was a crystal empire without crystals and jewels? “I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. I mean, what got Equestria to this point was pretty...uh...dramatic. It makes sense there would be problems. Not to mention Celestia and Luna being away.”

“Well, I would never put it upon Twilight after all that has happened,” she wiped her mouth with a fancy cloth napkin she had made herself. “She is right in saying she never wanted any of this and had no part in starting it. To think that ponies who already have so much were willing to kill and destroy to have even more.”

“Greed knows no satisfaction,” Spike frowned. His expression was somewhat regretful. “I know.”

“Spikey...” Rarity offered her kind support through her gaze. Her disapproval of his regretting the past carried strongly over their hivemind bond. The emotion was interrupted with the sound of a hoof against a crystal door.


Rarity tilted her head. Who would be knocking on their dining room door so soon after dinner? Twilight’s maids were not attending to this room and the castle staff always gave them space after a meal so as not to hurry them.

“Enter,” Spike called out when nopony came through the door.

The large crystal door opened slowly to reveal the entering pony. It did not open slowly because it was heavy, which it was to quite a degree. Neither because of unoiled or unbalanced hinges – they were in very good condition. The mare was used to barging into places since it was the nature of her work, but this wasn’t work. Not at all.

“S-Spike, the Brave and Glorious,” she bowed to the floor. It was cold on this part of the room but she was so nervous she hardly noticed as the door closed behind her.

“Can we help you?” Rarity rose a brow but spoke gently. She was used to the adoration her Spikey Wikey got. After spending time in the Empire she went from to thinking it was hilariously over-the-top to somewhat endearing.

“Queen Twilight Sparkle told me to come here for a reward from Spike – on account of a recent delivery of utmost importance. I was informed to make a request of my own choosing.”

Spike immediately spoke over the hivemind. Nice one, mom. You hid that from me on purpose.

Twilight laughed in return. Surprises are so much more fun, aren’t they?

“We shall certainly do all we can to see you are given adequate compensation, darling,” Rarity declared diplomatically. “Is there anything in particular that interests you? Something for home? Or a vacation perhaps?”

“Spike,” Mercury returned her gaze to the medium-sized dragon at the left side of the small dining table. “I’d like...I’d l-like...”

Cadance shoved the last piece of cookware into the wagon. This was their last camping stop before being back in the Crystal Empire. She shifted the weight of her heavy winter gear on her back. The thick pink overcoat that her body was encased in was nice and warm inside.

“What was that pony’s name?” she tapped her hoof to her chin.

Shining Armor latched himself into the harness of their small travel wagon. “What pony?”

“There was a pony I wanted to reward when we got back. She helped spread the word about dragon love before we left. She was a top-rated messenger pony. I figured she would be best suited to it,” the pretty pink pony princess pondered persistently. The name kept eluding her.

“Dragon love?” Shining Armor rose a brow and looked back at her. “What did you do this time?”

“Oh, don’t be that way,” she giggled and tried to skip past him. The weight of her winter apparel and the depth of snow prevented it. “Was it Maple? Mercy? Merchant?”

“Mercury?” Shining guessed the name of the Royal Messenger.

“Mercury! That was it!”

Shining’s expression flattened. “Hey, I said it first.”

“I do remember her asking me, though, if dragons and ponies were anatomically compatible. I have no idea why.”


Shining Armor facehoofed.

“I wonder if Rarity likes mares too...”

The royal prince groaned. It was looking like there was going to be some serious work to do when they returned. He found himself looking back the way they had come and contemplated whether going that way instead was a better idea.

“I’d like a date with Spike, the Brave and Glorious!” Mercury shouted out with determination.

Rarity’s eyes began to widen.

Spike froze solid.

Twilight laughed hard over the hivemind.

The shock of the moment soon turned to suspicion. “Cadance put you up to this, didn’t she?” the white unicorn narrowed her eyes.

“Of course not, Miss Rarity,” Mercury shrank back from the other mare’s increasingly dangerous aura. “I have long admired The Great Hero of our Empire and always wished for even one day-”

“I’m already taken,” Spike interrupted but kept his voice gentle. “I’m sorry, but I just don’t feel a date would be right. I’m sure both Rarity and I could accompany you for a day, though. Maybe we can get to know each other as friends.”

Jealousy was hardly an issue between the dragon and his mare. Aside from the hivemind connection, Spike knew the kind of pony Rarity was just as she knew him. But for that very reason, Spike wanted to come up with an inclusive alternative fast. Rarity may hold no worries or jealous suspicions over him but her loathing of Cadance’s manipulations was a terrifying specter of doom looming ever stronger within the room.

“But I was told that dragons took great pride in growing and maintaining their harems,” Mercury drooped.

“By who?” Spike practically laughed at the ridiculousness. It was a redundant question, however, since this had come up before.

“By our beloved leader, Princess Cada-”

The glass hovering in Rarity’s magical grip shattered and spilled its contents on the table. The shattering momentarily covered up the sound of grinding teeth.