• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 3,939 Views, 257 Comments

Queen of Equestria - BlackWater

Queen Twilight Sparkle is now the only ruler of Equestria. Her own safety and that of the nation are torn apart by those intent on their own rise to power and a shadow obsessed with immortality...

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22 - The Interim

When the hivemind connection came back into being within the realm of Equestria, the members did not question the rather important new bit of information that they had previously been wondering about. All thanks to the changelings in the Empire and other matters pulling focus from what should have been a shocking moment for most. Immortality.

It wasn’t until now – two full days after Twilight’s return – that enough work on the new integration program had been started that memories unnoticed took a more frontal attention. This was allowed by Twilight herself, who had intentionally suppressed concern over it over the hivemind in order to deal with the pressing matter of the changelings. With an opening now available and her conscious not wanting to manipulate her friends and lovers, she released the information.

It happened where all important revelations occurred: the shower.

“Rarity’s immortal?!” Spike jolted under the torrent of warm water, hitting his head on the ceiling. Although the humorously large royal bathtub was sufficient for his increased size, it still did not take much for him to hit the ceiling when he stood on his hind legs.

“Immortal?!” Rarity shouted at the same time from her bedroom. She was on a rare break and working at her sewing desk on a personal project of hers: a fashionable overcoat for the future Spring transition. The machine stopped with her spoken word.

What she felt was a mixture of great joy but also apprehension. She could be with her Spikey Wikey and the others for eternity! She also wouldn’t have to worry about that terrible dying part. Neither the icky aging part, right? But then there were so many she knew and loved that weren’t immortal. Not being dense, it did occur to her that when she had not been immortal it had been the case that she would still see them pass with time.

But not Sweetie Belle. By all probability, she would have passed before her. Now she would see her precious little sister age and pass her by. It was a somber idea. Only Twilight’s voice kept her spirits up on that.

Don’t be sad, Rarity, Twilight soothed. Life is unpredictable. Things could change and there were never guarantees to begin with. Though we are immortal, we are not invincible. We will not die of internal problems, but are still vulnerable to external ones.

Yeah, don’t go flying in front of the sun with butterfly wings again, Rainbow joked with her usual chuckle.

“Haha,” Rarity deadpanned.

It seemed, though, that what Twilight had said was just as much directed towards the others. They all had family and other friends in one way or another. The dark cloud in Rarity’s otherwise sun-happy sky was the same for them all. They took it in a melancholic way except for Applejack. In spite of Twilight’s efforts, she didn’t take it as well.

Now you see here, Twilight, Applejack’s voice sounded over the hivemind from Vanhoover. I don’t recall ever givin’ my say so to make me immortal. The others may live with it just fine but I had a way of lookin’ at life and this wasn’t a part of it. Not to mention my family!

The pony queen could feel how upset the Earth pony was even without the words. She kept calm and calculating, though. I understand it’s a big shock to everypony since I didn’t tell you before that I was truly going to make it a reality, so I suggest you think it over for at least a week before making up your mind one way or the other.


Applejack, Twilight insisted from her own quarters down the hallway in the Crystal Castle, I can always make a special journey back to see the Vine if need be. If your final decision is that you want to be mortal then I’m one hundred percent certain it will be easier to ask the Vine to remove your immortality rather than give it. But I need everypony to think long and hard about it. It’s not like a week or even one year of technical immortality is actually going to change your life – either for yourself or others. You have plenty of time to consider all the facts without depending on rash emotions.

The stubborn side of AJ wanted to pursue the conversation, but she held back. There wasn’t any use arguing. Her queen had an iron resolve and that carried through the hivemind. As long as they didn’t go around advertising the new facts, Twilight was right about it not affecting even her relationships. And that had only recently meant something outside friends and family.

Rara was right next to her, eating the meal they were sharing at The Crispy Croissant. Applejack wasn’t sure herself since she hadn’t poured over the idea of romance the way Rarity always seemed to. But this was something she had to figure out and immortality did her no favors here.

So she agreed to think it over. She’d put it aside for now and focus on this other pressing detail first: love.

Twilight laid back in her large plush bed. It was the only quarters left available in the Castle at the moment – reserved specifically for Twilight. Rarity knew, after all, that the mare would be coming back. Three other occupied it as well, but the bed was big enough for the small crowd.

Queen Twilight Sparkle in the center.

Fluttershy on her right.

Rainbow Dash on her left.

Catsalis on her lap.

“Meow,” the small black kitty said.

“You’re enjoying that too much,” Twilight giggled.

The cat gave her a smirk in reply.

“Sooo,” Rainbow purred almost like the shape-shifted changeling. “Don’t mean to be pushy, but it is getting late.”

Fluttershy just fidgeted with a blush.

“I was thinking I’d go check a few things one last time downstairs before settling in for the night,” Twilight remarked, looking to the door and considering her interests. With a deep breath, she chose two and teleported to the door, causing Rainbow to fall onto the bed where she had been leaning on Twilight. “Be right back.”

She kept where she was going only from Spike and Rarity’s knowledge. She didn’t want some dramatic outcry from Rarity over this or at the very least some manner of distraction from the deal she had struck. She was curious, though, and thus shared the magician’s interest in the Crystal Heart’s evolution.

The first of the two individuals she went to see involved the more regular duties. She checked in with Cell Weaver, who was reporting on the progress the changelings were making with the new contructions. The first few loads of materials they had been supplied had been put to good use already – even though it was the crystal ponies doing most of the labor. Coincidentally, the extra coordination helped create trust and friendship between them.

The second and more interesting visit came next at the center foundation of the castle. There was Sunburst at a simple desk that he had moved there along with a variety of tools and monitoring equipment. The Heart was spinning and glowing with a vibrant pink. A heavy thrum could be heard from it as well, the vibrations causing a ripple-like effect on the shallow pool of melted snow directly beneath it.

This was largely how it had appeared in Spike’s and Rarity’s memories earlier. Sunburst, however, was quite ready. A set of open scrolls on the desk, two quills, and inkpots as well. Even a scientific chronometer to accurately record the timing of events.

“Are we still expecting anything tonight?” he asked her before she could. He came around his desk again and peered as close as he dared to the Heart.

“I guess we’ll find out,” Twilight shrugged upon walking up to him. “If you are ready then I’ll head back up and get settled in.”

“Oh, I’m ready!” the imperial magician assured. “I’ve been pouring over this for weeks and studying the Heart in a more general sense for much longer. If the Crystal Heart continues to progress along the evolutionary predictions then it will all be observed and properly documented.”

“Thank you for giving me a break from it,” Twilight joked only halfway. “As interesting as I also find it, simple rest is more alluring to me right now.”

“I’ve got this, your highness,” he encouraged her with a confident smile.

With her final checks complete, Twilight headed back into the castle interior. Although it was warmer there, she knew her personal quarters would soon get even warmer. Hopefully nothing too crazy would happen. She hoped as much particularly for Spike. Another growth spree on his part would do no favors to the castle architecture. On the other hoof, she knew how much control he had now and did not worry for it.

Tonight would be perfect.

Well, as perfect as any reasonable night could be, she revised her outlook. Enjoyable. Yes, that was the better term.

Rarity fidgeted with her mane in the vanity mirror. The style was fine. Her usual but perhaps with just a tad more curl. It was more a distraction than any legitimate attempt to fix anything. She had mixed feelings about what would happen tonight. Not mixed regarding her love for Spike but rather mixed for whether she was excited or anxious that everything would be alright.

Spike would be back in a moment from the shower and, though they shared a close connection through the hivemind, Rarity felt that there were things she still needed to say. As if the spoken word would give her closure where direct understanding failed to achieve it. Or perhaps she just wanted to hear him tell her everything was okay.

“Rarity!” Spike called out almost in a sing-song voice. He stepped out of the bed chamber’s private bathroom with scales shining. Standing on his two rear legs left perhaps no more than three or four hooves distance between his top head spine and the ceiling – a towering size in spite of his proportions remaining only around twice that of the average pony. “Wow,” he added in a breath when his love turned to face him.

“Spikey, you look marvelous, darling,” Rarity answered with a flattering wave of her hoof.

“And you’re beautiful,” he gained a dopey grin.

Although the mare had chosen a mostly standard appearance upon Spike’s preferences, she did desire a form of attire to help mark the special occasion. Where she normally would have forgone clothing or be draped in her thick winter attire for public outings, this was nothing of the sort. Here in the warm confines of their royal bedchambers – heated by the welcoming fireplace still crackling in a merry rhythm – she could indulge in some impractical but entirely alluring outfits.

Rarity walked towards her dragon in a black nightgown that was only part opaque and could have correctly qualified as negligee. The flowing section past her forward legs was mostly transparent and gave apt visibility to the matching style of undergarments beneath. Such clothing was quite niche in the world of pony fashion but Rarity would be hard pressed to discover even the most obscure corner of apparel she was not already aware of.

It certainly worked on Spike, who went to rest on the bed and beckoned his mare to join him. However, he kept his claws to himself, sensing Rarity’s desire for conversation beforehoof. In actuality, he knew what she was concerned over and had little more to input besides his already given support and agreement. So he let her speak and waited only for the moment to say the words she wanted to hear.

“Spikey,” Rarity began, climbing onto the bed carefully so as to avoid getting her gown tangled. She laid beside him and looked him in the eyes. “I know we already understand each other completely. That is no small reason for the strength of our love and its very existence. But I must speak my heart or I will not be able to feel at peace.”

The dragon nodded.

“I have not minded at all that our love was that of a unicorn and dragon. There are many in Equestria who are supportive of such loves, though they may involve donkeys or griffons instead. But I do have feelings over the matter that I simply must voice. I am in love with you because of who you are, not what you are. The kind and selfless individual that you are attracts me in a way that no riches ever could. If there were anything good from it then the trouble at our first Grand Galloping Gala clarified for me that who I desired was a companion of great character and not position.”

Spike continued listening patiently, withholding remark that they had happened into high positions over time anyways. That was obviously not the point Rarity was conveying, though.

“If you were a stallion, I would love you still, Spike. Even if you were a griffon, because I know you would still be yourself. And yet I do feel guilty. The fact that we are different is something that I enjoy. Especially with us being intimate with each other. I feel guilty because I enjoy the thought of our differences in a sexual manner. You are your own...how should I say this...your own person. You are not a mere animal and yet to think of our union as that of a pony and an animal is a guilty pleasure of mine…”

Spike saw his opening and finally spoke up calm and soothingly. “I know, Rarity. I understand why you do. Both of us have thoughts and ideas that arouse us. But that doesn’t mean we think less of each other for it. We’re honest with each other and we respect and accept each other for who we are. You know I would never feel hurt because you had some fantasy about me. In fact, I’m flattered.”

Rarity let out her anxiety with a long deep breath. After it, she gave her appreciation. “Thank you for saying that, Spikey. Truly. It was all I needed to hear even if I already felt it in my heart and understood it in our mind.”

“Then you also know it turns me on,” he wiggled his brows playfully.

Rarity gave a blurt at that and gently smacked his arm in an equally playful fashion. “Oh you!”

He shrugged in return. “I have some fantasies of my own, but we don’t have to get all crazy tonight. I just want you to be comfortable and relaxed.”

“Such the gentledrake,” Rarity swooned. “But I had been intending to give the night to your discretion.”

“So generous,” he gained a confident grin as he traced a claw across her cheek.

“Am I the generous one?” she countered with a growing smile of her own. Her hoof touched the fire ruby in the necklace currently around her neck. It was the one he had given her those years ago.

He eyed it with her fondly but then lifted her chin and sealed her lips with his. It was as amazing as the times before. This time, however, he ventured deeper. His tongue met hers, the previous practice causing them to relax rather than tense up for it.

The bedroom did indeed get warmer, though not for the fire. The dragon was both eager and patient, embracing his mare fully from his new position above her even as the calming kiss continued.

“Thanks for understanding,” Twilight repeated to both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy nodded happily while Rainbow crawled over Chrysalis on the bed.

“That doesn’t mean I’m not going to get involved,” Rainbow wiggled her brows at the changeling, who rolled her eyes.

“I’m not competing with you,” Chrysalis had her gaze on her queen instead.

“Why not?” the blue pegasus turned disappointed.

“I don’t need to,” the changeling quickly returned her gaze with the light of an idea. She morphed into a new form even while under Rainbow’s hooves. The result was a mirror effect.

“Hey!” Rainbow chuckled. “This is awesome! I always wanted to do myself!”

Twilight facehoofed.

Chrysalis, now in Rainbow’s form, spoke with the mare’s voice as well. “Well, duh. I am awesome after all!”

“Flawless,” Fluttershy praised on the copying in a merry spirit.

A green flash burned across the Rainbow copy to reveal another Fluttershy instead. “Oh, um...yay~”

The demure tone of voice was just as well crafted. The real Fluttershy giggled at the show.

Rainbow was less amused, wanting something more interesting. “Can you do Spitfire?”

“I’m more interested in what Twily wants,” Chrysalishy looked half-lidded to her queen.

“I already told you,” Twilight tutted, “tonight I’m interested in you as you.”

“Oh,” Chrysalishy pretended to pout as she pulled herself over to the purple pony. “I was hoping for something more exotic. Perhaps still tall?”

Another flash and a large white form was now leaning against the alicorn queen. A large white alicorn form with the voice to match.

“I think you’ll enjoy it,” Chrysalestia purred in the tone of the elder monarch.

Twilight blushed fiercely but shook her head adamantly. “No...” she refused in a weak manner.

“Oh,” Chrysalestia smirked before flashing in green flame once more. This time she was pink, but still an alicorn. “Perhaps a tad more kinky?”

Twilight was speechless now in the face of Cadalis.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy put her forehooves to her mouth with a blush equaling Twilight’s.

“Come on, Twily,” Cadalis rubbed her pink nose on Twilight’s purple one. “Sunshine, sunshine...”

Twilight finally pushed the shape-shifter back. “S-stop, Chrysalis. I d-don’t need to be any more embarrassed than I already a-am!”

Rainbow snickered.

“Why?” Chrysalis gave a shrug after dropping her transformation. “You did decide to share over our hivemind. I can’t help it if you have a treasure trove of naughty fantasies.”

Even Fluttershy couldn’t help grinning at that.

Twilight groaned. “Fine! But don’t tease me tonight, okay? Let’s just make this pleasant.”

“I’ll make it more than pleasant,” Chrysalis sang as she crawled over Twilight and brought her muzzle to the alicorn’s. “More than pleasant.”

Their lips met and erased all but a faint blush from the queen’s face.

Rainbow Dash gave Fluttershy a knowing look from across the bed. When the yellow one failed to move after Rainbow climbed over beside Twilight, she decided to pull her over anyways. The Element of Loyalty hated waiting, but thankfully the opportunities for enjoyment were plenty.