• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 682 Views, 29 Comments

Seesaw - MintLynx

Long ago Equestria didn't have computers, autocarriages, great monoliths of steel and colossal sprawling cities. Yet with these great things received, one thing was lost.....Harmony

  • ...

15: Hunters

Owl would enter the wing of the hospital, where a previously terrifying sight of ponies laying blank and emotionless yet alive was now replaced by the less scary sight of a row of shaken ponies. They were all alive and very emotive, showing emotions of confusion and fear. Even if it wasn't terrifying, and he was graced with the relief of these ponies no longer having their minds hacked, Owl was still unsettled. These ponies were clearly scared, and likely didn't even know what had happened to them. Vision would be leaned up on the wall alongside Data, and many were being questioned already by I&I personnel.

"Owl! Good to see you could make it? It's a miracle! The ponies are back, no longer creepy biologically alive husks!" said Data happily.

"So far reports are somewhat incoherent, ponies hardly having anything useful to say. We're assigned to this one mare, head of cyber security at Crystal Corp. If the current theory that the ponies had their brains hacked is true she might be better able to explain what happened to her." Vision replied, to which Owl said.

"Well, no reason to wait any longer let's talk to her," Owl said entering the hospital room, a place drenched in white and red with various cabinets built into the walls and a medium sized screen board over the doorway inside. Sitting up on the bed was a mare, short reddish brown mane, and a red coat. Black utility glasses connected to her wrist computer wirelessly, allowing her to do things such as keep track of time and see waypoints without looking at the screen. "Greetings miss...Alt Key. Are you alright at this moment?"

"I am fine for now if concerned about what happened." The mare replied, "I suppose you are going to question me about my experience is that correct?"

Owl would nod, saying "What was it like, the moment your body was...disabled? What was it like?"

"Disabled is less a better term, it was more taken. I couldn't see anything but could imagine a lot. I imagine it being possibly what thinking is like for ponies who have lost their sight. All of a sudden my very being seemed to convert into code, code I could read, I could literally read myself. I was however out of control of myself, as I was basically taken and uploaded onto some server and 'locked under key'. I couldn't tell what was going on, I was and originally didn't even know there were others. Didn't take long before I thought my brain augmentations were in some way wirelessly tampered with. I didn't know what was going to happen, up until I was suddenly taken into another place. I suddenly saw others that were just like me and could see how thought through their text. Some user that seemed to run the server, and it was soon evident we were actually in a computer. That user communicated with one of the captives, who reasonably was left in a panic. She reassured him before we ended up back in our bodies."

The three would listen to the mare closely, intrigued by what they were hearing from her. Seemed like the theory was true, somehow ponies' brain augmentations were hacked and their very minds stolen. Vision looked to Owl and said "This is bad, at least thirty percent of the Equestrian population has brain augmentations of some kind. If these cyberterrorists are managing to do that we could potentially be looking at a Diamond Plaza incident 2.0."

"Bigger and badder edition." Data chimed in, nodding with worry in her face.

"There could be something specific about the brain augmentations these ponies have, are they all from the same brand and model?" Owl asked "And there's clearly hope to save ponies affected by attacks like these, after all, I might know who helped us here. The Same mare who helped us at the Mall incident." Owl replied, he then looked back to the mare and said "Did you see anything that we might want to know about, anything that can help us track the ponies who did this?" as the mare shook her head he would say "Alright, soon enough you can go home then. And we will deal with these ponies, they won't escape justice." The mare would simply nod at that.

Heading out of the room Kevlar would be waiting for them. "What did you learn, anything coherent?"

"Mare describes herself as being suddenly turned into code, and able to read herself, while also likely being uploaded onto a server. Seems she was using her computer know-how to put together what was happening." Vision would say. "That's all we got, but it might explain what is happening."

Owl would ask the Chief "Is there a common brand or model of brain augmentation between the victims? I think maybe..."

Kevlar shook his head "No, models vary from common to top of the line, EQUE-TECH to Crystal Corp. Doesn't seem like it's a particular model. Come let's talk in private, we don't wanna let case details getting out."

A currently unused surgery room was used to privatize their conversation. Owl pondered on whether to mention Anomaly's call to the chief, choosing to trust the Chief he decided not to withhold it. "Chief, there's something important I should mention. Anomaly, the mare we found mysteriously despite her being dead on the records, she called me this evening. She told me that the ponies here were going to wake up, before you even called me, and has claimed both she and some pony whom she implied is my wife are responsible for that..."

The chief would look to Owl, smiling some as he said "Even if her attitudes toward authority are under question, she at least seems keen on helping ponies. That said if what you say is true then finding her might mean finding your wife and kid."

"She also gave me some....claims. Telling me that the ones I am taking orders from are part of some organization. Telling me that the Freedom Fighters are exploiting a system that was created by this organization to control the populace. That that organization is called....'Harmonize'. I find these claims rather...questionable, to say the least. Especially given how if she's working with Haze she's likely working with Digital Hoof. Yet I wonder how these hackers can so easily hack into multiple different types of brain augmentations if they do not all have some connection.."

Kevlar's smile would fade some, returning to its usual stern but neutral appearance. Owl would look into his slit eyes, and some worry would come to his mind. Detecting this, the Chief would say to Owl in reassurance. "I'm not going to silence you, but it seems I might need to trust you three with keeping a secret. This is more than just the usual confidential stuff of the RLG, this is something larger. Can I trust you three?"

Owl would reply "I'm not going to spill things on the public...I trust that whatever is secret is kept secret for a good reason."

Vision and Data would both nod, surprised to not hear the chief tell them that her words were horseapples.

"Always a loyal officer of the law. I shall let you know we're not some shadowy conspiracy like what some crazies on the Internal Network rant about in blogs, we're an organization out to protect society. We do what is needed and put all necessary resources into keeping the public safe. The hackers have indeed exploited a system, one to bring a new layer of protection along with the growing advent of the brain computer. Brain augmentations are growing in use and popularity, combining the imagination and potential of the mind with the speed and processing power of computers. Soon computers will become one with our minds, and we're developing a system to protect from that. The threat we are facing threatens to exploit this system, bring chaos, they are like a modern Discord. We are the ones trying to stop them, and we have the harmony Council and even princesses among our organization. Together we are committed to keeping Harmony safe, in a time where disharmony looms beneath us. As much as Anomaly is a useful asset she has made it clear she poses a threat of her own to our harmony."

"Why would she pose a threat? She helped us at the mall! And if Owl is right she helped us again! She seems pretty on our side to me." Data would reply.

"She assists us only in the logic of 'enemy of my enemy is my friends'. But when we decided to let her be informed of us she turned and voiced her disapproval. Very hostile, to the point she needed to be detained. She, unfortunately, escaped using a reconstructed copy the virus used on the Diamond Plaza. Taking control of police personnel and unlocking her cell before escaping the police station. She returned their minds back to their bodies, but it is clear she opposes us and will throw a wrench in our plans in soon time. The mare is not an immediate threat, and is technically an ally, but might I warn you she will be a threat in due time. For now, we shall focus on the immediate threat." the Chief would then look to them all and say. "With my authority as chief of the Royal Lunar Guard, I have decided to classify any who associate directly and assist the cyberterrorists as level 13 threats. As members of a new task force, you will be my hunters, sent to enact code red protocol on these cyberterrorists. Once found, we will strike from the shadows, let them know they are not safe behind their screens and will receive no mercy."

Nodding Vision would happily pull out his magnum, looking it over as he said. "Code Red Protocol seems fitting, they nearly killed hundreds of ponies. Not like they deserve a chance at mercy."

Owl would take out his wrist computer and mention. "Anomaly gave me a location where she believes the ones responsible for the Diamond Plaza attack might be."

"Then let's go on the hunt, you'll have Heavy Enforcement ready to assist you if the situation calls for them."

Data smirked and said, "If the shadows can't shank them good enough the sun will fry them like hay bacon."

In the outskirts of the Everfree Megacity would be an entire ten blocks of apartment facilities of various kinds. One of which was the exact location Anomaly had given to them. Data would be looking over things on the net, while Owl and Vision would be looking over the facility. A U shaped eight story facility that looked less than active yet seemed plenty inhabited, a cheaper and less fancy apartment for the lower middle class. A block away in an unmarked Sport Utility Autocarriage was Metal Heart and her team. Tinted windows hid the kevlar clad cyborgs and the weapons they had, an order away from storming in and bringing military grade justice. Owl and Vision would be sitting on the roof of an old mane salon across from the facility.

Compared to the apartments Owl normally saw in the city these ones looked more run down and less well funded. Lights were mostly in the form of street lights and the occasional window light. Litter was everywhere, and the automated street cleaner vehicles seemed to struggle to handle it all. Given the size of Megacities, ponies often go their whole lives without ever seeing many parts of them. Owl had never seen such filthy and run down places before, and he pondered on what the Gryphon running the bunker city told him.

"Well back in the industrial days the homeless could be seen begging on the streets, nowadays not so much anymore. You know why? Cause in the underground, both the figurative and literal one here comes opportunities for those bucked over by the mainstream job market. Nowhere else to go desperate for work but none to be found, do you think ponies in such a situation would let legality starve them? Those who fall from the public civil society simply get scooped up by the gangs and syndicates. It's a win win really, gang gets new recruits and homeless ponies get jobs, homes and food."

"Factories don't need as many ponies to run them, lotta things don't need ponies in the age of robots and working androids. Why pay weekly for workers when robots work better and need only a cheap monthly maintenance. Not to mention can work 24 hours of Celestia and Luna's rounds, and keep working on their next rounds. Not everypony can work computers, those that can't are finding fewer and fewer jobs."

He would be snapped out of his trance of thought by Vision, who would say to him. "Hey, no time for spacing out, we got work to do. We got the go ahead to enter when we chose, not a lotta lights around here so we got the cover of night to hide us. Let's gain access to the ventilation from the roof, move around and see what we can find in there. You know the orders Owl, we're not just here to watch."

Owl nodded, looking into his jacket to see the S-600 hidden away in one inner pocket while four ten-millimeter magazines were stored in the other along with a suppressor. "These ponies are just lowlives, we know their intentions, no mercy for the buckers. Remember the mall incident Owl, remember what you're fighting," he would say in his mind, clearing out doubts he had toward this heavy hoofed method. He would pull S-600 out in his hoof, and the suppressor in his bionic fingers. Screwing it on he would notice the sheer finesse and efficiency at which the bionic fingers screwed the attachment onto the barrel. Vision would do the same for his M 700 Magnum, the suppressor almost looking out of place on such a large pistol.

Data would start a group call with them, saying to them "Alright colts let's hunt us some cyberterrorists. You know the drill, we ain't just eyes, we're knives." Thus she would start cracking into the computers and security system, looking things over thoroughly. Owl and Vision went to the rooftop, opening their way into the air ducts before moving in. Trying to look at every room would have been a massive undertaking, given the large amount of apartments in the facility. They were counting on Data to narrow down that search, they didn't have all the time in the world after all.

Fortunately for them, Data found something interesting, watching the security cameras she would notice a number of ponies leaving their rooms and heading down a hallway. Camera to camera she moved, though forced to tread carefully as the cameras seemed to be guarded online by unknown users. She would have some unexpected help, recognizing that kind of skill. It was very much Anomaly, whom she now knew as a dubious ally whom they would likely have to confront at some point.

"Just carry on, I'm here to help." Anomaly would communicate to Data through text, and carry on she did from camera to camera. More ponies met up until they reached the staircase, heading down the stairs to the basement level.

"Ponies coming down to the basement, a lotta them, might be worth looking at. I'll keep looking around the network and computers, see what naughty stuff I can find. Hope you don't get lost in the vents, spooky vent creatures might creep on you."

"Very funny Data, very funny, just keep looking for targets and mark them on our waypoints."

"I thought YOU were doing the hunting." Data snickered before saying "Kidding just carry on."

Anomaly came in as well, assisting by creating backdoors and opening up defenses discretely. She wasn't watching their communications, being too busy trying to uncover things online. Data would soon enough find a few active computers, communicating with the apartment manager about payment and keeping quiet about their operations there. Owl and Vision would move along the vents, soon enough reaching the drop off where they would carefully climb down to the bottom. The basement level seemed to have mostly some utility rooms and a large storage room, one which seemed to be where the ponies were entering. Inside was quite the computer setup, a large makeshift mainframe built of old modified video game consoles from before the era of lightweight VRGD headgear. Multiple computers seemed to connect to them, computers that were now being manned by the ponies entering.

Though their dress was far from typical cyberculture, being more close to tech junkies only even rougher and low class than the usual dress. Tanktops and old teeshirts with tacky khaki pants and shorts adorned them as they pulled a plastic chair and got to typing away. The room was lit only by computer screens, as computers lined their way from the mainframe to the door that led into the room.

"What a disaster, mainframe got cracked and catches stolen." One would say before another replied.

"Could be worse, we can always try again after they're always keeping on improving the virus after all."

"Your failure is most certainly a bad one, but you have the chance to redeem yourselves." a voice would say from the corner of the room. One that was all too familiar to Owl, looking through the vent grate. A large silhouette of a figure in a lab coat could be seen. The figure would say "Keep working on the new virus, make it better and you'll make up for your failure." suddenly a sprite drone would come whizzing along before projecting a hologram. None other than the gas mask toting edgelord herself.

"Don't you worry Doc Com I got something for these gents here to help prevent that fiasco again! It's simple really, not that I think you're dumbbutts despite the buck up. Basically, we're gonna make a program to be able to fry the brains of those made puppet by the virus. That way we can properly dispose of those bodies made puppets, that way no wannabe 'hero' can just go about returning them! But don't worry, we ain't gonna keep them confined forever. They'll be safe in our storage server up until the awakening, then they'll be set loose like free wild dogs! Only a lot more interesting, as they'll be ponies on the web! After all, they shouldn't be left out to miss the new wild and free world that'll come!"

"Data I think we've found something, and since we've gotten a good amount of your namesake I think we will be ready to drop these buckers. Except the cyborg, once we've dropped as many as we can we'll be calling in HE. Let's see this bucker take them on." Vision would say in call, while they waited for the prime opportunity to strike. Since it seemed the large cyborg wasn't leaving Owl and Vision decided on a quick attack from the shadows. Slowly and carefully opening the grate they would slip out, sticking to the shadows of the ceiling.

Two rows of ponies, six ponies in each row, while Owl and Vision lined themselves to each one. Their weapons were at the ready, while the one presumed as 'Doctor Composite' from the bunker city was kept in their line of sight. Looking to eachother they would both mouth out a countdown of 'three, two, one'.

Like falcons claiming dinner, Owl and Vision swooped across with their weapons aimed.

'pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew'

Sounded twice in unison, one slightly louder than the other. The last four would look in shock as their fellow hackers dropped before taking bullets right between the eyes. Doctor Composite would look in shock before looking up, activating a night vision mode in his eyes before seeing two hovering bats aiming at him.

"Data call in the big guns now, then grab everything from this mainframe here." Vision said in the call before telling him "We got LMGs and military vets with high-grade bionics coming. Surrender now and maybe we'll ask that you don't get perforated." he said in a commanding voice.

Doc Composite would look to them and calmly say "So, it seems you've upgraded to police hitponies."

"We don't kill just for DB, we're dealing with you efficiently, you've forfeited your rights to any mercy after the mall incident." Owl would reply.

"Ah, so you're so enamored in the sense of pride and glory as 'Equestria's guardians' they have given you. To the point where you've decided just to hunt and shoot like dogs."

"Dogs at least don't harm ponies unless they're scared. You're harming ponies out of some maniacal anarchist excuse for a cause. Made up of lowlives who can't live in civil society." Vision would reply sternly.

"What about ponies who simply couldn't find a job, talented ponies who were desperate and barely able to survive. You may think you're saving ponies, but the reality is that you're only saving those lucky enough to find jobs. Believe it or not not every pony who isn't within your sheep society is a maniac or a true criminal."

"Heard that horseapples from the ringleader of that crime den in the Shadow District, your self-righteous crap ain't gonna affect me. So either stand down or be prepared to get bucked when the Heavies come for your sorry flank."

"Ignorant, nothing but a sheep with a gun." the Doctor looked to one of the dead ponies, a mare, her skull left with a large hole in her head from a magnum bullet. "Looks like her kid's an orphan, gonna wake up in room 204 to find mommy dead."

"Go shove your manipulative horseapple where the sun don't shine tailhole." Vision would say coldly, Owl would freeze for a moment. Was he really lying about that? He hoped to Luna he was.

Then a table was grasped and thrown at them, and unlike Vision was too entranced with that thought to dodge in time. Covering his face with his bionic limb the stallion would slam into the wall. The doctor would move to escape, quickly tapping a silent alarm to others of the building.

Anomaly and Data would move quickly to crack into the mainframe and try to recover what was present, but before they could a user projecting them self as 'DK' would move in, grabbing files before sending the message.

"Nope! you ain't nabbing this~ We're gonna use this to make you pay for bucking us up here, bye!" Their attempts to stop the clever hacker were in vain, as DK seemed to be prepared for an attempted cracking. Frustrated Data would try to go on the offensive, only for DK's online form to split into duplicates, one disappearing while the others attacked.

The SUAC would screech to a halt in front of the complex, Metal Heart and five others coming out locked and loaded as they sprinted for the front doors. They would soon be shot at by ponies from the windows, the U shape proving a defensible place. Bullets perforated the protective armor of the units as they swiftly fired back. Rooms would quickly be left with a splattered mess as Metal's LMG made short work of many of the attacking ponies. The group was hardly hindered as they burst in, splitting into two teams who would scour the building for hostiles. Metal herself would head down for the basement.

Vision would chase after Doctor Composite, shooting with aim to kneecap the cyborg. Before the cyborg could get up the stairs he would be met with the HE mare, aiming the sidestrapped LMG at him. Vision would shout "Shoot to kill! He took my wings!"

The doctor would stagger as rounds tore into him, covering his face as she unloaded. Blue colored artificial blood would drench the lab coat. Even under fire, he chose to charge, slamming into the cyborg mare before continuing to run. Metal was not slow to get up and chase, tackling him through the doors and slamming her hooves down. The two would exchange punches, the mare getting thrown off only to charge back as he got up. Kicking him to a wall Metal drew her sidearm, a .500 magnum HLES-4 revolver. Designed for use against cyborgs by cyborg police, with large penetrating bullets. The Doctor only barely escaped one to the head as he slapped it to the side, taking one through the shoulder.

More and more ponies continued to be slaughtered, while those that surrendered were swiftly tackled and cuffed. The exchange between Metal and Composite continued, but he struggled against the veteran's hoof to hoof skills. Kicking her back he would run, and Metal would notice his bionics start to self-repair. Loading her LMG she fired some more, before firing at him. "Self-repairing bionics? What the buck is this! Get back here motherbucker!" she would give chase along to the hall, before seeing him burst into a room. He would stand on a circular device which started to glow, and as she burst in he would disappear in a flash. Approaching the device she would look in shock before a beeping sound came from it.

One of the rooms would explode, visible from the outside. Owl and Vision would back off as an explosion sent Metal through the door into the other room. They looked inside, Owl asking "Are you alright!?"

Getting up she would say "I've taken worse than that, and that was the airstrike that put me in this body." she had taken mostly external damage, some of the artificial skin blown away to reveal the mechanical parts underneath. Armor plating covered most of what could be seen underneath the skin, akin to the kind seen on military vehicles. "He...teleported out using some sort of device, then it blew to bits." one of the HE ponies would come and give Metal a report. She was the leader of the squad, second only to the RSG Chief himself.

"All hostiles eradicated, a few were found to have surrendered here, one minor was found hiding under the bed of one of the rooms." the HE unit replied, a Zebra with his automatic slung at his side and 'Xanuels' written in a patch on his armor's chest.

Owl would then freeze for a moment, before asking the HE unit. "What...room was the minor in?"

Looking somewhat confused Xanuels replied. "204.."

Vision would look to Owl and say "It's that filly's mother's fault for working with terrorists, she's to blame not us." looking to Xanuels he said, "We took the mother out, along with the other hackers in the basement with orders from the Chief."

Xanuels would shake his head as he said: "Motherbucking Tartarus, a mom bringing her kid into this, that's just mad."

A concerned look would come to Metal's face breaking the usual cold focus she had. Looking to Xanuels she said, "Round up the ones who surrendered, we'll see what we can get from them. I'll see the kid." she would then start up the stairs, heading for the upper floor.

Data would ask the two in Comms "Holy moly things went crazy. You guys alright? Bucking hacker ran off with what was in the mainframe, though not everything thankfully. What happened to you?"

Owl would reply "We took out the targets, though one escaped through some teleporting device. Same lab coat wearing guy from the Bunker City. One with the self-repairing Bionics..."

"I think we did a good enough job, gonna have to find this DK and whatever she got before she does any damage. I suspect it might be an updated virus..."

Metal Heart went up to the room, where a single unit was present. She told him "You go help rounding up the rest, I'll talk to her. Looking to the bed she would lower to her belly, a filly around age eight to ten was hiding underneath and covering her ears. The gunfire and explosion likely left the ringing, and that was likely only going to be the start to her bad night. The mare sighed and said calmly "It's alright kid, we're not gonna hurt you,". She spoke with a grandmotherly tone, as her younger look didn't change her true age inside. "I promise kid, we don't go after kids. I wouldn't hurt you if you tried to stab me with a knife."

Like a shy kitten, the Filly slowly would pull herself out, as the cyborg stood up. Metal towered over the filly, and she would simply ask "You're not in trouble, but I just want to ask. Why did your mom work with these bad ponies? Did she know how much they hurt other ponies?"

The filly shook some and asked "Where's mom? Is she gonna go to jail?"

The mare thought carefully on how to answer that question. She knew the mare was dead, after all the bats evidently did their work well and efficiently. "Your mom is gone, but not in your heart. Keep her there, and she'll never leave you."

The filly teared up some, saying to her "She was just trying to make...bits for us to eat, they gave her a job."

"Couldn't she find a job elsewhere? Being good with computers is of value these days, surely.."

The Filly's tears intensified as she said: "They were all taken, and we were running out of bits.."

The mare froze for a moment, before sitting down and offering the filly a hug. The filly came close slowly before giving the mare a hug and sobbing into the bullet ridden fabric over the Kevlar plate. She hugged the filly back gently, knowing her strength could crush the poor child in an instant.

"They took advantage of her when she was at her worst. They're responsible for your mom's death. Criminals, underground scrum, only thing they're good for is destroying lives. I had somepony I loved, a daughter of mine who had two kids of her own. She too struggled once her dumb husband left her, but she got by. That was till she was taken from me by some thug who broke in. A criminal took my one and only daughter. Now all I have is my grandkids."

Looking up the filly asked. "Y-your a grandma? You look young.."

"My body is made of metal, and a few other things. I'm a pony in a robot body, and I'm here to help protect us all from these criminals. Those evil ponies that take from us, ruin our lives and ruin our world. We're here to protect you, and I am gonna make sure you have a good home, just like I did my grandkids. What's your name kid?"

"Sketch Pad...I'm really good at drawing."

"I'll bet your drawing are lovely Sketch, I'm Metal Heart. Anything here you wanna get? We're getting out of here and I'm going to take you for ice cream. If you want that is."

"I-I guess so..."

She would nuzzle the filly with a part of her face where artificial skin was still present. The mare would help the filly pack some belongings, consisting mainly of a laptop and an old graphics tablet. Meanwhile, Owl and Vision would be giving a report through call to the Chief.

"We're going to need to be quick, and track them down quickly." said Kevlar "If what Data says is true we're going to need to find what that hacker took and fast. Seems there's more of them around, but if Anomaly cooperates with us we could have a chance of hunting them down. Data, Owl, Vision, good job, did your work well and efficiently."

"We're going to want to look for anything that looks like it could teleport ponies out, prevent another escape like that one." Vision would say.

"Maybe you could rig it to just blow up instead. Send mister heals a lot sky high instead of escaping. That would be an entertaining way to deal with him." Data would say jokingly, with the Chief replying.

"These are obvious signs that our enemies have some fancy tech, tech we will want to know about. Know its limits, and possibly take it for our own use. For now you all deserve a rest, another job well done."

Owl would look to his friend and say "Let's check on the captured ponies, see if there's anything we can get from them."

The ones who got a weapon ready but were smart enough not to open fire on HE units were rounded up at the basement level. They would run into Metal as she was taking the Filly along, the mare's expression was sad and somber as she walked along. Looking to Owl and Vision she would say to them. "Good you're here, I'm gonna want your help."

Heading down Metal would ask the filly to stay put before motioning Owl and Vision to follow her into the computer room. The dead ponies lay hanging in their chairs, and Metal would ask "Which one of these is the mom, I got a feeling you know judging by your reaction to the mention of a minor." Somberly Owl pointed to where the mare lay, still dripping blood. Sighing she would say "Thank you, I'll make sure she's given a proper burial." Heading out of the room she looked over those captured. "What were they doing?"

"All of them had a computer running, with some dubious looking stuff going on."

Looking to the cuffed ponies she would ask them "You think you're fighting for something greater don't you, rebelling against tyrants in the name of anarchy, don't you?" when met with silence she would glare at them like a hawk and say. "Don't you!?" they would shudder and nod their heads some, too scared to lie at the cyborg staring at them. Looking to the Filly she would say "And you offered a job to this kid's mom correct took her in?"

"She was good at hacking and desperate for a job, we decided to offer her one from online." one would say quickly, while others glared at him. Her glare softening the mare would say in reply.

"Alright then, gimme a moment and I'll see how I am going to deal with you." walking to the Filly she motioned Xanuels to follow. Heading outside she would bring the filly to the SUAC and say "Just wait here, and I'll be back, we'll get ice cream and you can stay at my place till we get you a foster home. Alright?" the still teary eyed filly would nod. Looking to Xanuels she said "He'll keep an eye on you till I'm back, we're gonna make sure those criminals get justice."

Returning she would look through them, using her wrist computer to take pictures of them before sending them to the database. "No records, you had them wiped didn't you, hacked your way out huh?" they would nod slowly.

Owl would look and say "Miss, you can let us deal with them if you want."

"I got this, thank you though." she would reply, before looking to them and saying. "Since you're too scummy for society, exploiting a struggling mare like that, you tried to disappear from society." the hawk like stare would return as she said "You'll bucking disappear from society alright, when you're ashes are thrown in the bucking sewers." looks of terror came to their eyes before she ordered. "Code Red, shoot to kill."

The four Heavy Enforcement units there would put a bullet into each of their heads, while Owl looked somewhat questioningly to Metal. "They surrendered....couldn't we have...?"

"No, they're just trash, and we'll deal with them like trash. You can get what you need from the computers anyway."

Suddenly the sprite drone would fly out from the room, and the projection of DK would appear once more. "Oh, so having a kid exempts underground ponies from being 'trash' to you huh? She believed in curbstomping the corrupt power just as much as the others once she got to know us and our cause."

Looking to the hologram Metal said "Go buck yourself with a .44, a loving mother would only join you out of lies and manipulation. Enjoying hiding behind screens while you can cause we're gonna hunt you down, and you won't escape justice when it slams into you."

"Oooooh so scared of the big bionic pone, bite me! You hit us hard here, but we're gonna hit harder, luckily the update on the virus was nearly complete before you came in. Expect Diamond Plaza 2, the exciting sequel to come soon to a theater near you!"

The hologram would shut off and the drone dropping to the ground. Vision was quick to pick it up, sneering as he said "We'll be the ones to hit you harder. Looks like we're going to have to prepare ourselves, perhaps forgo that rest."

Owl would shake his head, convincing himself that it wasn't unjust to just kill those ponies. Taking his pistol and reloading it he would nod.

Metal would say, pulling a spent cartridge out from her revolver before putting another to replace it. "We can't rest while these buckers are threatening the peace. We gotta fight to keep our citizens safe, and if blood must be spilled...so bucking be it."

Author's Note:

I originally wanted to finish this sooner, even started it not long after 14, but things got in the way. REALLY hoping to not have another 2 months till next chapter is finished.