• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 683 Views, 29 Comments

Seesaw - MintLynx

Long ago Equestria didn't have computers, autocarriages, great monoliths of steel and colossal sprawling cities. Yet with these great things received, one thing was lost.....Harmony

  • ...

6: Underground

"We at GOUSSE have formed decades ago from a number of what you might call 'renegade' scientists seeking not to work in an environment not influenced nor limited by government or corporate interest. Thus we have grown and been working for quite some time, we have developed a number of advancements of whom we have mostly experimented on though to some degree given out to the world in secret. We've advanced medicine, creating marvels in healing such as the potion that healed your muscle atrophy. We've also taken what we could learn from your brain augmentations and upgraded them with some basis on our G-107 supercomputer. Speaking of computers in the information technology field we have also developed much, from the G-107 to our new 'superprograming' system which calculates and refines programs to help the user improve their systems."

"So You've developed technology that could potentially advance and improve a number of fields in medicine, information technology, bionics, alchemy, and yet you must keep it hidden. Seems....sad that your technology is without any capability to realize it's purpose. You only just experiment and improve it here indefinitely while only giving small pieces of it out."

"It is an issue we face, trying to keep our science and technology from the hooves of power hungry corporations and fearful governments facing their power's demise. Yet such efforts deprive our technology of its very purpose, to advance ponykind."

"What do you mean by the governments 'facing their power's demise'?" Anomaly asked.

"You know of the underground, do you not? The place the government calls the criminal culture to be reported and fought against, a threat to civilized society. Forget what they taught you, it's all propaganda designed to control the masses. I'll give your princesses and harmony council one thing, they clearly do it to protect their citizens from the scary reality of this world. Unfortunately, that reality will soon come crashing through the facade, the propaganda system is lucky to have survived this long in an age of criminal organization and counterculture. The RLG and RSG say they have such things under watch in control, they lie for the 'criminal' world thrives just as much as the 'civilized' world."

"Are you saying the government and society at large is.....GOING TO COLLAPSE??"

Doctor Freemane nodded. "The government will remain, but it's power, its veil of control and protection through ignorance is a flawed construct. Like a glitchy matrix of code, it has many flaws and though functional now those glitches will soon break it."

"Things will only collapse if those crazy 'freedom fighter' terrorists are allowed to.."

"They are a but a symptom of the terminal illness the government faces. They are of good intention in protecting society, but they are sadly akin to parents sheltering their children from concepts such as death and sex. Reality will not be escaped, and the more you shelter the child the bigger the battering ram reality will be."

"What is this 'reality'? Are the criminal syndicates and lawless hackers reality? Is the underground the.....future of our society??"

"The Underground is indeed the future, ponies free yet functioning. Some might be of the archetypical 'criminals' but others are simply ponies who are mere average citizens living in a less sheltered world."

"You sympathize with those 'Freedom Fighters' don't you."

"Not with their attempt to roast ponies alive in the mall, but their overall goal is but speeding up the process of the government's fall from power, and preventing what will be the biggest threat from taking power when that happens."

"Biggest threat?"

"The Megacorporations, when ponies all realize their government and guard are a mess that can only give limited protection from the underground. When they see what the underground with new technology is capable of, the order will fall apart. When that happens I predict that the Megacorporations will seize the opportunity, being opportunists of great intelligence. As you should know well corporations are power hungry by nature, so if society falls apart they will try to pick up the pieces. Make themselves out to be saviors by helping get ponies back on their hooves, gaining full power over ponies minds beyond mere advertisements and product loyalty. When that happens they will take advantage, making ponies into wage slaves for them. With the government in shambles and only officially in power, no laws will limit what the corporations will do in the seizure of power, and I believe you can imagine what that can entail."

Anomaly thought things over. "I see....do you really think corporations will take things over that much?"

"They already have power over ponies, propaganda making ponies brand loyal and making independent tech companies struggle. Are reliant on their technology and are even in debt with them. EQUE-TECH alone has ten times the budget of the Equestrian Royalty themselves, and their security forces can be more than equipped to deal with threats."

"So you think that terrorism is the answer?"

"Not merely just that, but a rise in the counter culture, the Modern Cyberculture. When the veil tears we hope to see society after the fear and terror start to embrace the new cultures of freedom rather than be swept up in the corporate propaganda. For them to be able to face the dangers of the underground but see the freedom and opportunities that can come. Such a situation would allow us to come free and distribute our technology more freely. A war between the corporations and cyberculture both in culture and even in the covert shadows may ensue, but we want to make sure counter culture has an edge."

"I'm not sure good will come from supporting maniacs...why not digital hoof?"

"They are good, and will be useful, but they seem to lack initiative and action. Hopefully, in time, they will be kicked into action, for now, the 'freedom fighters' seem the best option.

"I......can't just go and support this. I understand your reasoning but it seems like there will be a lot of unnecessary death and panic and destruction.."

"I understand, many in that group have an extreme view against 'old morals' while most of us a GOUSSE have at least some standards of morality."

"Can't you try to at least stop or convince the freedom fighters against killing so many ponies??"

"We could try, but it could threaten to cause us conflict with them and hinder the cause we share. We've given them some of our own technology to them in support of that cause."


"Remember what I told you about taking risks? Our whole goal is taking risks toward a better future."

"I can't imagine how a better future could come from TERRORISTS SUPPLIED WITH ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY!"

"It is a risk, but know that we are more or less using them for the goal of preventing the inevitable tearing of the government's veil from marking a highly oppressive time for ponies and others like them."

"I....I...I can see this working but at a cost of so many ponies...."

"I understand, you seem to have what some would call 'a good heart'. If you feel there is a better way, do tell me for I reject policies of closed mindedness."

"...Why not directly fight the system online, tear the propaganda system apart there but without terror. Use information instead, and help ponies instead of hurting ponies. Like Digital Hoof does only with more ambition."

"The fear and terror are used as an effective mean to break apart the system so that the counter culture can help clean things up and reset order in a more free way. Sure it will be more lawless, but it will have opportunity."

"The problem with the Freedom Fighters is their extremism and lack of morality, it's a good cause to fight manipulation of ponies but without morals, it may create something that isn't much better..."

"If you have an alternative, I will not oppose it. But I will ask how you will do this, will you do it alone?"

"I'll likely try to gain an alliance with Digital Hoof, maybe start a movement of my own."

"You start to sound ambitious in the latter option, starting your own movement. Know that it does pose risks, making enemies of the government and possibly exposing you to attempted recapture by the corporations."

"You mentioned taking Risks, choose my risks and I chose the ones that are less likely to turn society upside down. I can access the InterNet with my mind, so I'm completely mobile. Maybe if things go well I can turn you against the Freedom Fighter's side."

"Most likely won't happen, though you might gain our support if you are proven effective. If you do disagree with our decisions I won't pretend that you being a project means we own you. You are allowed to leave and do as you wish, just like most of our cyborg projects have. I will ask however that you not disclose this location."

"I don't oppose GOUSSE, but I am against these decisions to help these terrorists. You also rescued me, least I can do is not screw you over." She got up and looked around. "Where is the exi-." she looked and saw a waypoint as Doctor Freemane sent her one. "Good luck on your way then, thank you for choosing not to turn against us wholly." As Anomaly went along Freemane said one more thing "Know that you might be forced to harm or kill ponies, as you will make enemies." He then

Anomaly looked back to him and looked angered as she said. "Might be some ponies I wouldn't exactly mind receiving harm." she continued on her way, soon reaching a room full of various pieces of clothing. The mare looked and noticed herself in undergarment mostly and helped herself to a hooded jacket and some simple sweat pants before following the waypoint to what looked to be a simple wall. Honing her new ability, cyberspace began to appear before her eyes like a colorful hallucination of blues and greens. She soon discovered this to be a hidden door and had no trouble activating and opening it to reveal a secret entrance into the sewer system. The mare would wander into the halls of concrete and steel, an advanced and efficient system for transporting the great amounts of waste a city could produce.

The mare walked down the sewage as the door automatically shut behind her, looking for a way out. It wouldn't be too long before she would find a sewer entrance, and making further use of her new brain-computer the mare accessed the cameras outside, discovering them to show an empty alleyway. Entrances into modern sewers were done via an automated door in the road as opposed to the heavy metal discs of the industrial era. This would prove to be convenient for Anomaly as she could open it easily as she climbed out through the ladder. Looking around she found herself in a very unfamiliar part of the city, the mare started to plan out what she would do now that she was out in the world.

On a Roof above meanwhile, Miss Succubus would look down at the mare. Smirking as she hopped down and landed on the asphalt. Anomaly looked back in shock at what suddenly appeared, looking frightened.

Miss S smirked as she said. "Freemane might not have an issue with your opposition, but FF does. Now, you can either come along quietly or I'll have to take you by force." Anomaly took off, hoping to head out into the bustling street only to be caught up with quickly and grabbed in a choke hold. "Now now, you can't run away. Not letting that tech just run off and possibly put a thorn in our side, we're making use of you~" Anomaly tried to bite at Miss S's foreleg, only to bite into artificial skin. "Trying to bite your way out hmm?" She tightened her grip on Anomaly, making her gasp for air as she desperately struggled to escape.


Owl would awaken as the sun set over the horizon, sitting up from his room's bed after a somewhat ruffled night of sleep. Flashback nightmares plagued his sleep, the memory of that mall incident set to scar him for life. He stretched as he sat on the bed and pondered, questions of the capability of the Guard forming before he slapped them out, saying to himself.

"Don't let that terrorist propaganda get to you owl, buckers will either be dead or be molested in prison soon enough."

Soon enough a message came to his wrist computer, to which he looked and saw it was from Data.

"Owl! I have a lead on that mare who helped stop the mall attack! Call me and I'll tell you more!"

Calling Data Owl would ask her. "What's the lead? What did you find?"

"Some sort of distress message sent out onto the web a couple hours ago reads 'Captured by freedom fighters! Location here!' and it comes with a waypoint." She would send the waypoint to Owl, who would smirk as he said.

"I could kiss you Data, seems the best way to deal with hackers is to fight fire with fire."

"Maybe I could talk you into more than a kiss~ JUST KIDDING! We got terrorists to put in the slammer!"

Owl chuckled. "That we do Data, so shall we contact the chief?"

"Already done, he tells us to get ready and get our booties moving, not exactly that of course but you get what I mean."

"Let's get Night Vision up then and get moving, we could get some help from this mysterious hacker and send Sector 4 on a raid to smash their hideout. If all goes to plan this could mean quickly curb stomping these bucking terrorists."

Waking up Night Vision the two formulated their usual plan, Data does Cyber work, Night keeps watch on things from outside, and Owl would do the deep 'investigation'. Data would go online and purchase something to help her on this operation. Finding her wrist computer insufficient and not wanting to bring her home computer, more to keep her 'private files' hidden, she purchased a Crystal Corp CC-482 computer complete with a carrying bag. Modern computers were somewhat similar to the early cyber age invention known as the 'laptop' only a bit bulkier and built far more modular in construction.

Unlike laptops, they were a bit more bulky with removable brick and cube-shaped pieces making up components such as the storage, CPU, and RAM, however, the bulk was entirely in function as modern computers were very powerful and capable machines. The modular nature of computers also extended to things like the keyboard, mouse, even the screen could be removed and replaced if not upgraded. The one Data bought was one that was strong in performance, and given an optional holographic screen projector to replace any sort of screen piece. Data chose the hologram screen mainly to cut down on weight as given her purchase of a sturdy carrying bag she intended to take it on the go.

After Data had her new machine sent to the inn they stayed the three would go out on their trip, flying higher to be more discrete and following the waypoint. Along the city, another clear night with clouds few graced their presence to Owl's pleasure, and he looked in the distance to see the old Ponyville District. The OPD was the smallest and least populated district, given it was basically the old city of ponyville preserved into a historical landmark. Colorful old style homes were all around the tiny district, itself surrounded by a barred metal fence which marked where the consuming urban sprawl ended and preserved societal fossils began.

The houses were a unique sight, painted in a multitude of colors with some places having ludicrously decorative roofs. Most of the buildings were either converted to various mini museums, while others were highly expensive miniature hotels. Ponyville was the last traditional settlement left in existence as all others were gulped, chewed up with demolition machinery, and assimilated into the urban sprawl. It was like a beast growing in size and consuming all smaller creatures to fuel its growth. Owl had not visited the place, though had plans to with his daughter soon as he was able given it would be a longer trip.

Their flight would eventually take them into a distinct part of Everfree's eastern District, the Zebra Ghetto, or Zhetto as it was commonly known. Long ago in the mid industrial era, the zebra lands fell apart like a firework factory run by a drunken pyromaniac. Tribes turned against clans, bought often obsolete foreign weapons and warred with eachother. Violently the Zebra lands were shattered into war-torn nations like a wall hit by a tank's round. This brought hundreds of Zebras seeking refuge mostly in Equestria, though some decades of tension came from this the Zebrican-Equestrians would install themselves as their own little subculture within the Equestrian Culture. In modern times Zebra ghettos were rife with culture of their own.

Soon enough the waypoint would lead to yet another place that was anything but quiet for terrorists to hide among. Less neon, lots more graffiti, but still plenty of modern culture as though modern Cyberculture was less popular another much older culture did exist within the Zhettos. That culture was one around usually extended family, fancy hoofshakes, and Rap Music. Rap was a creation of the Zebras in the later industrial era, an evolution of the Zebra's cultural tendency toward rhymes in speaking. It was effectively the music of the Zhetto culture, as it had formed alongside and as a part of it. Such areas were known to be rife with gangs, who varied from mostly peaceful but armed extended families to drug dealing types whom Owl helped bust countless times. Owl himself personally liked the Zhetto culture, particularly the family comradery and rap culture when it didn't lead to lawbreaking. It was an interesting and unique culture from the usual tech junkies and cyber goths of the deeper parts of Everfree.

They would all land atop an apartment building which was marked 'condemned' for a more discrete place to go over the plan. Even as it was condemned screen boards still broadcast the usual advertisements along with a few 'Public Service Announcements'. One such announcement depicted a stereotypical hacker looking almost cartoonishly villainous as he stole the data, digibits, and identity from an innocent and nice looking family. It ended with the text 'If you know of them, REPORT THEM! Don't let hackers ruin more lives! A message from the Royal Guard." As it ended the three would put together their plans for here, Data would stay on the apartment roof and do the cyber-work, Night would act as an 'eye in the sky' and Owl would do the deep infiltration. In this area, they especially had to be discrete and hidden as no place would be more suspicious of a random bat pony snooping than Zhetto gang members. Flying around, taking cover skillfully in and behind everything possible, guided partially by Data's personal surveillance, Owl would navigate around the buildings.

Though one could call the Cyberguard for cyber-work having a single pony do it on site was more discrete in a way as if they were caught online they could easily be more easily mistaken for a common hacker. Before Owl's eyes, some of the street partying could be seen in the streets below. A few zebra colts could be seen playing the industrial age originating sport of basketball in an alley, Zebras and half zebra-ponies hanging out and enjoying some E-Cigars. Some zebra kids could be seen scribbling away at the sidewalks and asphalt with glowing neon chalk while a couple teens verbally duked it out in the traditional yet modern rap battle while others watched. Owl was almost distracted by the culture going on below as he traversed around.

Soon Owl would come upon a nightclub called 'Rhyme Doubletime' where the electro and Rap infused dance music could be heard from outside while the bouncers, zebras kitted out with full limb bionics and armed with submachine guns manufactured by Gryphonstone Corp. They were cheap guns from an economic disaster of a land commonly seen floating around the black market though not unheard of in legitimate purchase. Gryphonstone Corp though a megacorp was the least successful and had the least property and real estate in Equestria. Owl would be informed through a telepathic call of the Sector 4 team hiding out in a cloud, ready to storm upon receiving signal. Owl looked at the club and felt bad, hoping he could try and prevent the party inside from getting crashed. Just entering from the front would not be ideal, and he would have to access restricted areas eventually if the terrorists were here.

That in mind Owl searched around for a back entrance, or anywhere creative he could sneak in. Trespassing laws could be bypassed easily, as the lesson 'we enforce laws, but won't be limited by them in doing so' from academy came to his mind. Bypassing any guards or security measures would not be so easy to bypass, not without skill anyway. After some searching Owl would find the back entrance, also guarded by two augmented bouncers. It was indeed a well-guarded club, and roof access would likely not be effective as it would merely lead to the apartment built atop the club. Owl would stop to try to think through his method of entry into the place, thinking of a method of drawing them out. He looked at his wrist computer and could confirm the waypoint led to this club.

Eventually, he decided to try something somewhat primitive for drawing the bouncers away from the door. Hiding behind a corner of the building he picked up an empty spray paint can next to an admittedly pretty mural of a Zebra mare whose stripes extended out into rainbow streaks while two SMG's in her hooves seemed to fire shooting stars. The streets here had an interesting taste in art indeed, and that penchant for art would give Owl a convenient Item to chuck at the head of one of the Bouncers from around the corners.

Being the 'don't buck with me or get curb stomped' types both of the bouncers would sling their weapons on their sides and go to teach the spraypaint can thrower a lesson. They would, however, look to find nopony there as Owl slipped along the walls right over their heads before going to the door and entering. He would find himself down a less than lit hallway with doorways leading into a kitchen as well as the bar, near a few other doors. Hiding on top of a ventilation duct hanging from the ceiling Owl would contact Data through Telepathic call.

"I'm in this place, let's say art has contributed to this success."

"Paint's a picture of your smarts Owl. Way to take advantage of a cyborg's 'don't buck with me' pride. I detected a bit of activity going on somewhere underground."

"Underground? So they got a bunker here, interesting." Having an underground bunker dug and constructed was nothing too unusual, having a custom basement was rather common for those who could afford it given its many utilities. Underground bunkers were also known by the Guard and police alike as prime places for criminal activity to occur. Crawling his way along the AC duct like a rat scurrying along, Owl made his way with some guidance from Data. Soon enough he would be informed of a secret door, which ticked alarm bells as those were very illegal when it came to buildings. Owl would move along till he reached the door marked 'storage' and wait for an opportunity to get inside, he took out a handy I&I issued tool known as a Pick Gun.

This tool was an automated yet compact device designed to pick open locks quickly and effectively. Taking the opportunity and risk when none were around he quickly went and used the tool on the door, looking around quickly and very nervous as he was out of hiding and could be spotted at any moment. The door would unlock and he would press down the handle before moving in and closing the door behind him. He would look to the dark room, barely able to see anything even with night optimized bat pony vision due to near total darkness. He would look around, asking Data in the call for the location of this secret door. The mare herself would try to work into the systems without getting caught, knowing she likely couldn't take on these hackers in a fight of codes she was extremely cautious.

Eventually, she would be able to look into the code and activate the door. Owl would see that this was a highly advanced hidden door given it was almost entirely hidden up until it opened. Taking the opportunity and yet another risk Owl dive in on a stairwell and stick to the ceiling, honing his senses to detect the slightest sound as he looked down a dimly lit linear stairwell. Flying along the ceiling he used his ears as his eyes so he could track any movement around him like radar tracking aircraft. He would be surprised to find however that there was no pony to be heard, this alarmed him as he wondered if his presence was known.

Moving and spotting the nearest cover, being some empty boxes, he hid and looked around. It was a rather well lit though seemingly cheap bunker with concrete walls, a concrete floor, and concrete ceiling. He would move along keeping his ears sharply peeled for any sounds, and would soon find that this bunker was not a small one. Hiding along corners he eventually scoped out halls with doorways leading into a few small rooms with computers installed. That was when he heard the distinctive sound of hoof tips on a keyboard, approaching a doorway he peeked inside to see elaborate cyberculture clothing strewn along the floor while a couple ponies in their undergarments typed away looking relaxed. Peeking away he continued to fly along the ceiling, ready to quickly fly to cover if he heard walking. Everypony in this decently sized bunker, however, seemed to be busy with something, and Owl would eventually happen on quite the room.

Inside a white colored mare with a purple and black mane could be seen strapped to a chair, seemingly hooked up to a computer from the back of the neck while a half zebra mare worked the computer. Looking on the hooked up mare's unconscious face he wondered if this was the helpful hacker from the mall incident. Owl also wondered why she seemed to be hooked up, among a few other things before taking his wrist computer and taking a picture and shutting it off. The bat deemed all he saw to be enough and headed discretely for the door out.

He'd approach the door only to see it close right as he approached it, making him panic and draw his gun as he looked behind him. He had his wrist computer on for but a split second when he took that picture and wondered if they really could have tracked it so quickly. Owl would look over down the two sides of the hall but find nopony coming after him, looking back he noticed that sprite drone was on the stairs. It would activate and project an image of none other than...

"Well look who's snooping around here, it's mister Law Spy. Seems you're quite the sneaky one, and if I wasn't already monitoring you might have swung through this no problem all ghost."

"Monitoring me???" Owl muttered to himself, which would be caught by the high-quality microphone implanted into the drone.

"Well you see, given you have survived your encounter with Miss Succubus and have been given a glimpse into things to come I thought I'd monitor and see how you're handling this wild new prophetic revelation. Seems you've mostly been rather ignorant to it, the way things are going."

"You're not going to succeed in your quest to try to turn Equestria into one big criminal tarturian hole." He said firmly. "So buck off with YOUR propaganda."

DK gave a slow clap. "Cute, trying to make me look like the pony spewing the propaganda. Unfortunately, your efforts might hinder us but we're just a component to speed up a process that is already taking part."

"What process?"

"The downfall of your system of course, if it really did work you wouldn't have the underground be your biggest thorn in your side. You can't kill it, it remain's among your mind slaves sometimes hiding in plain sight. Efforts to fight it only really hurt it before it heals itself up, and soon ponies will know just how much their police and guard CANNOT save their flanks! That their 'protectors' can only stave off and hide the Underground and it's 'criminals'."

"Shut the buck up with your rambling," Owl said trying to pistol whip the drone, it would narrowly avoid it as DK said.

"It's the truth, the system of propaganda you have is deeeeeply flawed, the underground is well equipped to defeat your attempts to control it, only a matter of time before the veil tears open."

"If you're so well equipped to defeat us why do you hide???"

"We won't for long or when not necessary, we have something big in mind. A secret weapon soon to not be so secret, it's a virus but not your typical annoying porn-spamming malware! It's something that will turn your whole system upside down when it's done."

Owl snorted asked. "And why do you have this mare here hooked onto a computer?"

"Her brain augmentations contain a few useful programs and assets, we're not gutting anything out of course. But a lot of what's in there can prove useful in creating this virus."

He took out his gun and said. "Not if I deal with your bucking hackers."

"As per usual ponies only have a right to a trial when the guard feels like-" the drone would take a bullet and clatter as it sparked. He expected his communication to the outside to be cut and thus decided to take things into his own hooves. The shot rang through the bunker frightening the ponies inside who picked up their weapons and went out of the rooms. Owl would aggressively gun down the first one he saw pop out of a doorway while flying away as the next one attempted to shoot at him with an SMG. He flew into and kicked a hacker that tried to shoot him, shattering the poor stallion's snout like a dropped glass. Using his skill in close combat to dispatch the pony coming out next, kicking the mare into the wall before cracking her skull with a pistol whip.

Taking cover into the room as gunfire came his way, he reloaded his weapon as one of the computers showed DK's face as she said. "You are in denial I sense." he shot a hole into the screen, denying her any more crazed ramblings. Two ponies would enter the room and look around, not seeing him and only seeing one of the desks missing a computer. Sure enough down from the ceiling Owl would smash a computer onto the head of a pony, some removable components flew as the second pony turned only to take the corner of the computer to his eye.

"How's it feel to be harmed by use of a computer!" Owl exclaimed as he continued to smash the machine onto the pony before catching the other ponies aiming in and shooting at him. He would kick over a couple desks and take cover behind them, more as visual cover as the plastic could not stop the coming lead. Fortunately for Owl these ponies were not precision shots, which meant his attire took the most damage as bullets clipped it. He would fly up and chuck the computer like a Frisbee at one pony, stunning him as the other reloaded. In the somewhat small Room Owl afforded the reload as a chance to take a shot.

The ten millimeter pierced through the eye, sending crimson spurting out both sides as the pony dropped. The last hacker would have time to recover only to be punched in the face before taking a concussive kick in the face, weak and bruised the hacker looked up as owl aimed the gun and said "Don't give trials to terrorists." before the muzzle flash marked that pony's last sight. Owl would reload his gun, flying down the hall till be found the last hacker frantically sending something through the computer. Aiming his gun at her he said "Freeze, what did you just send? Tell me!" the bat demanded as the mare looked back.

"Making sure you don't buck up my progress on the virus!" she tried to draw a gun only to have Owl dash up to her and kick it out before slamming her face into the plastic desk. He proceeded to pistol whip her into unconscious submission before looking to the computer and then the mare. He noticed a medical tube connected her to some sedative potion, which he disconnected before going back and grabbing all the weapons he could before setting them in a pile on the corner of the room. Making an attempt to contact Data he would be annoyed to find that his communications were still distorted. The screen then suddenly glitched before going white with a purple text 'Thank you' before his communications were opened.

"Owl! What's happened?? You were unconnected for so long and I couldn't..-"

"Get sector 4 into here now, need a search on this place now!"

"Was just about to send them, I'll do that now!"

Sector 4 Lunar Guard units would storm into the club, crashing the partying going on and keeping every zebra and half zebra attending inside. The secret door would be discovered and blast open using a handy explosive gel compound, before storming into the place and apprehending any of the hackers not killed. The search would be quick and without much difficulty, to which the armored and augmented bat ponies would happily pat Owl on the back for some good work. The mare hooked up would awaken and identify her name as being 'Cracked Code'. She, unfortunately, realized soon that there was facial technology, which made her nervous and wondering if she would need to escape these ponies. Owl looked in shock as he discovered what her record was, looking at her with shock as he asked.

"Anomaly? You......you're marked on the records as having died a year ago...what's going on." he looked suspiciously.

Author's Note:

most dialogue heavy chapter, not so sure this will be the best chapter....least I fixed up spelling and grammar a bit though.