• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 683 Views, 29 Comments

Seesaw - MintLynx

Long ago Equestria didn't have computers, autocarriages, great monoliths of steel and colossal sprawling cities. Yet with these great things received, one thing was lost.....Harmony

  • ...

16: Law and Disorder

48 hours, two days after the raid, stricken with stress and apprehension as the FF hackers messed with the Royal Guards over almost that entire time. Setting up fake attacks to rile up and ready the forces only for them to find nothing. Kevlar would go those two days without sleeping mostly, fueling his alertness with Coffee. A lot was on the chief's mind, Anomaly and the Cyberterrorists being the main things. Anomaly herself was almost more scary than the Freedom Fighters, they made their intentions clear as the daytime scheduled for a bright sunny day. Anomaly's intentions and actions were less clear-cut and predictable, she was a clear threat in her defiance yet seemed to have some moral standards. Even those moral standards could turn her towards dangerous actions, and it was clear she wasn't the type easily persuaded. A threat that was unpredictable, like a stormy sea at night, yet also an ally. At least there was that, for the time she was helping them and not as big a threat.

Thoughout most of the two days, Owl would be in his hotel room, sucking on the E-cigar deep in contemplation. With his room smelling of the sweet yet artificial taste of cherry flavored smoke. His blinds were closed letting only the slightest bit of light enter, enough that his bat eyes could scope the room as if well lit. His mind argued with itself, fighting the doubt that recent events and circumstances put in his mind. Once again his view of his world was distorted like the screen of an old television facing interference. For now, his mind managed to keep to its loyalty, even in these times the ones fighting for harmony WOULD win.

The crew at the Gorge would also be keeping their eyes on things, mostly Anomaly given her ability to hack and work even while asleep. Tazen would be flipping through family photos on her wrist computer, sighing some as she wished her husband wasn't so tied to the law she distrusted. The Gorge itself continued to carry on with its activity, the ponies who mostly lived there trotting around, hanging out, visiting the hot spots. Those not out on the levels would be inside, behind the screens of their various computer builds ready to fight the good fight online once called by the DJ.

As the sun set, the lights of the megacities began to glow to replace it. The activity slowed down for but a few hours in the dusk before speeding up again as the nightlife came out. Around the block that the Inn and Out hotel, ponies in cyberculture would start walking around the streets, circling around and communicating in comms calls. Data would be tracking these ponies suspiciously, letting the cameras be her eyes as she watched them. It would take time before she started to notice their patterns, and try to crack into their communications. From the digital shadows, unbeknownst even to Data, Anomaly would be watching over things as well. Looking over the live camera footage Data would soon begin to grow alarmed as she recognized the clothing.

"Golden Street, what in the buck are they doing around here of all places?" Data would ask, suspecting no good of seeing ponies from the infamous criminal syndicate walking around. Clad in black, brown, and gold cyberculture gear with influence from upper-class Canterlot apparel. Clever yet daring, it was somewhat unlike them to do much to present any show of force unless they had a major plan. Seeing two of the Golden Street ponies walk into the hotel Data would quickly ring up Owl and Vision for a Wrist computer call.

"Hey Data, you find something of note?" asked Vision as he answered the call.

Owl would groan and answer, asking somewhat tiredly. "What's up buttercup?"

"Guys I think something's about to go down there's Golden-!"

The sound of an explosion was heard before Owl saw his door get blasted to pieces. Cursing to himself he dove under the bed. Through the lit hallway, he could see decorative black and gold combat boots walking in before hearing a giggle as a feminine voice said.

"Come on out now~"

The bat would grit his teeth as he stifled a groan, trying to get his tired muscles and mind into gear. He was barely able to react in time as the door was blasted. Fortunately, the lights would go out, as he heard gunfire from the room next to him. Anomaly had just managed to give Owl and friends some cover as she shut off the lights. Owl would quickly take advantage of the opportunity, crawling out and swooping at the two gunmares. Using his bionic limb and momentum he sent his metal and kevlar hoof into one of their faces. A sickening crack ensued as the mare's decorative techno style top hat flew off and her jaw cracked under the force. The other would try to turn her shortened Grypus tech GAR-20 before it was pushed down and her throat was punched. Smashing her face into the doorframe he drew his pistol, hearing clicking behind him and recognizing it as Vision. A Golden Street mare and stallion lay dead outside his doorway with magnum bullet holes in their head.

Data fled out of the window, using her wrist computer to open itself automatically. That fortunately needed no hacking skills, as she only barely escaped with just a 5mm bullet in her hind hoof. Getting to the roof she would say in Comms "We gotta get outta here! out the windows and to the roofs!"

Leaving their windows and heading out to the rooftops Owl and Vision would look to the mare.

"No coincidence these buckers have come to get at us here of all times. Looks like keeping a low profile hasn't worked for us." Vision would say, his magnum at the ready.

"Thinking the Cyberterrorists have decided to stop trolling and give us the real deal?" asked Data, pulling her own pistol at the ready.

Gunfire could be heard resonating Looking out to the streets in horror Owl would say "I think so, they got something big in mind."

The ponies in black and gold would be pulling their decoratively carved and played assault rifles, SMG's and shotguns, shooting into the air and sending the crowds into a panic. The lights started to go crazy, but Anomaly would immediately start fighting against the virus as it was unleashed. Her efforts would be hindered suddenly as her systems were attacked, identifying her attacker she would recognize the calculated behaviors of GAI-7. Seesaw was brought into this, and now they all knew of the coming storm.

Her efforts hindered, Anomaly would be unable to stop the cars being shut down, nor the screen boards getting hacked with the message. "Chaos! Sponsored by the Golden Street" in flashing multicolored backgrounds. Monitoring the situation in Everfree, the Chief would immediately call for the mobilization of sector 4 of both Lunar and Solar Guards.

"Seems they're finally striking, time to strike them back..." Kevlar calling Owl and co. he would enter their call before saying. "Get out of there and find a safe place while we scope out the situation. We're bringing in the big guns, but we might seek out your surgical touch once we can get a grip on what's going on."

"Roger." the three of them would say before hearing two familiar voices from a nearby roof.

"Well well looks like we caught you by surprise. Admittedly you caught us by surprise by bursting into one of our places outta nowhere, so we thought we'd return the favor. SURPRISE!"

There it was, the hologram of DK standing there, with the two maid cyborgs lounging on the edge side by side. It was evident that they had installed bionic wings into their backs. Owl would motion Data to get out of there, and the mare would fly off with her laptop in its bag at her side.

"Soon we'll surprise you when your door is kicked down and your flank is perforated, if you're lucky." Owl would say in reply. "You can't hide away forever from us!" taking flight he and Vision would keep their guns ready.

"Says the ones hiding away in a hotel, trying to keep hidden. In order to beat us, you'll have to use our tactics and you know it! There are over 8 million doors in Everfree City! You'll have to find which one to kick firssst~! After all you'd rather not burst in on some random pone whacking off would you? Anyway go get 'em! It's fun time!" DK would say as the Maids as they took flight in pursuit.

The three would fly up into the air, as the streets began to fall more and more into chaos as the minutes went on. Shouts would be fired as they aimed back and fired off some shots, Data would fly below them, drawing her own pistol while saying "Go buck off fetish gear freaks!" as she fired off some shots. The two maid would dart around, ten millimeter and .44 magnum shots both whizzing past them at supersonic speeds. One would fly for Owl from below, a chain whip extending from her hoof as she stunned him with a strike to the eye.

"They're using whips? Seriously? Bucking hay they really are fetish freaks!" Shouted Data as she darted around and fired some shots. Emptying her clip she would try to reload, only for her weapon to get whipped out of her hooves. Given she wasn't a griffin nor unicorn this proved unfortunately easy.

The three would do their best to defend themselves, sending punches and kicks and knocking the maids back. The mares used the whips quite skillfully, stunning them before sending punches and kicks of their own. Owl would be kicked in the back, sending him falling to the street and almost faceplanting on the concrete. A Gryphus tech model 170 machine pistol would be aimed at him and fired before he could dart in for the alleys. Vision and Data would holster their weapons before darting down for the alleys as well with the maids in pursuit.


In cyberspace Anomaly would be fighting against GAI-7 alongside a multitude of Digital hoof hackers, all trying to mitigate the Virus' effects on the city system. Creating duplicates it would easily take on the group, maintaining the virus and it's increasing hold on the CCS. The mare's defenses would be battered by shotguns and sniper rocket programs, while her attempts to crack past the AI's were constantly hindered and detected. Knowing full well the stakes and what was bound to happen, adrenaline filled the mare's veins as she put her mind to work. She knew she had to think up something quick, many a hacker from Digital Hoof was getting their computers smashed by GAI-7's attacks. Even Anomaly was struggling, the AI had read her attack patterns and behavior before and was now countering it.

An idea came to her mind, and she would create a combination program. Combining a trap with a shotgun, and upgrading the code some she would deploy it at the ready alongside her defensive walls. Having it at the ready she would let the AI's virus attack hit before it shot off, hitting and knocking out a duplicate program. The mare would quickly put up another one of these before getting a message from the DJ.

"You can't just take it on manual Nommie, you're gonna need some more tools to help you." said the DJ, herself struggling even more. She took a risk and drew her attention away from defenses to give Anomaly some software.

[File Recieved]: Spy.exf [Download?] [Delete?]

[File Recieved]: Assassin.exf [Download?] [Delete?]

[File Recieved]: Thief.exf [Download?] [Delete?]

Examining the programs quickly she found them rather interesting. The spy program seemed to be designed to monitor a computer system, giving the user a stream of data and an interface to look over the victim's interface. Assassin worked like a typical virus, only in a stealthy manner of attack while functioning as an independent automated entity. Thief was the one that interested her the most, it was made similar to spyware, only with the ability to capture and copy programs from a victim's computer.

The mare would go back to the fight, finding her trap once again take out another duplicate. The AI would cease its attacks on her, now aware of her tactic. The mare would do some quick upgrading to the spy before deploying it into GAI-7's system.

"Where are yooooou~"

"Here batty batty batty's~" The Maids would say mockingly as they walked through the alleyway, looking for the three. Owl, Vision, and Data would be hiding and using their stealth tactics to evade and try to get out of there.

The sound of metal wings could be heard in the air as RLG DF-80's came down. Sleek flying machines with wings designed after those of Dragon Flies, maneuverable and stable partially thanks to computer-assisted maneuvers More and more of them would come flying in, wings retracted as the magic based vortex jets boosted them into the area quickly before they were deployed for hover move. Out of them would fly LRG units, armed and ready, and it wasn't long before they were in combat with the Golden Street. One of the DF-80s would be painted in the gold color of the RSG, where Metal and her team would be riding along. Unexpectedly from the roofs, a number of radio controlled aircraft would come flying up toward the DF-80s's. Hitting the wings they would be revealed to be carrying explosives, detonating and damaging the wings before sending a few falling and crashing into rooftops. Some of the RC planes would even go for the guards, killing many of them horrifically.

Getting out of the area Owl, Vision, and Data would see things not totally peaceful just outside the warzone. All screen boards that were outside of the hacked CCS zone were displaying EAS messages, informing the populace in the immediate area of the emergency that was unfolding. They were not shooting alarm sounds so as to panic the populace, but emitting the eerie beep that made EAS messages unsettling. A map of the area under attack was shown alongside the message, with the area marked in red.

A group of criminal assailants is carrying out violent attacks in this area. Enter your homes now! if you are in a vehicle stay inside and duck down! Lunar and Solar Guards are dealing with the situation now, do not leave safety until the situation is marked as clear. If you have loved ones in this zone, DO NOT come for them, Lunar and Solar Guards will help them!

The sounds of gunfire and a few explosions would rile up and cause panic for the ponies all around, many of which fleeing and finding shelter whenever possible. Nopony in the entire city was prepared for something like this, and they could only hope their saviors in kevlar could come to stop the terror that was looming in the city block. Looking to the growing chaos down the block, then looking slowly toward Vision, Owl would say in the call.

"We're facing our own Tirek here....my sweet Celestia."

"Owl, Data, Vision are you in a safe place?" Said the Chief, in a demanding and worried tone. They were hardly able to speak to him for over five minutes in their attempts to escape the cyborg maids.

"We're as safe as can be Chiefie, looks like we're in an all-out war here. Narrowly escaped some kink crazy cyborgs! This whole situation is getting more absurd the more it goes on!"

"What are our orders Chief?" Vision would say, reloading his magnum. "Our place here has been compromised and we're not exactly as well equipped as S4."

Chief would say "I have an idea of what you could all do, it would be dangerous and a test of your ability. But it seems these street trash are fighting back well."

Using advanced and unconventional tactics the Golden Street ponies were not losing the fight. Between exploding RC airplanes, snipers hidden in the buildings, skillful and clever fighters on the street showing to be alarmingly well equipped. Various Gryphus tech guns and makeshift yet effective explosives were used.

"Owl, Vision...I'm going to ask you, not order....but ask you. Will you go in there, and strike them from the shadows. Find any leadership in the fighting, any important targets, and take them out. As a bonus....I want you to use some psychological these buckers. Attack from the shadows like boogeyponies, however you can make them afraid of you."

"What about me Chief?" Data would ask, to which he would reply.

"Help out our Friend Anomaly, and whoever those other ponies she has along are.

Flying out from the zone the RSG DF-80 would land on a nearby roof, Metal Heart looking to her team. Her eyes showed a mix of anger and horror, as her flashbacks came back to her. Suddenly her days in the urban combat were coming back to her. "Well....isn't this a familiar sight. Only in this case, we're not fighting Gryphons..." the mare scowled and loaded up the underslung grenade launcher equipped with her LMG. "These criminals wanna act like those Gryphons? We'll bucking treat them like those Gryphons!" looking forwards she would say. "Once the retreat order is cleared, it's Code Red Protocol, shoot to kill, no quarter."

APC's would roll up all around the block, coming to a stop before opening up to form a wall around the block. Automated Gun turrets would deploy from the tops. Owl would watch as this happened, before looking down the street at the chaos going down below. He could see one of the autocarriages with a mare ducking down and cowering in fear, a few dead S4 Lunar guards laying around with missing limbs. They were largely forced to retreat and close off the area, unprepared for such a well-equipped foe.

Suddenly one of the maniacs would walk up, centaur arm bionics built into her shoulders and holding twin machine pistols. The crazed looking mare's Golden street attire had some holes and tears in it, and she was visibly bleeding. Yet she still walked, pupils massive and expression looking high and crazed at the same time.

He and his friends pondered on the request their Chief gave to them. As they looked on the streets they could see why he wanted them to do this. It was revenge, the ponies there were under a dark and fearsome stormcloud of fear and terror. The sunlight of their safety and security was gone, replaced with a rain of terror. Kevlar wanted them to get revenge, to bring that fear to the ones terrifying the populace.

Suddenly the crazed mare looked over to the autocarriage, before pulling out a pipe bomb. Activating it she would spin around before chucking it at the vehicle. Owl would gasp in shock and tear up as he said: "Chief where are the BUCKING S4'S!?" The mare would open the door before trying to run for her life, only to be sent flying along with her autocarriage in a rainbow-colored explosion of colorful death. Owl would fall to his knees, watching the mare tumble lifelessly along the ground like a doll, a doll missing two of her limbs.

"Owl they were forced to retreat and close off the area, only a team of Solar S4 are coming to be deployed there. However......we have the buckers trapped in this area, and I want you to make them feel like they're trapped in a nightmare."

Data and Vision would have seen this as well, just in time to see the mare die. They would both be frozen in shock, as Owl froze up and went on his knees on the ground. An unnatural growl would then start to form in his mouth, as his fangs would then bear. Data would look to him, tearing up as she came to him and said "Oh gosh, Owl, I can't believe this...these drug-addled bucking maniacs..." she hugged him, and as Vision approached he would say to him. "You two go meet with the others. Go help fight the virus, Data. Vision, go find the others and stay out. You got a wife, who hasn't turned from the law."

"But what about you, Owl?" Data would say, before the stallion turned to him. Tears in his eyes and thermite anger piercing in his eyes.

"I'm going to bring the terror to these junkies and street trash." Biting the air, making a light click as his teeth met eachother he would say. "I'm going to show them just what it is like to feel powerless while a force you can't fight bucks with you."

"They're armed and able to take on S4's Owl! Don't be crazy!" Data would say, before Owl's chuckle burst into a short laugh.

"They can't fight what they can't see! And I won't just be popping heads with the pistol. I've got more natural weapons to use."

The chief would say "You both find safe places, We'll see how Owl takes care of things. Heavy Enforcement gonna be brought in as well, so he'll have some good support. Owl...good luck in there, for the Princesses and for Harmony."


By now over half of the Digital hoof hackers either had their computers crashed or were forced to go offline to prevent being crashed. All the while Anomaly, the DJ, Tazen, and MonsterBuster fought against the artificial intelligence. There was some progress fortunately. Anomaly's assassin program took down a number of duplicates while the DJ unleashed a powerful custom virus dubbed "Bass Cannon." to assault the duplicates and even hit the real GAI-7 as well. This came at the cost of using her computer's maximum power and almost causing it to lag severely.

Locating and taking out the Assassin programs GAI-7 would pull itself back and build up its defenses as its duplicates were taken down. Being linked to a live audio feed it would listen, and in the city multiple sprite drones would fly before projecting DK's hologram.

"Now that we've kicked the guard's flanks it's time to kick things up to phase two! They can try to wall us in and contain us! But they can't contain the powaaaa of the Liberator! And despite some rude interruptions it has been given some time to learn the system a bit our hard-working programmers have got it ready for phase 2! So~ Give it up for the new and improved Liberator Virus!!!"

Anomaly would look in surprise as the old virus seemed to reactivate, only to look in horror as it seemingly came back, stronger and more powerful. Anomaly would say to her allies in the call "Focus on dealing with the virus! I'll deal with the AI and cover you!" thus the DJ and friends would go to continue the fight online, as more and more screen boards and lights went black. Facing off against the AI she would get ready to put forth her full attack on it, seeking to distract it from her friends. The Spy program gave her a look into the AI, it's thinking was quite advanced and it seemed to be controlling and commanding the virus directly. It also gave her the advantage of being able to anticipate its attacks, and the next attack would be a combination program of shotgun-sniper rocket- and data bomb.

Defenses damaged and pierced through for more direct hits, Anomaly would take a blow, but she wasn't close to crashing. The brain-computer seemed to be quite a strong system, and she was thankful for that. Readying her own attacks she would set up multiple walls of trap-shotguns. This forced the AI to attack only once before it stopped attacking, and Anomaly would over time deploy Assassin after assassin to start subtly doing damage to its system. All while using shotgun attacks to batter its outer defenses. Another idea came to her mind, something that would be risky but that just might have been able to work.

The mare would do some tinkering with her Spy program, doing so carefully while keeping up her attacks on it. Her plan was to use it to backdoor herself directly into GAI-7. It was risky, but at this point, she felt it a worse risk not to go for something major. Thus she would ready her makeshift backdoor, keeping up the attack on the AI.


Walking into the block, Metal and her team would move quickly. Any armed Golden street members were fired on immediately, and shots from seemingly nowhere would start coming their way back. "Let's give these buckers Tartarus!" the cyborg mare would shout as they advanced forward. Pipe bombs and explosive RC would come their way, more and more and from more directions the more they came in. A large and well-armored team was soon starting to lose ponies left and right.

More and more Golden Street ponies were gunned down, the high-velocity six-millimeter rounds from Metal's LMG tearing through those without armor and perforating those with armor. The team would advance, spreading out to try to cover more ground. Metal would stagger as she was hit in the back with an exploding RC plane, damaging her armor but not harming her armored body. "Gonna take more than your bucking toys to take me down!" the mare would say, taking out a sniper in the window.

Soon enough as she reached the center of the block, she would hear speakers from sprite drones bring out a familiar voice.

"Yoo hooooo~ Looks like they've brought in the big guns, too bad we're killing you off one by one."

"Go buck yourself, if I see you in person I'm gonna paint the nearest wall in your bucking blood. You cyberterrorists may have your own little army and your script kiddie skills, but once we come there will be no mercy." Metal would say, about to shoot the drones before DK would say.

"Script Kiddie? I would be offended if that wasn't such a dumbflank insult! You WE are script kiddies? Lemme ask you this~ Where are the Cyber Guard? The ones you hire to prevent your CCS system, where are they and what are they doing? Oh wait, they're doing jack because that's all they can do! Meanwhile, we're pimping out this block's City-Systems like it's no tomorrow~"

"We'll take you out in time, history doesn't favor the evil bastards." Metal said with a scowl, shooting the Drones. Suddenly their wrist computers would activate and they would be all brought into a call.

"We're no draconequis, giant evil centaurs or changeling queens, we're like dynamite with a laser beam~ powerful and destructive yet precise and sharp. You can't just friendship zap us away, that's why you're packing heat. No, we're something no cause for harmony can just defeat. You think you're so tough, but wait until we show you just how vulnerable you are!"

Metal would suddenly see herself pulled from the world she knew to a state of mind that was an almost dreamlike state. Suddenly she was deprived of senses, sight, sound, even feeling. She felt like a ghost, a ghost made up of ones and zeroes. The mare wondered in her mind what happened, what was happening. The uncertainty of it all was torturous, especially given this situation interrupted her from her duty. The mare figured would soon look over code around her that didn't make her up in the strange realm.

".....Where am I.....what the buck is this place!? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME!!!..."

Author's Note:

I hope to be getting to a schedule, typing out stuff every weekend while I practice my drawing during the week. Maybe get some more in later on weekdays.