• Member Since 9th Apr, 2016
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I hope you have a good day, every single day.

Comments ( 44 )

The pussy hole looked tight, almost like a moist vice, and Feather momentarily wondered if any stallion ever had the gall to have sex with the princess. Was princess Luna a virgin in this regard? Feather pushed the question back. It would be a question for another time.

Inb4 strap-on play later.

Okay, using the shower as a "tap" made me laugh. :rainbowlaugh:

Holy shit, this is exactly why it's so scary to write something with the night princess
Can't wait to see more


Glad to know! It's a little easy admittedly to do the whole 'fish out of water' style of humor for her character, but I think it just works with how I've written her. Anywho, I hope you're enjoying it.

That makes me glad to hear. I'm happy to give it out too. Personally, I don't think chapter 2 is as good as 1, but you might it enjoy it all the same. Hope to see you back soon for its eventual release. :twilightsmile:

You've done a wonderful job, I can't get enough! Please continue this story, I really wanna see where it goes. Maybe Celestia will have a change of heart and join them?

I'm glad you're enjoying this, that makes me happier and encourages me to work even harder :twilightsmile: However, I am sorry to disappoint but Celestia won't be involved intimately in their relationship, not that I am opposed to the idea of polyandry, but it goes against the sort of love that Luna holds for Feather. Apologies.

Wonderful. Really looking forward to the date, as it was something I've been hoping for. The story seems to be going somewhere, as opposed to it just being thin packaging for clop -- that's also assuming Celestia and the bullies will have some relevance later. Although, at the same time, I don't feel like Luna has all that much to learn, really. To me, she's more... 'different,' rather than plain doing it 'wrong,' so I wonder how much further you can pull the theme. Feather could also learn a lot from Luna, me thinks.

I do think the story could do with another good look by an editor (if you care for perfection, that is), as I've spotted numerous small errors. This was probably the most unique one, in that it wasn't a typo or grammar related.

Whilst Luna excelled in their occasional intercourse, this is where she believed the monarch excelled.

You kind of hit the nail on the head there. Who said the title is referring strictly to just Luna :raritywink: Although it doesn't truly get reinforced until only chapter 3. As for the story

going somewhere

, I tried to reign in how ambitious I initially wanted the fic to be. I did consider wanting to delve into making it something deeper, but - and I am sorry to disappoint - it doesn't become something grand or epic, except maybe a strong theme of selflessness towards the end. I am intending for this to be my longest fic to date, and I didn't want to wish screwing it up by fumbling a profoundity. Also, thank you for pointing out that error to me. I loathe not seeing simple mistakes like that. I rectified prior to posting this comment. I should really go over it multiple times before posting, I apologize. For spelling, it could be my UK spelling vs your assumed US spellings? And grammar is something I really need to get better at.

Nah, I'm certainly not expecting some grand epic, so I'm not disappointed. Just showing the characters growing is already ambitious and satisfying enough for me in a clop-centric story like this, which is still 'going somewhere.' It's a small thing, yes, but when you're also going about it in a very entertaining way like this, there's nothing more I can ask of it.

And no, I tend to default to UK spelling as well (although as a foreign speaker I'm not aware of all the differences and get them mixed up sometimes, and I also don't know anything about archaic English, so I can't tell what's right or wrong there). Just talking about some minor typo's here and there that should be easy enough to fish out.

That's alright, It's your story and it should flow the way you want it to. Not every story with clop has to end up at an orgy. I actually like the idea of an exclusive love story, it's really sweet and makes for fantastic late night relaxing reading. You're doing great and I can't wait for the next chapter!

This has gone past being just a sexy and funny work to something genuinely enticing!:pinkiehappy:

Finally found some time to read this. Not being quite the artful wordsmith Luna is, I'll just say this story makes me very happy.

1: Those authors notes would have been better placed at the end of the chapter than at the beginning, because of the spoilers.

2: Goddamnit, Moon Moon! :rainbowlaugh:

That was so good! I can't wait for more.

I can't wait for more of this story, these two are adorable together....

Working on chapter 3 as we speak. :twilightsmile:

Very good, look forward to seeing more!

Luna that's not how showers work, you smelly horse.

I sense some preggers. If it isn't and is indeed just an extended hangover puke, I'll be very surprised.

Agreed, sounds like she is likely pregnant.

A problem has arisen here. They’re both focused on making the other do something they want. Luna wants to make Feather love her and Feather wants to make Luna forgive her. Luna at least is giving lip service to what she should be doing but I’m worried they’re going to push too hard and something is gonna give.

Also, Pregnant Feather. For sure...

cunt button

Well. I haven't heard that one before.

Keep in mind that while having foreplay or sex in a restaurant may sound kinky, you shouldn't do it if you wouldn't want to clean up someone else's orgasmic fluids and/ pee.

In fact don't do it at all even if you are willing to clean up someone else's orgasmic fluids, because chances are that they wouldn't enjoy cleaning that kind of a mess.

If you want to have sex or foreplay in a restaurant, then you should rent the place out and either have a cleaning company clean up after you or clean up after yourself.

Glad to see you back! Sorry to hear that the first bit of University was unpleasant, I can say I thoroughly empathize with the political bit, just band together and it should be fine.

I don't know why I was expecting such a worse way of things, but I am so glad I was wrong, this was beautiful and sweet beyond further words!:rainbowkiss::raritystarry:

Is this story on hold? I really want to read more but it's been a long time since the last chapter and nothing's been announced.

Apologies. This story will resume at some point. The next chapter is even completed and ready to go up my plan was to also finish the chapter straight after to create a decent buffer. However, I've been busy with requests and commissions which has prompted a slight pause from me and this story. I know exactly how to end it, and how to get to it, I've just been distracting myself with requests and whatnot. Since you would like to read the next chapter I shall release it immediately. :twilightsmile: The next shall go up, well, I don't really know yet. :twilightsheepish:

Wow, I couldn't have expected a better story to be the first to get updated in these past few weeks than this one:yay:

Daw, Thakyou! :heart: I wasn't expecting such an amazing response! Thankyou SO much for updating the story, I'm so excited! I can't wait to read it and wait PATIENTLY for the next chapter. Love your work and I know priorities are important and I hope you get time to poke through your personal stories sometime. Take care!:twilightsmile:

Definitely preggers. Also

[centre]My Love.[/centre]

Might wanna English center that.

The plot thickens... I mean with the pudginess, and the vomiting... you're probably right. I wonder how that will complicate things... will anyone notice?
I just hope these two soil that dress.

I want more, I want so much more! But it's only because what you give us is so damn good.

I hope to see more in the future. I also hope that if they are pregnant, Luna will beg to marry and Feather possibly freaking out at realizing she is with foal.

Omg I'm in love with this story! I'm waiting for the next update :raritywink: :Luna emote that doesn't exist but should:

I, uh...
Edit: Just to elaborate, I know how to end it. I've known since the very beginning. Chapter 6 was started during the tumultuous time of commissions so I never felt right about writing it when I've had other obligations weighing me down. However, I will see if I can make any significant progress whilst I'm away.

I mean, I wasn't trying to guilt trip you or anything.

Just, like, give a poke and remind you that this story, ya know, exists.

And also give some disapproval because a pet peeve of mine is seeing authors talk about or promise to work on the story, and then you check the date and it's been 2 or 3 years and you're like "Uh-huh, the next chapter's almost ready? Really now? Do go on."

Yeah... This is one story that's always at the back of my mind as existing. It's one story that's always on my libre office page because I always open it, making an inch of progress, feel bad that I'm not working on a commission and leave it. Ill never 'cancel' it because I intend to finish it. When I will is a little harder to place.

That’s fine! Like I said, wasn’t trying to guilt trip you. Happy to hear you’ve been making at least a little progress on it.

It's good to know you haven't forgotten about this story! I certainly haven't, it might be my favourite one on this site...

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