• Published 8th Aug 2017
  • 632 Views, 9 Comments

Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

A young mare must journey Equestria in order to fulfill a universally unavoiadable fate along with seven others in order to prevent the disruption of universal law. All the while trying to prevent a dark force from acquiring their elements.

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Chapter 1: You'll Go Far, Kid.

You'll Go Far, Kid

My parents used to tell me, "Quiet Fire. You are going to make us proud. Attending the Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Make lots of friends. And become the second of our family's line to ever be a part of the Canterlot guard. A nice thought at first. Something I had strove for after they sent me off to Canterlot. And as I felt the cold sting of a hard flack being delivered onto my cheek, forcing my body to contort and move at the impact, I had a single thought.

Look at me now, folks!

My ears were ringing. Stumbling over my hooves, I found a rubbery padded mat to be comforting to lay my numbing cheek on. I could hear something around me. They were cheers. Another sound followed. A bell, signaling the time out. Doing my best to stand back up, I felt my legs give out from under me, landing flat on my haunches. Before I could think of anything, I was suddenly surrounded by two ponies. My vision must have not been right, for I thought it was two. She looked at me with worried eyes, dabbing a cloth and putting it to my head. I felt the cool magic of a healing gauze and ice pack to be a comforting one. I sighed, wincing at the pain that coursed through out me.

"Quiet Fire, you need to watch that hook. It's the first round and already you are getting your flank handed to!" the mare shouted. I gave a dumb smile in response. Despite seeing two of her, this mare was the only one who had been with me since the start of my underground martial arts career. But by Celestia's ever round flank, this career hurt! I looked past the snow white earth pony mare with blue eyes and blonde mane as she tended to my freshly open head wound.

My opponent, an emerald green earth pony with a grey and green stripped mane that stood on two legs, bobbing in place and rose his forehooves to the air as the crowd cheered. Funny... I could have sworn I struck a few good blows on him. But seeing as how that wasn't the case, I immediately began dreading the next bell that rang, signaling it was time to begin the second round. Before I could stand up and wobble my way in, the mare adjusted my horn guard on my head. A nifty little contraption they had me sign off too in order to prevent cheating with magic and damage to my horn.

"Alright, Quiet. You need to read his moves. I noticed he opens himself a lot with those hooks and sweeps. Just watch out for when he stomps the ring. I heard that his signature move would leave a pony's bones breaking just from the shock of feeling it." I clicked my tongue.

"Tch! And they are worried I'm going to cheat..." I said sourly. The mare looked sternly at me, ignoring the protests of the crowd stating to get on with the match.

"Unicorns under pressure undergo magic surge. This is to prevent that." She suddenly gave a small quirky smile and a wink. "Go nuts." I wasn't sure exactly what she was pertaining too, but my horn guard felt a little looser than it should. If somepony was going to use his earth pony strength to turn the tide of battle. Why not fight fire with fire? Time to show the crowd what I am really capable of. The referee stood between us as my opponent scowled down at me.

"Ready to call it quits?" he spat. I returned it with a stoic look.

"I still have a lot of fire left." She said. The stallion scoffed.

"Maybe after they finish scraping you off the floor, I could have you clean my new trophy. How about that?" I frowned.

"Just shut up already..." Ignoring the crowd that was booing me and cheering on my opponent, I stood up, the bi-pedal stance I took had me bobbing in place. The earth pony followed suite, only he was swaying instead of bobbing. I readied myself. And as I did, I concentrated on myself. I could just imagine it, me splitting myself into two. She would think like me. Act like me. And above all, be a very valuable ally. I smirked at the pony, causing him to arch a confused brow before rushing at me, bounding on two legs. I weaved out of the way, only to have to block a quick jab and duck under a hook.

I backed away. The pony turned and was about to rush again when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned, balking in surprise as he saw me grinning behind him. I found the opportunity. As quickly as the image came, I rushed, getting in low. And when the pony turned back around, wondering what he had just witnessed, I gave two good hoof strikes across his muzzle before swiping a hind leg under him, causing him to flail helplessly in the air before I finished it up by planting my forehoof into his chest and roaring with all my might, forcing the stallion into the mat.

Perhaps, a little more than I should have. The ring bounced as the pony collided with a loud clap and a thud. The crowd erupted into cheers. I wiped my muzzle, catching my breath as the pony lay dumb founded on the ground. I looked to see that standing over him was a strikingly similar mare. Fire colored mane and tail, beaten and bruised body charcoal coat and gold eyes staring back at me. The pony under her blinked once before sweeping his body around, causing my clone to yelp in surprise before the pony stomped on her as she hit the ground. She vanished into a wisp, causing the stallion to miss and hit the ring.

My coach nurse was right about the bone breaking part. I felt a new pain course up my hind legs and up my spine. I knelt, hissing as I tried to rub the jolt of pain.

'Well, good job, Quiet. You just caused him to unintentionally use his magic on you.' I winced as I stood up, testing my leg to see if it was still functional enough. The cracking it made told me that I was going to be in a cast after words. In either case, the match was still going on. The earth pony scowled at me.

"Lousy cheat!" he roared. I shook my head and gave a challenging smirk.

"Signature move. Now shut up and fight!" I retorted. The pony's nostrils flared in anger. 'Oh boy...'


I sat pathetically on my couch. The new cuts and bruises fresh on my exterior. Bandages weren't nearly enough to cover all of it. The cast on my hind leg proved just how much the match had affected me. I slid my hoof into the front of my flame edged hoodie, feeling the soft texture of my prize money from the fight. Or... so I thought. I groaned and tossed a pillow on my face, realizing I had forgotten to pick it up.

'My life has been one crap hole after another.' I thought. I sighed, feeling my body throb in pain. I tossed off the pillow and looked at the time. Almost midnight. I winced, slowly sliding off the couch and limping my way into my kitchen. Ponyville wasn't a place I had thought to ever live in. It seemed a little too gaily for me. But that is the Canterlot pony in me. In all honesty, the society is a friendly bunch. They hung out together, knew one another and even enjoyed the company and shenanigans that partook in the small village.

Definitely a lot different than home. Canterlot may have been a place of big spenders as well as being the big shots of the elite. But I didn't want that life style. I just wanted to attend school, make friends and graduate to make my own life. Simple, right? I put a forehoof on my sink, the dishes piled next to it. Using my magic to turn on the gem powered lighting in my kitchen, I turned the sink on and began scrubbing the dishes. It was at least something to do. On the third dish, I grit my teeth, feeling the anger rise faster than I had during the title bout against Quick Wing.

"Who am I kidding? My life sucks in general!" I said to myself. This wasn't just an exasperation of guilt. This was the simple and honest truth for myself. My life had went one way and now I am secluded in a village where nudists are always asking to be your friends and sweets are a delicacy here. It was ridiculous! "How did I go from Canterlot to here?!" I asked myself.

You wanted to make your family proud.

"Don't give me that bull." I spat in response to the inner voice in my head.

You wanted friends to be with.

"I don't need more friends when I have the best one there is!"

Oh, quit lying to yourself. When was the last time you heard from her?

I was shocked at my own response to this.

"I... I..."

It has been six years, Quiet. Do you honestly think she is your friend for not writing to you?

"N-no... she wouldn't do that... she hates writing letters."

But she promised.

I sighed, rubbing my sore foreleg. "I guess you don't know her like I do..."

But I am you.

I shook my head. This was beginning to get on my nerves. Thankfully, self-reflection was a good way to realize that you went through half the dishes and had made sure that every speck and grime was off of one dish that you didn't realize you were scrubbing the hell out of. I stopped what I was doing and groaned, dumping the dish with a loud clatter to the side. I propped my partially soaked hoof under my chin and stared out the window.

The night sky mixed beautifully with the gentle snow fall. Strange how the pegasi make the weather here more dominant than any other place I knew in Equestria. It was really breathtaking. It almost made me want to go for a walk around the park. I sighed, my gaze falling from the heavens and over to my neighbor's house. I winced, seeing the cute little decorations they had displayed over the windows and doors. Inside, I could make out silhouettes partying away. One of the windows was open slightly, by the sound of it. A grand ol' time they were having.

And yet, here you are, secluded to your home. Single... again. On the verge of being broken through martial art tournaments and the terrible fallout with your family. What mare wouldn't have your life?

I almost wanted to sock myself across the head. I ignored the voice and stared a little begrudgingly at the festivities partaking at my neighbor's. Loud music was blaring from it too. A mix of electronic and classical mixing harmoniously together. I sighed and looked over to the entryway of my kitchen. The dark, pathetic little place I called home.

Not much was decorations other than a couch, the new and expensive holo-gem television. A small round carpet with a coffee table that was given to me as a farewell gift from my older brother when he left for Vanhoover. A wall had a small memorial of me and my family during the better times of my life.

And on top of it all was the slob-fest of pizza boxes in a corner and the overly piled garbage can that I really needed to take out. I frowned.

'At least it's an excuse to leave the house.' I wasn't much for just sitting at home and doing nothing. I hated not moving around. Using my magic, I tied the bag's seals and carried the empty pizza boxes next to me, trotting out of the house and adjusting my hoodie to combat the cold breeze of the New Year's winter. Trudging through the three inch high snow, I made my way to the garbage can that was around the side of my house.

Once I found myself sheltered from the cold weather, I opened the garbage can, only to find that I had forgotten to take the trash out on trash day. I swore quietly, trying to think back to when trash day really is. I realized then it wouldn't be for another week. I sighed and plopped the bag on top of the overflowing weeks old food and filth while placing the pizza boxes next to it.

'I'll deal with it later.' I thought to myself. For now, I just wanted to take a stroll around the park. Adjusting my hood on my head, I made my way out from the side of my house and down the road. Ponyville was quiet and serene on most nights. But with the New Year quickly coming to a conclusion, it was one party after another. And I started to quickly regret going for a walk.

Every house I passed had some sort of festivities going on. Down the road to one block, I saw Sugar Cube Corner being more festive than it usually is. Pinkie Pie must have put together all these parties. It wouldn't be a surprise considering the overly energetic earth pony knew everypony she came across. And that included me.

I thought back to when I first arrived here, officially moving in thanks to the help of my older sister. Unpacking the last of my boxes, my sister encouraged me to take a walk around the town, get to the see the sights and probably befriend a pony or two. I reluctantly agreed and found myself wandering the place out of sheer curiosity. It's how I quickly began to realize how well everypony knew each other here.

Friendly smiles, banter and casual conversations. Everypony I came across had their part to play in ensuring their economy was well handled. And trotting up to an apple booth, I scanned the many crisp and clean looking apples. Behind the cart was a country orange earth pony in a blonde mane grinning at me.

"Well howdy, sugar cube. Ya' new aroun' these parts?" she asked, her blue eyes looking me over. I took a moment to muster up the courage to speak with her.

"Well... yes and no." I said. "I mean, I've only been through Ponyville once, but that was during a train ride over to Las Pegasus." The pony smiled.

"Well then, let me be the first to welcome you to Ponyville. Ah'm Applejack. Ah' work the Apple Orchard jus' a few blocks from 'ere." I gave her my best smile I could.

"Oh... uh... okay? My name is Quiet Fire. I just... recently moved here." I bashfully kicked a speck of dirt at my hoof. Applejack chuckled.

"So, I take it ya' met Pinkie Pie yet?" she asked. I arched a brow.

"What's a Pinkie Pie?" I asked. I instantly regretted saying that. The apples that were displayed in the basket at the foot of the cart suddenly exploded along with confetti. My heart utterly almost escaped up my throat.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!!" the pony said, a little happily. Seeing as my response was lost in utter shock, the pink earth pony cocked her head. "Was it a little too surprising?" Applejack frowned.

"It's your usual schtick. Now git out of mah' apples, Pinkie." She said sternly. Pinkie Pie gave a sheepish smile before sliding out of the basket and over to me.

"You must be pretty new here!" she said, taking my hoof into hers and shaking it. "Let me be the first to say welcome to Ponyville! I can't wait to throw another welcome party. It feels like it's been ages since I've done so!" I quickly recovered from my shock.

"Uh what? Oh, no... that isn't necessary. And you uh... aren't the first to say that." I said, trying to calm my heart.

"Oooh, I just had the best idea for the party too!! But first..." Pinkie reached into her mane and pulled out a clip board. She studied it a bit as she nonchalantly went over the list. "I need to know a little bit more information. How happy are you to be here? What is your favorite color? Your favorite movie, food, drink and dessert!" she flipped up a piece of paper. I caught a quick glance at it before she flipped it back down. It was a foal like drawing of Pinkie Pie and an alligator. "I also need to know exactly the happy to sad ratio too. What makes you unhappy? What makes you happy? What makes you super-duper-positively happy?" With each emphasis on the word "happy", her neck seemed to stretch until it was looming over me. I didn't know how to respond to a pony of her caliber.

"Heh, easy there Pinkie. Why don't ya' jus' show 'er aroun'?" Pinkie beamed at the idea.

"Good idea, AJ! Quick, I have to introduce you to my other friends! Oh, and maybe stop by the Cakes! I have to pick something up from them anyway. What's your favorite cake?" She squeed as she grinned widely at me. I was hesitant at first, but I slowly worked my way to a response.

"I like... hotcakes." I said, the sweat forming on my brow. Pinkie blinked once and scrunched her face. There was a low growl that made me think I had said something wrong. But the pink pony seemed to look down at her belly and rub it. Her stomach rumbled. She giggled.

"Whoops, guess I had skipped lunch. Hey, why don't I show you to the Hayburger joint around the corner!" She grabbed ahold of my hooves and dragged me along. "Trust me, you are going to loooooove it here!" I was uncertain if I should let myself be mare-napped by an energetic pony. But in all honesty, she was really nice about the tour. She spoke with clear enthusiasm I didn't think anypony could have! It almost made me feel a little... envious. I snapped back to reality, finding myself looking up at the cloudy night sky and the gentle snowfall around me.

A lamp post stood high overhead, shining down on me and darkening the area around me. I sighed.

"Yeah, if only the folks would look at me now..." My ears flicked towards the sounds of the festivities. I looked over and in the distance, I saw the towering gem like castle glow into a brilliant twilight aura. I could hear the ponies chatter in their houses.

"Ten... nine... eight..." I looked ahead, adjusting my hood and continuing on my way through the park. "Seven... six..." I counted along with them quietly. The thought of everypony spending time with one another. Laughing, embracing, drinking away the night.

"Five..." I felt that I wasn't alone in the park.


I slowed my pace, seeing something catching my eye. I looked up into the sky, seeing something dart behind the clouds.


I wasn't sure what it was. All I knew was it had a long slender form and seemed bigger than it should have. I was in awe as the slender figure descended from the clouds.


I couldn't move. I couldn't think anything. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I always thought of myself as a mare that wouldn't be scared of anything. Timberwolf? Pssh, I tame timberwolves. Manticores? Take their tails and sting them right back. Hydras? Just juke their heads and have them tie themselves over. Bug Bears? I can create an illusionary big fly swatter to scare them off. Dragons? The Princess of Friendship has a dragon as her personal assistant. But I don't think that would count.


Wyverns? Hmm... that is an interesting thought. I never even knew wyverns existed. Being cousins to dragons, they were more mythological than real. Or so I had thought. And seeing a big pair of green slit eyes stare back at me, about the size of a three storied house, I could tell you, I hadn't wet myself in a long while.


I jolted awake, hearing the sound of quick rapping against my door. An open bottle of whiskey and a few more bottles of gwynette rolled on the floor at the foot of my couch, I found myself groaning in pain at the pounding head ache I had. My door rapped again. Who could it be at this hour?

I looked at the para-sprite looking clock over the top of my television. It was eight in the morning. Apparently, I had turned to the morning cartoons sometime during my drunken state. But... wait... why can't I remember turning to it? I know I can take my alcohol a lot better. So why was it difficult to remember what I did last night? I took a moment to look around the room. Still pathetic and lonely as usual.

Speaking of, waking up alone was another thought that made me frown. Usually when I'm drunk, I would be at a bar, ogling the pretty mares there. But seeing as how I once again appear to be in a hangover with no pony to wake up with, I sighed and put one of the empty bottles of gwynette on my horn and slid off the sofa. I then stopped and blinked once. Looking down at myself, I noticed something a little odd. My cast was missing and the cuts seemed to have already healed. But the bandages and bruises were still there. The door rapped more fiercely this time.

"Alright, I'm coming!" I called back, feeling my headache increase with every step I took. With my magic, the golden aura making the bottle glow, I reached for the door knob and opened it, expecting some sort of pony just passing around the usual event flyers.

"Hehey! There's my gal!" a voice said. I winced, having the bottle on my horn clatter to the floor and rubbed the crust from my eyes. Taking a moment to get my vision to return to normal, I arched a brow at the pony standing before me. A dark grey unicorn mare in an orange-red mane and wearing a denim skin tight jacket. Her blue eyes staring at mine with a confident grin displayed on her face. That grin went to an amused smile. "Whoa. Fun night, I bet." I narrowed my eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked, still trying to tolerate the hangover. The mare looked hurt.

"Wha? Fie, how can you say something like that? Don't you remember your BFF? The one who had been there for you when you flunked out of CSGU?" she chuckled. "Of course, I wasn't no honor roll student myself, but ya' know, we had fun, right?" I took another moment to grasp what this mare was talking about. And then it hit me. I stared at her in surprise.

"Thi? Thi Billet?" I asked. The mare grinned widely, shouldering the single strap saddle bag on her back.

"The one and only. Just came to check up on my best friend." She said. Without any hesitation, the mare threw herself into the house, forcing me to open the door to allow her in. "And I have to say. A nice dig ya' got here." I arched a brow, peeking out of my door, looking down both ways. The coast was clear. I closed the door and turned to her.

"W-wait a minute... Thi. Where have you've been all this time?" I asked as the mare took a seat on my couch and kicked back with her hind legs on the coffee table.

"Traveling. You wouldn't believe the things I did and see. I got to sky dive, go on a safari adventure with Daring Doo herself. Partake in a gun show." She winked at me. "You know I'm a mare with certain standards." I rubbed my temples, feeling the hangover residing a little too slowly.

"But... wait..." I groaned, feeling like I had been hit harder than what I had felt at my last night's New Year match. Thi arched a brow worriedly at me.

"You okay, Fie? I mean, I've seen you hungover before. But..." She levitated an empty bottle of gwynette up for me to see. "You are usually better with your intake on it." I sighed.

"Just... give me a moment to clear my head." I said as I trotted towards the wash room. The thought of a cold shower would feel nice. But the tension I was feeling inside me told me I had a different problem to take care of.

"Of course. Take all the time you need. I'm sure you have a lot of questions on your mind. And don't worry." Thi held her hooves up. "I'm not going anywhere this time." I found it hard to respond to her. Stumbling into the bathroom, I shut the door and went to the toilet, relieving myself of all the tension I had built up. With a quiet sigh of relief, I flushed before using my magic to turn on the shower. Tossing off my hood, I stepped in and felt the relaxing cold water pelt my charcoal hide to lift my hangover.

As I stood there, I thought back to what I could remember. I had just left a match. I had won, surprisingly. I had forgotten to pick up my fight money. I walked my coach slash nurse home where she would spend time with her husband for New Years. I took a chariot taxi back to Ponyville. I then... reflected on myself for a bit. Went to take out the garbage. Took a walk. And then... what? Everything else after that was a blank. What had happened to me that I had to drink more alcohol than I thought? I had a sudden fear shoot through me.

'Oh goddesses. Did I get mugged or...' I shook my head. 'Yeah right. This place is too black and white for unsavory characters. Everypony practically knows one another. And I assume Pinkie Pie and the rest of the ponies she invited to my welcome party knew me now.' And while I was completely overwhelmed by the festivities, I didn't think the Cakes could bake a damn fine looking and good eatin' hotcake stack. Not only that, Pinkie Pie had decorated them with cute little smiley faces with fruits and whip cream.

I kind of felt bed for ruining the artistic perfection. But when I see a hotcake, there is no mercy for my stomach. Satisfied with the meal, Pinkie Pie proceeded to introduce me to her friends. A white and elegant pony with a curl styled mane, who seemed much too generous for her own good, was a complete delight and enjoyed hearing all my "exploits" in Canterlot. Then there was Applejack, the mare I had run into when I was lost. Calm and relaxed, she knew me already from looks. But hearing her talk about her work on the farm and the orchard, I kind of felt a whole new respect for apples.

Then, she introduced me to a sweet and shy mare. She was surrounded by two squirrels, a bunny and weird looking creature that I somehow instantly felt my warning signals go off. The eccentric character made it much more interesting to talk to this pony, almost breaking my concentration in trying to talk to the quiet mare. But as sweet as an angle, she told this Discord creature to stop and be nice to the new pony. Discord obliged, but in a certain way I couldn't tell if he was setting both of us up for something. In any case, Pinkie then showed me her other pegasus friend. A rainbow mane. Cyan coat and a confident attitude along with a lazy athletic posture, Rainbow Dash was by far a pony to be reckoned with.

In a sense that when you bring up a certain topic about what your favorite Daring Doo book was or mentioning the Wonderbolts. I was honestly surprised that I was talking to a legitimate Wonderbolt. She took that as a compliment and asked if I wanted her autograph. But Pinkie seemed to change the topic quickly and turned both our attentions to this other pony. One that everypony seemed to not mind being casual around. But there was no denying the acceptance of royalty from her.

An alicorn. A real alicorn was standing before me. Her twilight coat and cool colored stripped mane. She had just entered into the bakery with a small purple dragon who was having trouble trying to carry a few boxes of presents that I assumed were mine, into the bakery. With a loud pop, the dragon stumbled a bit, but amazingly caught himself and balanced the presents with ease. The princess introduced herself as the Princess of Friendship. I was dumbfounded that somepony of royalty was casually talking to me. What was even more surprising was the fact that everypony seemed to have known her before she had become one. Pinkie had asked about a pony named Starlight and Twilight responded by saying that she was traveling with another pony named Trixie in a show tour.

I snapped back to reality. Realizing that I had taken a little bit longer than I should have, I turned off the water and rubbed my mane and coat with a towel. The headache subsided, I looked into the mirror and blinked once. Something about my image was... off. And no, it wasn't the depressed, beaten and lonely single mare off. I pulled the bottom of my eye lid down and examined my left eye. It was faint, but I could have sworn I saw something. I sighed, pulling away from the mirror and levitating my hoodie to me.

I sniffed once and scrunched my muzzle.

'Geez, it smells like piss.' I folded my hoodie and levitating it next to me, I exited the bathroom and entered into my living room. Thi Billet hadn't moved from her spot. Or... Maybe she did. Nah, she probably used her magic. She took a pull of gwynette ale and was preoccupied with the morning cartoons. Hearing me enter, she smiled and looked me over.

"Well, other than the drunken state, you still look pretty good." She said with a suggestive smile. I gave her a cool smile back.

"Easy there, pal. We need to catch up if you want to go anywhere." Thi chuckled.

"Oh, relax. Trust me, if I swung that way, I wouldn't have minded. But I can't let that ruin our friendship." She teased.

Six years, Quiet…

I ignored the voice in my head and placed my piss smelling hoodie in the laundry basket. The only piece of clothing I will ever wear in a town of nudists. I then trotted over to the couch and plucked the gwynette from her. She comically flailed her hooves at it but then noticed my stern look.

"It's a bit early to be drinking, don't you think?" I said as I placed the bottle on a stand. Thi shrugged.

"I just needed something to take the edge off." She replied. I gave a small smile and shook my head.

"I have a different idea on how to take the edge off." I said as I trotted over to my kitchen entry way. Thi made a growling sound, only to rub her stomach.

"Well... now that you mention it..." I rolled my eyes and with my magic, I pulled out a mixing bowl, stirrer, eggs, flour, milk and butter. I even had a bowl of strawberries that was given to me by an unusually passive pegasus. Placing them next to the mixes, I turned on my gem powered stove and began to work at the ingredients.

You can never go wrong with hotcakes. I may be an amateur at cooking, but I can mix a mean hotcake stack. And thanks to a certain energetic earth pony here in town, she even helped me expand on my plate with this delicacy. Adding the ingredients one after the other while mixing, I could hear movement coming from living room.

Thi must have gotten bored of being in one place and was moving around. I sighed and looked out the window in my kitchen. My neighbors were helping each other take down the cute decorations from last night. I have to hoof it to the ponies here, their society is on point with Cloudsdale's hectic weather schedule. Work was a common chore and everypony had their part to play. I glanced at the second para-sprite clock on the wall. Still plenty of time before my own work.

Finally getting the batter to how I wanted it, I heard the stove ring and I proceeded to spread the batter on a skillet. Making sure I poured just enough, I let the rest do the cooking. Eventually, I had created at least three stacks of hotcakes. One for me, one for Thi and a second helping should any of us still felt hungry. Adding the coup de grace on the hotcakes, I levitated the plates and utensils into the living room and blinked in confusion at the small set up Thi had set on my coffee table.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Thi was looking over the bits and pieces of metal. I suddenly had a bad feeling about it. My friend grinned at me.

"Hey, Fie. Time me." Before I could process how to respond, the unicorn closed her eyes and with her hooves instead of magic, she began assembling the pieces together. I was stunned at how quickly she was going. Before I knew it, she had assembled a small fire arm. She opened her eyes and beamed. "So? How fast was I?" I glanced nervously at the metal beast she held up in her hooves, examining her craftsmanship.

Six years, Quiet...

I ignored the voice and decided to humor her.

"It uh... took you at least twelve seconds." I said. Thi frowned, swearing quietly to herself.

"Not as fast as I wanted it to be. In any case, wanna' see something else cool?" I levitated her stack of hotcakes in front of her position before taking a seat next to her, taking a small bite out of mine. Thi quietly levitated her saddle bag over and reached in. What she pulled out made me balk and had me stumbling over my hooves in retreat.

"What the hell is that!?" I exclaimed, ducking behind the arm of my sofa. In her magic, Thi held up a strange looking wooden bat. It seemed rotted and old, as if the years hadn't been too kind on it. But Thi grinned proudly as she flipped the bat up and caught it in her magic.

"A souvenir on one of my relic hunts. Pretty neat, huh?" I slowly edged my way out from behind my sofa, keeping an eye on the... eye that had decided to taken an interest around my room. When its eye landed on me, it remained there, making me feel a little sick. But Thi frowned and tapped the bat on the ground, causing it to rattle the eye and dart back around to the room. "Sorry. The thing has a tendency to try and get into pony's heads. But with the right treatment, this thing is as harmless as a bunyip." I took a cautious seat back into my sofa.

"Relic hunt?" Thi nodded.

"Yeah. Remember how I always wanted to see the world more? Go on dangerous adventures and be an all-around badass?" She waved the bat a little in the air, a green wisp trail following the eye. I took a moment to remember.

"O-oh yeah. I thought that was an excuse to get away from the folks though?" I asked.

"Maybe. I guess that was another reason." She said nonchalantly. "When I saw the opportunity, I took it." I frowned now.

"And that is why you left without really keeping in contact with me?" She couldn't hide that wince. "Don't act like you didn't see this coming, Thi Billet. It's been six years since we even talked. You promised you would keep in contact and I haven't received a single letter." Thi now found the bat to be a little more interesting.

"You know I don't do letters. Besides, wouldn't you have taken the chance of a life time?" I gave her a look that told her otherwise.

"Exploring death defying ruins is the last thing I want on my mind." Thi shrugged.

"I mean, it helped me keep in shape. And what about you? What have you've been up too that made you look all... what's the word... leckbladbla." I rubbed my bruised foreleg.

"I... don't really want to talk about it." I said. Thi narrowed her eyes before nudging me.

"C'mon, Fie. I'm sorry about not keeping up with you. I should have at least sent something to tell you I was alive." She gave a small snort. "But my... hooves were kind of tied up." I glanced sideways at her, seeing a look I have only seen her use when she held a grudge to somepony. I sighed and pointed lazily at her uneaten hotcakes.

"You gonna' eat those? I didn't slave over them for nothing." Thi studied them and I heard her stomach growl again. Giving in to temptation, she stabbed a fork into the stack, ripping a chunk out and taking a bite. She perked up and before she knew it, she was eating the treats like a hog. Taking a moment to catch her breath and chew her food that she had seemed to fail to do in her hungry state, she looked at me, licking her lips.

"Wow, Fie! These are delicious!" I gave a sheepish smile and rubbed my mane.

"I mean... it's just breakfast." I said. Thi took another hefty bite, coughing when she realized her mistake and swallowed before continuing.

"No way! This should be an everyday thing! Just picture it." She held a hoof up and waved it slowly across, as if she was really picturing an idea. "A lone Ponyville mare cures world hunger with the meanest tasting hotcakes." While the idea was farfetched, I blushed at the compliment. I mean, I was a sucker for hotcakes. But to actually have somepony really give me criticism, even though it was completely over exaggerated, it was still a compliment. I looked at the time. I finished the rest of my hotcakes in a few good strides before standing up and stretching. Thi watched as I had unintentionally did basic stretches as if I was getting ready for another one of my underground martial arts fights.

"So... are you going to tell me what you have been up too?" she asked. "I'm dying to hear the latest achievements of my best friend."

Six years, Quiet.

I gave her a small smile.

"Perhaps after I am done with work. In the meantime, I am going to take my hoodie to the drycleaners and get whatever happened to it a good cleaning. You can just, I don't know... walk around town? Get to know the ponies here." Thi arched a brow.

"You make it sound like I'm a free loader." She said with a small teasing smile. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Totally." I replied before taking my hoodie in my magic and pulling my saddlebags on. "I'll be back around seven. And please. Try not to have... whatever that is... make another interesting day here." Thi blinked.

"Another?" I left her to that. Shivering slightly at the cold breeze of the post New Year weather, I trudged through the flack high snow and made my way to work, doing my best to ignore the happy ponies enjoying another peaceful time here in Ponyville. I kept my tail close under me, the awkward sensation of having to be nude with the rest a constant reminder of where I had come from.

'Just another day in Ponyville.' I sighed. Walking past the park, I couldn't help but look over to a certain spot. A thought had hit me. I had taken a walk around the park and I had stopped. I don't know why I did. But another feeling came with the thought. It was fear. Wonder. As if my whole life had changed on that very spot. Little did I know how right I was by a long shot.