• Published 8th Aug 2017
  • 633 Views, 9 Comments

Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

A young mare must journey Equestria in order to fulfill a universally unavoiadable fate along with seven others in order to prevent the disruption of universal law. All the while trying to prevent a dark force from acquiring their elements.

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Chapter 3: Strange in Ponyville

Strange in Ponyville

I found myself floating. Or... more like woke up to suddenly see the vast expanse of space. I flailed my hooves in a panic, causing my body to spin slowly.

"W-what's going on here!?" I exclaimed, my voice echoing. Not much is known about space to us. We do know about constellations, stars, sun and moon and how magically tied they are to our world. It was basic Astrology I. Only one pony had been to space and that was Princess Luna herself. We once had her show up to give a speech of how it was like in the moon, but it seemed to quickly escalate into something more "personal". That being the princess spitefully insulting the professor in ancient Equine. While it was amusing to see our egotistical astrology teacher get dissed by one of the sisters, she did state one thing.

"The stars are many and each has their own unique vintage. But I must remind you all that the stars are to be respected for what they are. If you deny their purpose, you will receive more than divine judgement." And with that, she marched out with her guards in a huff, leaving a disheveled professor from the Royal Canterlot Voice attack to rethink his entire loyalty to the throne. But to see the vast emptiness it gave other than the colorful clouds in the distance with the many stars was breath taking.

My main concern was the lack of platforming. I suddenly felt my hotcakes come back to me. "H-hello?? Is anypony out there??" I asked, hoping to at least keep my mind off of the ever increasing need to vomit. "I think I'm going to be sick." I suddenly stiffened (however my body was still spinning slowly) when I heard a low rumble. In my rotations, I could see something making its way towards me. Distant at first, but then increasing in size as it got closer. And before I knew it, something colossal suddenly zipped by me, causing my heart to skip an entire beat and I flailed helplessly as the pass by caused me to rotate out of my control.

'Oh goddesses!! What the hell is that!!?' I tried my best to stop my spinning, twisting my body in ways to make me slow my rotation. I didn't notice, however, the giant platform rising up to me. And when I landed on it, I made a small grunt of surprise as I landed on my back.

I never get tired of seeing mortals being helpless to the unknown.

I had to cover my ears, the pounding headache that followed with the loud booming voice in my mind. I opened one eye and balked entirely as I saw a giant green slit eye the size of a three storied house. And now that I had to time to fully grasp my shivering legs, I looked down and noticed the platform I was standing on had jagged nails and claws. I was standing in the palm of a dragon. Another loud rumble in my mind.

You must mistake me for a hatchling. I am no mere dragon. The serpent of balance is more than just a fledgling.

I don't know what came over me, but something in my mind clicked all of a sudden. This voice... that eye... I remember seeing and hearing the exact detail. I looked up, trying to not have vertigo take me over.

"W-who are you?" I asked. The serpent suddenly ascended higher. I could see long fangs and... more eyes? Yes, those were definitely multiple eyes. A long flowing mane that seemed to be distorting the space around it. Or... perhaps it was space itself. I didn't know how to respond.

Please, I do not want another accident. Specifically on my claw, thank you very much.

I blinked in confusion.

"W-what? What's going on? Where am I?!" I asked. The serpent hummed as the voice in my mind continued to pound into my head.

You are in my domain, my little pony. Here is where I watch over the stars, the constellations and the universes.

I looked fearfully at the giant colossal serpent.

"U-universes? As in plural?" I asked. The serpent blinked once in response.

Correct. I will not get into detail as it is my own law not to meddle in their affairs. However... I am making an exception currently as we speak.

"A-an exception?" I stood up. "W-wait... please tell me what is going on? Who are you and what do you mean balance?" The serpent seemed to chuckle as my head was suddenly pounding multiple times.

I am depicted by many in different tongues. I am represented as a symbol to balance. I have no known embodiment, so I just went with what everyone in the universes seem to depict me as. I saw another claw in the distance placed upon the serpent's long body. Ouroboros. The serpent of balance and exchange. I decide the laws of the universes. And every universe is playing exactly how I wanted them to be.

There was no possible way I was speaking to the actual depiction of universal balance. How can that in itself be possible!?! I rubbed my pounding head.

"Ouroboros? But you are just a symbol... how are you an actual being!?" The serpent seemed to give a sly smile, showing off more fangs than I wanted to see in my life.

Indeed it is something mortals cannot comprehend. Which is why I am blessing you with my own ward to retain your sanity.

I arched a brow.

While I have no physical embodiment. I am considered a... "Eldritch horror" in your tongue. You are very lucky to retain your sanity by even gazing upon me. You and seven others.

I still didn't understand. What in Celestia's voluptuous round rear was going on!?! I noticed something moving behind me and I turned to see a vast expanse of the serpent's never ending body.

Hmm... perhaps this is too blunt for your understanding. Your aura is too muddled by all these trivial problems.

He suddenly lifted his claw, making me fall onto my belly at the force he was rising it at. He leveled an eye to me.

Mortal. I have come to you in this form of familiarity to state a coming affair I would like to discuss. Unfortunately, I have to manage the six others after you in order to do so. Fortunately for me... the pounding headache told me he was laughing to himself. I will be having an "audience" with your world's ruler. Or in this case a pawn of the universe. Until then, I wanted to see exactly the vessel one of my daughters has chosen... preferably sober now.

There was another low rumble.

To think they wanted to take their disputes in your universe. They are adorable, if not, childish.

I felt the claw platform leave me and I flailed helplessly.

Until we meet again, Quiet Fire. I would like to enjoy another drink or two with you and those colorful cartoons.

I balked at the sudden thought.

"W-wait... we shared a drink!?" That was all I could manage before I found myself jolting out of my couch and landing on the floor with a painful yelp.


Thi Billet put an ice pack on the back of my head. Other than the constant migraine I was having from the dream and bashing my head against my coffee table, I groaned tiredly.

"I hate hangovers..." I murmured. Thi smirked.

"I could tell you definitely needed to let loose a little." She rubbed the back of her mane. "I mean, you did get a little carried away, but I was on the verge of passing out myself." She then frowned and rubbed the front of her hind legs. "You need to be careful where you stick that horn. Using my lap as a pin cushion pillow was a very painful feeling." I blushed a little.

"S-sorry. I was just so exhausted from work that I just..." I tried to think back to the dream I had. "I... just want this headache to stop." Thi stood up and stretched.

"In any case, I think we can just take the time and relax a little more." I looked at her tiredly.

"Relax? I still have to clean house and everything." Thi looked around the room.

"From what I checked, you keep this place tidier than my apartment back in Canterlot." I frowned.

"Yours is a different story, lazy butt. If we hadn't taken care of the mold problem then you would have come down with some sort of disease or something." Thi shrugged.

"Meh, was planning on moving out of it anyway." She then looked my way and smiled. I blinked once and returned her look with stoicism.

"No." I said. Thi slumped.

"Why not? I mean, we are best friends, aren't we? I'm finally back from my traveling. I find out that you own a cozy little cottage here in Ponyville. I go all this way to see you and you just say no?" She gave a hurtful look. "How could you?" She then gave a small teasing smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Thi, I am glad that you are back and in good health. But I..." I sighed. "I'm not sure I'm ready to have another pony under my roof again." Thi arched a brow.

"Again with the 'another' thing. Is Ponyville really that interesting despite it being out of the way?" I nodded.

"Eeyup." Thi shook her head.

"Okay, but still, what do you mean by another pony? You had a roommate before?" I remained quiet, hoping that my distant look wouldn't be noticed. However, nothing escapes Thi's archeological observation. I sighed.

"I... had a thing going with an earth pony I met." Thi smirked.

"Really now? You didn't say anything about that in your Ponyville gossip." She rolled her hoof. "Ya' know... 'cus we were drunk and all." I slumped forward, balancing the ice pack on my head.

"I really thought I felt a connection with her. She owned one of the many flower stores here. Pretty looks. Cute mannerisms. Was definitely a party mare. Shared a few drinks at the bar, joined in social events. Somepony that helped me stay out of the house and my state of mind." Thi sat next to me, listening intently. "She and I had something going for us. And when I had asked her, she gave me the okay." I then rasped a chuckle. "But then you know how my relationships always turn out. She cheated on me with a stallion, we got into a fight, I let my Hoofington self out and afterwords secluded myself into a long depression in my house with a bottle almost every morning." Thi nodded.

"Somethings never change then. But still, sorry to hear that happened to you... err... again." I waved a hoof.

"It took longer to get over it, but I'm fine now." I looked spiteful as I continued. “Perhaps I should just remain single. Relationships are such a drag." Thi smiled.

"Now you're getting it. I, for one, never stick to one pony. It's always like some sort of flame that you just have fun with before going on to a different one." She kicked back with a confident smirk. "To sum it up, plenty of fish in the sea. You deserve better in life. Blah, blah, blah, philosophy in relationships and all that other hum drum shpeel." I found myself smiling softly at this. "The point is is that what you need is a good long break of trying to hunt for that perfect special somepony and focus on what you want to do. Like... I don't know, open up a bakery of hotcakes?" She rubbed her stomach. "Speaking of, I could go for some more."

I giggled.

"Alright, lazy butt. But you and I have to go shopping afterwprds. I'm out of ale and beer and I need some more for episodes of Little Light Princess and her Menageries." Thi looked disgustedly.

"They still air that horrible third rate magician show? You know it's bad when a unicorn and her group of entertainers are blatantly using magic for their act." I shrugged.

"Which is where the alcohol comes in." Thi smiled and stood up.

"Then shopping it is."


I couldn't help but retain a small smile of amusement as Thi Billet admired the busy yet calm and quiet snow covered community that made up Ponyville. The markets and streets were always cramped with ponies. Some more unique and others that are just your basic run of the mill kiosk if you are put off by the more interesting ones. When I showed Thi Sugar Cube Corner, she immediately fell her gaze onto the many treats and delicacies that lined the display cases and windows. We entered and noticed that there was a cutie-quinceanera taking place. The little fillies and colts played games and stuffed their faces full of cake and punch.

"Aww, lucky devils. I wish my coming of age was this happy." Thi said. I nudged her slightly.

"Well, there is still a chance. If you want, all you have to do is put on a party hat and sing along with the others. No pony here will judge you for that." Thi squinted her eyes at me.

"Tempting. But I don't sing." She then levitated a small bit of cake over to her and sampled it. "Delicious." She said with a chocolaty smile. I looked around. Something seemed different. I mean, other than the party confetti all over the ground and the festivities, there was one thing these parties usually have.

"Where's Pinkie Pie?" I asked to myself. Mrs. Cake, who had happened to be walking out of the back with a freshly baked cake, smiled at us.

"Oh, hello dears. If you are wondering about Pinkie, she had to go to the castle for a spell." Thi rubbed her chin.

"I've been meaning to ask now that it is brought up. Why is there a castle just down the road?" Mrs. Cake placed the cake on the counter before speaking.

"Oh, I'm sure Pinkie would enjoy talking about that. I don't know the full details myself, but if you want, you are free to talk to Twilight about it." Thi took another bite out of her stolen cake.

"Whosth Twiligth?" she asked. I nudged her.

"Royalty accepted." Thi slowed her chewing, her face furrowing in thought. I know Thi isn't fond of royal authority. But I figured it would be okay to expose her to Twilight. After all, she is the only one that seems to be casual about the whole thing. "C'mon, I'll show you." Mrs. Cake stepped out from behind the counter.

"Just a moment, dear." She trotted over to me and reached into her apron pocket, withdrawing a parchment and holding it up in her hoof. “I hate to ask on your off day. But do you think you can deliver this to Pinkie? I want her to pick up a few things when she is done with the whole friendship problem." I smiled and levitated the parchment to me, stuffing it in my hoodie's pocket.

"No problem, Mrs. Cake. I'll see to it that she'll get it." Mrs. Cake smiled. As she did, I saw two ponies, a colt and filly, playing tag with another before laughing and rushing out of the store. Mrs. Cake put a hoof to her cheek.

"They grow up so fast. When you have kids of your own, don't be strangers around here." I rubbed my mane.

"No worries. Not like I had plans to anyway." I nudged Thi again. "Not sure about Thi here. Do you think there is a desperate stallion available? I'm sure Thi wouldn't mind." Thi slugged me back playfully in the shoulder as I laughed.

"Shut up, you." She said.


Thi and I stood in front of the castle. She seemed a little intimidated by its size.

"And I thought The Crystal Empire was big." She said. I shrugged.

"This is as big as Ponyville can get. From what I've been told, this castle grew out of the ground and suddenly Ponyville grew into a small but big part of the economy." I waved a hoof. "Of course, ponies here don't seem to mind. In fact, I think they enjoy the interesting lives the castle brings along with the occasional Everfree creature stumbling into town." Thi hummed.

"You weren't kidding about interesting." I hid a smile.

'Caught your interest, did I?' I then trotted up to the door, only to have Thi stop me with a hoof on my shoulder.

"W-wait! You sure you want to be walking up to royalty without any form of audience?" I looked back at the castle.

"Do you see any guards here?" I asked. Thi glanced over to the castle before frowning.

"I'm just trying to make sure we aren't going to regret just walking into the place." I patted her hoof with mine.

"Still traumatized after the fact of spiking Princess Celestia's punch?" her look told me that it was more serious than I had thought.

"It is a nightmare." She said bluntly. I rolled my eyes.

"It's alright, Thi. Nothing really major happens other than friendship problems. What's the worst that could happen?" I reached for the door with my magic and before I knew it, something loud and ear piercing made both of us cover our ears.

"Do castles always have such a loud alarm?!" I heard Thi shout over the screeching sound. I was about to respond when I was suddenly hit with a rainbow like beam and found myself encased in a bubble.

Well this is new...

I struggled inside the bubble, stretching when I pushed against it. Thi tried popping it with a nearby bush of prickle seeds. Whatever had me incased, however, definitely started to get a little cramped. Oh no... the bubble was getting smaller! I again struggled against it, the bubble contorting to the force.

"T-Thi! Help!" I called out, panic taking me over. Thi grit her teeth and looked around, seeing what she could find that might get me out. She then closed her eyes and with her magic, she withdrew the small metal beast she had assembled on my coffee table. She took aim at me. "W-wait! Thi!" I cried out. I wasn't ready to die! Not like this!!

"Quiet, please trust me on this!" Thi said over the screeching alarm. She took aim again, steadying the firearm in her magic. Has Thi ever used a thing like that before!? With uncertainty and the space getting all too small, I was helpless as my best friend held a gun up to me. I closed my eyes, waiting for the inevitable fate. Suddenly, the alarm stopped as I heard a loud pop and I flailed helplessly in the air before landing on the ground on my side as soon as Thi fired off a shot. The small arcane bullet zipped by me as I fell, bouncing off the castle wall and then vanishing to wherever it will land.

"What's going on!?" We heard a voice exclaim. I shook away the daze and looked up to the castle to see a group of ponies looking at us. Thi may not have recognized them, but I did. And when Thi suddenly stood over me and aimed a gun at them, her expression grim, the ponies balked in confusion.

"Thi, don't!!" I shouted as I shoved her and the firearm went off again and ricocheted off the castle wall, nearly grazing the light blue pegasus in a rainbow mane. As quick as a speeding bullet, the pony suddenly tackled Thi to the ground and the two began exchanging hoof punches to one another. I rushed over and got in between them, trying my best to pull them apart.

"What is going on out here?" I heard another voice say.

"C'mon! Put 'em up!" I heard the pegasus shout. "Aim that gun again! I won't let you hurt my friends!"

"Piss off!!" Thi retorted as she tried clawing her way over me to the pegasus that was also trying to claw her way towards my friend.

"Rainbow Dash, stop!" I heard another voice shout and the sound of hoofsteps cantering over to us. However, Thi and Rainbow Dash continued to claw there way. I was suddenly slugged in the cheek and I felt my temper increase.

"Alright, enough!!" I roared. Suddenly towering over the two in a bi-pedal stance, I locked my hooves around the back of their necks and brought their heads together. That seemed to do it as the two suddenly went down in a daze. The conflict now resolved, I drug Thi away while two familiar ponies pulled Rainbow Dash away. I looked over to see the five ponies looking worriedly at Rainbow Dash before looking our way.

'Dammit! So much for trying to make friends..." Rainbow Dash was quick to come too and wiped her bloodied muzzle.

"Girls, please calm down!" I looked to see the alicorn Princess of Friendship trot over to Rainbow Dash and examine her wounds. "Now please, somepony tell me what happened??" Rainbow Dash spat.

"That pony almost tried shooting us!!" she exclaimed. I glanced down at Thi who was slowly coming too. The alicorn looked our way, her and her friends (aside from Rainbow) clearly confused and worried for both pony's well-being. However, as I tried to drag Thi away as to avoid anymore problems, there was a flash of purple and the alicorn was suddenly looking at us with a stern look.

"Look, there has to be a good reason!" I felt myself shrinking as I tried getting Thi to stand. "And I don't want any more fighting. We will reason this by talking and lunch." Thi shook away her daze and we both exchanged glances.

This day just couldn't get any more better... just another day in Ponyville.


The hayburger joint was back in business after the New Years. Ponies who didn't want to cook all the meals for a get together chewed away happily at their buns and hay fries. While they were happy and content with their food, the group of us sat in a booth, the tension high in the air. Thi huffed angrily, avoiding any form of eye contact with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash obliged by following her example. Rarity and Fluttershy had tended to the wounds of both ponies and now here we are, eating a family pack of hay fries and hayburgers at a low price of forty-two bits.

While everypony chewed quietly at their food (aside from the two ponies that refused to even take a bite of theirs and wanted to avoid any contact with each other) I sighed and put down my burger.

"L-look... for the record, I want to say that my friend here didn't mean any foul intentions." I said pathetically. "She was only trying to protect me." Applejack arched a brow.

"Where did she even get a firearm like that? Those things are forbidden here." She eyed my friend suspiciously. Thi returned the look by turning herself away and huffing. Twilight, who chewed and swallowed her food, spoke up.

"Firearm or not, I still don't understand what really happened. So please, just tell us what happened and maybe we can figure out what to do next." The five ponies looked at me, their expressions clearly worried. I shrunk in my seat. Deciding to toss my hood up, I then spoke.

"I uhh... well..." I sighed and put a reassuring hoof on Thi's back. "Let me first start off by introducing her. This is Thi Billet. My best friend from Canterlot and Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns." Twilight perked up at this. "She has... well... she doesn't like ponies that threaten her or her friends." I tried my best to sum it up. "Long story short, she went traveling for six years and she only showed back up yesterday. I was trying to show her around the town and the castle when there was this loud sound and a rainbow beam encasing me in a bubble that I want to say was slowly crushing me."

"Oh my. How awful!" Fluttershy said. "She must have been very worried for you."

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie said as she suddenly ate her hayburger whole and chewed happily before looking at us. "I mean, wouldn'th we if ith was one of us?" Rarity shook her head.

"But that still doesn't explain why she took aim at us. I for one am distraught by this and would like to know where she even got such a wretched thing?" Thi remained quiet as I sighed.

"I... am not sure myself. I thought she had just assembled it to show off. I didn't think it was actually loaded." Twilight rubbed her chin.

"Hmm. You said a bubble. What kind of bubble?" she asked. "We heard the loud screech. But we didn't see anything else." Rainbow clicked her tongue.

"Other than being shot at..." she growled. Thi shot a look her way but the two continued to remain difficult.

"So, there was a loud sound that we heard, followed by a bubble that had encased you and your friend thought we were responsible for it... am I right?" I nodded slowly.

"The long and short of it, yeah." Twilight extended a hoof to Thi, who looked at it suspiciously before meeting her eyes. I watched in anticipation. Again, Thi wasn't too fond of royalty, so I was expecting her to just bat it away and continue to act like a child. Thankfully, she was only given a confused look.

"As the Princess of Friendship, it is my duty to see that ponies are at equal grounds. So, I want you two to do a quick errand for me." Rainbow balked.

"What!? With her!?" she asked. Thi frowned, but Twilight held up a wing to silence any more exchanges.

"You two will not be fighting. You will see to it that you both work together to ensure that these errands are done." She then smirked and held up a timer. "Because I will be timing you on how quickly you can get it done. Completing the run in under let's say... a minute and a half, I will invite Daring Doo to be a special guest here in Ponyville and whoever gets the errands done first get to spend a whole day with her." Rainbow Dash seemed to eye her with pique interest while Thi leaned back in her seat.

"I have Daring Doo on speed dial." She said with a small hoof wiggle. Rainbow frowned.

"Like you know Daring Doo!" Thi nodded and grinned challengingly.

"Ran a few relic hunts with her during my travels. Fought alongside her against Ahizotal's mercs." She suddenly withdrew the bat with the eye from her single strapped saddle bag and held it up for us to see. "Nicked this little beauty with her and she let me keep it." The eye darted around the room, trying to focus its' eye on one of the ponies. However, with so many victims in its' sight, it couldn't decide and then focused on our food. Rainbow rubbed her chin.

"Not bad... but are you on the cover of one of her books?" Rainbow Dash returned the challenging look. Thi smirked.

"Daring Doo and the Awakening of the Triad. As well as Daring Doo and the Hunt for El Canterado." Rainbow Dash frowned again.

"Then let's see who is better at being the fastest relic hunter." Thi slammed her hoof on the table and pointed at her.

"It's on!" Thi suddenly booked it out of the table and out the door. Rainbow Dash balked and quickly shot away from the table and out the door. I was speechless. I looked over to Twilight, who was smiling victoriously.

"Now we just let the power of friendship do the rest." She said. The other ponies giggled to themselves. Twilight chuckled to herself before looking at me. "With the tension out of the way, let's hear exactly what went down."


I was amazed at how well Twilight and her friends were open minded about the whole thing. While the lecture they gave me on about the firearm she had was more of an issue than the exchange of hooves, any misconceptions was cleared up and I found myself sighing in relief that my friend wouldn't be punished for any acts of violence. Of course, once it was all done and settled, Twilight suddenly took an interest on hearing about CSGU and our times there.

"Did you get taught under Princess Celestia herself? Oh, did you know that if you look under the desk of Lyra Heartstrings there is a gum tied secret compartment of her notes and stuff she used to cheat in her exams? I for one disapproved of it, but I let it slide when Princess Celestia gave me a book prize for achieving a high score!" I arched a brow.

"Nnnnoooo? I had transferred from Hoofington. So I was already in the college sophomore years." I rubbed my chin. "Although, funny story. We once had Princess Luna show up to our Astrology class to give us a speech about stars and constellations." I snickered. "Boy, did Professor Scope get an earful of ancient Equine." Twilight cocked her head.

"Princess Luna yelled at the teacher? What for?" I shrugged.

"Dunno. Probably a personal thing since you know... the whole Nightmare Moon thing." Twilight gave a look of understanding before continuing.

"So, aside from that, what made you and Thi become friends?" I stiffened a bit, wishing I hadn't eaten my hayburger and fries already. I casually sipped on my water before continuing.

"Err... well..."

"Oh, don't be shy dear." Rarity said. "She seems to be a pony that would go above and beyond for a friend. I'm interested in hearing what made you two become such friends like that?" I rubbed my mane, hesitant to say.

"Umm... she came up to me at lunch period and asked me to help her dis-sway a fight she wanted to avoid." I tried my best not to falter my smile. "It quickly got out of hoof..."

"Did you two manage to reason it out?" Fluttershy asked. I shook my head.

"I uhh... one of the ponies got a little too carried away and we were lucky enough that they were so full of themselves that we kicked their flanks and high tailed it out of there." I held up my hooves to them. "We only hit them to ensure they wouldn't get back up to give chase! I swear!" Applejack winced.

"Must have been tough after that." She said. I slowly lowered my hooves and nodded.

"Well, we weren't high on a pedestal that's for sure. I just wanted to continue my studies. But seeing as how Thi thought I was pretty cool in handling the situation, she was insistent on being my friend." I shrugged. "A few drinks at a bar later and we had suddenly become the best of friends." I smiled, remembering the dark times being broken whenever she came into my dorm room and bunked out with me. I then changed that smile to a sad one. "And three years later, she decided to hop on a boat and travel to see Equestria." I laid my hooded head on one of my forelegs while the other hugged the side of my head. "For six years, I hadn't heard from her after that."

"Did she say why she got on the boat other than to see Equestria?" Fluttershy asked. Rarity beamed.

"To realize her ambition! What made her the pony she is! Adventure and wisdom along the road to build character! It would be something I would do if I didn't own three boutiques." Pinkie snorted.

"You probably wouldn't get far while on the dusty trail~!" she giggled along with Applejack and Fluttershy. Rarity brushed her chest and remained regal in her statement.

"Perhaps, but I heard that Bright Water Falls has the best hotsprings around! I am dying to bathe in the soothing waters." Twilight smiled before furrowing her brows. I eyed her quietly as she seemed to struggle with a thought. I sighed and looked towards the door. I was expecting to see somepony rush in and exclaim that two ponies were fighting outside. Seeing a small purple dragon suddenly jog into the hayburger joint and over our way, I felt a little relieved that it wasn't the case. Wait..."

"Spike?" Twilight asked, seeing the dragon take a moment to catch his breath. We looked at him when he finally looked up and held out a scroll.

"Twilight... emergency at Canterlot... Princess Celestia needs our help!" Twilight stood up and looked to her friends. They all nodded. Twilight turned to me.

"Sorry, Quiet. We are going to have to cut this lunch short." She looked to her friends. "Let's find Rainbow Dash and get going." I watched quietly as the ponies sidelined out of the booth and cantered out of the joint. I narrowed my eyes.

"Friendship problems await, I guess." I thought as I casually slid out of the booth and out the door. Looking both ways down the road, I could see ponies urgently moving about their days. I saw the fleeting figures of the five and sighed. Adjusting my hood, I decided it was time I restocked my privileges.


I didn't mind shopping alone. In fact, I was quite used to it. Wherever Rainbow Dash and Thi ran off too, they had been gone a long time. Opening a freezer and smiling as I saw a fresh stock of gwynette and beer, I stockpiled what I could before I headed to the baking aisle and buying more stuff to make hotcakes with. With enough supplies that could make even the most reclusive shut in proud, I trotted out the store and paying the pretty cute mare behind the counter.

'Why does every mare here look so pretty?' I thought, suddenly feeling insecure. I wasn't much on trying to look prim and proper. I was never fond of all that girly stuff, but I occasionally made sure to remind myself and others that I am indeed a mare. And a mare with certain preferences. I bowed my head pathetically. 'Yay, way to go me! You also keep reminding yourself that you are hopeless in trying to catch a date!' I snorted quietly in disgust before trudging my way through the flack high snow.

Aside from being the desperate romantic hoping to one day find that special somepony, I at least have some good things going. My job and my house. Speaking of, I wonder if Derpy is off today? I might as well stop by and pick up my own mail and... I reached in with my hoof to my hoodie pocket and felt the parchment. I stiffened. 'Aww, horseapples... Pinkie Pie was just there eating lunch with me and I forgot to give it to her.' I looked around. 'If I cut through some of the alley ways, I'll probably get back home in time to put away the groceries and then head on over to the Express.' Without much hesitation, I began making my way through alleys that were cut between two to three houses.

Ponyville's alleys were just as much as feeling a little like home. Dirtied and the only dangers were the alley cats and rats. But they were too focused on each other to bother with anypony. Cutting across a street and seeing my house in the distance, I picked up my pace.


After putting away everything and heading back through the snow, I passed by a store that was advertising the new holo-gem televisions on sale. We definitely have come a long way in technology. Those in the upper west and east have gone so far as to create actual moving cars with gem power. The cities over the times of my foalhood had grown exponentially in a short amount of time that eventually, the biggest metropolis we have is Vanhoover. Having gone from acres of land to a city ripe with opportunity than Las Pegasus, business boomed and gem technology was a hit. I wonder how the next gen gems will play out?

On the holo-gem televisions, there was a news report going on.

"...Yakyakistan is currently underway in accepting the new development of gem powered living. The basic needs meeting their standars while not interfering with their usual holidays and festivities, the Yaks have cordially invited everypony to the next Yickslerbert Fest in honor of these new developments."

"Now on to Canterlot news." The mare shifted her papers in front of her before looking at the gem projector. "Canterlot, the home of the princesses, has been busy as of late with the recent advancement in technology and the minds of the next generations implementing modern day living and expenses. Politics and upper class have shown positive interest and already a thousand houses have installed gem technology to fit their needs. While the castle remains untouched by it, the princesses did state that they are open to the recent advancement and are willing to give it a go in the near future."

"And speaking of the princesses. The two sisters have their hooves full as Cantlerlot Castle has been increasing with rumors about a certain revival of a long time inspiration to everypony." I looked and noticed the other ponies watching it with interest as well. "The rumors that have plagued Canterlot have been great and the signs showed that they indeed might be true. However, the princesses have yet to give their say. We go live to Fedora Press with the latest." The image switched to a young and handsome stallion who was dressed professionally in a suite along with a scarf and a beanie.

"Thank you, Grahm. In latest reports of the public, the rumors that have been plaguing the Canterlot area is indeed a big one. The rumors stating that a new species has suddenly appeared and is currently residing in the castle. Eye witness reports state that they saw a pony with a long tail and fangs bigger than that of the Lunar Night Guards had appeared late last night. However, the princesses have denied the rumors and state that if there was any new species in development, they would have sent the best and brightest to research it.'

I felt my heart suddenly skip a beat. Why did that rumor strike a little bit close to the nail? The news pony suddenly looked as somepony gave him a parchment.

"Grahm, I just got an update on the rumors. Not only have the talk of a new species have been big, but this update is..." The pony squinted and balked. I... I'm not sure what to make of it? Grahm, apparently the rumors along with the new species state that a pony we all know through folklore and since time immemorial to Canterlot. The..." He looked to the camera. "Are you certain? I mean, it's just a rumor, but the possibility is there." There was a mumbled reply before the pony looked back down at the parchment. "Umm... apologies, viewers. With the new rumor coinciding with the new species, eye witness reports state that a figure head of long ago has resurfaced, after years of solitude and no signs of ever existing... Starswirl the Bearded has returned to Canterlot. Here is an image of a few ponies who were touring the Canterlot area."

The images switched to a happy looking family. The busy Canterlot ponies in the background. However, they zoomed up to one of the ponies in the background, a young curly headed grey stallion with a beard that seemed to be growing longer despite his youth. He looked homeless and rugged. As if the years hadn't been too kind to him. But taking a closer look at it and putting a side by side image of Starswirl from my text books to the one we are seeing now, I could definitely see the similarities. Albeit, minimal in the fact that this pony was wearing an old tunic robe. The ponies at the window murmured to each other.

"Witnesses say they had tried following the pony, trying to see if he really is indeed Starswirl, but every witness stated that the pony would just up and vanish without any trace of magic being used. While I must tell everypony that rumors are just rumors, here in Equestria, the times are changing." I narrowed my eyes. "The stars have aligned. And a new dawning is approaching. You must head to the castle, Quiet Fire. For the sake of your equine neighbors. You cannot avoid this fate, no matter how much alcohol or broken bones you go through."

I balked and backed away.

"W-what the hell!?" I exclaimed suddenly. The ponies at the window looked over their shoulders and at me with confusion. I looked at them in shock before looking back at the holo-gem television. It was like nopony was surprised that the news pony had said my name outright! I quickly adjusted my hood and cantered down the road, hoping that the call out hadn't brought any attention. Strangely enough, no pony seemed to be bothered by it. Or, in this case, didn't hear anything about my name being said on the news. I shivered, hoping the cold breeze was the only thing giving me the chills.


I thought this day couldn't get any stranger. I trotted by stores and noticed a theme going. Constellations. For some reason, everything displayed had at least some form of a constellation. And being the post New Years, perhaps everypony was just in the mood for astrology. But I figured everypony would be getting ready for Winter Wrap Up in a few days from now. And not only that, I was feeling hotter than usual. I adjusted my hoodie's collar and breathed in the cold air.

Why was I suddenly burning up? That time of the month can't be here already! The panic sinking in, I wanted to avoid the public entirely and made my way down an alley, hoping that no pony would notice. Glancing back and seeing no pony caring, I stumbled into the alleyway. My breath was slowly increasing with each step I took. No... this can't be that time. Even if it was, I would know and ensure I was secluded in my home. No, this was something entirely different. My head started pounding and my eye started twitching. I put a hoof to my eye, hoping to stop it from whatever it was doing.

I slumped against the wall, groaning in pain. My heart rate was increasing. First the news reporter calling me out. Then, ponies decorating with a constellation theme. And finally, this increasing heat that I knew wasn't the other case. I suddenly lurched forward, feeling the hotcakes I had with Thi earlier this morning come back and with a loud painful choke, it all came out in bits and fluids. I breathed heavily, wiping my muzzle and with a painful effort, I moved further down the alley, supporting myself with the wall of the house.

'Urgh, this reminds me of that frat party one of Thi's ex-coltfriends threw that night.' The feeling increased and I suddenly heard my stomach growl. I lurched and slumped, clutching my stomach with my foreleg and groaning. 'Yup, definitely that kind of feeling.' The thought of pain slowly began to subside. However, my body was still throbbing. Something wasn't right. What should I do? I can't go to anypony looking like this! They would think I was a pony that needed counseling or something!

I noticed a candle flickering from the inside of one of the houses. I looked to see a pretty cute mare reading a book over it. But I wasn't focused on the mare. The tiny flicker of the flame was... beautiful. It needs to be brighter. It needs to grow. It needs to... I felt myself grinning suddenly. I then shook away the thought and threw my gaze away from it.

"No, focus, Quiet! You have to find a way to get whatever you are feeling handled." I darted my eyes. 'Perhaps I could head to Redheart's Clinic? They might know what's going on!" Seeing I was slowly gazing back towards the candle, I mustered up enough will to pull myself upright and continue stumbling down the alley. As I turned the corner, I noticed that a homeless pony was huddled underneath newspapers and a tattered blanket.

She held her hooves to the small flame of burning sticks and paper she had gathered to create a small bonfire. Seeing a homeless pony in Ponyville wasn't really the norm. But this mare probably was a traveler. I could see the saddle bags and the small gear she had with her. Seeing me stumbling around the corner, she shot up and eyed me suspiciously.

"Who are you?" she asked. I found it hard to respond. The fire was... not quite feeling up to par. I grinned again, only to bow my head and hope that my hood was hiding it.

"I... I need..." I rasped. Damn me to the moon, this hurts! I lurched forward again, groaning. The mare took a hesitant step forward.

"Are you... feeling okay? Do you need help?" She looked around. "Do you live around here? Maybe I can get somepony to help." I held up a hoof and shook my head.

"I'm... fine..." I said. The mare arched a brow.

"Really? 'Cus it looks like you are dying." She said, the worry there but as well as suspicion. I again, found it hard to respond. I... need to see that fire. I want to watch it burn... to see it rise above us. The mare backed away as I stumbled towards her. She planted herself against the wall as I passed her and over to her small fire. I sat down and stared at it. The feeling of pain was gone and my head was no longer pounding. The fire was soothing to listen to. Watching the flames dance made my mind ease.

The mare again took a hesitant step forward.

"Do you... like the fire I made?" she asked. I just nodded slowly. "Umm... so... you are not here to rob me?" I shook my head as I continued to stare at the flames. I heard a small sigh of relief before the mare went over to her gear and dug through it. I then stiffened. I saw the fire slowly shrinking as the cold breeze blew by. How dare she!! I felt my anger increase. I don't know what came over me. I stood up, turning to face the mare as she busily dug through her gear, swearing to herself in frustration. This mare needed to be punished. She is the reason my flames were hurt!!

The mare suddenly beamed and turned before balking and ducking under me as I swung a piece of 2x4 I did not know I had grabbed. My body wasn't my own. I had no control over it.

"How dare you mess with my flames!!" I hissed. What was going on? Why was I suddenly so hostile over a flickering bonfire? The mare yelped as she ducked under another swing and cantered away.

"H-help! There is a mad mare trying to kill me!!" she called out, galloping out of the alley way. I shot my magic out, gripping her tail and causing her to fall face flat. I then began pulling her and she did her best to fight against it. "N-no, please!! I don't want to die!!" I grinned again. I then tossed her with a flick of my head, sending her straight into a pile of garbage and bags. She shook away the daze and shrunk as I took one of the papers and rolled it, holding it over the small bonfire. I tried to grasp myself. To stop whatever I was doing.

But for some reason, I was watching myself do this. What in the wide world of Equestria is going on with me!? I have to do something! I have to stop myself! But I could only watch as my body levitated the burning makeshift torch I had made and dangle it over the mare. I wanted to burn her alive. I wanted to hear her sing as the flames dance on her body. She widened her eyes, fearful of what I was going to do to her.

"N-no... please!" she cried. I then sensed somepony behind me. I turned in confusion, only to suddenly feel something blunt hit me on the back of the head. I fell to my side, my head now throbbing in pain. I looked through blurred vision, seeing a familiar pony helping up the one I had threatened. Before I blacked out, the only thing I could make out was blue denim and a bat with a glowing green eye looking at me.

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