• Published 8th Aug 2017
  • 633 Views, 9 Comments

Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

A young mare must journey Equestria in order to fulfill a universally unavoiadable fate along with seven others in order to prevent the disruption of universal law. All the while trying to prevent a dark force from acquiring their elements.

  • ...



Four Weeks Later

Deep in the Frozen North, the northern lights waved majestically through the sky over snowcapped mountains. Down below on a traveler’s road, a small wagon cart was being tugged along by a mare. Next to her, another mare, scanned the area. Both were dressed head to hoof in thermal gear, muzzles covered and goggles over their eyes. The mare pulling the wagon shivered, turning to the other mare.

“Do you even know where we are going?” The mare asked. The other mare looked to her with a shake of her head.

“If I recall from the stories, Princess Platinum’s Castle should be around here.” The mare replied. The other mare slumped.

“I don’t know why I agreed to go to the Frozen North… I want to be back wrapped in a nice blanket, a nice cup of coco and a cozy fire.” She sighed in wishful thinking. “But of course, fate of our world relies on seven creatures. Are you sure Twilight gave us the right directions?” She asked. The mares had walked a bit further before stopping. The other mare nodded, removing her goggles to reveal herself to be Starlight Glimmer. She smiled and pointed ahead.

“Considering that is a good sign. Those four ponies did follow through with their info gathering.” She said. The other mare looked ahead, removing her goggles to reveal herself to be Trixie. Both mares looked upon a glorious, ruined castle head, the faded snow-covered blue roof jutting out from over the top of the mountain. Trixie shivered and looked to Starlight with an annoyed look.

“Great. Maybe we can finally take a break and warm up a bit? I haven’t been able to feel my haunches several hours back.” She said, rubbing her flank. Starlight chuckled and nudged Trixie playfully.

“Nothing wrong with a little best friend adventure. Besides, Twilight tasked us in searching for Fie.” Starlight stated. Trixie frowned and shook her head.

“Why’d she end up here of all places is the greatest mystery to me.” Trixie whinnied. “Why couldn’t somepony else take the job?” Starlight frowned.

“Because everypony else is either looking elsewhere or trying to prepare for an eventual war and in order to stop it, we need Fie’s help.” Starlight explained. Trixie shook her head.

“I understand that the Princess Twilight tasked us with a great and powerful mission for the great and powerful tag team duo.” She said with a confident smile before it quickly fell to unimpressed annoyance. “But seriously, anypony could have done it in half the time it took us. I thought the map was enough to show us where she is?” Starlight sighed as they began trekking up a side path.

“That’s the odd part. After Hoofington’s destruction, her cutie-mark just vanished. It was as if she was trying not to let anypony find her.” Starlight looked worriedly. “She’s probably been going through a lot, losing her home.” Trixie arched a brow.

“Hoofington isn’t that pretty. But…” Trixie put a reassuring hoof on Starlight’s shoulder. “If it mattered to a friend, then it matters to me.” Trixie then smiled with a cocky brow and rubbed her chin. “Besides, I’m still dying to find out how she does that duplication cloning spell. I have so many ideas in mind that will blow away the audience! Imagine it. The Great and Powerful Trixie, in her Tour for World Peace, wows the audience with her spectacular menagerie of herselves!” She grinned. Starlight rolled her eyes playfully with a giggle.

“You sure you just don’t want an ego trip with the amount of admiring yourself?” She replied. Trixie swished her mane bang and winked.

"Nothing wrong with perfection! But I can be even more perfect!" She gestured her hoof above her. "The Perfectly Great and Powerfully Perfect Trixie!" Starlight shook her head, laughing softly.

"Alright, oh perfect and powerfully perfect Trixie. Perhaps you can show me how we should get across this bridge to the castle with your wagon?" Starlight smirked as they came to a stop. The ruined, magnificent castle of Princess Platinum’s loomed high overhead. The northern lights giving it a magical yet tragic ambiance. Trixie parked her wagon and unlatched herself from it before meeting up with Starlight by the edge. The two mares looked down at the chasm below.

"On second thoughts, maybe we should just go back. No Fie here!" Trixie nervously said as she turned around. Starlight frowned and with her magic, pulled Trixie back towards her. She then waved a hoof coolly in front of her.

"Relax, Trix. I got this." She said. Starlight readied herself and her horn glowed brightly. A warm wind blew around the two as her magic reached far below and across from them. She could sense what used to be here. Starlight then swished her head and several massive stones and pillars began to swirl up from the chasm and floated in front of them. Starlight swished her head in the opposite direction and a bridge began to form and reconstruct. With the decrepit stone bridge fixed, Starlight proudfully brushed her hoof against her chest. "Reconstruction time spell. I've always been wanting to use it." She said coolly. Trixie rolled her own eyes and smiled.

"And you think I'm the one with an ego trip." She said. Both mares giggled as they cautiously began their trek across the bridge. Both began to feel smaller and smaller as the magnificent, ruined castle towered higher than Canterlot. Starlight marveled as they reached a snow-covered courtyard with a destroyed statue and fountain in the center of it.

"Wow... I wonder what this place used to be like in its' prime?" Starlight marveled. Trixie was also impressed by the sheer size and space of the courtyard. The two made their way across the space and up the wide staircase to the entrance. It was blocked, however, by rubble and two massive bent platinum doors. Starlight stuck her tongue out as she recast her reconstruction time spell, only to find that unbending platinum was a bit harder than she expected. She panted, releasing her magic. "Whew. Okay, harder than I thought."

"What about this?" Trixie asked, removing some vines with her own magic. There was a hole in the stain glass window, which Starlight smiled.

"Nice job, Trixie." Starlight nodded. She then took a small but good chunk of rubble and began breaking the glass to widen the hole. Trixie arched a brow.

"Uhhh, wouldn't we get in trouble for that?" She asked. Starlight shrugged.

"Pfft, as if anypony lives here anymore. I mean, the place is already half run down anyway. What harm can breaking a window do?" She said, raising the rock again. Suddenly, a shadow sprang out from the hole, causing both mares to yelp and scatter. The shadow slithered across the snow, the snow being untouched as it did so. It then formed into a silhouette of a pony. Darkness swirled around it and it turned its' faceless head towards the two. Trixie hid behind Starlight as they looked on in surprise.

"A power element?!" Starlight exclaimed in shocked surprise. The shadow shuddered before brandishing a sharp, dark blade from the hoof. Trixie shook Starlight.

"Do something, Starlight!!" Trixie panicked. The creature began to bound towards them. Starlight gulped and put a hoof to her chest.

"I hope this works..." She rasped. She then readied herself before swishing her head. With a grunt, she fired a light blue beam from her horn. It hit the creature directly in the head, causing it to tumble towards them. Starlight popped in a bright flash with Trixie and reappeared behind the creature, who had crashed and shattered the window. The mares advanced cautiously, peeking in through the hole and seeing the remains of the creature splattered against a pile of rubble. It melted into the ground, vanishing completely. Both mares let out a sigh of relief.

"Good one, Star." Trixie said. Starlight nodded and withdrew a necklace with a starry night color from her neck.

"I have to hoof it to Starswirl. He was right about this rock being able to combat the element's power." She said. She then climbed through the broken window, being careful as to not cut herself before helping Trixie in. With the two inside, they found themselves in a side hallway. To their right was a missing doorway that led out to a blocked off foyer. To their left, a hallway that was littered with decayed fabric, paintings and furniture as well as part of the ceiling. The two cautiously made their way down the hall, peeking their heads into a couple of rooms that weren't locked or caved in by rubble. They reached the end of the hall that turned down to a conjoining hallway that reached the opposite end. Unfortunately, that was closed off to a collapsed wall. They walked further down until they came to a four-way junction, the blocked off hall in front while to their right, a double door that when they peeked their head in, led to what appeared to be a lounge. Decorative furniture and cabinets with broken porcelain dishware and other knick-knacks made the room a place of what would probably be a comfort zone. The frozen fireplace charred but frozen over. Ice seemed to have formed into giant, misshapen blocks over a couple of the furniture. The two mares then proceeded to head to the other door.

When they entered, both gasped in awe as a massive, iced over room with a couple of fallen giant chandeliers and rubble from the castle dotted the area. The walls had even caved, letting in the elements to do whatever it pleased.

"This must have been the ball room." Starlight stated with a rub of her hoof against her chin. Trixie walked over to a suite of armor that was still intact and tapped it. It was cold to the touch. Trixie shivered and sneezed. She sniffled and rubbed her snout.

"We better hope Fie is here. I think I'm starting to catch a cold." Trixie said. Starlight nodded as she walked around the fallen rubble. Four tall archways led out to a crumbled and partially broken balcony. Starlight couldn't help but wonder what kind of ball Princess Platinum hosted. Being one of the founders to Equestria, she must have had been great at parties. Or perhaps, hosting them now that Starlight thinks about it a bit more. Not much else to the room seemed to stick out for the two as they began to walk towards the door to the other side. Starlight opened it, struggling as it was hard to pull the platinum door that was probably frozen over. Trixie hummed and shrugged to Starlight, having no ideas that came to mind on how to proceed. Starlight racked her brain before beaming at an idea. She took a deep breath and gathered the magic at her horn. The light blue was tinged with amber. She aimed her horn and the platinum door began to heat up. They could feel the heat radiate off of the doors as the ice blocking it melted into steam.

Starlight then opened the door easily, nodding happily to Trixie. The door snapped off its’ hinges and tipped forward in front of them with a loud crash. The two mares winced and looked around, hoping it didn't cause any attraction to whatever other dangers that maybe lurking in the castle. Seeing as nothing hopped out to try and attack them, the two proceeded down the hall. The rubble blocking off their way wasn't as bad as the other places. They were able to climb over it with ease before continuing their trek. Room after room and hall after hall, the more they worked their way around the obstacles, the more it began to feel like a tedious puzzle. Starlight was beginning to feel annoyed as she bucked at another locked door.

"Did Princess Platinum decide to lock every door before she went out to find Equestria?" Starlight groaned in frustration. Trixie looked around, her eyes widening as she then pointed to a broken window.

"Through there!" She said, cantering over to the window. Trixie levitated a hefty frozen castle brick and shattered the window with a swish of her head. Starlight blinked and looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"You just wanted to break something, didn't you?" She said. Trixie did an excited little prance in place with a chuckle.

"As liberating as that was, I promise that this will lead us around!" She exclaimed excitedly. Starlight couldn't help but smile yet pointed at her anyway.

"You're bad with directions, Trixie." She said. Trixie pat her chest with a smirk.

"Only when I don't try to look for danger." She said. Starlight shrugged and trotted over to the window. Trixie was right. There was just enough space to sidle against the wall. However, it was a long way down. Looking ahead of the path, it trailed to a balcony. Starlight took a deep breath and covered her muzzle and face with her goggles and muffler. It was going to get windy. Trixie did the same as Starlight got her footing, rearing up against the wall and carefully sidling along it. Trixie was beginning to have second thoughts. Starlight was focusing on trying not to slip. As they got closer, Starlight hugged the wall as she nearly got blown away by the fierce, cold wind. She took a moment to calm her panic and Trixie shivered. "O-Okay, this is too much danger. L-let's head back." She said shakily. Starlight darted her eyes in thought. No. They came too far to quit here. Starlight blinked in realization. She then put her magic around Trixie, the mare yelping, as Starlight carried Trixie around her and floated her onto the balcony. Trixie carefully stepped on the balcony to ensure it wouldn't collapse under her weight. Making sure her best friend was okay, Starlight levitated herself and floated over to the balcony, landing next to Trixie.

Trixie shook her head. "Why couldn't you have done that in the first place?" She asked. Starlight tapped her hooves nervously.

"S-sometimes I overthink things. R-regardless, we are here now." She stated.

Trixie walked towards the door, shaking her head a little. Pushing and pulling against the door, she found it to be locked. She spun around and bucked it once. Twice. Starlight walked over, spun around and synced her own buck with Trixie's. The doors flung open, which was surprising that the door wasn't iced over. Starlight wasn't complaining though. They entered into a guest bedroom. A four-post bed had collapsed in on itself. The carpet torn and ripped at their hooves. The furniture also caved in under the weight of a chandelier. A giant, creepy portrait of a sharp looking stallion who seemed unimpressed, watched them as they made their way towards a door. Starlight removed her goggles and muffler and heated the door before bucking it open. They found themselves out in the foyer. The spacious room had seen much better days. A support pillar had collapsed where the entrance would be, with the rest of the entrance blocking it off. The mares looked up the winding steps leading up to the second floor. Both gasping as they marveled at a massive, towering portrait of Princess Platinum against the wall. The regal, alabaster unicorn posing proud and commanding as her sharp and unimpressed eyes watched the two. Trixie gulped.

"S-speaking of ego trip. Didn't take Princess Platinum to be... that much into herself." She nervously squeaked. Starlight was also intimidated by the size of the portrait. How was that even possible to make? Trixie then tapped Starlight on the shoulder, causing her to look at the mare. Following her gaze, she gasped as the suits of armor that lined the foyer suddenly moved.

From the helm, glowing red eyes gleamed with a dark swirl emitting out of the joints. Each suit brandishing different weapons as they began to turn towards the mares. Starlight readied herself while Trixie looked panicked around the room. She then yelped and shoved Starlight out of the way, dodging as well, as an axe crashed down where they were moments ago. Starlight turned and aimed her horn, the beam striking the helm of the armor. The helm flew through the air, landing in front of Trixie. Trixie blinked quizzically. The helm then gleamed red from under and Trixie screamed as she scurried away. Trixie panted as she dodged under and around the suits of armor swinging at her. Starlight teleported up to the steps and began shooting beams down at the armor. Starlight felled several of the suits of armor, the armor clattering into pieces and scattering about. Not too far off, Trixie had backed herself into a corner. She shrunk as two suits of armor advanced towards her. Trixie looked desperately around before seeing a loose support. She reached with her magic and pulled the loose brick out, causing the pillar to crackle. The suits of armor froze and looked up, giving Trixie time to scamper past them and dive out of the way as the pillar came crashing down.

She rolled a bit, bumping into another suit of armor that caused it to stumble and turn around, hitting its' unfortunate friend with its' weapon and causing the suit to scatter into pieces. The armor she stumbled caught its' footing before holding up a spear at her. Trixie held up her hooves in surrender, gulping.

"Y-y-you wouldn't hurt a magician, would you?" She nervously asked. The suit of armor began to advance before a bright light flashed behind it. The suit blew apart and scattered over Trixie as the mare ducked. Starlight walked forward, smiling as she held out a hoof to her best friend. Trixie looked up and smiled, taking her hoof and the two hugged. When they pulled away, Trixie looked over to the scattered armor pieces. "I-I never thought I'd see living suits of armor." She stated. Starlight kicked a rolling gauntlet and narrowed her eyes.

"Maybe a security system? Princess Platinum must have made quite a bit of enemies with all this wealth and power." She stated. The two then stiffened as they heard hoofsteps coming from the second floor. They turned and readied themselves as the hoofsteps got louder and louder. Starlight squinted her eyes as a figure rounded the corner and began making their way down the steps. Trixie ducked behind Starlight again as the latter scraped the ground, ready to engage. But as the figure descended, Starlight noticed that the figure was wearing a worn and ripped up Equestrian Flag. The makeshift hood covering the pony's face. The figure walked past them, seemingly in a trance. They kicked aside the suits of armor as they walked. Starlight noticed the tail. It was a fire-streaked tail. She looked worriedly at the figure. "Quiet Fire? Is that you?" She asked. Trixie blinked and looked at the figure with a squint.

Trixie sighed in relief. "Finally, we can get out of here!" She said with an annoyed tone. "I've had my fill of danger for one day..." The figure then stopped and stared at the blocked entrance way. A sudden gust of wind blew the hood off. The messy, unkempt mane of fire blew in the wind. Quiet Fire then looked over her shoulder and fire shot up around the room. Starlight and Trixie shielded themselves as the intense heat warmed the room quickly. With the room now properly lit, Starlight gasped as she saw the angry, glazed look of Quiet Fire's swirling orchid eyes, her muzzle snarling at them. Trixie shivered while Starlight took a step forward.

"Fie! It's me, Starlight! And Trixie! We've come to get you back!" Starlight said. Quiet Fire didn't say anything as she then turned to them. 'Uh oh... she doesn't look so happy.' Starlight thought as she stepped back a bit. Quiet Fire stood up on two and reached behind her back, throwing out her leg as a flaming, spectral halberd flared into her hoof. She twirled it skillfully around her before aiming it at Starlight. "Trixie, run!" Starlight shouted. The two mares booked it up the stairs. Just in time too as the in-equine speed of Quiet Fire touched down with the halberd cracking the floor beneath her where the two were seconds ago. Starlight and Trixie barreled down the hall, bounding over ruined furniture and rubble.

"Where do we go!?" Trixie panted. Starlight looked over her shoulder and she gasped as Quiet Fire rounded the corner, kicking off of the wall and gaining a lot of distance with her bounces from wall to wall.

'We have to get her to come to her sense somehow! Think, Starlight, think!!' Starlight thought desperately for a solution. She then balked and tackled Trixie into a room as Quiet Fire sailed towards them and swung the halberd, causing a cone of fire to travel down the hall. The two scrambled to their hooves and raced for the door ahead of them. Starlight blasted the door open and the two galloped down the hall. They had entered into the inner courtyard. It was massive as the outer one. A collapsed gazebo in one part of the area, some fallen statues and broken pottery, dead brambles and bushes. Another fountain that was in relatively good condition but dried up. The two quickly dove out into the courtyard a beam of fire sailed past them. Quiet Fire galloped down the hall and was quick to catch up to them. Starlight turned around and threw her head down. The snow exploded around them, and Quiet Fire back flipped away, flicking the snow off her makeshift cloak. Starlight and Trixie had taken cover inside the fountain via Starlight's on the fly teleportation.

"What do we do??" Trixie whispered to Starlight. Starlight shook her head in disbelief.

"I-I don't know! W-we've never gone up against an actual power element bearer!" she whispered back in reply. They then heard a pained grunt. Taking a peek around the fountain, they saw Quiet Fire clutching her head with her free hoof, stumbling and shaking her head.

"It's all... my fault..." She rasped. The two mares exchanged worried glances. "I... I can't..." She began, growling now. "I can't go back yet. Not until... I answer for what I've done." She then looked up and her eyes widened. "Table Top... I'm... so sorry..." She then fell to her hind knees, looking bested, her head bowing. The two began to slowly creep out of cover. Starlight cautiously stepped out of the fountain and took cautious steps towards Quiet Fire. "It's all my fault... It has always been my fault..." The defeated mare shook her head softly. Starlight looked back to Trixie, who gave her a nervous smile and a wave of her hoof. Starlight rolled her eyes before looking back down at the mare.

"Quiet Fire... whatever you did to... Table Top... wasn't your fault. Neither was Hoofington. Everypony has been looking for you. They want you to come back home." Starlight began. Quiet Fire remained where she was, quiet and pathetic looking. "Fie, a war is going to happen and we could use your help. We can't stop it before it begins without you. Please, come home!" Quiet Fire then looked up at her. A look of confusion which quickly turned into a maniacal grin. Her pupils slit as she began to cackle. The unnerving voice of Din broke through Quiet Fire's own voice.

"Home? There is nowhere else for her to go to. Ponyville won't want her back. And she already liberated her hatred of her origin home. Why should she go back to a place who wants nothing to do with her?" Din spoke. Starlight frowned and readied herself challengingly.

"You possessed her to do all of that. For boredom or sport. Whatever the reason is, Quiet Fire is not your puppet to do with as you please!" Starlight growled. Din cackled and stood up, gripping the halberd.

"Au contraire. I am able to do what is necessary for our own survival. Your pathetic realm maybe at war, but my war is my own. And I will not be bothered to aid in some pointless power dispute!" Quiet Fire tossed out a hoof in motion. "Do not take my words for a hypocrite. While mortal wars are fought through greed, power and ideals, primal wars are far greater than that. Not saying I'm no stranger to mortal wars, but it's not fun if you are just dominating the field with no challenge." Din grinned through Quiet Fire. Starlight darted her eyes. An idea popped into her head.

"That maybe so, Din. But I think this war in particular does concern both of you. Our neighbors of Pony Land are planning to attack come springtime. When it does, guess who'll be leading the charge?" She smirked victoriously. "General Lilac!" Din's eyes softened, but her look still showed an aggressive predatory approach. Starlight pointed at her. "We heard from Quiet Fire's friends about what happened in Hoofington. How you went completely insane when General Lilac flaunted power in front of you. Power that shouldn't have been borrowed. If you help us prevent the war from starting, you'll get your shot at General Lilac. But you have to let Fie come home." Starlight narrowed her eyes at Din, who met her gaze with a grin. She hummed before dispersing the halberd and standing up on all fours.

"A fair point, mortal. Yet, even though my vessel is now an enemy to your kind and mine as well, it'll be too much for the poor soul. If she has an overwhelming desire to stop it all, then I'll do more than just a simple megaspell on the rat-infested mortal city. Not even the cursed serpent or the higher beings can stop it." She cackled as she looked up into the northern light sky. "I've finally unlocked the key. The power flowing into me is beyond what I could imagine. Maybe even more. My sisters will stand no chance against me now. One step closer to ascension..." She marveled. Starlight glared at Din.

"The seven still need to be gathered to prevent the doomsday event. What point are you serving by making an inconvenience to everypony??" Starlight asked. Din motioned casually with a swirl of her hoof as she spoke.

"I am no longer bounded to the bylaws. The power I've achieved recently is thanks to that. I'm my own free being now. While my sisters are reveling in their gifted power, I won mine through my own! No longer will I be at the bottom! I'll be the apex of the world! Beyond the serpent! Beyond this realm!" She grinned maniacally as spectral wings sprouted and unfurled on Quiet Fire's back. "Watch and behold the power of a primal! A true apex of the world!" The halberd held high and Quiet Fire flourished it around her before aiming at Starlight. There was no time to react. It was instant. Starlight and Trixie sailed past Quiet Fire as the fountain exploded. The two crashed through the wall and massive portrait of Queen Platinum. The two hit the ground and rolled, coming to a stop after sliding. The beaten mares painfully pushed themselves up from the ground, shaking away their daze before looking up and seeing Quiet Fire descend from the open ceiling. The portrait of Princess Platinum began to burn and fade as Din laughed evilly. "It's almost too easy! No complicated motions! No incantations! Everything commanded by my own will!" She then held up the halberd high in front of her. "Bow before me!" Trixie and Starlight grunted as they were forced to bow. Their legs struggling to push away from it.

"S-Starlight... I can't..." Trixie whimpered in pain. Starlight grunted in pain as she looked around with one eye. She then had an idea. She reached out with her magic, flowing and connecting to the pieces of armor scattered about. As Din was marveling into the sky, like an angel ascending, Starlight began weaving a magical stitch through the armor pieces. As they combined and joined together, the pieces rose up into a massive golem. The hastily assembled suit of armor leveled with Din. Starlight noticed Din wasn't paying attention. In fact, she looked to be in a trance. Starlight ordered with her magic to hit Quiet Fire. The golem brought up a hoof and as it swung down, whatever trance Din was in broke, but too late for reaction. The golem crushed Quiet Fire into the ground, creating a hoof crater. Trixie and Starlight felt whatever hold release them and both slumped to the floor, panting and feeling every bone in their body screaming at them.

Starlight winced as she painfully stood up. She looked to Trixie with worry as she leaned down to help her best friend up, who gave her an appreciative nod. Seeing as they both were okay, save for some sore spots, Starlight and Trixie limped over to the golem as it raised its' platinum hoof. Starlight let out a sigh of relief. Thank Celestia power element bearers were durable. Quiet Fire's unconscious body laid motionless in the crater. The two looked at each other.

"Are... are we really that powerless?" She asked weakly. Starlight sighed and gave a sad look.

"I'm afraid so, Trixie. We're just lucky that Din likes to get caught up in the moment." She rasped. Starlight levitated Quiet Fire effortlessly out of the crater and draped her over her back. "Come on. Let's go home. I could really do with a warm blanket and hot coco." She said, smiling tiredly at Trixie. The magician mare smiled back. As Starlight commanded the golem to burst through the main entrance, Starlight began to feel burn out. She had to release her magic and the golem suite of armor crumbled into pieces out into the courtyard. The two made their way back to the wagon, Starlight placing Quiet Fire onto a hammock. Trixie latched it back onto her and taking one final look at the ruined castle of a founding pony, they walked away, leaving behind the ruins in the wake of the elements once more.

Somewhere, in a different, parallel dimension, a figure was browsing the restricted section of a library. The figure, Homo Sapien in nature, ran a finger across the shelves. They wore a purple hoodie with the hood up over their head. Their skirt brandishing a familiar sparkling star. Their shoes scraping against the neatly clean floor. Next to the figure at her legs, was a purple dog with a tiny green tuft of hair and a spiked collar. The figure mumbled to herself in frustration.

"Ohh... where is it? I know I saw it somewhere here!" She whispered to herself. She wasn't supposed to be back here. She had snuck in when no one was looking. The figure looked down at the dog and removed her hood, revealing a dusk, highlighted ponytail hair. She adjusted her glasses as the dog sniffed the books. "Careful, Spike. We don't want anyone to know we are in here!" She whispered to the animal. Spike pushed aside some books with his snout before wagging his tail.

"Here it is!" He said. He bit down on the book and pulled out a faded and dusty old book with yellow, wrinkled pages. The girl smiled and knelt down to take the book from Spike, scratching behind his ears.

"Good boy, Spike! Now then..." She held up the book and blew the dust off of it. There was a lot more dust than she expected as she coughed and waved her hand in front of her face. Gathering herself, she adjusted her glasses again and read the decrepit, leatherbound book.

All Things Magical

The girl flipped open to the first page and brushed a hand gently over a cursive handwriting.

Property of Megan.

The girl beamed, but it was short lived. She stiffened when she heard the sound of chatter not too far away. She quickly stuffed the book in her backpack, Spike hopping in after. Slinging it onto her back, she pulled her hood over her head and quickly slipped around the aisle just as a tall woman with rainbow hair and a mature look walked with a smaller, but still taller woman with midnight hair rounded the corner. The rainbow haired woman was dressed in a tan suite jacket and brown slacks and loafers while the other wore a pink blouse with blue slacks and loafers.

"It's just all these strange occurrences happening around campus. It couldn't be Equestrian Magic, can it?" The midnight haired woman asked. The rainbow haired woman sighed and crossed her arms.

"I keep hoping to catch a break with the students on all this Equestrian Magic. But after last year's summer camp and spring break incident, I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel the Palooza Event." She said. The midnight hair woman put a reassuring hand on the taller woman's shoulder.

"Celestia, you've worked yourself to the ground. Why not just take a small vacation away from campus? I can handle all your duties while you are gone." She smiled. Celestia returned the smile in kind and put a hand over the other woman's.

"I appreciate it, Luna. But as principle to Canterlot High, it is my responsibility to my students and their parents that I keep them safe. If the Equestrian Magic is running rampant again, we can't just keep relying on Sunset Shimmer and the others." Celestia sighed in frustration. "If only there was more we can do..."

The girl began to tip-toe quietly away from Celestia and Luna. She slipped out of the restriction section, tucking her hood further down her head to cover her face as she walked by and power walked towards the library exit. Upon leaving the library, she heard a hum coming from her neck. She withdrew a geode that began to shimmer and hum in a prismatic, rainbow light. The girl darted her eyes in thought before nodding determinedly, tucking the pendant back into her hoodie and walking down the hall.

'This isn't normal Equestrian Magic. Something else is seeping in. I just hope we can be able to stop it with Megan's help.' The girl thought.

To be continued in Warsong.

Author's Note:

I've finally finished a story. I had a lot of fun and brain racking moments to try and get a nice flow to it. I am satisfied with what I have written, and I plan on keeping the momentum going with my other stories.

However, this maybe the end for this story, be sure to keep an eye out for the sequel that I have planned.

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