• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 16,326 Views, 381 Comments

Harbinger, randomness of George - LucidTech

Brother of discord shows up. Turns out he's actually a good guy. Just don't piss him off.

  • ...

Happy Holiday

Celestia still couldn’t comprehend how George had managed it. Not two minutes ago, she and her sister had been drinking tea when all of a sudden, they smelt sea air and realized they had been moved to a ship without them noticing. The man smiled back at the stunned duo. In place of Entropy, his head was decorated with a feathered tricorn and his moustache had been joined by a scraggly beard.

“Avast, Celestia. I be welcomin’ ye to me bonny beauty: Lollipop,” George said with a rough interpretation of a pirate accent, gesturing to the magnificent and large ship that she now stood on. Not waiting for her reply, he planted a similar hat to his own upon her head, bar the feather. And then gave Luna a paper sailor cap that looked like it had been made out of a map. “Now we be ready to set sail, lasses. First Mate Screwball! Hoist the anchor!”

“Aye aye, Captain George,” Screwball said as she pulled the anchor loose from the cloud it had been set on, somehow having kept the water bound vessel still despite its odd resting place. “We be ready ta set sail when’er you say, captain.” The filly was trying to copy the gruff tone the man spoke in, but was failing miserably. With a grin that would make the Cheshire Cat jealous, George snapped his fingers. A red coat made more out of buckles than cloth unraveled out of thin air and decorated the man’s shoulders while an oversized cutlass appeared in his hand, which he promptly pointed ahead of the ship.

“Set sail, ye lily-livered swabs!” he shouted at the top of his voice and the ship started to move despite the lack of anyone doing anything.

“George!” Celestia was mad; her tea had been interrupted for nothing but some play time on the man’s part. “I thought you weren’t like Discord. You can’t just cause chaos whenever you feel like you need it!”

“Aye, but it be not me who needed to belay work, Celestia,” he said, glancing back to her. Surprise lit upon her face as she noticed the skull and crossbones that now decorated his hat.

“Then who?” Her tantrum was still running, and after what he had pulled with her hair those few days ago...

“Ye be workin’ yerself too hard, Celestia. Now yer takin’ a day off. Whether you like it or not.” He looked at her pointedly before turning his attention back to the immense sea that spread out around the ship.

“But who’ll look after Equestria while Luna and I are gone?”

“Arrrr, Entropy don’ like the last talk like a pirate day I celebrated. He gets sea-sick real easy, the scallywag. He be keepin’ ground legs today and makin’ sure nothin’ goes ill. Elseways, he can always contact me should need be.”

“Contact you? How?” As she said this, a red parrot flew in from the starboard side of the ship, flapping against the ground to slow his descent until he was safely perched on George’s shoulder. After a few moments, it began to clean its feathers and George looked at it out of the corner of his eye.

“Well? What be the message, you flying feather-bed,” the man growled, causing the parrot to straighten.

“Brrraaack. How are you, Celestia? Hope George hasn’t driven you insane, yet. Brrrraaack”

“Good polly; have a cracker,” the man replied as he tossed a small treat to the bird. “Now tell him yer message back and he’ll take it back to Entropy.”

“I’m doing fine, Entropy. Thanks for taking over for me while George kidnaps us. We’ll see you by the end of the day, hopefully.” The bird took to the air, new message in mind, and disappeared into the distance.

After watching the feathered message service disappear behind a cloud, something finally clicked in the alicorn’s mind. “Did you say, ‘talk like a pirate day’?” she asked, looking to the man whose smile was back on his face.

“Aye!” he shouted loudly. “Raise the jolly roger!” He swung his cutlass through the air in front of him and a flag unfurled from the highest mast. Taking a moment to examine it herself, a smile slowly broke across the normally stiff face of the diarch. Upon the flag was the diarchy symbol: Luna and herself flying in circles with their appropriate time of the day behind them. However, behind that was a pair of crossbones, declaring them to be pirates.

Letting her gaze wander from the flag, Celestia spotted her sister, her hat having been refolded into a sword as she dueled with Screwball, whom had a saber of her own. Using her magic to straighten the hat on her own head, Celestia moved to the front of the ship and took a spot next to George. “If we’re going to be pirates, then I’m going to be co-captain with you. I wouldn’t trust you not to steer us into a whirlpool that teleports us to some underwater cavern inhabited by octopus-looking creatures that try and eat our faces.”

“Hey! That only happened once,” George said indignantly, losing his accent for a moment before he picked it back up. “And besides, me and Cthulhu be good friends, now.” Celestia put her hoof to her mouth to muffle her laugh before George shook his head. Placing his hands on his thighs, he leaned back and broke into an extremely loud laugh, followed shortly thereafter by Celestia herself, a smile on her face so wide it could have split the sun.

The other two joined in and before long, each of them found a pint of apple cider in their grasp, not knowing where it came from and caring even less as to their surroundings. So went the majority of the day, drinking on the good ship Lollipop and enjoying time spent in each other’s company. Eventually, the day began to wear down though, and George turned the ship around with a snap of his magic, setting course for Equestria once again.

The sun was setting behind the horizon when the joviality of the situation was broke. The capital had come into view a few moments earlier, but now, something more sinister had showed its ugly face. A pirate airship had come around from behind the mountain and was heading toward them, all cannons trained on the small sea-faring vessel.

The ripping sound of cannon fire filled the air and George snapped his fingers, teleporting the ship alongside the monstrous ship of his opponents. Celestia began to charge some magic, but George rested his hand on her back and handed her a sword, smiling all the while. “Ye can’t be defeatin’ me foes so easy, Celestia. There’s buckles need swashing on that ship, lass.”

Pulling his own cutlass from its sheath at his side, George charged onto the ship, swinging the blade recklessly with Luna and Screwball not far behind. After looking between their own small vessel and the large ship next to them in indecision for a moment, Celestia also joined the fray, her sword clutched tightly in her magic as she ran in. Despite the seriousness of the moment, she was smiling with joy. George didn’t think she had seen that they were a theatre troupe, and she was going to enjoy every second of it.

The battle was fierce, each member of the crew outnumbered at least five to one. In the heat of the battle, a blade struck Luna, leaving a bruise as the unsharpened steel bounced off her coat. The throbbing pain was just beginning to distract her when Screwball flew in and handed her a stick with several oranges skewered upon it. The lunar princess looked to the filly with an odd look. “Just eat the oranges, Luna. Everything will be ‘K.” Nodding to the departing pony, she devoured the oranges and watched with amazement as the bruise healed enough to prevent it from interfering with her actions.

Another blade swung toward Luna, but she was ready this time and deflected the steel with the impossibly strong paper sword she wielded. With as much strength as she could muster, she brought her saber back around and cut into the stallion’s jaw. He leapt back and dropped his sword as tears began to gather in his eyes. “Not a paper cut! Nooooooo!” he cried to the skies, cursing his luck.

By this time, the vast majority of Canterlot had gathered at the edge of town as the sound of steel colliding called them from their homes. While a sizable crowd stood at the edge of the town, someone spotted Celestia flying around the pirate ship, an eye patch decorating her face to hide a black eye she had received and didn’t have time to heal at the moment. Cheers broke out from the town and Celestia’s smile widened.

Eventually, the sound of fighting died down and the crowd grew silent. The smaller of the ships began to descend, revealing that the larger ship was being towed by it. The crowd didn’t have to wait long until it began to scrape across the stone ground of the city, the loud cracks and pops of splintering wood filling the air as the planks of the ship’s belly began to tear apart. The ponies darted away from of the crashing ship until, at last, it came to a halt.

After its forward movement had stopped, the citizens gathered eagerly along the sides, though the call of “Look out below!” caused a few of them to scatter away, making room for the sudden anchor that cracked a few stones as it landed. A few minutes later, the voice spoke again from the deck of the ship. “I’ll fix that later!” A long board extended from the side of the ship and George began to walk across it, swords pointed in his direction as he slowly made his way across it.

“No, Celestia, don’t! I didn’t even get to test the plank. What if something goes wrong?” George said his normal voice back in full, standing on the edge of the wood extension. A sword poked him in the rear and George took a scared jump off the end, falling a few feet before finding himself securely on the ground. He looked around for a moment before shouting over his shoulder, “Looks clear. Go ahead and disembark.”

The end of the plank dropped to the ground and the ponies slowly walked down the ramp to solid ground. George snapped his fingers and his pirate hat disappeared, Entropy taking its place. “I can’t believe you just did that, Celestia. A mutiny. I would never-”

“You would and have George; don’t act innocent. At least I didn’t use it as an opportunity for surprise flying lessons.”

“Well, you know... that was Discord’s idea.”


“Ah, you’re back, then.” Entropy was looking towards his brim, beneath which hid George, whom the hat was unable to see. “How was your talk like a pirate day, then?”

“It was pretty good. Got kicked off my ship by some wenches, but other then that-”

“Hey!” Screwball sounded indignant. “I’m not a wrench.”

“No you aren’t, Screwb. Neither are you a wench. So allow me to fix my statement.” George coughed into his hand, then looked up at his hat. “Two wenches and a filly kicked me off my ship.”

“For shame, George. For shame.”

“I know. Jack-”

“Captain Jack!” came a voice from the crowd, interrupting the man.

“Captain Jack would be so disappointed in me,” he continued, as if nothing had happened.

“Right. Well,” Celestia flashed her horn, healing her black eye, and removed the eye patch. “It was fun, George. Can’t wait until next year,” the alicorn said before walking past him and toward the castle with a smile that displayed the joy running through her system.

“Yes, George, thank you. Celestia was starting to get devoured by her work. I think she really needed this. I, too, can’t wait for next year,” Luna said before following after her sister.

“Aye, next year.” His voice was low so that none could hear him except for Entropy, and the hat instantly recognized the tone of sadness in his voice, but opted not to ask for him to expound on it.

“George, you have to tell me the story for this adventure of yours so I can add it to my repertoire.” A smile spread across the man’s face once again, though his eyes still held some degree of sadness.

“I would be glad to, Entropy.”

Author's Note:

Happy ‘talk like a pirate day’ everyone. September 19th for those who are wondering. Celebrate it well for me, since I’m a bit out of it right now.