• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 16,323 Views, 381 Comments

Harbinger, randomness of George - LucidTech

Brother of discord shows up. Turns out he's actually a good guy. Just don't piss him off.

  • ...

In conclusion,

The royal princesses prided themselves utmostly on one thing: their understanding of magic. It took them three hundred years of shared study to fully understand everything Order magic had to offer, and it had turned out to be surprisingly simple, like a rubix cube when you’ve figured out the tricks. After that, they had decided to turn their attention towards Chaos magic. George had willingly helped them, with Discord offering what little he could before he turned, but they had found themselves unable to discover the truth behind how it worked.

Then, a year after George had left, Luna had an epiphany: Chaos magic was exactly that. It was essentially raw and wild magic that could be bent to the user’s will if they were attuned to it enough. They had then performed experiments to discover why they were unable to cast or control chaos magic. After all had been said and done, they were lead to an unexpected discovery: their horns, and those of unicorns, would automatically turn the raw magic into Order magic. This was done as an act of self defense they had evolved, as Chaos magic usually had negative effects on any who used it.

Then, somewhat begrudgingly, they had turned their attention to the final form of magic: Harmonic. Harmonic magic could only be cast by those whom it had chosen, or those who wielded artifacts that had been enchanted by it. The reason why the pair didn’t want to study it, though, was simple enough. The ones they had seen use Harmonic magic considered themselves superior because of it. George had been angered by one of the more blessed wielders before and found himself quickly defeated. It was the strongest and purest form of magic, and it was almost impossible to stop.

The knowledge of the only two known wielders who used it were shared by four other beings. Discord and George had not been the only beings brought to the world, though at least the two humans had gone about it in a light hearted way. The Harmony users, on the other hand, were ruthless. Those two strict beings had been the crafters of the Elements when Discord was corrupted, and it had been them who had forced Celestia to send a tainted and confused Luna to the moon, threatening to do it themselves if she did not.

So, as Celestia sat on her throne next to Luna, there was fear in both their eyes when they felt the magical disturbance signalling something they had come to associate with pain and loss. Tears began to form from the memories alone and they quickly bolted from the room, both to avoid their subjects seeing them being emotionally harmed, and to find George. The princesses shared a glance as they ran down the halls towards George's room.

"We need to get the elements." Celestia said, eyeing her sister. "It's the only magic that even compares to their own."

"Will they work on their own creators?" Luna's feet beat faster as they headed towards George's room.

"We have to try something!" Celestia stated after rounding a corner and the door to George's room appeared

The door burst open from a blast of Order magic and they entered immediately. George was nowhere to be seen. On a stool nearby, Entropy rested, a sleeping Screwball on the ground next to him.

“Where is George?” Luna asked immediately. Entropy’s eyes opened and he frowned broadly.

“I should have known he wasn’t going to tell you.” Entropy sighed then; the sound of exasperation echoing lightly around the room while Screwball nodded, naively napping; as so softly came a tapping, a tapping on the chamber floor.

“What do you mean?” Celestia was hitting her gold shoes against the floor in anxiousness, a habit she hadn’t been subject to in a while. “You mean George said that he was going to tell us 'they' were coming?”

“Yes. I have no idea who ‘they’ are, but he seemed quite intent not to tell anyone about their coming. Though, according to him, that was because he was physically unable to. He said he knew a way around the spell when I questioned him about it before he left, but when I asked what it was, he didn’t respond. Now though, now that you are here, I would like an explanation. Who are these balancers George seems frightened to death of?” He glanced down towards Screwball, whose eyes were beginning to open. The sleep spell George had put on her was wearing off early.

“A spell to prevent him from talking about them? That doesn’t sound right. They were far too prideful to do something like that. If such a spell exists on him, it would be because he cast it himself. Which, assuming they affected him as much as they did me, is reasonable enough,” Celestia said, dropping her gaze to the ground.

“They,” Luna began to explain, “are Evenry and Balcon. One female, the other male. They are the avatars of Harmony, the final duo to cover all three magics.” Rage grew in Luna’s eyes. “And they are the one’s responsible for my banishment and Discord’s petrification. They deemed it necessary and refused to believe either of us could be saved. Of course, shutting us away in our own minds for one thousand years didn’t help the issue. Celestia tired herself night and day to remove the seal that bound me, and it seems Discord had the same idea. Harmony is supposed to shut down magic, but Discord never did play by the rules.” The midnight princess faced Entropy, panic and worry on her face. “Did George tell you to tell us anything?”

“He didn’t tell me anything, no, but when he was leaving, he said he was going to tell you two things. First, that they were coming. Second,” Entropy paused, his eyes narrowing as he suddenly realized the importance of what he was about to say, "don't get the elements.”

George reclined in the lawn chair, his hair blowing slightly in the wind. Grasped loosely in his hand was a glass bottle labelled ‘Nuka-Cola’. A stronger breeze shot through the labyrinth and he spared a moment to look at the nearby statue of his brother before turning his gaze to face two beings whom had suddenly appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. They floated lightly in the air, a soft white glow coming from their skin.

“Looks like I will never achieve my goal of the perfect Nuka break,” he said idly, leaning forward to show his new interest in the arrivals. Pleasant memories of them floated through his head: the first few days they had been together.

*Annoyingly placed flashback*

“So...” the feminine sounding ball of light began, “you mean we’ve been summoned against our will to balance this world?” She hovered a few feet off the ground without form or substance. Next to her floated another orb of luminescence that had been identified as her brother. Gathered around them were four other beings: two humans, both male; and two alicorns, both female. Each of the pairs were recognized as siblings.

“That’s what it seems like,” the younger of the humans said, a grim look on his face. A frown remained his expression until he looked to his older brother, whom had began messing with the blue alicorn. Luna, in turn, happily began to mess with Discord as well. Then, a hesitant smile slowly split his sadness. “But at least the forces that be were kind enough to keep us together.” Discord had managed to keep his child-like qualities as he aged, but George had grown exceedingly more mature at a very young age.

“No, you don’t understand. We need to get back! Our clan is on the brink of disaster; we’re their only hope!” the masculine orb said. “If we don’t go back, they will most certainly die! Why did it even pick us? They are others better than us it could have chosen. We need to get back.”

“Oh, I see.” The white alicorn paused for a moment, thinking over what to do. Eventually, she nodded with absolutely surety. “Then we’ll do everything we can to get you back.”

She had stuck to her words, too. Everyone worked with magic days on end until they had figured out how to help them get back. This had been the original practice with mixing magics. Some attempts had been exceedingly successful, others had put them weeks behind their intended goal. Throughout it all though, they had come to know each other more and more as friends.

Among the discoveries made were that Discord and Luna had a crush on each other, the balls of light had surprisingly cheerful personalities, and that George and Celestia hated each other with all the burning fury of the brightest star, if their arguments were anything to go by.

Eventually, though, they had managed to get the spell. It required the pure magic of Chaos and Harmony to work, meaning the alicorns had to leave the room to avoid contaminating the spell. Celestia had worried that, without them there, it would go awry, but it hadn’t. Instead, it had gone horribly, horribly right.The spell had created a portal, had shown them the fate of the clan, in addition to allowing for the two users of Harmony to go through should they want to.

When they left the room, all four of them, no one would tell Celestia or Luna what they had seen. George specifically had avoided the question. The decision they had made affected everyone though. The two previously cheerful balls of light had shifted emotions immediately, their personalities skewed by what they had witnessed. In addition, George had no doubt, it had been what had eventually driven Discord mad.

*End of annoyingly placed flashback*

“I see you are still using a human form; that’s nice,” George said with a grin. He snapped his fingers and his Nuka-Cola was replaced with a cup holding chocolate milk and a straw. “I assume you merely like the idea of moving your fingers, then? Or is there a different reason?” he asked before sipping loudly. All the while, his eyes remained on the duo.

“We like the dexterity,” came a deep voice. The pair had started to lower and George’s eyes followed them as he continued to speedily drink down the milk. “It is very good for traveling, as we can carry things without using our magic to do so.” Their feet touched the ground and the glow disappeared from them immediately. The pair both looked at George expectantly, waiting for the line all three of them knew was coming.

“So, how’s life?” That was not the question they wanted, and their responses showed it immediately. “I’m just joshin ya.” George smiled widely, the straw held between his top and bottom sets of teeth. Releasing his clenched teeth from the straw, he leaned back once again, flipping his shades down as he did so. “Why are you guys here? Come to take me away, haha? Come to take me away, hoho? Hehe, haha, to the funny farm, where everything is beautiful all the time?”

“We have come to renew the seal on Discord,” they responded, approaching slowly.

“Well, you’re a bit late then, aren’t you? The elements have already been cast and he is imprisoned in stone once again, as you can see.” George nodded his head toward the large statuette resting nearby. “Best decoration around.”

“We are not late,” the feminine voice of Evenry replied. “We are early.” She stopped moving, her brother’s movements stopping as well, not missing a beat. “We know that you, George, are giving him magic to free himself and have come to stop you.” As soon as she finished, the stone shattered.

The full form of Discord stood from the stone debris and dust filling the air. His snake like torso danced back and forth, the sounds of popping bones echoing from his back as he did so.

“Phenomenal Cosmic Power!” George chimed in immediately afterwards. “Itty bitty living space.”

“George!” Discord shouted, running forward and wrapping his arms around him. “Thanks, buddy. Couldn’t have done it without you.” As he pulled out of the hug, George was left with a large black ring circling his shoulders, having been left there by Discord’s arms.

“This isn’t going to wash out, is it?” George asked pointlessly, already knowing the answer. Discord’s head shook back and forth and George sighed. “You don’t even remember who I am, do you?” Again, slightly hesitantly, the being shook his head. He had merely remembered the name from when the other people had said it a few minutes ago. “Of course not,” came the exasperated response.

“Should I?” Discord inquired. After all, he must have been someone important if he had rescued him from the binding. George ignored the question and pointed towards the two beings.

“What about them? Do you remember them?” Discord scratched his head, as if remembering something, but eventually merely shrugged. George face palmed. He had hoped his brother would at least remember the people who had put him in his cage; that had proven to be too hopeful a goal.

“Do you see now? He must be turned to stone. He can’t remember anyone and he is a danger to everyone. Will you let us capture him again?”

“Well...” George snapped his fingers, two drinks appeared in front of both him and Discord, these held in their unique tea cups. Discord sipped his and smiled at the flavor he received. It reminded him of something, a happier time, but the memory was far too old to be completely remembered. “The only reason he can’t remember is because he’s been trapped in stone for one thousand years while his chaos magic screwed with his brain.” George drank a bit as well. “So, given that you were the ones who did it.... No, can’t say I will.”

Discord took another sip and his smile changed. “Hey, joke tea! My favorite.”

“Actually, this is varia-tea,” George explained. “It’s like joke tea, but if you decide you really want a certain flavor, that’s the flavor you’ll get. I hope you don’t mind me messing with your classic drink, Josh.”

“Josh?” Discord asked. George shook his head and Discord let the name slide off his tongue. It felt familiar.

The pair of harmonic users coughed politely, catching the attention of George and Discord. “Then, since the both of you have proven unruly, we have no choice but to capture the pair of you. Do you understand?”

“Not particularly. Who are you and what gives you the right to judge me?” Discord said, offended.

“We are Evenry and Balcon, the users of Harmony. We are the ones who crafted the Elements, and we are the ones who turned you to stone. And we are going to do it again,” the male explained patiently.

“Oh.” Discord’s voice was dark and cold. It seemed to shatter reality as he spoke. George, meanwhile, reclined farther in his chair and took another sip of his tea. “So it was you!” Lighting shot down from the sky, striking at the Harmonic users, only to be caught in the hand of Evenry, turned into a ball, and thrown at Discord. Discord opened his mouth, eating the lightning whole, and smiled.

“George!” a familiar voice echoed through the air. Glancing up, George saw both Celestia and Luna approaching quickly. Behind them, Screwball hovered along with her propeller cap, holding Entropy in a hug as it was the only way she could carry him without covering up her own hat.

“Oh, hey!” Discord, who had heard the approaching ponies as well, exclaimed. “It’s Screwball; I remember her. She was fun.”

The young pony in question halted her flight and froze, staring at Discord with what can only be described as the full force of her PTSD. Her limbs twitched in response, nearly causing her to drop Entropy. Celestia and Luna also paused at the sight of Discord being up and at it again, suddenly realizing why George hadn't wanted the elements nearby.

As they stopped, a ball of white magic came from the harmonic users and entered into the ground. Following the act, a semi-transparent pillar of light shot into the air around the area, preventing anyone from entering or exiting. George looked towards them, about to ask why they had done so, but was interrupted as Evenry lunged for his throat with a blade in her hand.

George teleported away on instinct, joined shortly by Discord avoiding his own assault. The man frowned for a moment; they had never been the ones for direct assaults. Regardless, it was a battle now, and that meant he needed to treat it like one.

“All right,” George said, turning to Discord. “Here are the rules for the battle: you can’t throw fish. Got it?” A broad smile on his face, Discord nodded.

“It will be quite the handicap, but I think I’ll be able to make due.” Simultaneously, they snapped their fingers. George was wielding a long swordfish with an extremely sharp nose. Discord, on the other hand, carried a bazooka. Without wasting time, Discord began firing explosives at Balcon, whom had swapped to a pair of guns instead of a sword. Evenry, meanwhile, charged at George, which he easily blocked with his fish blade.

“Engarde,” came the voice of Evenry, ready to start the fight. The voice was a surprise to George; last time they fought, she hadn’t spoken at all. Quick as ever though, George had prepared a quick witted piece of purely golden wordplay.

“Off guard.” George spun around with a flourish, brandishing his fish. He swung strongly, but his attack was blocked. With a quick hand movement from Evenry, the aquatic blade was disposed of, the nose digging deeply into the dirt. Looking across to Discord, he saw the draconequus also in a similar predicament. With a nod, he teleported on top of the hedges nearby where Discord joined him.

“We should totally have this; remember that club where we went to learn how to fight?” Discord asked.

“Shhh. We’re not supposed to talk about it, remember? Rules one and two.”

A smile broke out across Discord’s face. “Oh, it’s so good to have someone who understands those references.”

“I know that feeling bro.” Discord’s face froze at the last word, but he quickly shook it off, just as bullets burst from Balcon’s guns, tearing through the air as if driven by a bloodlust unknown to any living being. With as much force as the brothers could gather, they jumped high into the air, managing to dodge the attack. George smiled, windmilling his arms once before shouting to the sky, “Pipe Hitch Knives!” Discord started laughing as ropes came out of both of George’s sleeves with knives tied into them. Balcon dodged to the side, the blades catching in the ground where he had stood only moments before. George frowned in disappointment and got rid of the ropes.

While they were still hanging helplessly in the open air, Evenry jumped into the air with amazing speed. Hoping to catch Discord by surprise, she swung her sword up, trying to cut him across the chest. She managed to nick him, but with a mid-air jump, he managed to avoid further harm. He quickly pumped his legs and jumped again in mid-air. One of his lion talons extended from his paw as he shot towards his target with sudden speed.

“Shigan!” he shouted loudly. With no way to escape, Evenry received a talon through the shoulder, digging deeply into her muscles. With her free hand, she shoved against the serpentine being, only to have him smile and retract the claw, leaving Evenry to fall helplessly towards the ground. Balcon caught her and healed her before she hit though, leaving the battle the same way it had been moments before.

Meanwhile, outside the barrier, Screwball looked towards Luna and Celestia with a confused expression. “How are they casting magic without snapping their fingers? Don’t they need to channel it? George told me I was a special case, and that him and Discord used their fingers for outlets while I could use my hat.”

“They never actually do channel their magic. If I remember George correctly, it became a habit to make them look cool. Discord insisted it helped him focus the magic, but I’m not sure what conclusions George came to in his absence.”

“Oh.... That’s odd.”

“That’s George and Discord. Odd,” Entropy said from his position in between Screwball’s front legs. Realizing the hat was still clasped between her hooves, she let go and allowing him fall the short distance to the ground where he was able to watch the battle as well. “Thank you. I did not want to be a bother, but that position was getting rather strenuous.” With a nod, Screwball turned her attention back to the battle raging past the forcefield.

George backflipped through the air, stopping suddenly and conjuring a pair of large vinyl records in his hands. “It’s your favorite neighborhood disc jockey. What’s a disc? Hell if I know, but I’m going to keep talking anyway!” he shouted, his voice echoing as if a microphone had been used. He then threw both discs at his opponents. They swerved to the side unexpectedly and Balcon smiled as smoke drifted upwards from his guns. Realizing how open he was, George was about to teleport when a bullet pierced clean through his upper arm.

While he turned his focus to healing the wound, Discord took the lead and launched an assault. He wasn’t sure why he was protecting this weird biped, but it felt like the right thing to do. “Yippie kai yay, motherbucker! I’mma firin’ mah lazor!” Discord shouted in a distorted voice.

A blast of blue light shot from his mouth towards his opponents causing Balcon to jump to the side as Evenry readied her blade and blocked the strike. After the light died away, Evenry’s sword shattered, much to her surprise. A frown creased her face and she looked to Balcon. He returned the gaze, but no other action followed.

“Well,” George began, landing heavily next to Discord, “this is getting boring rather fast.” With a snap of his fingers, a candy cane appeared in his hand and he placed the non curved end into his mouth. Pulling a small lighter from his pocket, he struck it and a green flame sprang to life. Holding his hand over the other end of the peppermint, he set it alight, before closing the lighter.

As George inhaled deeply, the candy sparked and shortened as it burned away. After a moment, George exhaled through his nose in the form of swirling clouds of red, white, and green smoke. Discord began a round of applause, smiling widely as he did so. George bowed in response.

“We would have preferred not to do this, since you were kind to us before.” Evenry said, who had received a nod from Balcon when George started his usual shenanigans. “But as of now, you are forbidden to use magic, Discord.” Arrows of light shot from all possible directions, pinning George against the far wall while Discord was held tight against the ground. Grimly, the duo began to advance on the draconequus.

“You can’t do this!” George shouted, struggling against the arrows. “You can’t, you can’t, you can’t, you can’t!” He began to pull against the light, but only managed in wounding himself further while he remained fastened against the wall. His shouting began to devolve into meaningless babble as his eyes rolled back, but his body continued to fight against the bonds.

“What’s... what’s going on?” Screwball asked. Both Celestia and Luna had begun to beat against the forcefield, trying to get through, but it proved too strong for them to bypass.

“They are going to take away Discord’s magic. George has let his mental protections slip and Chaos is taking over,” Entropy said darkly. “It’s happened a few times before; that’s why he ‘hired’ me, so I could snap some sense back into him. They became more and more prevalent as he returned. On his way back through the Everfree, a slight snap almost caused his mind to split, and then again when he met Celestia in Ponyville. I was hoping he would be able to avoid having another episode after he met Luna and Celestia, again.” The hat cast his eyes downward. “It seems I was wrong.”

Screwball turned to face the hat, curious as to why George would react as he was. “But, if they take away Discord’s magic, won’t he go back to normal? Isn’t it a good thing?” Discord was now beginning to struggle as well, but to just as much avail as everyone else.

“No. It isn’t. Taking his magic from him could very well kill him. Even if it doesn’t, the chances of him going even crazier are exceedingly likely. This is the ultimate punishment,” Entropy replied. “George has performed it a few times himself, on those who he deems should never use magic. Afterwards, he always has a bad feeling in his stomach and he won’t talk for days on end. This is, in no uncertain terms, the worst possible thing.”

Screwball, horrified at the revelation, beat against the wall as well. Sure, Discord had done horrible things, but he had been misguided when he had done them. Even if he hadn’t, George didn’t deserve the fate of watching his brother die. So, she fought with all her might. Even as the white light descended down from the sky and shattered the air, she fought. She fought until she could hear the overwhelming screams of Discord’s pain, and then she did the only thing she could. She shouted the name of the man who could fix it all.

“GEORGE!” The voice was enhanced by her magic, and passed through the barrier like nothing else could. It didn’t quite reach him though, so she tried again. “GEORGE!” This time, the shout did more than pass through the barrier; it shattered it to pieces. Looking around, she felt the magic that had been lent for the second shout. Entropy, Luna, and Celestia had all donated their magic to the cause. Excitedly, she looked to where George had been pinned, only to find him missing.

“Hands off my beloved older brother PUNCH!” came his voice. Evenry had only a moment to look before she saw the clenched fist colliding with her face, sending her tumbling backwards. The spell on Discord broke and Balcon quickly retreated to her, ready for another fight. George, instead, crouched next to Discord. No longer a draconequus, there was now a man who looked to be around his mid-thirties. Carefully, George knelt down, red magic crackling across his body as madness took his mind. Slowly, carefully, he picked up his brother in his arms and held him close. A flash of red filled the air, then was slowly absorbed by the adult’s body.

With hesitant eyes, the older man awoke. “Brother?” he asked slowly. George would have cried with joy, if he had been in his right mind anyway..

Without warning, George’s eyes snapped towards Evenry and Balcon. His pupils were the wrong sizes and his canines had grown sharper. “Portal spell. Now,” he said, his voice pitch shifting randomly. Scales had begun to grow on his skin as the chaotic magic transformed him. George clung to the magic as it coursed through his veins unhindered. Only now did he realize why his brother had given in. The world made you watch so much pain and suffering, knowing you couldn’t end it. It was nice to feel so full of joy. A joy that only the corruption could bring.

Evenry and Balcon shared a look, then turned back to the manic human, whom began to growl in a low pitch. “We can’t do that; you know what it would cause. We are not here to help you kill yourselves.” Back when they had discovered the spell, a discussion had been had about sending George and Discord back home. Unfortunately, Earth had no innate magic. Sending a magic user to it would tear them apart. Magic moved like pressurized air; it would spread out until it it was equal everywhere.

Plants sprouted from the ground at their feet and encased them. Evenry tried to cut herself free, but the blade shattered on contact with the plant life as red light began to emanate from George. “Cast the spell before I take your magic from you and do it myself.” The words weren’t a threat; they were a promise. Nodding slowly, they realized exactly how outmatched they were by the chaos magic coursing through George’s body.

They set up the framework, what harmony was designed for. Then, George poured his chaos into it. The spell was originally intended for two sources of chaos magic, but George did it alone. Because he had to. The portal evened out and the picture shifted appropriately. A plain looking bedroom came into view and George approached.

Now that the portal had been established, no one could do anything to close it until time ran out, so no one could stop George as he walked towards the portal. Holding a hand up, George created a red sphere of pure chaos magic. Then, it separated apart into the Equestrian air. Even those not trained in magic could tell that what he had released was almost all the pent up magic within him.

Afterwards, everything seemed to move in slow motion for Screwball. It took a minute for her to realize it was because everything actually was moving in slow motion. Then, it came to a stop. No one else was moving, not even George. Well, not the one near the portal anyway. The one by her side, however, was. Surprised, she turned to face the man.

“Hello, Screwball. I’ve come to tell you to go to the dagobah system and seek out a little green midget to train you in the ways of chaos magic.” He smiled widely and Screwball found it infectious, a smile spreading over her face as well.

“Nah, not really. This is the last of my chaos magic before I head home. I just wanted you to know something. You were the best student I ever had.” Time began to move back to speed, but before he had fully faded, George spoke again. “Oh, and take good care of Entropy for me. He’ll need a friend like you. Don’t know what he will do with only two people, though. It will hardly be a hat trick anymore.” His laugh was like bells as it faded away.

The George who stood next to the portal, his pupils normal again, his teeth back to their usual size, no scales, and the only sign of his magic being the large smile on his face, stepped through the portal with his older brother in his hands. The interstellar passageway collapsed behind them without a sound.

All was silent and Screwball smiled as she realized George had talked with everyone else already.

“I take he spoke with you all as well, then?” Entropy asked, fairly sure of the answer himself. When he received nods in response, he smiled widely. “Though George never said it himself, I believe there is a saying that would fit that quite a lot. ‘There is always time for another last minute.’ ”

With a smile, Screwball lifted the old hat from the ground and placed him on her head, shocking herself quite a lot when he immediately shouted, “GRYFFINDOR!” The princesses turned to face the hat, whom was looking quite sheepish at the outburst.

“Thank you, Screwball. For what you did. I believe we can all find comfort in the fact that, wherever George and Discord are, they’re happy.” Luna sniffed, clearing her nose, then smiled as tears began to gather in her eyes, tears that flowed with happiness for the brothers who were together at last. “My sister and I will need some time alone, I think.”

Screwball nodded and the princesses disappeared. With a small skip in her step, the pony with two tone hair, the same one who had been outcast by her peers, walked away. “So,” Screwball said, glancing upwards towards Entropy. “If there are only three kinds of magic, where does dark magic and changeling magic come from?” she inquired, ready to continue her learning experiences with the storytelling hat.

“That, my dear, is a story for another time.”

*The end. Cut and print it. - N64Fan

Comments ( 28 )

This was a great story. Will there be a sequel?

Time to cut and print it into a book I can read at school! :rainbowwild:

is there going to be a other story with Entropy?

And now Screwball is the only remaining chaos magic user in Equestria! Now she will become extra powerful to balance the scales again!

“Phenomenal Cosmic Power!” George chimed in immediately afterwards. “Itty bitty living space.”

Best reference ever.

I hope that story for another time comes soon.

Good chapter, my friend, good chapter.....

Live long, write fast,


This has been quite a hilarious story to read, the only problem that I have with it is the whole harmony users not getting their @55 kicked thing. But on the whole... kudos my friend, kudos to you. :moustache:

Comment posted by Princess Cadence deleted Dec 26th, 2012

That my friend was magnificent. I do hope that in good time there will be another like this.

This was a very nice story.:pinkiehappy:
And the end, while I feel was a bit abrupt, was very nicely written and tied up any loose ends i wish to care about.
Have a good day and untill next time:twilightsmile:

To me, the ending was garbage compared to the rest of the story. =\

“Phenomenal Cosmic Power!” George chimed in immediately afterwards...





I apologize. The story was decaying, and I needed to resolve it. I hope, at least, that I made you chuckle a little at some point.


... assuming that during the interview he hinted that he had left earth before the death star was taken down the first time, how the hell did he know those references if only his hat could see into other universes...

i understand this is your story but i still feel disappointed in the ending i prefer the alternate ending i came up with in my head cheers :ajsmug:

boy, evenry and balcon are monsters, far worse than nightmare moon and discord what with what they were threatening to do discord (strip him of his ability to use magic). harmony? yeah... no. that would've thrown things off balance and done WAY more harm than good.

I read through this fic, and although the plot line could have been better, the puns lessened, the self insertion lowered, and the ending improved a tad bit, I am adding this to my favorites merely for the sense of fun this whole fic emanates. I think you portrayed the Harbringer of Randomness perfectly!

I Like The Harry Potter Reference Near The End.......GRYFFINDOR!!!:flutterrage:


very disappointing ending... the rest wasn't bad though.

This ending was abrupt, but fitting. It matches the rest of the story in unexpectedness.


It's a good thing you pointed this out as the rest of the story strongly adheres to facts and logic.

Nah, I'm just messing with ya. I'm actually not sure how many people got the joke about the echoing duck, I'm glad that at least someone did. Namely, of course, you.

This is one of maybe 3 fics that made me feel actually crazy. I salute you.

“Hands off my beloved older brother PUNCH!”

Funny... wasn't George the older brother in, like, every other chapter?

holy cow.....im speechless.....a type of randomness i enjoy........


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