• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 16,326 Views, 381 Comments

Harbinger, randomness of George - LucidTech

Brother of discord shows up. Turns out he's actually a good guy. Just don't piss him off.

  • ...


George stood in front of a large open field. It had taken some tricky paperwork, but with Entropy’s help and some chaos-infused apples, it wasn’t too hard to clear aside all other appointments the guards had scheduled for it. Anxiously, he flipped open his pocket watch and checked it once again, then snapped it closed before Entropy could see it. “Well, lets get started, then. You said you had some people in mind for me to train against?”

“Ah, yes. I do. May I ask as to why you have a sudden interest in fighting strong opponents? Out of nowhere, I might add. I wake up this morning to see you working feverishly over booking the entire training grounds.”

“It never hurts to be prepared, does it? Now, tell me the name of my first opponent. I’ll use that name and your magic to summon them.”

Entropy didn’t talk immediately; he seemed lost in thought.


“I’ll give you a name if you tell me what’s gotten you so scared. Or, I could tell you to summon Kenpachi. I’m sure you would have fun with that.” A panic-stricken look crossed George’s face and his mouth began to flap open and closed like a fish.

“I... They’re...” The man sighed. “Balancers.” George let his head rest against his chest.

“Balancers? What do you mean?”

“That’s all I can say.” His voice was like a puddle of obsidian, shallow and dark. “They cursed me, so I can’t talk about them too much.”

“Well, surely, you can just break—”

“No, I can’t. It’s woven into my soul and body. If I tried to break it, it would kill me.”

“Woven into your body? That would take HUGE amounts of—” Entropy paused. As his brow furrowed, he realized why George was so anxious to strengthen himself. The amount of magic it took to weave a curse into a body, let alone a soul... If they were in fact coming, then George would need all the strength he could muster. “Mary Sue.”


“That’s your first opponent. Mary Sue.”

“Thank you, Entropy.” George extended his hands to either side. After a moment, he began moving them through the air, scrying. He didn’t have to do it with the human summon because he hadn’t been looking for one specific human, but now he had to focus. Each name had a unique piece of magic tied to it and when you spoke a name, it would always be tied to the person or thing you had been thinking about when you had said it. That’s what he was looking for now, the specific owner Entropy had in mind.

After he found the name’s bearer, he snapped his fingers, summoning her across the dimensions to sit in front of him. When she arrived, she looked... bored... and very red and black theme–oriented... and an alicorn. “Summoning me to save another world? I suppose I have some free time. Where’s the trouble.”

George didn’t answer for a moment as he looked up at his hat which had started to cough-chuckle. With a polite, drawn out cough, it ended, though a smile still covered his face. “I assure you, she is very strong; it will be a very nice fight.”

The man rolled his eyes at his headgear and approached the alicorn, whom was now standing. Casually, he wrapped his arm around her neck and leaned on her slightly. She was quite solid. “Hello. I was wondering if you had a few moments to spar with me?”

“Well, I suppose so. But you could just send me in the direction of the evil, I’ll take them out lickety-split,” The alicorn said, pulling away from George, whom still appeared to be leaning on her, despite her absence.

“Well, they aren’t here yet, unfortunately.”

“Ah, I see.” She pressed her hoof against her lower lip, lost in thought. “I guess I’ll help you practice. I don’t hold back though, so you watch out.”

“Thank you.” George tipped his head and walked away, his measured steps taking him a few feet away from the alicorn. “Are you ready?” She nodded. Before she could lift her head from her nod, she was looking down a missile the man had fired. It crashed against her skull, covering her in smoke. Predictably, she walked from the impact without a scratch.

“Oh,” George said in realization as she charged a beam of energy. “You’re THAT Mary Sue.” She cast her magic and the man dived to the side to avoid the shot. It collided with the ground behind him and left a crater in the dirt. “Well, I’d hate to beat you without telling you who I am.” With a snap of his fingers, George was behind Mary.

“Brother of Discord. Nice to meet you.”

“Brother of Discord?!” Rage began to bubble through her voice like molten lava through stone. “Discord is evil. You brought me here to be rid of me? Didn’t you?” Strings of green wisps came from her eyes of small orbs or dark magic coalesced around her horn.

“Sure, why not. What are you going to do about it?” George grinned malevolently. The alicorn shot a bolt of dark magic through the air, evaporating the moisture from the sheer heat. George easily dodged and teleported to the other side of the arena. In her rage, the alicorn cast the spell again.

George snapped his fingers again. This time, he didn’t dodge. Instead, a large mirror formed in front of him, upon which he braced his hands, chaos magic flowing from them into the massive reflection. “Mirror, mirror, on the ground, can you hear that vic’try sound?” The bolt hit, but was deflected. Mary attempted to dodge, but found her hooves trapped in quicksand. The bolt collided with Mary, ripping her from her sandy prison and sending her backwards as her magic was sapped from her being.

After the collision, the man approached her crumpled form. “You a’right?” he called as he stepped closer.

“S-stay away from me,” she said, though it was clear she wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. He continued his path until he stood next to her. With a snap of his fingers, he summoned a chair, which caused the mare to flinch in anticipation for her end. Sitting in the chair, George reclined next to his opponent.

“No one was supposed to beat me,” she managed, unsure what her opponent was waiting for.

“Aye. I couldn’t beat you in a fair fight.” George snapped his fingers again and placed a package of wafers in front of the alicorn. “Good thing I’m chaotic. Even then, I still needed you to beat yourself.”

“But I had stronger motives. How did I lose?”

“Chaos only comes into play when order is searched for. And chaos always wins. You know why?” He glanced to the alicorn with a grin on his face. When she shook her head, he answered, “It’s better organized.”

Mary slowly took a nibble of one of the wafers. “Thanks for these, but I thought chaos magic couldn’t feed anyone besides other chaos users.” It was obvious she wanted to change the subject, so George obliged.

“Good thing you’re a bloody alicorn with access to every kind of magic under the six suns of mana then, huh?” She smiled slightly and George smiled back. “You’re magic should be coming back now. I’m sorry we have to part now though, but hey, maybe sometime, Entropy can introduce you to Screwball.” He placed his fingers together and was about to snap when he stopped himself. “Oh, and by the way, Dark Magic is soooo ten centuries ago.” With that said, he teleported her back and reclined more in his chair.

“Who’s next then, Entropy?”

“A man by the name of ‘Inventor’.”

“Inventor? That’s an odd name.”

“Yes, what was he thinking.”

“Right, let’s do this then.” George stood out of his chair and dismissed it. He looked to the side and realized the wafers had stayed behind. With a shake of his head, he sent them to the Mary Sue alicorn.

“How’s your magic level, George?”

“I’m fine. I’m fine,” he said dismissively as he held his hands to either side and began to scry again. Eventually, he found the magic signature and, instead of snapping, clapped his hands together. When he pulled his appendages apart, two beings materialized into the air in front of him, each looking like a copy of the other.

Both of them looked at the oddly dressed biped in front of them before they looked at each other. One began shouting loudly, while the other started examining his doppelganger in silence. The silent one rolled up on of his sleeves and revealed a mechanical arm under his clothing. The other did the same, both of them sharing a confused glance, before looking towards George.

George, in turn, shrugged and pointed at his hat. “Hello, gentleman!” Entropy called excitedly. “You—” He faced the more composed of the duo. “—will be known as Inventor Vintage. And you—” He looked towards the other one. “—will be known as Inventor 2.0

Each of them shared a glance before looking once again at George. “Don’t even ask me; I have no idea. I was only trying to summon one of you and I got a potent duo. I was hoping you wouldn’t mind helping me train, so I can be prepared for the fight of my life in a few days.” 2.0 seemed excited to do so, while Vintage glanced around for a moment. “It’s for the good of the world. I promise.”

“All right, then,” Vintage said with a nod. “I’d be happy to help, especially since it will allow me to see what the alternate version of me is like. Got to love a good research moment, I suppose.”

“Aye, it will help me see what killed my fun in another world.”

“I think you know very well what killed the fun. There is a large difference between maturity and naivety, as we can see now.” Vintage narrowed his eyes at his alternate form.

“Yea, one acts like a depressed psychosomatic maniac all the time and the other knows the saying ‘que sera sera’.”

“OH, SHUT UP AND FIGHT ME!” George shouted, pulling a pair of pistols from his cloak and firing two bullets at his opponents. Each instinctively brought their mechanical arms up and blocked the shot. Then, they charged him, 2.0 taking a lead. He swung his arm to connect with the midsection of his opponent.

George hopped slightly, landing on the outstretched arm. He aimed the gun at 2.0’s head, but was knocked aside as a fist collided with his face, sending him tumbling a fair distance away. When he stopped, the man stood and rubbed his chin, facing his opponents. Vintage had pressed an orb into 2.0’s hand, then began firing at the chaos user using an automatic gun hidden inside his arm.

Snapping his fingers, George brought up a turret with a shield to protect him from the low caliber bullets being fired at him. “I AM BULLET PROOOOF!” he shouted. Taking aim, George began firing at the duo as 5mm rounds filled the air from his minigun. They both dodged in separate directions and ran around to the man. 2.0 jumped the shield completely and brought his fist to bear as he swung at the man. Meanwhile, Vintage connected a punch with the turret and put it permanently out of order.

Cursing, George teleported a short distance away and pulled out a large gun with energy coursing over it. “EMP CANNON!” shouted 2.0, and the duo split again. With a grin on his face, George waited until they were approaching him again, then stowed the gun. 2.0 was first to arrive, as usual, and George quickly grabbed his fist. Spinning quickly to his right, he redirected 2.0’s punch into Vintage.

The collision was loud and sent both the fighters away. When they stood from the ground once again, George inhaled deeply through his lungs to fight off fatigue. “You have got to be kidding me. You’re both still conscious after that?” His gaze moved to the orb Vintage had handed 2.0 at the start and saw it glowing.

“It repairs body structure. I remember reading about it once,” Entropy said from atop George’s head.

“Of course it does. Freakin heck.” The two Inventors looked at each other, as if to affirm a decision, then nodded. George prepared for an attack, but one didn’t come.

“We surrender!” 2.0 shouted from his position at the other end of the field.

Shocked silence echoed, somehow. “What? Why?”

Neither answered until they had closed some of the distance between them. “We can’t fight as a team, not in so little time. You would be able to perform that attack again and again and we wouldn’t be able to do anything until we were so worn down it wouldn’t matter. So, we concede,” Vintage said.

“But, if you’re planning on facing a team of any kind, you’ll need to rely on something else to get you through it besides using one against the other. We may be similar, but in the end, we hindered each other more than helped.”

“I see. I’ll have to think about this. Thank you,” George said with a smile.

“Anytime,” 2.0 quickly responded.

“Maybe for him, but not for me. I have children I need to take care of back home,” Vintage responded.

“You have kids?” Hope reflected across 2.0’s eyes.

“Adopted,” came the quick response. The hope died and 2.0 looked at the ground.

“Well, you guys ready to head back?” George asked, holding his hands out to the sides. A simultaneous nod greeted him and George clapped his hands once again, sending them back to their respective dimensions.

“That was intriguing. I always wondered how those two would act if they met each other.”

“Yeah, glad you decided, ‘Hey, let’s split some dimensional peers from their worlds so they can meet each other.’ Nice job, Entropy.”

The hat didn’t speak as George set off back towards the castle. They were short battles, but had worn him out. “Are you all right, George? You seem a bit on ed—” Realizing he had forgotten why the man had been training, the hat quickly shut his mouth, letting the uneasy silence take over again.

Upon arrival back in the room Celestia had gave him, George doffed Entropy and placed him on the nearby stool. As the hat drifted to sleep, George looked once more at his watch. “Two days to D-Day,” he said softly before he climbed into bed and fell asleep, still fully dressed.