• Published 7th Mar 2017
  • 4,031 Views, 44 Comments

Lessons Learned - RoyalBardofCanterlot

The Mane 6 and Shining Armor reminisce about childhood spankings

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Fluttershy's Tale

Fluttershy lost herself in the crowd of other colts and fillies trotting out of the classroom and walking along the cloud floors. Some of the students flew above the crowd. Fluttershy preferred keeping to the ground. With her mane over her face none of the bullies noticed or bothered her. She just had to keep her head down and get to the next class. With practiced skill she ducked and weaved through the crowded halls. A menagerie of pegasii foals surged from out the classrooms. Fluttershy felt strangely safe. There was anonymity in a crowd. Anonymity meant safety.

The crowd began to thin out as the foals found their classrooms. Fluttershy smiled as she sought for her next class. It was math. She frowned. She hated math. It wasn't because of the subject either. As she took a few trembling steps towards the door of the class she felt somepony bump into her causing her to stumble. A second body pushed into her.

Fluttershy stumbled up. Dumb Bell and his idiot friend (not that she would ever call him an idiot to his face-that would be mean) snickered as they pushed past her. "Um, excuse me, but, um you seemed to have bumped into me. I-it was probably because I was in your way, b-but, um-"

Dumb Bell stalked over to her, pressing a hoof to her snout. Fluttershy stepped back. "What'cha gonna do about it, Klutzershy?"

Fluttershy could feel her entire body trembling. Her wings snapped against her sides though she longed to spread them wide and fly away. She lifted up her math book. "N-nothing. I'm sorry."

Dumb Bell shoved her and she fell back into somepony's waiting forelegs. She caught a flash of blue and felt a warm, familiar hold. Dash glared at the bullies as she let Fluttershy go. No words were spoken. They didn't need to be. The bullies fled.

Dash shook her head. "Honestly, Fluttershy, you need to stop letting those jerks push you around."

Fluttershy looked to the floor. "I know, I'm sorry."

"And stop apologizing all the time."

She shuffled a hoof. "I'm sorry."

Dash sighed and laid a wing on her back, guiding her away from the door to the classroom. She glanced back and a wide grin spread over her face. Fluttershy felt immediately uncomfortable. That grin on that face never meant anything good. Fluttershy didn't protest as Dash led her further and further away from where she was supposed to be.

At some point Fluttershy stopped letting herself be dragged and fell into step alongside Dash. Her eyes scanned the hall searching for any hall monitors that might catch them and send them straight back to class. By the time they had gotten near the bathrooms, Fluttershy had decided to start asking questions.

She stopped and Dash stopped with her. The hallways were empty. The only sound that could be heard was the drone of teachers lecturing. Dash did the same sweep of the halls that Fluttershy had done. Nopony was coming or would see them.
Dash's grin got wider. "Hey, Fluttershy, want to have some fun?"

Fluttershy hesitated. "What kind of fun?"

Dash shrugged. "Just a prank. I have some free time."

Pegasii academies were very free structured. Students past second year were allowed to choose what times they would take a particular class and could put in some free time. Cutting class was not entirely forbidden although your grade would drop. And cutting class more than five times meant an instant fail and a few spanks with the paddle.

Alright, it wasn't that free, but every place had its limits.

Fluttershy shrugged. "Alright. What kind of prank?"

Dash dragged her along again with a wing draped over her back. "I'm glad you asked!" Dash knocked the bathroom door open and rushed into the room. Fluttershy raised a quizzical eyebrow. Everything in the room was made of cloud marble. Sleek and beautiful, so seamless you would think that it was stone.

There was a sink for washing your hooves and rows of cubicles. Fluttershy spent a lot of time in them, softly crying when the bullying got to be too much for her.

Dash opened a bathroom stall. "Here let me show you." The grin was now positively demonic. She grabbed up a toilet roll and began cramming toilet paper into the bowl.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "Um, Dash...toilet paper's supposed to go in the toilet. It's um...it's sort of in its name."

Dash kept cramming it in. "Flush it, Snarkershy."

"Um...alright." Rainbow Crash. Fluttershy jimmied the cloud handle and flushed. The loud noise of the commode flushing almost made her jump. Her wings still gave a flap of alarm. The water pooled around the clogging, mess of paper. As the water struggled to push down the obstacle in its way, its own force made it shoot up and over the bowl.

Fluttershy gasped. Her companions plans became very clear. "You want me to help you clog all the toilets?"

Dash's mane flew back and forth as she nodded. "I mean you don't have to. You can just go back to class if you want."

"I'm in."

Dash playfully popped her shoulder. "Awesome! I knew I could count on you!"

She zoomed out of the stall, Fluttershy going after her at a slower pace. Fluttershy chose the stall to the right of the stall Dash had chosen for herself and walked inside the small, cramped space. She unhooked the roll from the little stick it was on (she didn't know what that was called) and gently stripped a piece of paper from the roll and tossed it in. The little white paper floated into the bowl, little ripples floating from the impact.

She frowned and took a bigger rip out of the roll and tossed it into the bowl. Then, she tore a bigger clump out of the roll and then an even bigger clump. The clumps of paper rained down into the bowl. Fluttershy threw aside all restraint and tore the paper apart.

She slammed down the handle and the waters in the bowl roared and sloshed over the bowl. A few seconds later so did Dash's toilet.

It took her a few seconds to realize the wild giggling was coming from her own lips.

Soon, there was another sound. Fluttershy was about to leave the stall when she heard the heavy trod of an older Pegasus. Dash was less stealthy, walking straight into Mrs. Honeyed Words, the Equish teacher. Dash gulped as she looked up (and up) at the tall, brown Pegasus mare.

Fluttershy gulped herself and fluttered onto the top of the toilet. There was the squeak of an opened door, the upraised shout of a surprised teacher and a protesting filly. Fluttershy lept down from the toilet and peaked out the door. Dash was being led away by her ear.

Fluttershy's own ears drooped. She steeled herself, took a deep breath and stood in the center of the floor as she was completely unable to move.

By the time she was able to move, she darted out the bathroom door and quickly marched towards the principal's office. That was the only logical place Mr. Honeyed Words would be leading the hapless filly. The long hallway stretched before her and, as she ran, it seemed that it would never end. She flapped her wings to propel herself further and finally took to the air altogether.

Still, her flight didn't seem fast enough no matter how much power she pumped into her wings. She took a side corridor and kept flying through the empty hall.

Fluttershy was panting by the time she reached the principal's office. She raised a hoof to knock and stopped. The sound she heard was unmistakable. The smack of the dreaded paddle and the muffled yelp as it slapped across a filly's backside. Fluttershy dropped her hoof and slumped away.

A few seconds passed before Dash walked out. She stood up on her hind legs and rubbed her rump. She smiled at Fluttershy despite her obvious discomfort. Fluttershy lifted her gaze from the floor.

"Yo, Flutters. So, let's get to gym. I don't want to get in more trouble today."

Fluttershy strode past her. "There's something I have to do."

Dash gently knocked her away from the door. "Whoa, whoa, you're not going to confess are you?" The question came out as a tiny whisper as Dash took her away from the door.

Fluttershy refused to meet Dash's stare."I was thinking about it."

Dash shook her head. "Flutters, that paddle hurts. I know I make it look easy, but it does. It was my dumb idea, just let me take the fall for it."


"No buts. I won't stop you, but I'd rather not see you get a paddling. I mean, the most trouble you've ever gotten into was when you were late for class cause you went and chased after some birds."

That time-out had been humiliating. "I know, but...I just..."

Dash placed a hoof on her shoulder. "C'mon. Let's just go to gym class and forget the whole thing."

Fluttershy sighed. "Okay. Let's go."

Fluttershy once more found herself in a crowd of other foals as they all streamed from the academy. Fluttershy skulked down the steps as many other of her classmates sailed over her head. Dash waved goodbye to her as she soared off towards her waiting parents.

Her parents were waiting for her. She slumped over to them. The day had been going fast since the prank gone wrong and her classes had gone by in a blur. Her parents greeted her with a nuzzle which she returned.

Her dad patted her mane. "Hi, Sweetie. How was school?"

She stared straight ahead. "It was good."

She ascended into the air alongside her parents, keeping between them. They soared at a slow pace, accommodating her. The cloud cottages looked so small beneath them. She counted the arched roofs held up by columns. The eternal blue sky stretched high above. Puffy, white cotton candy clouds dotted the sky below her, the clouds drifting beneath them and surrounding them.

It was a great blanket of white splashed against an azure canvas. Some clouds were like mighty mountains and some like rocks breaking from a mountain as they were ripped apart by the wind. Others were wisps of vapor. The Pegasii, with practiced ease, danced and twirled beneath them. Fluttershy flew through one and almost lost herself in the white. Her mane and fur were soaked when she came out.

Her mom only tolerantly smiled when she emerged and took her place on her right side. Her dad came up to the left of her.

She flew over one, still keeping pace with her parents. The neighborhood she called home came into view. From up here it was easy to see that the great city of Cloudsdale was a giant field of clouds, buildings woven from cloudstuff. Rainbow waterfalls lazily flowed into rainbow pools. Rivers of rainbow coursed through puffy cumulus streets.

The flock landed in a courtyard where a humble, one story cottage with an arched roof but lacking pillars stood. Her mom tucked her wings back against her sides. "I was thinking of getting some ice cream. I bet I know a little filly who'd be interested in going with me."

Fluttershy scooped at the cloud she was standing on. "Um, I don't feel like ice cream. My tummy hurts. I'm gonna go to my room."

Her parents shared a concerned glass. Her dad ruffled her mane. "Everything alright?"

Fluttershy moved away from the comfort of his hoof. "I'm fine. I just don't feel like ice cream."

Her mom pressed her hoof to her forehead. "You don't have a fever. You say you have a tummy ache?"


Her dad scratched his chin. "Hmm...what did you have for lunch?"

"Fried alfalfa."

"Ich. Too greasy. What you need is some good, soothing mint tea."

Both her mom and dad placed protective wings across her back. Fluttershy settled onto the couch and laid her head on a pillow. While her dad went to make the tea her mom sat down beside her and took her head in her lap. Fluttershy rested against her.

"Fluttershy, sweetie, is anything else bothering you? Just your tummy?"

"Yes, Mommy."

Mrs. Shy frowned. "Fluttershy, if you can't be honest with me I can't help you."

"I wanna go to my room. Can I drink my tea there?"

Mrs. Shy caressed her daughter's mane. "You may."

Fluttershy made no effort to move away from the soothing feel of her mother's hoof brushing through her pink strands. Mr. Shy whistled as he carried a silver tray upon which was set a little white cup into the room. Fluttershy sat up, took the cup and leaned back against the couch cushions. The drink was just warm enough. It tingled against her lips and its warmth soothed her belly.

Mrs. Shy wrapped a foreleg around her. "I thought you were going up to your room?"

Fluttershy sipped some more of the drink. Her dad wrapped a wing around her. She leaned into the affection. "I changed my mind."

There was another wordless, worried look shared between her parents. She drained the last of the tea and hopped off the couch. After floating it to the kitchen she went up to her room and sank into the green sheets of her bed. Several minutes were spent staring up at the ceiling.

The door opened nearly silently. Mrs. Shy sat on the bed, picked Fluttershy up and cradled her in her lap. Fluttershy leaned into her.

"Please tell me what's wrong."

Fluttershy waited a few moments, started to speak, stopped.

Mrs. Shy rolled back onto the mattress. "I'll wait. All day. All night."

"You'll be mad."

"I promise I won't be."

"You will be."

"What'd you do? Did you chase after a flock of birds again?"

"One time," Fluttershy muttered. "That was just one time."

Mrs. Shy lightly tickled her daughter's side. A small giggle escaped her lips. Fluttershy wanted to curl up and sleep on her mom's chest. She peeked out from her mane. "I was naughty today."

"What'd you do?"

"I helped Dash clog the toilets. Dash got a spanking, but...they didn't catch me."

Mrs. Shy sighed. "Alright."

"Mommy? Are you mad?"

Mrs. Shy sat back up. "I'm not mad. I'm disappointed."

Fluttershy cringed.

"I'm going to guess the prank was Dash's idea."

"It was."

A longer sigh came from Mrs. Shy. "I hate to do it, but...do you think...do you think you should get the same punishment Dash got?"

Fluttershy mustered up her bravery. It wasn't much. "Yes."

"I won't use anything harder than my hoof and it won't hurt any worse than it has to." She lifted Fluttershy's chin. "Okay? You ready?"

Fluttershy sniffled. "I'm ready."

Before she could change her mind and spare her daughter, she laid her over her lap and landed a light swat on her bottom. Fluttershy jumped. It stung, but not nearly as much as she feared it would. A second swat quickly followed the first one to the same place. The third swat landed on the second part of her rump. Mrs. Shy fell into an easy rhythm, increasing the tempo of the swats she landed on her daughter's backside.

Fluttershy closed her eyes and tried not to squirm as the spanks continued to fall. A cascade of spanks rained down on her backside. Fluttershy endured them in silence, only letting out the occasional whimper. They were light, but stung all the same. Each swat built a sweltering heat on her backside.

At last, she started to squirm. Mrs. Shy wrapped a foreleg around her and continued the spanking. Fluttershy kicked her legs, but Mrs. Shy didn't slow down the spanks. Fluttershy went limp across her mom's lap and didn't resist as a hard series of spanks were delivered to her behind.

Mrs. Shy continued to deliver the smacks, each one falling to the same tender center of her daughter's backside. Fluttershy's bottom had taken on the same shade as her mane. Mrs. Shy moved the swats lower, smacking the spot just above the filly's upper thighs.

She stopped the spanking with three final swats and stroked her daughter's back, massaging the joints between her wings. Fluttershy cried, the tears coming from a mixture of pain and shame. Mrs. Shy scooped her up while still massaging her back. Fluttershy snuggled into her chest.

Mrs. Shy cooed over Fluttershy and caressed her shoulders. "Feel better?"

Fluttershy smiled. "I do...don't know why."

"Because the nasty guilt feeling's gone. You don't need to worry about that anymore."

Fluttershy burrowed into her mom's chest fur. Mrs. Shy embraced her in her wings. "Do you want to go get some ice cream?"


"Let's go get some ice cream."

Fluttershy yawned as she finished the tale. "And that's the last time I let Dash talk me into helping her with a prank."

Dash stared pensively into the fire and scooted close to Fluttershy. "Yeah. We did start going flying together more often to make up for it. I started to realize how much I kind of like flying with Fluttershy. You see a lot when you go slow."

"Going a little fast can be fun too."

Dash gnawed on a marshmallow. "Did I ever apologize to you?"

"Apologize? For what?"

"For getting you in trouble."

"But Dash...I got myself in trouble. I went along with it because I was too passive to tell you no. And I sort of enjoyed doing it. Got some frustrations out. I had to learn to take personal responsibility and to say no. Well, I'm still working on that last one."

The two old friends nuzzled.

Rarity took a dainty bite from a marshmallow. "I suppose I'll go next since everypony else has shared a story. Of course, I was a well behaved filly, but sometimes-and only sometimes..."