• Published 7th Mar 2017
  • 4,049 Views, 44 Comments

Lessons Learned - RoyalBardofCanterlot

The Mane 6 and Shining Armor reminisce about childhood spankings

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Royal Redemption

Luna glided on the wind. Behind her the golden light of the rising sun streamed down on the alabaster towers of the city of Canterlot. She landed on the white stone balcony which sent a chill through her. The stones were cool against her bare hooves this morning. She had not brought her royal adornments to the sleepover. It had not seemed like the right thing to do when she was among friends and did not desire any reminder of station.

Atop her back was a wooden paddle which she had bought from a merchant in the shopping district. She laid it on the dark blue sheets of her bed and left her room to enter into the wide hallway of the palace. Her sister was nowhere to be found as she made her way through the dazzlingly white corridors.

She turned a corner and knocked on a brown, mahogany door. Her sister answered and took Luna into an embrace which Luna returned. "Good morning! Did you enjoy the sleepover?"

Luna nodded. "I did, Sister. Sister...there is something I'd like to discuss with you ere the beginning of our duties."

Celestia ushered her into her office. Luna shook her head. "Nay...no Celestia. I wouldst prefer if...would prefer if we parlayed in my bedroom."

"Very well." Celestia began walking with her. "Are you well, Luna? You were lapsing into Old Equuish. Did you have breakfast at Twilight's?"

"I did and didst my ablutions there...washed myself there as well. Princess Twilight is scrupulous in her treatment of guests."

Luna's walk slowed to almost a crawl. Celestia's did as well as they made their way through the winding halls of the palace. A few times Luna stopped and pawed at the ground before mumbling something and continuing on her way.

Celestia spread a wing over her younger sister. Luna leaned into the warmth. Celestia stopped and Luna did as well. "Luna, something is very clearly bothering you."

"Something has been bothering me for a long time and we will discuss it in my room."


They continued on their way, the tread of their hooves sounding a loud clop against the stone floors.

"Dost thou trust me, Sister?"

Celestia stopped. "Of course I do, Sister. Luna, what is this about?"

Luna opened the door to her bedroom. Celestia stepped inside and her hooves sank into the thick blue rug. Her sister's room was as dark as hers was bright, radiating coolness with shades of green and blue. There was a crescent shaped moon bed in the center of the room and there were heavy curtains in shades of red and purple ones decorated with stars.

The doors and windows had blue diamonds atop them. The door itself was dark and light blue with a light blue circle in the center surrounded by a half circle which Celestia assumed was supposed to represent the moon. Luna kept her back turned to her. Celestia laid a hoof upon her shoulder. "Please, speak to me. What is it that troubles your heart?"

Luna turned to her, a heavy frown on her features. Celestia couldn't decide if it was anger, sadness or some nightmarish mixture of both. The last time Luna had behaved as such...

No. She dared not allow her mind to go down such paths.

"Luna, please, I love you. Please speak to me. Whatever it is, we will work through it together."

"Why did you not allow me to go to the Crystal Empire?"

Celestia blinked her eyes. "I have never forbidden you to do so. What are you talking about?"

Luna sighed. "When Sombra returned I could have aided Twilight. My advice would have been incalculably valuable. Yet, you told me not to go."

"Twilight had to-"

"Do not deceive me. I am no statesmare to be appeased with idle chatter. You feared that I would fall to Sombra's power. That I would be once more tempted by dark powers as I once was."

Celestia's eyes fell to the floor. "Luna, you had just been returned to me. Things are different now."

"Are they though?"

For the first time, Celestia noticed the paddle lying atop Luna's sheets. She wondered if it was for an arts and crafts project. Luna did love her arts and crafts. Or, did her sister have an apprentice she didn't know about and said apprentice's behavior had gotten out of hoof?

"I have not changed, Celestia. I would be lying if I said otherwise. Thrice have my actions imperiled the innocent, the citizens of the empire and the world itself. First, when I gave into the dark powers of Nightmare Moon and two times tried to bring about night eternal. Night eternal! Oh Celestia, I would have doomed all races to the horrors of starvation and freezing to death. I deserved the gallows for what I did."

"Do not speak such things! You know I would not condemn the vilest murderer to death nonetheless my own flesh and blood!" She pressed her hoof to Luna's lips.

Luna moved away. "Yet I nearly condemned a world to death. And I once more imperiled the world to death with the Tantabus. It was intended only to torment myself yet it ran out of control."

Celestia eyed the paddle. "We all make mistakes. Was the moon not punishment enough?"

Luna snorted. "You know as well as I do that the moon was no punishment. The very orb that sustains me, that is the source of my power! Not to mention, I was asleep the entire time."

"What do you want then?"

Luna hesitated. "It is this festering guilt that hurts. I have been getting better beneath the care of the therapist assigned to me, but it is still there. L-last night, the subject of foalhood mischief came up. And, how many times..."She trailed off.

Celestia placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Go on, Luna."

"How a spanking helped relieve them of feelings of guilt even if-or perhaps because-it hurt."

"I see."

"I understand the Rite of Atonement has fallen out of favor, but I am old fashioned. Maybe, just maybe, a..." She couldn't say the word. A blush spread across her face. "I know it is against all royal dignity and foolish and you probably believe me impaired in my mental faculties."

Celestia strode over to the bed and lifted up the paddle. Luna came up behind her "Was I spanked as foal, Celestia?"

Celestia smirked. "Oh, yes. Many times. So was I. If you would just visit Father he would remind you of many things."

Luna shuffled her hoof. "I will visit him in good time. When I am ready to make the arduous journey to the Celestial Realms."

"He wants to see you. And he would say we both deserved a few swats of the paddle."

"Surely not. Only I was at fault."

Celestia laid the paddle back down. "I was so wrapped up in the affairs of state that I neglected my younger sister. If that doesn't deserve a few swats I don't know what does."

"You did not neglect me! I was so wrapped up in my own self-imposed suffering that I did not consider how my actions would affect others."

"We are both at fault-and if you argue, I will add more spanks."

Luna gulped. "Then you will do it?"

"Yes, but not now. You need more time to really think about this decision. I want you to stay here in contemplation for an hour. I will return."

Luna nodded at the command.

"Oh? And Luna?" Celestia kissed the soft place beneath her horn. "I love you. If this will help you, I will do it, though certainly not with a glad heart."

"I love you too, Celestia."

Celestia exited the room. Luna sat down on the soft sheets of the bed which wrapped around her body. She laid her head down on her hooves and thought.

An hour passed more quickly than she expected as she sat there, silent and waiting. Celestia opened the door with a wing, crossed the room and sat down beside her. "You have given more thought to this decision?"

"I have. My feelings have not changed."

"Very well. Bend over."

Celestia stood off of the bed and levitated over the paddle. Luna obeyed her elder and bent over the mattress, lifting up her rump to the coming chastisement. Celestia tapped the implement against her bottom. "Thirty spanks, not one more and not one less. I will not stop. You might start to cry and I fear you'll hate me after-"

"I promise you I won't."

"But I will not stop the spanking until I reach thirty swats. This will be painful. Do not delude yourself into thinking otherwise."

Luna felt her throat go dry. Pain was something the Princess of the Night did not too often experience.

"Do you wish to go forward?"


"Are you ready?"


"Speak the words of penance."

Luna's lips curled into a semi-smile. The old words of the rite of atonement. This was a penance freely entered into. "Celestia, I confess unto thee that I have wronged thee. Please accept this act of contrition that I may obtain the peace of forgiveness. And so that you might trust me again. So that things might be healed between us."

She had added on those last two.

"These ten swats are for giving into the Nightmare."

The paddle swished through the air and struck her upturned backside. Luna grunted. A second clap and then a third fell to the same place, the exact center of her bottom. Luna closed her eyes as a fourth swat rained down and then a fifth.

"Know this, Luna. The pain you feel right now is nothing compared to the feeling I had when I thought I lost you. I think I wept every night for one-thousand years."

Luna felt tears coming to her own eyes as the sixth blow to her behind fell. It was followed quickly by the seventh. The paddle clapped her rump, slapping against it. She yelped at the eighth slap. Tears began to pour down her cheeks at the ninth spank. The tenth slap fell.

Celestia pulled back the paddle. "These ten are for endangering the lives of our subjects by nearly bringing eternal night."

Luna braced herself. The eleventh lick of the paddle clapped across her hindquarters. It was more painful than the others. The twelfth spank had the same intensity. A thirteenth clap of the paddle slapped across her bottom. The fourteenth and fifteenth slaps rapidly rained down on her rump.

Celestia paused and caressed her shoulder. "Almost through. We'll get through this." She wiped away her own tears and raised up the paddle to bring down a sixteenth slap. Luna cried out. The paddle trembled in Celestia's grip. She barely paused as she brought down the seventeenth spank. An eighteenth spank slapped Luna's rear followed by the nineteenth and twentieth.

Luna's rump was now pink and nearly red.

Celestia took a few minutes to let Luna catch her breath. "These ten are for creating the tantabus."

Luna steadied herself on the bed and kept her now pink behind lifted up. The twenty first spank made her knees buckle. Celestia gave her a moment to readjust herself. The twenty second spank came down hard and Luna shouted. Celestia brought down the twenty-third and twenty-fourth slap to Luna's backside, keeping count silently in her mind.

Luna's face was wet with tears and soft whimpers came from between her parted lips. Nonetheless, she kept her bottom lifted for the seemingly endless claps that fell upon them. The twenty-fifth stroke was not as intense as the others, but it didn't need to be. An inferno was building up in Luna's behind, heat building up to an unbearable degree.

"Five more, LuLu."

The nickname recalled something from childhood and warmth bloomed in her chest. She had been in this position before. Celestia laid a hoof on Luna's shoulders and steadied the paddle. Five firm claps landed quickly, stinging pops on her roasted posterior.

Luna broke, unabashedly sobbing into the mattress. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Celestia threw away the paddle and grabbed Luna up into a tight embrace with her hooves and her wings. Luna embraced her, clinging to Celestia as if she might disappear at any moment. Celestia caressed Luna's shoulder blades and patted her back as Luna poured out all her sorrow, all her shame and pain and guilt.

When she stopped, Celestia pulled away and picked up the rod again. "You get to choose how many whacks of the paddle I shall receive."

Luna gave her a quizzical glance. "You really feel that guilty?"


"I will give you ten whacks if such will soothe your conscious."

Celestia positioned herself over the bed in the same way that Luna had, bottom lifted up. Luna levitated the paddle and tapped it against her backside before swinging it across Celestia's behind. Celestia jumped at the sting and bloom of heat. Luna swung it a second time and then a third, each time causing thin pink marks to pop up on Celestia's tushy. She swished the paddle through the air and landed a fourth hard smack.

Celestia grunted at the fifth clap. At the sixth, her eyes pooled with tears. The seventh spank made the mighty empress of the sun whimper. Luna stopped. "Shall I..."

"Go on. Please. I wronged you no less than you wronged me."

"If...if you say so, Sister."

Celestia cried out as the eighth spank was delivered. The ninth slap of the paddle slashed her posterior and the tenth followed in its wake. Luna laid the paddle on the bed and was nearly bowled over as Celestia wrapped her up in another hug, crying out her sorrow and her shame and pain and guilt. Luna just rubbed her back till the crying stopped.

Celestia sniffled, yet smiled through the tears. "Alright, Luna. Here's what we're going to do today. My dearest advisor will be acting as regent for parliament and court. The country will not go to ruins if I take a personal day. We're going to explore the city. Just you and me."

"That sounds fun."

"Oh, it will be."

They strode to the balcony of Luna's room, spread their wings and flew into the endless sky.

They felt lighter than they had in years.

Comments ( 10 )

I don't know how, but you somehow made a story about spanking entertaining and heartwarming.

:moustache: No one spanked me I was a very good dragon!
:facehoof: baloney you burned all the paddles and switches before they had a chance to be used...
:trollestia: I used a special riding crop just for dragons
:raritystarry: so that's where he got that terrible idea!:twilightoops:

Very well done:eeyup:

Very Nice End...
Lives room for a follow up with some of the others tho too ...

Makes sense and never a problem. Reading on.

I'd honestly like to write one. Hmm...

Thanks for the explanation. I don't agree with it, but I understand where you're coming from. Of course, rehab and guidance is needed too.

...Now I want to write a Pony drug rehab that incorporates spanking. Thanks for that. (No sarcasm, I really mean that.)

If that's what turns your crankshaft, so be it.

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