• Published 7th Mar 2017
  • 4,049 Views, 44 Comments

Lessons Learned - RoyalBardofCanterlot

The Mane 6 and Shining Armor reminisce about childhood spankings

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Cadence's Tale

The blue sky was bright today, cotton candy clouds floating through the abyss with the softness of silk spun by the Gods. Cadence's wings were spread to their full extent and a tune burst from the young pegasus' lips. Her mentor and aunt (by a very distant cousin), Princess Celestia, soared ahead of her. From this far up, the world below was a patchwork of greens and browns and grays with blue coursing through like the land was a quilt. Cadence swung over a cloud in her way. Celestia was still a few feet ahead of her.

Cadence grinned and charged. Celestia spun to the side and allowed the younger princess to get ahead of her. With a flap of her large white wings, Celestia similarly surged. Cadence darted away from Celestia. The air sang through her feathers as she picked up speed, always a few inches away from her mentor.

Celestia flapped her wings three times and soon came up on Cadence. Cadence ducked down low and Celestia followed, running a feather across Cadence's side. Cadence squirmed and giggled. Celestia grinned and darted ahead, Cadence hot on her trail.

Cadence turned sideways and zoomed beneath Celestia. She delighted in hearing the giggles come from her aunt's lips as she tickled her stomach.

"C-Cadence, you get back here!"

Cadence blew a raspberry and zoomed so far ahead she was only a blur of pink against blue. Celestia picked up speed. Her wings were lifted up by the wind which pushed her forward. Cadence saw the approach of her kin and flapped her wings, buoyed up by the air. The wind propelled her forward and she discovered she didn't need to flap her wings. She only needed to coast. Her speed remained the same as she sailed through the air, over and above clouds, peeking out from behind cumuluses and cirruses.

Celestia was not so easily discouraged. She stopped and scanned the white and sapphire ocean of air, water vapor and clouds. Her niece seemed to have disappeared. Suddenly, she caught a flash of pink hiding behind a cloud. She darted forward and Cadence zoomed away from her hiding place.

Celestia chased her and Cadence pumped her wings so that she was always a few feet ahead of the sun princess. Celestia picked up speed so that she was nearly on top of Cadence, but Cadence flew upwards. Celestia ascended after her and Cadence darted downward. Celestia spiraled downwards as well, but Cadence twirled in midair and went upwards again.

Celestia followed and Cadence slammed into a cloud. Celestia managed to avoid it and dodged the other clouds in her way. She pushed her way through an alabaster mountain of cloudstuff and found Cadence sprawled out on a field of cumuluses. Upon seeing Celestia she jumped up and darted downwards. Celestia jumped over the edge and spread her wings to search for her in the cyan expanse.

Forests of clouds and swirling mists greeted her searching eyes. Meanwhile, Cadence danced among the mists, resting her tired wings by riding a thermal. The warm pocket of air soothed and caressed her tired muscles. Down below, a long patch of green hinted at a forest. She shifted down lower to take a look at it. It was a forests of pines and firs. The sweet scent rose up to her as she went around the tall top of a pine.

Celestia shook her from her reverie by patting her shoulder and then zooming over her. Cadence shot forward, this time pursuing her elder. Celestia stuck out her tongue and lifted up. Cadence angled her body, put her wings into position and rocketed upwards. The forests receded below her, turning once more into a splash of green on a patchwork quilt.

Celestia was far, far out of her reach. Cadence accelerated, rocketing in an upward ascent. Celestia turned at the last second and shot out of the way of her pursuer. Cadence flipped and pursued her. Celestia zigzagged away and Cadence zigzagged in a pattern opposite hers.

Just as the patterns would have converged, Celestia dipped low and out of reach of Cadence's hoof. It occurred to Cadence that Celestia had been letting her get ahead before. She slowed her flight and wiped away a few beads of sweat that had accumulated on her brow.

Celestia looked around and similarly slowed her own flight. Cadence found another thermal which she rested on as she sailed next to Celestia. This section of the sky was cloudless, only a crystal clear expanse of blueness. Cadence couldn't even see the small world below her as she and Celestia floated on the air.

Cadence flapped her wings and rid herself of the droplets of sweat that had formed on her feathers. Cool air caressed her pinions. Celestia yawned. Cadence tapped her shoulder. "You're it!"

Celestia smoothly sailed on the air currents as Cadence darted away, though at a slower pace than she had been going. Cadence twirled and waltzed in the empty sky, moving to music in her head. She twisted and spun, flipping onto her back and then rocketing away.

She ascended higher into the air and Celestia followed her. Cadence darted upwards a few inches and Celestia spread her wings to keep up with her. Cadence forced herself to go ever higher until the air grew too thin and pressure bore down on her.

She changed course and fell into a controlled descent. Celestia took her lead and went downward as well. Cadence changed course again and flew straight at a hurried pace. Celestia increased her speed and the two soared side-by-side, neither trying to tag the other, the game forgotten as they exulted in the in pure joy of flight.

They flew through a tunnel of thick clouds which had merged together to form mountains and palaces in the sky. Cadence pranced over one cloud and broke free. Celestia flew through the hole left by her niece and broke out into the air. More clouds greeted her.

There was something else. Cadence stopped as she heard the chilling screech. She rushed to her aunt's side and Celestia spread a wing over her. The playful smile on Celestia's face was replaced by a frown. "Let's turn back."

Celestia pulled Cadence closer to her side as a black wing blotted out the sky and reduced the clouds to mist. Cadence hid her face in Celestia's side.

The creature was enormous, a black bird resembling a crow or raven. His wings were fully extended, her beak a sharp, orange hook opened in an outraged shout, six, gnarled talons extending from each foot. The wind whipped up by his wings knocked away the remaining clouds and sent both Celestia and Cadence tumbling.

Celestia held Cadence close to her. The giant bird (a roc, Cadence recalled) wasn't alone. An equally large member of his species was right across from him. The opposing roc bellowed in challenge and charged his rival. The rival roc plunged his beak into his challenger's chest and pulled out a chunk of his flesh.

Their wings clashed, blood and feathers filling the cloudless sky. The first roc took full advantage of his height, pushing and striking at the challenger. The challenger slashed his talon's into his rival, drawing a fountain of blood. Gallons of blood sprayed from the wounds, but still they charged, scratching and biting, pecking and poking.

They broke apart and the second roc slammed his wing against the first roc, sending it sprawling into the air. A hurricane of wind battered Cadence and Celestia.

Cadence burrowed deeper into Celestia's chest. "W-why are they fighting, Auntie? Can you make them stop?"

"I'm afraid not!"

"Why not?"

The first roc recovered from his spin and hurled against the second one's chest. The second one pushed back and the first one sliced his beak against the second one's face. The second one was determined and sank his talons into the first one's leg.

The screams were like lightning. Cadence and Celestia tried to keep hold of one another, but neither could get a good flight pattern going. The gusts kicked up by the combat of the savage beasts tossed them like leaves caught in an autumn storm.

The first one's outraged screeches shook the sky itself. It slashed into the second one, ripping out chunks of black flesh and feathers. Cadence couldn't draw her gaze away. She struggled in her aunt's grip.

"Cadence! Stop! What are you doing?"

"I'm going to make them stop fighting!"

"No! Cadence, listen to me!" Celestia drew a tight grip around Cadence who continued to squirm. "There's nothing you can do!"

"I can spread love!"

"It won't work! They'll rip you to pieces!"

The rocs were busy trying to rip each other to pieces. The second one bit down hard on the first one's neck and the first one jabbed his talons into the second one's stomach. The first one ripped away from the hold that the second one had on his throat and slammed his beak towards his bitter foe. The second one slapped his beak away with one vastly huge wing, sending him sprawling away.

Instead of relenting, the second roc ran after his rival. Blood stained his formerly orange beak and dripped down his claws. The first roc rose back up and they crashed into each other. That's when Cadence broke Celestia's hold and charged away.

"Cadence! No! Please, listen!"

The panicked scream was lost in the rush as Cadence hurried over to where the giant birds had each other in a stranglehold. Neither of the powerful champions of the air were willing to give way. They slammed their beaks together. Both their talons were plunged into each other's shoulders. The first one ripped away his talons and backed up to bash against the second one.

That's when Cadence stood between them. Both rocs stopped and stared at this strange new contender. Cadence gulped as both rocs gazed at her. The second one screeched. Cadence froze. "H-hi."

Both rocs cocked their heads at the little morsel which could only serve as a light snack or perhaps as a meal for their chicks. Cadence lit up her horn and two pink hearts sprung forth. The rocs hissed and then charged her.

Cadence screamed and flew away as fast as she could, which wasn't fast enough. She just barely missed a swipe of the first roc's claw. She was tiny enough to zigzag beneath the talons of the second rock. Celestia sped after them and teleported. A golden flash filled the sky and the rocs covered their eyes as the light blinded them.

Celestia grabbed Cadence and teleported again. The rocs pursued them and Celestia teleported again. The second roc fell behind, but the first roc closed his eyes and sniffed the air. The moment he latched onto their scent he picked up speed. Celestia teleported three more times, the bright flashes only serving to attract the roc.

Celestia dipped downward, but the roc gave chase. Celestia spun around and shot over the roc's head. The roc snapped at her tail. The second roc had finally caught up. Cadence cried and hid herself in Celestia's fur. Celestia paused as the beasts circled them.

They hissed and growled at each other, both daring the other to go after the prey first. Celestia teleported again and both rocs looked around. The first roc spotted Celestia hiding behind a cloud. It swooped over and was disoriented by the flash of another teleportation spell.

Celestia gathered power and poured it into the next spell. A yellow shield of energy enfolded them. The roc scratched against it. His rival slammed against it and let out a cry of pain. The first roc scratched and explored the hard surface. Cadence barely breathed.

The second roc flew off. His rival joined him and they separated in opposite directions.

Cadence peaked out and dared to look at the shield. "I-I have the power to spread love. Why didn't it work?"

Celestia steadied her own breathing. "Your magic is attuned to Ponies. It doesn't work on non-Ponies."

Cadence avoided Celestia's gaze. "I'm sorry."

"You should be."

Cadence cringed at the scolding tone to her aunt's voice. "Wanna race?" She flapped her wings. "I-I mean the rocs are gone. We can go back to racing. I really love racing."

The babbling was cut off by a gentle pat of Celestia's hoof against her lips. "Cadence, you know what you did was dangerous and foolish. You could have been hurt or killed. If I hadn't been there, those beasts would have shredded you to bits."

Cadence hung her head. "I know...but I promise not to do it again!"

"Yes and you're going to get a spanking to make sure you remember to keep that promise."

"No, not a spanking!" Cadence whined.

Celestia patted her mane. "I'm sorry Cadence, but I can't let you get away with what you just did. We discussed the rules when you got here. If you do something dangerous, you get a spanking. Not only did you do something dangerous, you directly disobeyed me. I can't have that. This is for your own good."

Cadence sniffled. Celestia let go of her hold on the shield and it dissipated. Then she lowered her back and ushered Cadence on. She climbed on with great reluctance and soon, they were off.

Cadence watched from Celestia's back as the world flew by. Celestia dipped down low and the world began taking on distinctive shapes. Rugged, grey mountains. Humble, wooden hamlets. Fields of grass and happy, yellow dandelions blew in the breeze. The city of Canterlot grew closer.

Marble spires lined with solid gold shone in the afternoon sun. Celestia flew into the city and over alleyways, taking the longest route to the castle.

Unfortunately, the difficult duty could not be put off forever. She landed on the balcony and Cadence hopped from her back. She didn't attempt to run as Celestia took her little ear in her magic and tugged her in the direction of the bedroom.

Cadence didn't resist. "I really am sorry."

Celestia sighed. "I know, Sweetie. I wouldn't do this if I didn't feel that I had to."

Celestia guided the filly into her personal chambers, pushing the door open and sitting down on the purple sheets of her bed. She laid Cadence across her lap and rested one foreleg on her back.

She lifted her hoof and firmly smacked Cadence's bottom. Cadence jumped and a second smack cracked along her rump. A third and fourth fell just as quickly to the same place. Celestia peppered the Pegasus princess's posterior with stinging smacks, moving her hoof from the right part of Cadence's butt to the left.

Cadence kicked and squirmed as the spanks fell across her bottom, but soon she laid her face into the sheets and pressed her forelegs into the mattress. Celestia focused the smacks on Cadence's left flank, leaving her bottom pinker than normal and then turned her attention to her right flank.

Cadence whimpered as a particularly firm slap was delivered to her rump. Celestia slapped Cadence's sit spot and delivered five more smacks to the exact center of her bottom. "I was very scared when you did that, Cadence." Each word was punctuated with a slap to her rear. "Do not do it again."

"I won't!"

Celestia delivered several more whacks to Cadence's behind, finishing with a flurry of swats. Then, she stopped and pulled Cadence into a crushing embrace. Cadence cuddled into her, wrapping both her forelegs around her aunt. Celestia levitated over a hairbrush and ran it through Cadence's mane while Cadence softly cried. The tears slowed and then ceased altogether as Cadence nestled into Celestia's hug. Celestia cradled her in her embrace. "So, why don't we go back to flying?"

Cadence smiled. "Alright, Auntie."

She hopped off Celestia's lap. They went to the balcony, flared their wings and hurtled into the air.

Cadence stretched and yawned. "We spent the rest of the day flying. It was nice."

Fluttershy shook her mane. "You were very lucky. Rocs...they can't be stopped when they're in that state and they're extremely aggressive."

Luna held a marshmallow attached to a stick over the flames. "I'd tell a tale, alas, my foalhood is a distant memory...though I recover more and more each day. Tell me, after the spanking, how did you feel?"

Cadence shrugged. "My bum hurt."

"Did you no longer feel guilt from your offense?"

"No, I have to say I didn't."

"Hmm...h-how about everypony else? I mean, I assume you felt guilty after doing something wrong."

They all nodded in assent to this. Fluttershy spoke up. "Well, after the spanking, I did feel kind of...cleansed? The guilt was gone."

"I-I see."

Pinkie bounced on her cushion. "Enough tales of tanned tushies. Who wants to play truth-or-dare?"

"I'll go first!" Dash and Applejack shouted.

While they hoofwrestled for the honor, Luna stared into the flames.

Author's Note:

One more chapter left.