• Member Since 9th Apr, 2016
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I hope you have a good day, every single day.

Comments ( 98 )

this is primarily a writing experiment

Everything we write is an experiment, friend. Every time I delve into a new fic I try something new.

Good to see this launching, and I think you chose a good time. I'm glad I could be a part of this story.
It was damn funny, as well.

Very well done my friend, I'm proud of you! :twilightsmile: Incredible improvements, thanks for taking my words to heart. I really enjoyed the read, keep it up!

This was an interesting story so far. I haven seen a really good story with the protagonist is bisexual. I like the inversion of the expected roles of the parent which make it hilarious how his mother is so desperately want her son to be trait while his father is surprisingly accepting with what he seems to 'thinks' is his son's choice. It is interesting how his father can enter his son's world being also a guy by showing complicit with him, which is something the opposed wouldn't really work with the mother, who despite sowing as much sympathy her son wouldn't really feel that she understand what she is going through. I love the behavior of the mother, and I hope she will keep on becoming weirder as she becomes desperate in what she think she can redirected he son orientation by .

I wish their where more bisexual stories that is haft as interesting as this.

Interesting premise so far there aren't alot of stories with a bisexual main character, and none as interesting as this one. Your transitions between scenes is something I haven't seen in written story's before. So far you've got my attention well done :twilightsmile:

Even for a fic with gay stuff in it this has an unusual ratio of dislikes, specially considering how well written it is

8085225 I might be the unorthodox writing style perhaps, or maybe they just thought they'd be getting more. I already have the second chapter finished, and I considered putting it on hiatus because I thought I had written it terribly. But thank you for reassuring me that it's not that bad. I just wish people left comments expressing what they didn't like about it.

I'm holding out on reading this for a little bit, just because of time factors over here, but I *want* this story to be good, very badly. Hopefully it works out, but rest assured, I'll let you know if it needs help. I'm a jackass that way. :rainbowlaugh:

This was a great chapter, I sure hope Silver with manage to keep both of them for as long as possible. I am starting to guess that Silver's father homoerotic experimentation was more then just a phase that he had went through, given that the statement of the origin of the magazine. Still this story is really getting interesting now.

Ah, the joys and struggles of being bisexual

Awesome work bro! Silver's mom is hilarious xDDD that scene with the hooker XDDD. I am looking forward for the next chapters.
btw I do not understand the dislikes nothing is wrong with this fic so far

This was a very fun chapter, I'm loving the exhibitionism but I'm even more excited and curious about how Synary and Blossom are going to meet.

I would guess the dislikes are for the bluntness of the comedy; this ain't exactly clever, subtle satire. I mean, I don't mind that, but some people really can't get into it.

Yeah ... I don't know if they're building up to him and his dad both confessing to being bisexual, or if his dad is supposed to be gay and in a sexless marriage.

8087057 it's also a possibility that Silver's father just miss doing the stuff, or talking about it, seeing how much of an aversion his wife has about it. it might be that he would like a little more variety in his intercourse.

Holy crap I was not expecting this! It was amazing! Wow, added to my favourites. You have entertained me a lot more now. :twilightsmile:

8087053 I think the difference in comedy is due to culture. In Britain, most of our comedies are: Main protag is sane, the world he occupies is insane. The exceptions being stuff with Rowan Atkinson a la Mr Bean and Blackadder. I've noticed American comedies are the opposite, where the main characters are insane ( Always Sunny, Seinfeld, Friends, Superbad) and the world they occupy is sane. I tried to mix the two together, where I was trying to combine the blunt and direct humour of Superbad, where it isn't the protag that is the humorous one, but the characters around him instead. I do however realise the humour isn't everyone's cup of tea, nor is the fact a majority of the clop thus far is gay, but frankly I don't care. I just really wanted to try and tell a somewhat original story, make the few people who like the humour laugh, as well as help them get their rocks off to the clop. :twilightsmile:

8086789 Thank you for the kind words! I hope I continue to make the quality decent until the very end.

8087072 I'm glad you enjoyed it even more! There will be more straight content in future chapters.

“So I can watch…”

Okay, so, first, what the actual hell, and second, why am I so into this?

There are two words that when on their own aren’t special, but together they create a statement of indisputable wisdom and work as an answer to any inner turmoil when joined as one… fuck it.

I agree wholeheartedly.

“T-thank you.”
“Y-yeah. Anytime.”

So they're a couple now?

“Thanks,” I spat at her, crossing my forehooves. “Well… got any tips?”
She looked up in thought, chewing the inside of her cheek, before looking back at her book. “Don’t fuck up.”

Possibly the best advice you could ever give.

Oh, and coasters too. Who could forget coasters.

Oh, yes, don't forget the coasters.

“Hey!” As I reached the exit, I heard her call out to me from the table, and I glanced over my shoulder whilst still making my escape. “You didn’t finish your pie!”

NO!!! THE PIE!!!

This was great. Seriously. I love where you're taking this, and I hope that I can help get future chapters published! :pinkiehappy:

I'm kinda surprised this story has as much thumbs down as it does. The writing is a lot better than the average fic on this site and it's pretty funny.

Whatever the case, I hope you continue this. I'm really enjoying it so far.

8088586 :twilightsmile: Thanks! Hey, I'll contact you when I've actually finished chapter 3, eh?

8088878 Thank you. It might be due to the gay themes, or the blunt humour which many might take to assume this a trollfic maybe? I don't know. I am however grateful you like the fic, and it enraptures me to no end that you think the writing is above average. Thank you.

8090586 Take your time! I'll be waiting. And besides, you can't rush perfection! (Or procrastination, but lets not get into that.)

Just sending this out to let ya'll know another chapter is up. Some of you maybe interested, some of you not. Just being courteous.

Thank you for the update Jakelope but I've already got this to email me when a new chapter comes out! I really like it even if you're still disapointed to it, I like how sweet it was at the end with Synary and Silver (I wonder if he'll ask what he tastes like lol)! Though I hope Silver comes clean to both of them soon, I'm not sure how well Synary would take it but I think Blossom wouldn't have too much of a problem with it... Or I hope she doesn't.

This was a great chapter, I really like the duo relationship Silver has with those two sot far. I think this is one of the best bisexual that I have read so fare. By the way what does their uniform look like for the school?

8098132 I'd say a white black buttoned shirt, with a caramel coloured blazer with red sleeves.

replying to a comment on a chapter other than the one the original comment was on doesn't actually generate a notification, for future reference. Took me years to learn that though, don't worry!

While I'm here – this is super cute and I adore it. Agree with most of the cuts you made, for reference, I think the final product came out pretty strong. The narrative angle you take sometimes works for the romance, I think. I don't know that you're selling the exact chemistry in either of the relationships, but you're selling Silver's feelings, and that's pretty important. I really like the sibling dynamic that Silver and Gem have, it feels pretty real and grounded and a good counterpoint to the rest of the fic. I think his parents might have been oversold early on though, while I appreciate the comic relief, it made me expect the actual main plotline to be taken a bit less seriously.

Overall, it's really nice (also hot), and I'm hoping that Blossom can appreciate her coltfriend making out with with another cute boy, because she'd have to be an idiot not to.

Oh, and that might be the best cover art I've seen on the site, I love it

8098325 Thank you, I appreciate it a whole bunch. Yeah, a lot can change whilst writing. This is my first foray in writing a more structured story. I have the begining and end planned, but I hit a small snag with the middle . As for the parents, yes I think I may have flanderised them a tad too early, mainly because I was conflicted over the comedy I wanted to portray. I mean, I was trying to imitate superbad, but accidently veered off toward a more serious story (if you want somewhat better comedy, go read my other fiction 'No Longer Customary), which had the romance dialed way past 11). I honestly thought I would have written more with them, but unfortunately (or fortunately) I found a bulk of my time writing out Silver and his love triangle rather than his family. Twinkle initially was gonna have more a role, replacing his sister actually, who too was gonna get the parent treatment. I remember having the idea of making her way more angst, rather than the sarcastic ball buster of a sibling she is now.

Also thank you for your compliment on the cover art. It's a masturpece

Please write more chapters. This story is a masterpiece and insanely well written.

Also can't wait to see what our Protagonist will do about two ponies wanting to smash with him

8100970 Thank you. That genuinely makes me happy to hear. Don't worry, I will be writing this to completion. If you like the writing of this fic, check out my previous two clopfics. The writing in those, at least if you go by the ratings, is also supposed to me good.

I just took a close look at the cover art while checking for an update and I just burst out laughing.

Keep up the good work.

the moment when I read

As I sat there, a see through stare directed at the table, Maple’s overly loud voice in my ears. I pondered internally about the situation that I had only myself to blame for. To further remind me of my mistake, Blossom’s hoof was still against mine, meanwhile one of Synary’s fore hooves had fallen to his side, tentatively brushing against my haunch. Neither in a sexual manner, just the desire for bodily contact, which made the whole affair somehow worse. At least it’s Friday, right?

my only thought was, "Man, you're fucked up and you're going to get fucked up eventually." (It can go both ways...whatever helps you sleep at night...:trollestia:)

I won't lie. Your comments helped me continue to write this. The original chapter 4 was so inconceivably bad that it prompted the cancellation to begin with. Silver is not dead yet.

I'm glad you decided to continue, but don't burn yourself out for our sake, though. I'd rather you take your time to complete it instead of feeling rushed to put it out on a schedule or whatever. I mean, my longest story was 20k words and took me over a half a year, while you did 30k in a week. I don't think anyone would blame you for wanting to take a bit of a break.

You do you, man.

So this is the last chapter of this story? Well, I was hoping to have more humor in and I still see a lot of potential for a lot more shenanigans for Silver. Still, it could be an acceptable conclusion.

I would have like to see more of Silver’s indecision and see Blossom and Sonata trying to win him over with their affection for him; Hell I could even imagine Blossom turning this into a game for her own amusement even go as far as to give Sonata a few pointers to make the game more interesting for her or even rope him into her little outings. One thing that I wonder if Blossom’s interest in Silver more than just a guy that she can use to feed her exhibition t escapades or was she actually growing genuine feelings for him? For Sonata, I would have liked to learn more about him and she more of his actually personality rather than the just the meekness.

We could have seen how the rumors and dramas at school would have started to affect their relation and what they would think that Silver is going out with two of the most popular figures in the school.

I would have loved to see what are Blossom’s school friends like and if they are just as shallow as she said they are. I would have like to see how the characters grow in the story as I feel we are far from a resolution of the story. One of the things that I really enjoyed of the story were Silver’s parent and how they completely misread the Silver’s situation. I would have liked to see how his dealing with Blossom’s and Sonata’s parents would have been and if they would have been even more weird then his own and seeing how much power they could weal against Silver’s life both respectively ways it could have been interesting to see how they would make his life a living hell for him.

I just hope their could have been more stories to this. Still, it was a good read.

Best of wishes

8109160 This is not the end! There's a final main chapter, and I might write several epilogues and bonus chapters. For instance, there has been a time jump. I did plan on doing some special 3rd person bonus stuff with Blossom and Synary. Like, what happened during Silver's absence, and other stuff like that. There will be more!

8109160 Those ideas to gave are great btw. In the epilogue for this story spoilers there is gonna be a scene with Silver's parents and Synary & Blossom. However I will do bonus chapters covering stuff I missed, such as what characters were doing in Silver's absence, how the parents of Synary or Blossom react, as well as some 'What If' style chapters. If you have any ideas I'll happily consider doing them.

8109272 Great, I will try to come up with a few more ideas if I can.

I was hooked before, but, now I fear there is no escape. I must keep reading!

This chapter = my fetish.

8111618 Well, have I got a surprise in store for you. :rainbowlaugh:
Glad you're enjoying it thus far.

Silver is Equestria's biggest beta. Also I love the fact that you mentioned the good 'ol "I've only known you for like 3 days".

when will there be a new chapter? I love this fic so far! and does anyone know anything similar?

8145602 Yikes, it's been long since the last update hasn't It? I'm sincerely sorry. As of now, and to much disappointment to myself, chapter 5 is at 1.5k words. I do predict its release to occur in the next 7-10 days. Sorry for the wait.

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