• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Write what you like, and like what you write.

Comments ( 79 )


I asked him, he felt that it'd be too much work for him to tackle. I'd need to find another artist to do it instead, and I don't really feel like dealing with that.

I'd sacrifice a good chunk of budget if it meant eating at Sugarcube Corner as much as possible with a maternity icon serving your food.

That was just so cute.

Refreshing to see some Button with Mom stuff that isn't incest for the hundreth time.

Seconded with gusto. Our esteemed host pretty much had me at "not everything has to be incest," and this short's sheer slice-of-life quality just iced the cake.

One word: ADORABLE.

Nice and simple, this was a fun read.

I would give anything to be in that colt's spot.

Fun and kinda cute really.

me likey.
only way if would have been better was with SoariFire sex.

Damn, Spitfire really does make it look good. I love stories like this and this is a stand out among them.

So Mac made her go from four... to eleven foals?

Thus the Cakes were single hoofedly responsible for the population explosion in Ponyville. Next Cup will have septuplets, then octuplets, then nonuplets and then decuplets and so on ... .

...Am I the only one who wants to see a continuation of this chapter with Celestia getting even bigger?

8067292 I would have gone with Twilight Large-kle since it at least is a homophone of Sparkle.

8087661 When Contracting a proper name such as [Celestia] you should use appostrophes ['] to properly represent the vowels and consonants being omitted. so [Celestia] should then contract to ['Tia] since you are omitting the first five letters of her proper name. [Celes-]

Twilight you dolt. Try a shrinking spell.:facehoof:

... I think I'd like to see more of this kind of stuff.

As much as Celestia loves to flaunt her pregnancy, Mac's lil sudden litter of foals makes her daily life quite the pain. Best to see her better first. Then do another long as hell pregnancy, more controlled this time.

Truth be told, all this is making me visualize Mac double-timing it up the mountain to help ensure Celly's induced on schedule (with a couple spell-reinforced condoms, mind). Gonna need mops galore & custodial raises if that Big Splorsh doesn't occur in the baths.

8090183 You're really missing the point of it, aren't you?

To be fair, this fic cuts off with two months of growth to go. Easy enough to visualize what Celly might look like at that point, 'specially given the heritage of 70% of those foals. Granted, you might be pondering Megapone-tier distension...

At this rate, you'll be able to build an entire city on Ember.

8053794 reading this i can't help that there condoms a very poorly made

This particular ficlet seems criminally feedback-impoverished for something that hits me in so many fave-spots simultaneously-thanks for sharing. Though the 'greed=mate preparation' thing seems a skosh contrived, about all I found myself itching for was (a) one more dracopone in Squiggley's oven and (b) a paragraph or two of maddeningly silky, button-stroking striptease. That noted, two typos: 'his dick' gets repeated in paragraph #11, and 'incredibly' as opposed to 'incredible' in #14.

EDIT: Welp, talk about getting what you itch for with interest. Hadn't expected Rarity's prodigiously updated foal count, and ditto for the fantastic Patch pic which prompted it. Gotta love the pregpone connection(s).

There's NOWHERE near enough unbirth on this site.

The last mother to do this sort of thing likely held the name of "apple"


I'll agree with you on that one.

I have a feeling she won't stop at just twins :rainbowhuh::rainbowlaugh:

8123842 I was hoping the story would continue well past twins!

... you sure you couldn't turn this into a larger story?

And then she goes into labor...

:rainbowderp: "I regret everything!"

We sure need more macro preg fics, very nice job!

Given this book's comprehensiveness, no way there aren't a half-dozen exercises for that too.

What are the phoenix feathers for? To extend his life he decides to become her consort?

Luna: "...Tia?"

Celestia: "Hm?"

Luna: "Why do you keep approving Velvet's requests for fertility drugs?"

Celestia: "They're our parents."

Luna: "...Wat."

Celestia: "One day they're going to give birth to us. I'll time travel us back to when we were first found by Starswirl, and history will take it's course from there."

Luna: "WHAT."

Celestia: "Also? Every last one of their babies is gonna save the world at least once."

Luna: "...Ow my brain."

I know I get most likley kicked for it, but: Can people use this ideas that are written here?


Possibly, if that person asked my permission before doing so.

No words, just wow, best damn thing ive read all day, you literally made my day thank you.

8150271 I guess you missed the story this came from

Is it bad that I'm really envious of Zenith?

Between Patch's phenomenal works and such complementary writing, the pregpone community is enjoying some delightful synergy for a niche fanbase corner.

Can we get a snippit of Starlight's pregnancy from Hybrid?

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