• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 2,197 Views, 153 Comments

Lights, Camera... - Smoking Gun

The Mane Six and the rest of Ponyville get caught up in production of the newest superhero movie

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Prologue: Announcement

Prologue: Announcement

When it came to towns one may associate with being the centre of news and trends, Ponyville would probably be at the bottom of the list (if on the list at all). While the last two years have brought a different kind of attention to the town (usually involving monsters), Ponyville was never considered the hub of culture. That honour was reserved for Canterlot or Manehatten. It varies from pony to pony. Ponyville is just another town, with nothing happening.

“Collect Snacks?”Twilight sparkle exited Sugar Cube Corner, holding a box with her magic. By her side, as always, was Spike, carrying his trademark quill and scroll. “Check.” He replies happily. Twilight was planning to throw a get-together at her library. Pinkie was always the pony who threw the parties in Ponyville. Usually because she would beat everypony to the punch. Twilight was up for a change of pace, so she decided to host one herself. Celestia knew she had nothing else to do. Ever since her Brother’s wedding in Canterlot, there wasn’t any major crisis to solve, bad guys to fight or friendship lessons to learn. Mostly because ever since the wedding, Equestria’s mythical baddies had gone into hiding.

“So what’s left?” Twilight asked. “Well, we set up the decorations earlier. I guess that means we’re done. And just in time. We just picked up a bucket of ice cream with my name on it.” The little dragon licked his lips with anticipation. “That’s because you’re the one who put in the order, Spike.” Twilight was all too aware of Spike’s sugar craving, border lining on addiction.

Is this really all I have to worry about anymore? Twilight was never a fan of fighting or conflict. However, there was a distinct feel of boredom she had been feeling since the post-wedding hype had calmed down. It was the reason she was throwing the party in the first place. Ponyville wasn’t exciting, so she had to make it exciting. At least as exciting as a librarian could.

“Remember folks, cheering is encouraged!”

The Cloudsdale stadium echoed with the announcer’s words of wisdom. On the launching pad, was Rainbow Dash. She inhaled and exhaled as she looked at the obstacle course laid out before her. All eyes were on her. Everything was riding on this. Her reputation, her place in the Wonderbolts, everything! She stood up on her hind legs, spread her front legs and dipped over the edge of the pad, plummeting towards the earth. She then spreads her wings and swoops back up towards the stadium field.

With great elegance and speed, she swooped up and down, in and out of the obsticles laid out over the arena. Backflips, barrel rolls, you name it, she was doing it. Leaving a vaguely rainbow coloured after image in her wake, she finished the course and swooped up into the air, in sight of the whole arena.

The stadium burst into cheers, so loud that all of Equestria shook with the sound of hoofs stomping on the seats. Rainbow Dash waved her arms in the air, soaking in the applause.

“Allow me to present to you, the newest member of the Wonderbolts: Rainbow Dash!” The announcer raised his voice, making sure it was clear to everyone in the world. “Thank you. Thank you all!” Rainbow was sure to give some praise back to the audience, just to make sure it didn’t look like she was a glory hound. It was the greatest moment of her life.

Too bad no one was actually in the stadium. There were events scheduled for the day, so Rainbow took the liberty of using the stadium “grounds,” And why not? No one else was using it. As the excitement wore off, Rainbow came back to reality, remember there was no announcer or audience cheering her on. She had hoped pretending she was at her actual try-out for the Wonderbolts would improve moral, but she had been wrong before.

“Go me... ” the rainbow Pegasus said softly as she hung her head, landed on the same ledge she took off from and walked into the dark interior of the stadium.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique. Where everything is chic, unique and manific!” The now trademarked greeting for Rarity’s place of business echoed through the nearly empty shop. “Now you try it darling.”

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique. Where everything is chic, unique and man—mani—umm” Sweetie Bell struggled to pronounce this fancy word she had never heard before. It all sounded like gibberish to her.

“It’s pronounced ‘manific’ darling.” Rarity gave an encouraging smile to her little sister. Sweetie Bell was hoping to earn an allowance, unfortunately, that involved helping Rarity out at the boutique.

“Urgh! Words are stupid. Why can’t I just say ‘Hey’ like I do to everypony else?” Sweetie Bell asked honestly. Rarity took a step back, almost offended by the question. “Because the ponies who shop at Carousel Boutique are not just ‘anypony’. They are our customers and that makes them special.” Rarity’s pitch made her feel very proud of herself. Sweetie Bell was just perplexed.

“But they’re just anypony when they leave” Sweetie pointed out.

“Exactly.” Rarity gave her a knowing wink. “When our customers feel more important in here then out there, they’ll be more inclined to come back.” Rarity’s words did make sense. But Sweetie kept thinking that something was wrong.

“Well, when you live in Ponyville, anywhere else by comparison could make you feel like a Queen.” Rarity looked away awkwardly.

“Perhaps. But we’re still the no.1 dress designers in Ponyville. And it’s our job to bring whatever class we can. We bring the trends to us!” Rarity felt rather special giving such a speech, hoping to inspirer her little sister. Judging by the look on Sweetie Bell’s face, it didn’t work.

“Sorry sis. But I think speaking in fancy is about as classy as Ponyville is going to get.” Sweetie Bell turned away and began to head up stairs. She stopped after the first few steps and turned back to Rarity. “If it makes you feel any better, it looks like you won’t need me around to get in the way.” Sweetie then continued her journey upstairs. Rarity looked back at the boutique, populated only by ponyikins and the latest in fashion that she had to offer.

I don’t think anypony is going to need either of us anytime soon, thought Rarity as she slowly walked over to her work bench, toiling away at some paper work she had yet to file.

“Knock ‘em down, Sugar Cube!” Applejack watched as Applebloom raised her hind legs and bucked the apple tree as hard as she could. Unfortunately, you filly ended up shaking more than the tree did, stumbling to the ground in a daze.

“Hehe. Yall got less kick then a one-legged mule.” Applejack extended a helping hoof. Applebloom reluctantly took it. “Hadn’t we establish applebuckin’ aint my talent?” Applebloom felt a little embarrassed having to bring that up again.

“Sure as sugar have” Applejack said jokingly. “Unfortunatly, Big Macintosh just had to bang ‘emself up again. And I can’t clear this field by myself. You’ve got apple in the name. Meaning you’re the best mare for the job until I say otherwise.” Applejack had learned better then to bite off more then she could chew the hard way two years ago. Applebloom wasn’t the best when it came to the family business, but she couldn’t ask her friends to help this time.

“Why cain’t you ask your friends?” Applebloom wondered. Applejack’s eyes wondered. “Ah reckon they’re probably busy with their own work. Just like we’re busy with ours.” Applejack put a reassuring hoof on her sister’s head. “Besides, just because you didn’t get it right the first time, doesn’t mean you can’t do it the next. Nopony earns her cutie mark the first time around. It takes practise.”

Applebloom shot up with her eyes wide as a canyon. “Yall mean you can be good at something the second time around?!” Appleblooms epiphany restored her morale she lost bucking the apple tree. “Ah have to find the cutie mark crusaders. Maybe we can make our tight rope routine work after all!” Appleblooms little legs ran as fast as they could as she ran could. Applejack runs in front, stopping here.

“Hold on there. Ah still need yall to help me with these trees.” Applebloom casually walks past her.

“Seriously? Did you not see me buck myself right there?” Applebloom had accepted that she wasn’t going to be the best apple bucker in the world a while ago, but she still didn’t like admitting it.

“Just take a break sis. Don’t yall have nothing better to do?” Applebloom resumed running off to join her friends. Applejack looked off to the road that lead up to Sweet Apple Acers. It wasn’t cider season, so the best cider wasn’t going to be available for another few months, although they still had some lower case stuff in the back. They had enough business to keep the farm going, but they haven’t exactly seen rush hour come by the farm for a while now.

“Afraid ah don’t, Sugar Cube.”

“Ohmygosh, come here Mrs Cake!” Pinkie was known for being easily excitable. She was one of the many draws to Sugar Cube Corner. You could grab a donut, a cup of coffee and just sit back and watch her. Some even placed bets on what she would go nuts about next. Mrs Cake ran through the door.

“What’s wrong Pinkie? Are the little one’s alright?” Mrs Cake had grown to trust Pinkie with Cup Cake and Pound Cake, but she couldn’t help her maternal instincts kicking in every now and then.

“Nah, they’re fine. I tucked them in all ready.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. In fact, everything’s right!”

“Pinkie…?” Pinkie runs up to Mrs Cake, grabbing the sides of her head, getting up in her face as much as she could. “I’ve made discovery Mrs Cake. One that science and magic will fail to comprehend!” Pinkie raised her hoof in the air as though she had found the Celestia particle. Pinkie pulls Mrs Cake over to kitchen bench and points down onto the slab she had been working on. Pinkie is smiling ear to ear.

“Those are sprinkles Pinkie”

“Not just any sprinkles!” Pinkie takes a pair of tweasers and delicately picks up one of the sprinkle flakes. On closer inspection, the sprinkles were multi-coloured.

“Two, three, sometimes even four colours on each of them! I was fiddling around with sprinkles and I came up with this! Think of the possibilities… apple and orange… Blue AND red berry!” Pinkie’s head rolled back, her jaw slacked and her tongue hung out of her mouth and she gargled in delight. Mrs Cake didn’t look amused.


“Oh, oh, oh! What if we could do seven colours in one? We could could call it the Rainbow Dash topping! You know who would love that? Mrs Cake paused before answering.


“Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie closed her eyes and stood tall and proud. “So, when are you going to be able to arrange the party in honour of this momentous occasion?” Mrs Cake didn’t look amused.

“Pinkie, you really need to get out more.” Pinkie’s smile went upside down.

“But Mrs Cake, there hasn’t been a lot to celebrate lately. With no celebrations, there’s no parties, with no parties, there’s no Pinki---“

“No, seriously Pinkie. Get out.”

Pinkie, hanging her head, wondered out of the store. She was the party pony. When there are no parties, there’s no Pinkie. For the past couple of months, Pinkie had been searching in every nook and cranny for a reason to party. They were fine for a while, but when you’ve got nothing to celebrate, parties just don’t have the same feel to them. Just then, a unicorn shaped shadow stood over Pinkie. She looked up to find…

“Twilight!” Pinkie shot up and gave the unicorn a hug. Twilight was a little shocked.

“Umm, hey Pinkie. What’s up?”

“Ah, the usual. Parties, sprinkles, playing Celestia with confectionary. Same old same old.” Twilight wasn’t sure about that last one, but she just chalked that up to Pinkie being Pinkie.

“That’s good. Pretty much the same with me, I guess.”

“You make sweets now?” Again, Pinkie being Pinkie.

“I meant I was doing nothing special, except for the party I came to invite you to.” Pinkie failed to grasp what she had just heard.

“Y- Your party?”

“Yeah. I was board so I thought ‘why not?’”

“Oth... other ponies can have parties?” Pinkie had thrown so many parties ever since she came to Ponyville that she had completely forgotten what it was like to be at a party where she hadn’t planned everything down to the fold of the napkins.

“Oh… that’s great! It’s just…”

“Yes Pinkie?”

“Well, I’m just not sure you know… the science behind it.” Pinkie felt bad having to bring that up, but she hadn’t been in that position before.

“Pinkie, there isn’t a party science. It’s just…” Suddenly, Pinkie rolled back, bursting into laughter louder then she had heard before. All the ponies around couldn’t help but stare. Some in confusion, the others in horror.

“Oh Twilight, you silly billy” Pinkie wrapped her hoof around Twilight. “You have no idea what madness you have stepped into, have you?” Pinkie’s tone was a lot more condescending then usual. It even came with a raise eyebrow and smile.

“Pinkie, I just thought I would have some fun.”

“Who said planning parties was supposed to be fun?”

“You do. You’ve sang songs about it.” Pinkies face returned to its usual happy appearance.

“Oh yeah! Silly me.” Pinkie giggled as she started to bounce away. “Well, let’s go. I don’t want to be late to the first non-Pinkie-Party.” Twilight caught up to her and smiled.

“Wow, you’ve really had nothing to do haven’t you?” When you’ve been friends with somepony for long enough, you learn to see straight through them, even if they were Pinkie Pie. Pinkie nodded.

“Do… Do you ever get the feeling that you’re just not needed or wanted?” Twilight’s suddenly serious question didn’t even phase Pinkie.

“Well, I know Mrs Cake tells me I’m not needed, like, a lot, but I stick around anyway. Why do you ask?” Twilight looked sad as she thought about her answer.

“Ever since the wedding, there hasn’t been anything to do. I hang out with you guys, read… and that’s it!”

“Didn't you used to do that anyway?” Pinkie pointed out Twilights life prior to moving to Ponyville.

“That was before. Then, I would have been fine with nothing to do. But, I haven’t sent a letter to Princess Celestia in months, I haven’t had a monster to fight, I haven’t even needed a new dress.” Twilight started to become frustrated. “This boredom is driving me crazy! I don’t care anymore. I just want something to happen. Anything!”

As if on cue, a stampede of ponies run past Twilight, knocking her over as they charge. Once they passed, Pinkie helped her back up. “What’s with them?” Pinkie hoped along with the crowd. Twilight doing her best to keep up, still in a daze from being trampled.

The crowd had formed outside Town Hall, all of them seemed to be on the edge of their metaphorical seats. Twilight and Pinkie worked their way up to the front. Mayor Mare took to the podium.

“Mares and gentlcolts. It is my great honour, to introduce to all of you one of Canterlot’s greatest film directors. You may remember his works such ‘No Country for Old Colts’ and his award winning ‘The Sisterhood Social Network’. Please welcome, Final Cut!” The ponies in the crowd stomped the ground as Final Cut took to the podium. He was a brown unicorn with a grey main. Twilight was the only one who didn’t stomp. She had no clue who in the hoof this ‘Final Cut’ was. She read books. She didn’t have to go see movies.

“Thank you. Thank you all. It is my great… pleasure to be here in Ponyville for my next project. A project that will eclipse all others!” The ponies in the crowd started to wonder, ‘what could be bigger than any other film ever made?’ But the more important question was being thought by one, lone unicorn; ‘Why should Twilight care?’

“I have been put in charge on helming a film about a small character that most of you may never have heard off. He’s kind of B-list.” Any pony with half a brain knew that he was building to some big reveal.

“Super-Stallion” the director said with a cocky grin on his face. The entire crowd gasped. The only noise that could be heard after that, was Pinkie’s jaw literally hitting the floor. Even Twilight knew who Super-Stallion was. He was only the single most iconic character in all of Equestrian history. He even predates Daring Do. He was a Pegasus who wore a red and blue outfit, with a custom cutie mark on the side; A horse shoe. Inside the shoe, was a stylised ‘S’.

“As you all know, it’s being over 9 years since the last Super-Stallion film, but that’s why I’m here today. Celestia herself has given me the honour of rebooting the Super-Stallion film franchise! And she has selected Ponyville to be the place that the legend is reborn!” The ponies stomped and cheered louder than ever.

Super-Stallion started out as a comic book superhero, dating back to when Celestia and Luna were just fillies. Over the hundreds of years, the character grew in popularity in all mediums. Films, radio plays, action figures, even clothing.

“Later today, my crew will arrive in town and we’ll begin hosting auditions for the star roles. We’ll also be looking for any helping hands we can find. If you’re cutie mark is calling you to join Super-Stallion, come find us later!” The ponies in the crowd all scattered in excitement. There was plenty of talk of ‘Who will play Super-Stallion?’, ‘Who will the love interest be?’, ‘How much of the old continuity were they keeping?’. But one other question stood out amongst all of them; ‘Why should Twilight care?’

Twilight and Pinkie were the only two ponies left after everypony else has left. Pinkies eyes were wide with wonder and possibilities. “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh…” As Pinkie continued on her train of thought, Twilight used her magic to lift her off the ground and carry her to the library were she expected to forget about a pointless movie announcement.

But she had been wrong before. The library had been decorated, floor to ceiling for the party. There were cupcakes, chips and punch spread out over room. Joining her where her closest friends; Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie and Fluttershy had also joined them. Instead of partaking in the carefully organised dancing and games, all that she could hear them talk about was Super-Stallion.

“What is the big deal?!” Twilight shouted out, silencing the room. The other ponies looked at her with confusion and bemusement.

“What’s the big deal?” Rainbow Dash repeated. “He’s only the coolest Pegasus character ever!” She then cleared her throat. “You know, second to Daring Do, of course.”

“Hay yeah!” Pinkie interjects with enthusiasm. “Super-Stallion is awesome-sauce! He wears cool clothes, saves the fillies, he’s a stud and he flies around the sky like this!” Pinkie then proceeded to run around the library on her hind legs. Her front legs are extended in front of her. She made a ‘whoosh’ sound with her mouth every time she made a lap. As she continued, Twilight turned back towards the others.

“You do have to admit Twilight, it is kind of a big thing to happen to us Ponyville girls.” Fluttershy raised her head with a smile. Twilight seemed confused that Fluttershy would be excited about anything that didn’t concern woodland creatures for her to take care of.

“You’re a fan of Super-Stallion, Fluttershy? Or just the movies?”

“Oh heavens no. Movies and comic books get too violent and scary for me. But I do remember reading one issue where he saved a kitten from a tree. That was really nice of him.” Fluttershy didn’t quite understand the full level exploits that Super-Stallion was used to getting himself into, but it was fine. Big action wasn’t exactly her style.

“You have to admit darling; maybe you’re just not the kind of mare that can appreciate this news.” Twilight knew right away something was wrong with what Rarity just said.

“Sorry Rarity. But I just don’t buy you as the type who’s into Super-Stallion” Twilight knew that anything remotely geeky was something Rarity would often go out of her way to avoid. Even if it was something as big as Super-Stallion.

“That… may be true dear. But this is a movie. Being made right here. On my doorstep!” Rarity’s eyes began to glitter. You could almost see visions of her on the silver screen reflected in them. “Cinema has been the pinnacle of culture for years. The glamour, the fame, the awards, the red carpet dresses!” Rarity used her magic to pull the nearest couch to her so she had something to faint on. Twilight just rolled her eyes.

“Would it be stupid to ask if you’re excited, AJ?”


“Yeah I bet… wait, what?” Twilight was shocked that Applejack didn’t seemed excited for the flying mare flick. “Super-Stallion wasn’t exactly big on the farm. We were more into ‘Spider-Colt’ when ah was a filly. And even then, that was Big Mac’s thing.” Applejack’s thoughts seemed to wonder off for a second.


“Although what?” Twilight asked with trepidation

“Ah wonder if the production crew are looking for some product placement…” Applejack smiled with a grin you only see supervillians use.

“Oh, I want to know who’s playing Super-Stallion.” Rainbow Dash grabbed one of the libraries laptops and put it on the table. Each of the ponies gathers around, except for Pinkie, who was still ‘flying’ around the room. Rainbow Dash then stood to the side.

“Hey Twi… I don’t suppose a big egg-head like you could take a look on the pony-net who’s playing Super-Stallion?” Rainbow asked with some embarrassment.

“Not a techie, huh Rainbow?” Twilight asked giving her a chuckle and wink. Rainbow grabbed her and shoved her in front of the laptop. “Just do it egg-head.” Twilight used her magic to type the keys in. She examined the page closely.

“Well?” Rainbow asked impatiently. “Who is it?” Is it Thunder Lane?”

“It looks like they haven’t announced it yet. Insiders seem to say that they’re waiting until they cast the leading mare for the role of ‘Sweet Wings’ before they reveal who it is.” Rainbow began to sink to the ground in disappointment. “Although…” Rainbow shot up.

“Although what?

“There are a ton of rumours saying that they’ve already cast him.” Rainbow started shaking Twilight like a rag doll. “Who?! Tell me now!” Twilight was so dizzy she almost threw up.

“How about you let me read the whole article first?” Rainbow dropped her to the ground. “Sorry Twi.”

Twilight began to examine the article. Reading it from top to bottom.

“I just hope they gave him the strong, masculine stallion he deserves.” Rainbow had a bit of secret shame that Super-Stallion was her filly-hood waifu.

“Ah don’t know, ah reckon you could pull it off.” Applejack had a smart-ass smirk across her face, waiting for Rainbow’s response.

“You know it!


Applejack burst into laughter.

“Sorin” Twilight said with a little confusion. Rainbow Dash and Rarity’s jaws literally hit the floor, leaving dents in the wood. Applejack walked up.

“The Wonderbolt? Ah didn’t even know he could act.”

“Me either. But I haven’t really seen him do much outside of fly in circles. Rainbow, Rarity, you two met him before. What did he---? Rarity? Rainbow?” Twilight turned around to find that both Rarity and Rainbow Dash had vanished. All that was left was the front door flapping in the wind.

“This is going to take a while.” Final Cut looked outside the window of his trailer. Nearly every single mare in Ponyville had lined up to try out for the role of ‘Sweet Wings’. He was dreading it, knowing that 99.99% of these auditions were going to be like hoofs on a chalk board. He turns back to his casting director who is sitting at a table, looking a bunch of head shots of the mares that were lined up.

“Why did Celestia have to put me through this horse sh---“ Without warning, a blue blur charged through the window, tackling Final Cut to the floor. Dazed by the crash, Final Cut slowly regained his wits and looked up, to see Rainbow Dash standing on top of him with a cocky smile.

“Your search is over Mr Cut!” Rainbow spoke as though she already had the part. And why not? What other pony was as cool, awesome and as radical as she was? Why wouldn’t see get the part?

“Right… And who are you?” Final Cut was still in shock from the crash, trying not to anger the Pegasus who has just broken into his office and attacked him. Suddenly, the door slammed open.

“Wake up mares and gentlecolts, the actress of your dreams has just stepped in!” Rarity steps in with all the elegance she can muster, closing the door behind her with her flank as the icing on the cake. Final Cut quickly got up from under Rainbow Dash, dusting off the glass on his body.

“Before I have security drag you two idiots out, would you care to explain who in the hoof you are?” Despite Final Cuts clear anger, Rainbow Dash and Rarity both said in unison…

“Your leading mare!” The two swiftly turned to each other, realizing what the other had just said.

It. Was. On.

Next: Show, Don’t Tell!