• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 2,197 Views, 153 Comments

Lights, Camera... - Smoking Gun

The Mane Six and the rest of Ponyville get caught up in production of the newest superhero movie

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Chapter 16: A Real Red Carpet Affair

Chapter 16: A Real Red Carpet Affair

"When they tell you about how long it takes for mares to get ready before they go out, I always chalked that up to being something from the movies," said Cut as he paced the bottom floor of the library, wearing a nice tuxedo. "Can we activate a montage if that will make you go fast?"

Cut turned to the stairs as he heard the sound of trotting. At the top of the stairs, Twilight was garbed in an elegant, sparkling dress. Her mane was done up and she had just enough make up on. Cut was quick to shut up as she journeyed down the stares. "So, was it worth the wait?" He gestured his hoof by wobbling it side to side.

"Meh." Twilight roller her eyes as she strutted past him.

"Well, you look pretty 'meh' yourself." The librarian peaked out the window, on the opposite side of town, she could make out the light beams that were advertising the 'Stallion of Steel' premier. If she listened, she could make out some faint cheers. "What time does our carriage arrive?"

The director checked the clock on the wall. "About 10 minutes ago."

Twilight noticed that Cut was starting to sweat. She levitated a handkerchief over to his face, dabbing his face so the perspiration didn't reach his nice suit. "Hey, it's going to be great. Don't worry about the whole 'John Trotter' thing. I'm sure the movie will be great." She gave him a reassuring kiss for good measure. It definitely worked, although not as effectively as she hoped.

"I've calmed down about that," he said with a smile.


"So how many times have you vomited?"

"Lost count," said Cut as he looked out the same window that Twilight was a moment ago. In the reflection of the window, Twilight saw a look of distress and fear as he gazed up into the night sky that was being lit up in celebration of the premier. "Don't worry, the movie isn't a concern at this point."

Twilight face took on a confused expression. "Then what's wrong?"

"The paparazzi," said Cut with a shudder. "It's like watching vultures fight over a teen debutante's corpse."

The unicorn winced at that last comment. "Do you have to be so morbid, all the time?"

"I don't ha-"

"Have to be morbid," said Twilight with an exhausted eye roll. "You boys need to expand your vocabulary."

Cut gave Twilight a confused look. "Vacu-what now?"


"I'm not even going to dignify that with a response," said the mare with a straight face.

"Now your learning how trolling works," Cut said as he wrapped a hoof around his date. "Don't feel bad about not getting it right away. I did learn from the best."


"I'll tell you later." Cut checked the clock again. "Are you sure you couldn't teleport us to the premier?"

"Hmmm, now that you mention it-"

"And could you send the paparazzi to the moon?"

Twilight rolled her eyes again. "They're just doing your jobs, I don't see how you can hate them so much." Cut returned her an evil grin.

"I have such things to show you!"

"Ready, Mac?"

"Eeeyup." At the Ponyville Megaplex, a long, red carpet was unfurled, leading to the entrance. Keeping fans and journalists at bay were two lengths of velvet rope. The board on top of the entrance read 'Stallion of Steel Premier'. On top of the board, Applejack and Bic Mac unfurled a large banner that sat on top of the text that read 'Sweet Apple Acres Present'. On the sides of the banner, were Applejack and Big Mac, smiling and holding different apple products.


"There they are!" yelled one photographer as he turned to a purple ball of energy that dissipated as quickly as it appeared. In it's place, at the foot of the red carpet, was Twilight and Cut, standing together and smiling as they started to trot down the carpet. Several fans lent over with a pen and paper for Cut to give them his autograph, only for the paparazzi to shove them out of the way, calling out Twilight's name as she waved to the few fans that weren't getting trampled.

"Yo, Sparkle! This way!" called out one photographer.

"Hey, hot stuff! Shake it towards this side!" yelled another. Twilight's smile was becoming harder to keep up. She backed up to Cut so they could speak.

"I'm beginning to see what you were talking about..."

"Trust me, Sparkle, you ain't seen nothing yet."

Twilight turned Cut so they made eye contact. "Firstly; if you're going to date a librarian, please use proper English," said the mare as Cut groaned. "Secondly; are you saying it gets worse?"

"No. I'm saying it gets scary."

"Twi! Cut! From the opposite end of the carpet, Applejack and Big Mac approached the couple, both in formal attire. A.J. gave Twilight a kiss on the cheek. "Suger cube, you look fantastic."

"Eeeyup," agreed Big Mac.

Cut approached Mac with his forelegs open. "Give me some love, brother." The two shared a stallion-hug. "Why didn't you two get a limo?"

"We would've... except we found out before we could call one that the Sweet Apple Acres logo was no where to be found anywhere nears this party."


"So we snuck up to the roof and unfurled the banner," A.J. said as she directed their attention to the board above the entrance. A.J. had trouble making eye contact with Final. "Cut... I know that this may seem a bit-"

"It's fine, A.J. You haven't been anywhere near as intrusive as my previous investors."


Cut approached Mac. "And you have this magnificent bastard!" Cut wrapped one hoof around Big Mac and another around Applejack. They turned to the crowd of 'journalists' forcing smiles as best they could. Twilight leaned up to Cut's ear.

"Shouldn't we be avoiding these creeps?"

Cut turned his head back towards Twilight, keeping his smile up. "If we give them just enough courtesy shots, there won't be a rumor tomorrow morning about me shouting at my Mother that paints me as angry prick."


"When we're done, you've got some stories you need to tell me."

"Fat chance, Sparkle."

"LOOK!" One paparazzo directed everypony's attention towards a limo that pulled up to the carpet. Out of it, came Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity. Thankfully, Rarity's rashes had died down enough that a little bit concealer was all it took to hide them.

Rarity waved to the crowd. "Yes, everypony! Photos are encouraged!" Behind her, Fluttershy hid from the army of cameras.

"Not really..."

Cut leaned into Twilight. "Remember when I said things would get scary? Keep your eye on Rarity and watch what happens." As Rarity and Pinkie struck poses for the camera, the white unicorn saw Cut standing near by, grabbed him and pulled him into the view of the cameras. Rarity wrapped her hoof around Cut. "This gentlecolt here is the true mastermind behind this work of art! All the praise goes to Final Cut! The genius behind the Stallion of Steel!"

"If I deserve all the credit, why are you still posing?" whispered Cut.

"Shut up and smile!" Rarity returned. The two awkwardly waved to the camera ponies, Rarity choosing to ignore some of their cruder cat calls.

"So... how did things with Spike turn out?"

Rarity kept a happy face. "Quite well, thank you. We sat down and discussed the situation as adults."

"So... you don't know where he is right now?" asked Cut, turning his head to her.

"No... why?" Cut turned his head back to the photographers, now with a s#!@ eating grin.

"No reason..."

"Hey, Twi, you haven't seen Applebloom anywhere, have ya? Ah aint seen her all day," asked Applejack as she glanced around, hoping to catch site of her little sister.

"I think Cut said she would be here, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo, too."

"Speak of the devil!" Everypony turned towards a huge limo (easily twice the size of Rarity's) pull up. Cut stepped in front of the door.

"Mares and gentlecolts, allow me to present the true masterminds behind Stallion of Steel!" Pulling the door open, the Crusaders jumped out of the vehicle. Sweetie was wearing a dress, similar to Rarity, as was Applebloom. On the other hoof, Scootaloo was wearing a pair of sunglasses that were obviously too big for her and a backwards cap. She pulled her fillies close to her as they smiled for the cameras.

"That's right, everypony! The Stallion of Steel just go 20% radder!"

Rarity waved to Sweetie. "They look so cute together. Thank you for giving them a chance in the spotlight, Cut." Cut didn't respond, he just continued grinning. "Cut?" asked Rarity, drawing out the 'a'.

"3... 2... 1..."

"Come on out, Spike!" called Sweetie Bell. Jumping out the door, wearing a top hat, was everypony's favorite dragon. "Thanks for taking us, Spike." The girls crowded around Spike as they waved to the fans.


Rarity slowly turned to Cut as he returned the gaze. One of her pupils was significantly smaller then the other. While she was not amused, Cut very much was.


"Thank you! Thank you!" shouted Spike as he and the girls entered the theater. Rarity, who was already inside with the others, pulled Spike to the side as hard as she could.

"Spiky Wiky, I do believe we discussed the idea of spending... time with Sweetie Bell, didn't we?" Rarity's forced smile had plenty of madness seeping through, making Spike sweat.

"If by 'discussion' you mean 'threats' sure. But to be fair... she asked me." Rarity's face didn't change at all.

"I swear!" shouted the frightened dragon. "The Crusaders just wanted somebody to take them. Rarity, I promise, there is nothing going on between me and Sweetie."


"You promise?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my-" before Spike could finish, Sweetie grabbed him, pulling the dragon next to her as they stood in front of the screen door. Pressed up against the screen door, was all the members of the paparazzi. Some of them even had their faces were so close to the glass that they fogged up the window. The lights of the camera flashes were blinding to Spike. Sweetie stepped forward with a smile.

"Behold Cantelot's newest power couple!"

"Wha-" Sweetie pulled Spike close and kissed him on the lips for the cameras to see. When Spike listened hard enough, he could hear the sound of glass shattering coming from Rarity's brain. After Sweetie released him, Spike immediately turned to Rarity, who, it appeared, had no emotion on her face at all.

"Now, I know what you're thinking, but here's the thing..." Without another word, Spike dashed off, leaving a Spike shaped cloud in his place.

"Yeah, yeah. Late. We know." Everypony turned their attention to the skies as Rainbow Dash and Soarin' whooshed through the front door as fast as they could. The crowd outside hootered and hollered loudly as they pegasi trotted in, heading straight for Cut and Twilight. Both of their manes were tossed.

"Twi, Cut," greeted Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow, Soarin'," returned Twilight.

Cut examined the two. "So... You two been up to anything special?"

Rainbow and Soarin' nervously shifted their eyes. "Nnnope."

"Really?" asked Cut with a straight face.


"Is that why your dress is inside out?" Rainbow and Soarin's eyes shot open as they saw the seems of Rainbow's dress. "You should have told me. I would have brought a camera and we could have spliced it in at the last minute," said Cut with a smarmy look.

Before running to the little fillies room, Rainbow stared daggers at Cut. When she was gone, Cut's blush covered almost his whole face. "So... yeah."

Cut gave him a smile. "Relax, dude. Twilight had the same idea earlier." Twilight's eyes shot open as she turned to Cut.

"Cut... I didn't-"

"OK, OK, fair enough." Cut turned back to Soarin'. "She was begging for it but I said-"


Cut's head vibrated for a moment before he opened his eyes, still grinning. "Totally worth it."


"Somewhat worth it."



"It's gone."

"STAY BACK, YOU MONSTERS!" As Rainbow Dash exited the restroom, she noticed Rarity, lifting Sweetie Bell above her head as the Paparazzi pressed on the glass, causing it to creek and crack. "BACK I SAY!"

Rainbow ran to her aid. "Rarity, what's going on?"

"They're animals!" retorted Rarity.

"Rarity... I'm scared," squeaked Sweetie Bell. Rainbow stood between the unicorns and the glass, staring down the flesh crazed ponies.

"Show some coat, Rarity?"

"Where did all the leather go?"

"Hey Rainbow, get Soarin' over here and give us a sneak peak of you-know what!"

Rainbow glared at the freaks. "If you even think of coming any closer, I'll mop the floor with all of you in ten seconds-"


"Flat..." The cracks in the glasses crew bigger. The windows started to bend as more and more ponies, fans and photographers alike pushed up against it.


The glass gave way, shattering all over the carpet of the megaplex. Rainbow backing up in time to move Sweetie Bell and Rarity far enough to avoid being cut.

Cut grabbed hold of Twilight. "Sparkle... get the theater."

The reports and fans quickly shuffled to their feet, extending free hooves towards the cast and crew. They demanded autographs, locks of manes and a variety of other creepy things. Pinkie raise her head.

"EVERYPONY, RUN!" The girls, Cut and Soarin' all headed towards the theater entrance on the opposite side of the megaplex. They made it through just in time to slam the doors behind them. The unicorns ripping off hoof rests from their chairs to barricade the door.

"Relax, everypony. I'll call secruity and get them cleared so the other members of the crew can get in," shouted Cut. Twilight caught him before he snuck out the fire exit.

"Does this always happen?"

"Only when the movie's going to be good!" With that, Cut left, leaving the girls to decompress.

In the corner, Rarity sat down, hanging her head. She looked at the end of her dress, which had been torn by a rabid fan, she only just realized it though.

"Why the long face?" Rarity looked up to find Rainbow smiling down on her. She then took a place at her side.

"Why didn't I see this coming?" Rarity turned so she and Rainbow were facing each other. "The whole reason I wanted to join this movie was so I could have the fame and attention I've always wanted. Remember how jealous I was when Fluttershy became a model?"

"That's nothing," said Rainbow with a chuckle. "Remember Mare Do Well? Not to mention the fact I was this close to putting on a peep show for the fans back when we auditioned for the movie." The two ponies both felt a wave of guilt wash over them. "I suppose we've both let the fame go to our heads more then once."

"But Rainbow, we've dealt with these problems before. Shouldn't this no longer be an issue?"

"I think it's safe to say that just because you've learned a lesson, doesn't put you above making mistakes every now and then." Rainbow quickly glanced at the barricaded entrance, which was still being banged at. "Some mistakes being bigger then others."

"It's more then that, Rainbow. This nearly cost me my friendship with Spike, I nearly lost you and Twilight. And Sweetie Bell..." Rarity looked over at her sister, who was sitting with Spike and the other Crusaders. He was wiping her tears away with his coat-tails while her friends comforted her. "She probably picked up that camera seeking behavior from me." Rarity continued gazing at her sister as she started to cry. "Being a important has been my number one goal in life... but not if it puts through my sister through something like this."

Rainbow brushed some lose bits of Rarity's mane away from her face. "Maybe you should tell her that." The two hugged and Rarity walked over to Sweetie Bell, sending the others away for a moment. Rainbow watched from afar as the two sister lovingly embraced.

"Mind if join ya?" Before she could answer, Twilight joined Rainbow on the floor.


"So, how's your evening?" asked the unicorn.

"Everypony, please do me the honor of shutting the buck up!" In the empty space between the front row of seats and the screen, Cut stood, holding a microphone. The entire cinema was packed. The whole cast and crew had shown up. Sweetie and Rarity sat next to each other, the Apple family was bunched up on the side, Rainbow Dash and Soarin' were wrapped around each other in the far back and Twilight had Cut's seat in the second to last row, waiting for him to finish talking. Entering at the last second, was Princess Celestia, taking up several seats on the side, giving Cut a wink and a smile as she settled. "We've spent months on this. We've spent hundreds of thousands of bits. We nearly turned Ponyville into a smoking crater... Let's pray it was worth it!"

The audience applauded as Cut took his seat with Twilight. "Whatever the movie turns out to be... I want you to know it was worth it." She pulled up the hoof rest that separated them, cuddling up to him. The gazed lovingly into each others eyes. "I love you, Final."

"I know."

The houselights dimmed....

The audience smiled...

The projector lit up...

Next: Stallion of Steel!