• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 2,197 Views, 153 Comments

Lights, Camera... - Smoking Gun

The Mane Six and the rest of Ponyville get caught up in production of the newest superhero movie

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Chapter 10: Fan Service

Chapter 10: Fan Service

"So... what'd you think?" Refined's question was met with wild applause and stomping on the ground. The entire venue for the con shook. Backstage, the cast were left speechless with slack jaws. Final Cut on the other hand, was just smiling, prouder then ever.

Twilight slowly turned to him. "Final... that was-"

"Breathtaking? Exhilarating? Exciting? Awesome-sauce? Yeah. I know."

Twilight had seen him smile before, but it was usually the result of him making a wise-plot joke or laughing at another ponies expense. This was the first time he look truly happy, with a lust for life he didn't seem to have before. "You wanted to keep that from me? Why didn't you show me that earlier?"

"It wasn't done... and I wanted you to see me at my best. This is what I love. And I wanted you to see it in it's purist form. This right here, this my soul, wearing red and blue tights."

Rainbow, standing next to Soarin', had tears dropping from her eyes as a smile grew across her face. "That. Was. Awesome!"

Soarin' looked more humble then anything else. "It certainly does look exciting."

Rainbow punched him. "Are you kidding me? That looked like the best thing ever! You... looked great."

"Not as much as you do."

"You barely saw me in the trailer."

Soarin' looked into her eyes and smiled. "I wasn't talking about the trailer."Rainbow and Soarin' looked away and blushed. "Look, Rainbow... I know it's been a while since we went out... it's just with these powers and the movie... it's a lot to manage, you know?"

"Yeah, totally."

"What I'm getting at is... I had a great time... would you like to do more often?"

Rainbow looked into his eyes, smiling. "Soarin'..."

"Save it, you two. We're on!" Cut ran past the pegasi and took the stage, the crowd giving him a standing ovation. He bowed back. "Who's ready for the Stallion of Stell?!" The crowds cheering magnified after the question. "Then let's get started. Introducing the Stallion of the hour; Soarin'!" Soarin' flew up to the stage, taking a seat behind his name plaque. The audience gave him a warm welcome. "And now, for his leading lady... Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow flew up to the stage and hovered over the the crowd and posed for the cameras.

"Thank you! Thank you! It's an honor!" Twilight couldn't help but roll her eyes, letting a small golden glint in her eye shimmer for a brief moment.

"And now, playing Meekly, the lovely, brilliant, Twilight Sparkle!"

"You hear that? 'Lovely'," whispered Rarity in Twilight's ear as the audience started clapping. She took to the stage with a cute little blush, causing some of the more sentimental members of the audience to go 'aww'. She took a seat next to Rainbow, who was sitting next to Soarin'.

"And now, the devilish Mistress Mayhem; Rarity!" Rarity took to the stage with mixed reactions. Some of Colts in the audience couldn't help but hoot and holler at the leather costume she wore to the panel. Others just burst into laughter. Both of which, Rarity welcomed.

"Thank you all! It's a pleasure to be here!"

Refined returned to the podium. "And my name is Refined Taste."


"I'm the casting director and I'll be moderating the panel. So, what do you say you raise your hoof if you've got a question?" Taste searched the audience for the first question. "Yeah, you! Nickleback!"

A pony with a long, blonde mane and matching goatee stood up and walked over to the free mic. "Thanks for coming guys. I just wanted to ask Mr Cut, what are you favorite Super-Stallion stories?"

Cut leaned into the mic with a smile. "Well, it all goes back to 'All Star Stallion for me where..."

As cut trailed off into his answer, Rainbow leaned over to Twilight. "Hey Twi, hope you're not getting stage fright."

"Oh, I'm fine. I don't think anypony is paying a lot of attention to me anyway."

"That sounds about right."

"Yeah... wait. What did you say?"

Before Rainbow could answer, the audience applauded the end of Cut's answer. Refined dragged herself back to her mic. "Yeah, yeah. Who's next?" The young ponies in the audience raised their hooves. Taste noticed a young filly sitting in the front row. "Yes, you sweet heart?"

The young filly trotted up to the mic, pulling it down to her level. "Umm... hi."

Cut leaned into his mic. "Hello there."

"I... I have a question for Ms Dash." The audience 'awwed' at her.

"What can I do for you, squirt?"

"I... I heard on the internet, that you and... and Mr Soarin' were boyfriend/girlfriend. Is that true?"

The audience was taken back by the strange question. Soarin' blushed and looked away. Twilight squirmed in her chair. Taste didn't look like she was amused by the question. "I'm sorry young lady, but we're only taking questions about the movie."

While the audience was distracted, Rainbow turned and stared at Soarin', who wasn't looking back. The longer she stared at him, the more her eyes started to flicker back and forth between golden and magenta. "Hey, Soarin'."


Before he could finish, Rainbow Dash grabbed Soarin', pulled him and gave him the biggest, loudest kiss she had ever given. The audience gasped and slipped into silence. Twilight, just stared, in confusion and... was that a hint of jealousy rattling in the back of her head. Awkwardly, she turned to Cut, who was sitting two seats down from her. In between them, was Rarity. When Cut realized that Twilight was looking in his direction, he turned away, keeping contact to a minimum. Twilight looked down at her name plaque, saddened and disappointed. Rarity just rolled her eyes.

"Oh dear."

Rainbow eventually released Soarin', who now had a massive grin on his face. Rainbow turned to the young filly in the at the question mic. "We're working on it, kid." The audience irrupted into cheers, giving a standing ovation to the couple. Rainbow soaked up the praise, while Soarin' turned, trying not to let his blush show.

"So..." Refined searched for the right phrase to get them back on track. "Next question?"

"I've got a question; What the buck was that?!"

"Sparkle... chill." Backstage, the Super-Stallion panel participates assembled as the 'Bat-Mare' panel took to the stage. Cut laid a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "It's fine."

"Yeah, dude," interjected Rainbow. "What's got your haunches up in a bunch?"

Spike, standing by Twilight's side, looking more worried then ever, saw that same golden twinkle in the corner of her eye. "What's got them in a bunch is your publicity stunt back there."

Rainbow wasn't sure what she just heard. Thankfully, Soarin' stepped in front before she could say anything. "Ms Sparkle, I know what happened was a big impromptu and... distracting, but we didn't mean anything negative by it. In fact, I'm not entirely sure why you're so angry."

Sparkle leaned in with scowl. "Celestia gives you all those powers and she forgets to give you common sense?"

Rainbow stepped forward. "Don't talk to him that way!" The other ponies looked away, Fluttershy starting to whimper as she watched her friends fight. "What's gotten into you?"

"Final Cut came all the way out here, bringing us with him, to show all of Equestria something we worked hard on. And what do you do? You kiss your boyfriend so you can steal the spotlight!"

Rainbow chuckled in disbelief. Cut didn't know what to think about this. "You... you really think I'd do that?"

"You've done it before, haven't you?"

Rainbow and Twilight stared each other down. The golden shimmers in their eyes matched each other in movement. They looked like the light that bounced of water in moon light. The two stepped towards each other. "You insecure-"


Soarin' grabbed Rainbow while Cut grabbed Twilight, both shouting in unison "Enough!" That didn't stop the two ponies from glaring, although it did shut the up.

Cut turned to the other ponies. "Get back to the train."

"But, Cut-" Refined objected.

"Who am I?"


"The di-"

"The director, that's right. So here's a direction, get out of here and head back to the train." Refined swallowed whatever she was about to say and leaded the girls out the door. Pinkie comforted Fluttershy as they left. Rarity looked back over her shoulder, even through her domino mask, you could see nothing but worry for her friends face.

"Perhaps The Great and Powerful Trixie can-"

"Shut the buck up and get her gaudy, Las Pegasus looking plot back to the train? Yes, you can do that." Trixie swallowed whatever she planned on saying and slinked away, shutting the door behind her.

Soarin and Cut released the two girls. "Sparkle, Dash, what the buck is wrong with you two? Since when did you two start acting like school fillies fighting over a doll?"

Twilight and Rainbow stepped back, taking a deep breath as the golden tint in their eyes faded away. "Rainbow... I'm-"

"Out of here." Rainbow flew off into the sky via the skylight above her. Soarin' watched as she took off into the sky.

"Mr Cut, I'm sorry."

"About what?"

Soarin' sighed as he took off. "Everything." He disappeared into the blue sky, his blue coat and main blending into it.

Twilight and Cut stood in silence for a brief moment before Cut opened his mouth. "Sit."



Twilight and Cut took a seat on one of the few empty benches, watching several of the costumed ponies walk past.


"So, what's up?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I'm afraid that doesn't matter." Every time Rainbow thought she had alluded the super pony, she would always find him floating right in front of him. "If you don't talk, it will only get worse."

Rainbow finally came to a halt, looking up at Soarin'. "I... I don't know why I would do that." A couple of small tears started to roll down her face. "I would never treat Twilight like that."

"I know you wouldn't. Which is why it seems strange. You're better than this. You're both better than this. Please Rainbow, if you can't talk to them or me, who else is there?"

"I know I can talk to them. I've known them for years. It's just... I've never felt so-"


"Yeah. And I have no idea why."

"That's where the talking part comes in." Soarin' leaned in and kissed her. "We should probably get started if we want to catch that train."

"I think we may be late."


Rainbow pointed her hoof behind Soarin'. He turned to find a certain, sunny Princess hovering behind them. Sorry to inturrupt you two, but I'd like borrow Soarin' for the evening."

"Maybe I don't want to talk about it."

"Sparkle, this is the movie business. What we want, doesn't matter. What we need is what matters. And what you need is to start talking."

"Just talking to you is going to fix everything?"

"Well, it's a start. Just think of me as your employer and we're dealing with a simple workplace disagreement."

"Just as employer..."

"Well, that is what I've been for the past couple months." Twilight looked away in disapointment. "Twilight, please tell me how you feel."

"You called me Twilight."


"Umm... I-"

"I have no idea why I did that. I just saw them together and taking the stoplight from you and- and it just made me jealous. I've never felt like that."

"And how do you feel now?"

Twilight inhaled and exhaled deeply. "Actually, I feel much better now. I feel calm now."

"See, talking has already gotten it halfway out of you. Maybe I should fork out some money for one of those couches you can lie on and charge you eighty bits an hour."

Despite her emotionally drained state, Twilight couldn't help but chuckle. "Why do you always have something cruel and funny to say?"

"Working in this industry, you have two choices; laugh or scream."


"I chose both."

"When you say borrow-"

"I mean I'd like to have a discussion with him." Celestia flew gracefully in front of the two pegasi, her mane flowing as beautifully as it always does."

Soarin' did the best he could to kneel, which wasn't an easy task for somepony mid-air. "What can I do for you, Princess?"

"Well, I'd like have dinner with you. It's been a while since we last spoke, I'd just like to catch up. Over tea, perhaps?"

"I don't suppose this would take the whole evening?"

"It might. Assuming you don't get board of me," said the Princess with a chuckle.

"Never, your highness." Soarin' turned to Rainbow, kissing her one more time. "Tell the guys to head back to Ponyville, I'm probably going to be here for a while. We'll talk as soon as I get back. I promise."

"Yeah... sure." Rainbow watched as the Princess and her stallion flew off towards the palace.

Celestia leaned in towards Soarin', whispering in his ear. "You do actually drink tea, don't you?"

"Look at that one!" Final Cut leaned into Twilight as he pointed out an overweight mare dressed in a 'Wonder Mare' costume. "Last time I saw a fat Wonder Mare was in an elseworlds comic."

Twilight knew that what he just said was mean and cruel, but that didn't stop her from laughing. Nor did it stop her from laughing at the last few, poorly attempted cosplaying ponies. "Shut up!" Twilight nudged him as they continued trotting towards the exit.

"Nah. It's too much fun."

"Making fun of other ponies is fun?"

"Only when some other pony is there to laugh with you."

Twilight gave him a warm smile as he opened the door for her. "Hey, Final, would you ever consider, sticking around in Ponyville after you're done shooting?"

"Of course, we're gonna have the premier there."

"No, I mean-"

"I know what you mean, Sparkle."

"You... you do?"

"You've been blushing brighter then a strawberry the last few times we've been talking. I can take a hint." Giving her a wink, Twilight blushed even harder.

"Now you're at apple level redness."

"Hehe... yeah... apples..."


"Oh, Celestia! Applejack!"

"Please..." Applejack, steaming in her apple costume, laid on the ground, her legs twitching every so often. "Please... somepony... kill me."

"Ah still think death would have been better." Twilight and Final Cut carried Applejack into the train cart, having undressed her back at the convention center.

"Nah, you're little sister would hate me for that." The two ponies laid her down on the bunk she left behind.

"That's all right.... Ah'll hate you instead."

"That's the spirit!" Using his magic, Cut brought over several bottles of water, to A.J's bed side table.

Twilight brushed A.J's mane. "The girls are here for you A.J. You're going to be fine."

"Don't touch me... it burns.,,"

"Oh, sorry."

"Ah think Ah just need a bit of a snooze, you know."

"Of course. Just call us if you need anything."

Cut and Twilight left the room, keeping the door open so the breeze could roll in. "Thank ya kindly..."

The two ponies entered the main cart, where Spike, Refined and the other ponies were waiting. "Hey guys... if Applejack calls for anything, let me know."

The ponies in the room awkwardly looked away as hey hummed 'mmhmm'.

Cut stared at Refined for a brief moment before looking back at Twilight. "Look, I need to take care of something, go talk to your friends, I'll be a while."

"Yeah... sure." Cut escorted Refined into the editing bay.

Twilight looked around at her friends, even her young assistant couldn't make eye contact. "Girls, I'm-"

"We know, dear." Rarity put a hoof around Twilight, the leather costume chafing her. "We're just worried about you."

"I hate seeing you and Rainbow fight. It just doesn't feel right." Fluttershy tried to be strong, but even that couldn't keep her eyes from watering.

Pinkie hopped towards her unicorn friend, but with a more understanding smile then a happy one. "We love you, Twi. And we love Rainbow too. We were just worried that you two were acting like a couple of nutty nut nuts."

Despite Pinkie's limited vocabulary, Twilight knew she wasn't wrong. "Pinkie-"

"He's gonna be late." The girls found Rainbow walking into the cart. "He's meeting with the Princess. Not sure why."

Twilight forced a chuckle. "Hey, I think he's allowed to be late at this point." Rainbow returned the awkward chuckle.

The other ponies left the room. "Umm... we're going to go check on Applejack. You guys need us, we'll been in there." The girls and dragon shut the door behind them.

Twilight and Rainbow had to muster all their power to look at each other. "Rainbow-"

"Twi-" The two stared each other for a brief moment.

"All I wanted to do was make a movie about a Stallion in tights. How did things get so messed up?" Cut wiped away the sweat from his face that he built up from lifting Applejack across Canterlot.

"If I recall correctly, you were given the job. You didn't want to do any of this," pointed our Refined.

"Well, yeah. I guess I just warmed up to the project."

"The project or the ponies?"



"Save it. What happened to you Cut? You used to be about doing the best job you could and getting out. Now I see you getting all lovey-dovey with that unicorn and you start going soft."

"First, what I do with other ponies has never been any of your business. Second, what do you mean 'soft'?"

Refined checked her surroundings, making sure no other ponies were hear in the room. "There are rumors, in the twittersphere about that little rumble backstage. They're saying that the little love triangle from the movie is bleeding into real life. We're about to get more media attention then ever before."

"You aren't seriously suggesting that they play along with that?"

"I'm suggesting they do their job."


"They may not have been actors before, but they are now."

"What does that matter?"

"We both know that Sparkle is yours... but the rest of the Equestria doesn't have to know. This is what actors do; the pretend."

"I don't know what came over me," Twilight and Rainbow said in unison.

"I'm so sorry, Rainbow. It's just, seeing you and him made me feel so-"

"Twilight, it's alright. What do you say we just not talk about it?"

"But... shouldn't we talk about it?"

"Do you really want to?"


"I suppose we don't have to."

"Let's just shake hooves and forget about this."

"How about a drink instead?" Trixie's sudden appearance startled the two. "To call it even?"

Even at the worst, Twilight and Rainbow couldn't say no to a fresh cup of cider. "Why not?" Rainbow asked.

Trixie gave each of them a cup. The both smiled and raised them together. "Too friends."

"To friends."

Twilight and Rainbow downed their cider in one long gulp. They couldn't see it, but a golden aura started to trickle down their throats. The corners of Trixie's mouth turned upwards.

"Bottoms up, friends."

Next: The Setup!