• Published 22nd May 2017
  • 3,774 Views, 94 Comments

Mindset's Foalish Vacation - LeyenEnyo

After Mindset is told by Princess Luna to take a vacation from work to help the Block Kingdom, she learns that this place has a unique way of "relaxing" ponies. At least she'll fit in with the other foals...

  • ...

Chapter Four: The Mystery of the Water

Glitter snored as she slept in the stroller, a bit of drool slipping through her mouth. The visit to the park was exciting for her, but when nap time came along, she was quick to drift to sleep. Her hooves kicked as we took her to her nursery; the walls a typical baby pink color, with some foalish designs.

“I think she really enjoyed today. Thank you for playing with her, Mindset.” Cocoa smiled as she took her from the stroller and put her into her crib.

“It was no trouble. I'm just happy she had a good day,” I said, smiling back.

“Yes, though I think you yourself had a little too much fun. You seem a bit tired yourself.”

I yawned. “I do admit, a nap does sound good right now.” That was an understatement. The past few days were difficult to sleep through, and it was starting to catch up. “Mmm, I think I'll just go back to my room and sleep for a bit.”

“Of course. Need some help changing?”

I blushed as I checked my diaper. It did end up getting a fair bit of use through the day, much to my dismay. “Sure, if it's no trouble.”

The two of us quietly exited the nursery and entered my bedroom, where I laid down and let Cocoa clean me up. It still felt strange having a stranger change my diapers, but if I was going to regress, I'd have to get used to it. Cocoa was pretty professional about it, and I did feel safe around her. Strange, considering earlier, I wasn't sure about her or Glitter. “There, all done.” Cocoa smiled and disposed of my used diaper.

“Thanks. I feel much better now that I have a clean pair on.”

“I'm sure you do.” She went to the bathroom to wash her hooves.

I felt the diaper and relished how it fit perfectly and snugly. “I'm guessing you have a lot of experience with this sort of thing.”

“Well, I do a lot of changing around here. I've learned how to be gentle and patient with all the foals.”

“Especially when they go 'Number Two'?”

“Oh, heavens, yes. It wasn't easy at first, but you do get used to it.” She turned the faucet off and dried her hooves off with a towel.

“Yeah, my brother was the same way.” I laid down on my bed.

“Yes, your brother...” I looked to her curiously after that pause. “Tell me, dear, has your brother always taken care of you?”

“Yes, ever since I was a baby. My father did look after us from time to time, but when Tinker was old enough to watch over me without any assistance, our father had to leave for royal guard duties.”

“Your mother, however, could not be there.” She seemed sad.

“It wasn't her choice. Something happened, and she had to leave, whether she wanted to or not.” Now I was sad.

“I see. You are a brave filly to go through all of that, on top of your other condition.”

“Huh? Oh, right, my incontinence. Yeah, it was difficult to get by when I still needed these crinkly things. Still is, actually, but I do get by.”

“Well, regardless, I do hope your life changes for the better.”

“Thanks... I guess.” Upon closing the door, I looked to Robu, who once again showed me my age. “Huh? What's going on?” Nothing had changed from last time! I was still the young teen that I was earlier. “Okay, none of this is making any sense! I should practically be a toddler by now.”

I paused until I realized, “Wait a minute, what am I saying?! Why do I even want to be a baby?” I thought about it more. “I have a life back home. I have friends and family waiting for me. I have clients who need my help. Not to mention Glitter here still needs my help. How can I do that if I'm too busy playing with baby toys and drinking from baby bottles?” I kicked the air in frustration. “I don't understand. I know this isn't right. I know I'm not a baby and that I'm an adult. So, why is it that I want this?” My confusion continued to nag at me.

Robu looked to me worried.

I started to think of other options. “I don't know where the formula for the cure is. They probably have it stored somewhere, and likely guarded. so I wouldn't be able to find it.” I looked to the train station. “Maybe I could purchase a ticket for the train, since I can't wait for the pegasus chariot to arrive. I'll be in onesies by then.” The idea sounded good, but then I remembered, “No, wait, with the water still somehow inside me, all it would take for me to regress would be memories of my youth. Any sort of reminder, and I'll shrink. Not only that, but the currency here is Fountains, something I don't have, and I'm not sure if the ticket salespony would accept Bits. I mean, it was nice of Circus Rose to do it for me, but that doesn't mean everypony is like her.” Regardless, I was too drained to think anymore. Laying back on my bed, I closed my eyes, and for the first time in a few days, I had a peaceful sleep.


I woke up feeling younger and more energized. Sure enough, upon Robu's vision, I had regressed two more years. Unfortunately, my dress was no longer fitting me. “Oh, great, now I have to shop for clothes, and I still don't have any money to pay for any of them.” At least my inhibitor ring was capable of changing its shape and size. Curious thing, Stygian Iron is.

Knock knock!

“Oh, it's open.”

To my surprise, it wasn't Cocoa that entered, but instead was Circus Rose. “Hello, Doctor. I actually wanted to see if you were available today.”

“Available? For what?”

She giggled and said, “A trip to the forest near the kingdom. Her Majesty felt like doing a little field trip into nature for the Foal Scouts.”

“The, um, Foal Scouts?” I was intrigued by this.

“Yes, a group of foals dedicated to the cause of learning about the world, and discovering new species of animals, trees, and the like.”

“Oh, so they're the foal versions of the Filly Guides.”

“Filly Guides? Oh, yes, I remember. Yes, they're exactly like them, only instead, anypony, young or old, are allowed.”

I remembered I once tried to be a member of the Filly Guides, and I had passed most of their requirements, all except one. I couldn't go camping due to my unfortunate condition. Not many ponies want to be around a bedwetter. “I see.”

“We had an unfortunate cancellation, due to one of the Scout Mothers falling ill with a cold. I was kinda hoping you'd like to join us.”

“Huh?! M-me? But I'm not a scout, and I wear diapers.”

“Well, yes, that is true, but this would be a great opportunity for you. You've yet to explore outside our kingdom, haven't you?”

“Um, well, no, I haven't.”

“And as for diapers, most of our scouts are diapered anyways. You'll fit right in.”

“Oh, right. Foal Scouts. Makes sense that it'd be full of little ones.” I smiled and thought about it. “Well, since you're offering, I guess I could join you.”

“Oh, wonderful! I know my little Quick Beam will be happy about this. I'll inform him and Her Majesty.” She left, closing the door.

“Well, what do you say, Robu? Want to explore the forest?” Robu simply fluttered happily. “Besides, if I'm right, this will give me a chance to get some fitting clothes.”


I scowled in annoyance. “I'm sorry, dear, but this is the standard uniform for the Foal Scouts,” Circus explained.

“If it's standard, then why aren't you wearing them?”

“Well, because I'm the Scout Mother. We get different uniforms. Besides, these were the only things that would fit you.”

Apparently, I didn't consider the fact that their uniforms would be the most foalish uniforms I've ever seen for a scout group. The attire was a daffodil colored skirt shortall that hardly covered my diaper. If anything, it made it more noticeable and even made it easier to tell when I had accidents. It also came with a cotton candy pink undershirt that I wore to keep the shortall straps from rubbing me uncomfortably. Even a pacifier on a strap dangled off of it. I was lucky the bonnets were too small and didn't fit me, unlike the others, who didn't seem to mind them. The little colts had more fortune, but only barely, as they wore celeste colored shortalls that did cover their diapers, and a dark pastel green undershirt. They wore caps that had a visor to block the Sun's rays, and also had pacifiers dangling from their shortalls.

“Tell me again why this has a binky hanging off of it?”

“Well, if you ever need to suckle on something, or you're feeling nervous, it's there if you need it.”

I rolled my eyes. Regardless, nopony was laughing at us, so I cherished the moment of peace. We entered the forest and began to explore. Robu landed on the branch of a tree, which caught my interest. “Ooh, whats this?”

“Gah ba ta ba spa!”

“Huh?” I turned to see Quick Beam teaching the other foals about the trees and wildlife as they awed and admired them. “Wait, he's the guide?!”

“Well, you didn't think I was the one guiding them, did you? He said-”

“He said it was a Spruce, specifically a Sitka Spruce.” She was surprised by this. “I can hear and understand foals thanks to my mind magic.”

“Oh my, and here I thought I would need to interpret for you.”

I smiled but remembered something. “Wait, if he's the guide, then what about you? Why are you here?”

“Well, I can't leave these little ones unattended. Who will change their diapers or help them up over obstacles.”

I was about to comment, but was interrupted by one of the foals giggling as they looked at a beetle crawling up the tree. I noticed Robu trying to interact with it, but soon flapped away in a daze for some reason. “Oh, what's this, Beam?” He babbled as he explained. “Huh, a Hermit Flower Beetle. Wait, this thing has a-a...?” I just realized why it started to smell. “Ew, and here I thought one of them had an accident.”

“Actually, one of them did, but it wasn't from them. Nothing to worry about, though. They may stink, but they're harmless.” Circus lifted one of the foals, a filly, and checked her diaper. “Hmm, a small bulge, but I think it'll be fine for now.” She set her down and put her pacifier into her mouth, to which the little one happily suckled.

Quick Beam, however, continued the tour of the forest. I had to admit, for a foal, he was really knowledgeable about the environment, and in such a professional manner. “I'm impressed. He acts like he's a real scout.”

“He is a real scout.” Circus frowned.

“Huh? Oh, no, I meant...” I lowered my head. “Sorry, I meant no offense. I'm still not used to foals being in charge.”

Her frown disappeared and she smiled. “Well, I suppose you are new around here. I'll give you a break.”

I smiled back and looked at the foals, who playfully chased Robu around some trees. However, something seemed strange. “Hey, where's Glitter? I thought she would be coming along.”

“Oh, I thought so, too, but it seems she was more busy with the festival coming up. She wanted to come, but her work got in the way. She told me to go on without her.”

“Oh, I see. I'm sorry to hear that; I know how tough it can be to be a princess.”

“Lately, she hasn't really been with us. Every week, the Foal Scouts meet up for different activities, and she'd be more than willing to join and have fun, seeing how she was one of the founders.”

That surprised me. “Really, her?”

“Yes, along with a few others, she founded the Foal Scouts, hoping to learn more about her kingdom and the ponies that follow her. In fact, the Scouts adored her for joining us on our ventures and experiences.”

“Did she enjoy it?”

“Like you wouldn't believe. The many stories I could tell about her. She was quite the prankster, but it was all in good fun, and they were harmless. She even climbed a few trees to get a better view of the forest floor, or to search for certain insects.”

“Really? Like what?”

“Well, she liked to see the fireflies that inhabited the forest. She once called them the stars of the forest.”

“Aww, cute.”

“Yep. She even enjoyed telling ghost stories to the other little ones. To be fair, though, I kind of wish she didn't scare them so well. The amount of diapers I had to change whenever she told a scary story.”

I snickered, but soon curled my smile into a frown. “Hmm, and let me guess: that all stopped after that incident.”

“Incident? Oh yes, the twins that tried to steal our water. I believe that's when it all stopped.”

I frowned further. I knew why she avoided them, but I couldn't imagine she'd miss out on something that she loved to do. “I'm trying my best to help her.”

“I know. I have faith in your abilities.”


We took a brief pause for lunch, which was daisy sandwiches with some celery sticks and juice boxes. Well, for the older scouts, anyways. For the foals, they had jarred baby food with those juice boxes. We conversed and laughed, telling stories about ourselves and even looked at some of the more interesting flora.

“So, Doctor, did you join the Filly Guides yourself?”

“Huh? Oh, no, I didn't. Due to my unfortunate condition, I wasn't allowed.”

“Oh, that's right. You wear diapers yourself.”

“Yep, always had and always will, whether I want to or not.”

“I'm sorry to hear about that. I know it can be tough being stuck in them.”

“Oh, really, you've worn them yourself?” I joked.

“That's not what I meant, silly. I just mean that it's not always fun.”

“Well, you are right, it wasn't easy for me. I got a lot of insults and teasing because of it. You say that adults can be evil and corrupt, which they can be, but young children are just cruel.”

She seemed shocked to hear that. “Certainly you aren't insinuating that these children, let alone my own-”

“Oh, no no, absolutely not. These children are innocent. I was referring to children more around the age of five to ten years. Foals, such as our little scouts here, are not cruel.”

“Oh, I see.”

“I've had to put up with bullies for a long period of time, and no matter how much I've tried to explain it to them, they always treated me poorly.”

“Well, you won't have that kind of trouble here, I promise.”

“You sure? Because I could have sworn I was getting that from the older guards.”

“Oh, really? I'll have to talk to Frost Wind about their behavior.”

I smiled devilishly and joked again. “Maybe put them in diapers, too. See how it feels.”

“Hmm, not a bad idea,” she said as she genuinely thought about that. “In fact, we could make it an official part of their uniform.” I don't know why, but I was feeling kind of fiendish, because I thought that was a great idea. “Well, in any case, we'd be happy to make you an official Foal Scout.”

“Thank you, I appreciate that. Although, I would like a uniform that didn't have a pacifier dangling from it.”

She giggled and said, “We'll see what we can do, although I think it looks good on you.” Before I knew it, she put it in my mouth with her magic. I instinctively suckled on it a few times before pulling it out.

“Hey!” I wanted to yell, but instead found myself laughing with her. I guess I knew she was joking as well. “Well, okay, maybe we can keep it, but that doesn't mean I'm using it.”


I felt a tug on my ear as Robu tried to get my attention. “What's up, Robu?” He pointed to the little ones, and I noticed one of them missing. “Huh? Hey, where's Quick Beam?”

“Oh? You're right, he's not here.” She got up and began searching. “Mindset, please be a dear and look over there for me?”

“Of course.” It didn't take long for me to hear some foalish giggling from behind some trees. “I think I found him. Give me a moment, I'll bring him back.” I followed the sound and noticed he was going somewhere. “Hey, Beam, wait! Come back!” I followed until he stopped in front of a river. “There you are. You can't waddle away from me. I'm the Queen of Waddling.” I paused before I realized, “Wait, that came out wrong.”

Quick Beam giggled as he sat on his diapered rump and looked to the river. “Wabafa!”

“Huh? Waterfall?” I looked up and was stricken with awe. He led me to a beautiful waterfall; the mist created a rainbow in the light. “Wh-what's this?”

“The Foal Falls.” I turned to notice Circus and Robu behind me. “This is the river that flows into the city. It's our source of water.”

“Really? You don't say...” Now, I was intrigued. Then, could this be the source of the regressive water?

“It's beautiful, isn't it?” I simply nod. “Well, I'll just let you enjoy it. This one, however...” I watched her lift Beam. “Needs a diaper change. I could smell my way to you. Come see me when you're done, okay?”

“Huh? Oh, sure.” I was a little too distracted to ask why she wanted to see me, but I did wave to her as she left to take him to the other foals. I wanted to inspect the falls. “So, what makes you so special?” I carefully inspected the waterfall, making sure I didn't touch the water. After a few minutes, I was about to write it off as nothing of any significance, when it occurred to me. “Wait, these rocks. They don't show any sign of erosion.” I noticed Robu give me a puzzled look. “Well, most waterfalls would erode over time. It would take some years, but they would eventually change. These rocks, however, don't show any of that. How is that possible?” I backed away carefully from the rock wall and saw one of the rocks had a strange marking. “A.R.” I said to myself as I stared at the chiseled lettering. I gasped as it dawned on me. “Atavism Reversion! Was he here?!” I was surprised by all this, and didn't know what any of it meant, but just knowing that this place might be a clue filled me with some hope.

“Mindset?” Before I could continue to search, Circus called out to me.

“Oh, uh, coming!” I looked at the falls and sighed. “Guess I'll have to come back later.”

I walked back with Robu to the others, only to squeak when I felt a hoof checking my diaper. “Yep, you're soaked and messy. Time for a change for you, Little Missy.”

I felt myself be lifted onto my back on a changing mat by Circus's magic. “Wh-wait! I can change myself. You don't need to do it for me.” I blushed.

“Relax, dear, you don't need to be so embarrassed. It's nothing I haven't seen before. Besides, I'm sure it'd be easier if I just did it instead.” I wanted to fight, but her magic kept me in place. All I could do was watch helplessly as she opened my diaper and began cleaning me. I blushed further as the foals giggled at my predicament, though it didn't feel like it was out of cruelty or a mocking tone. They just laughed because I was making a bit of a scene, and they thought it was funny. Truth be told, as embarrassed as I was, I sort of didn't mind the help after a while; yet another reason to be confused by my emotional state. Once the final tape was in place on my fresh diaper, she released her magic. “There, all done. That wasn't so bad, was it?” She gave a playful pat to my flank.

“Yeah, sure...” I felt dizzy from all the blood in my face, and no doubt I regressed a bit. Robu only confirmed it when he showed me my current state. Another year gone. My infantile fate loomed closer and closer, and I was enjoying it for some reason I couldn't explain. After I regained my composure, we continued our hiking trip, which was interesting, but nothing of real importance. Quick Beam certainly enjoyed it though.


I was in the dining hall as I ate dinner that night. Cocoa and Glitter were there as well, though Glitter looked exhausted. “You okay, Glitter? You haven't eaten much of your food.”

She gave a yawn that was rather adorable before answering, “Just tired, is all. I had to make a few more preparations for the festival.”

“Oh, right, that's in two days. You must be excited.” I felt a tad envious.

“Yeah, I just wish it wasn't so exhausting.” She almost dozed off and planted her face into her mushed bananas.

“I guess Her Majesty is more interested in being in bed. We'll have to end dinner early for tonight,” Cocoa said as she lifted her out of her highchair. “Mindset, could you be a dear and clean up here when you are done?”

“Sure.” I finished my plate of spaghetti and took the dishes to the sink in the kitchen.

“Why hasn't she become a baby yet, Cocoa?” I was surprised to hear Glitter's voice, recognizing that lisp.

“I'm not sure, dear. It is possible that something is slowing the process.” Cocoa's voice was audible, as well. I looked around and found a vent on the ceiling. I listened closely.

“Like what?”

“Well, I'm not sure if this is the case, but I have seen ponies regress more slowly due to mental stress. Things like regrets or moments of their life that they wish they could change. I guess Princess Luna was right, she was in need of some relaxation.”

Princess Luna? Before, I was in denial. Now, I had no other excuse. Princess Luna... Wants me to regress?

“All we need to do is figure out what's causing it.”

I can think of a few things. I walked away from the vent after that. I didn't need to hear any more of it. Walking back to my room, I was despondent. Robu fluttered to me and comforted me. “You were right, Robu. Princess Luna is doing this to me.” He tilted his head in worry. “I can't believe it. Why me? Why regress me? Why would she send me here?” I couldn't wrap my head around it. I've been in Her Majesty's head, (figuratively speaking,) and this sort of devious behavior was unheard of. This means even if I confronted her about it, she'd probably regress me, as well, so going back home wasn't an option to begin with. It made no sense to me, until a memory came to me.

Well, it may take time to help Her Majesty, and besides, 'That Day' is coming up...”

“Maternal Mare Day...” I hadn't fully realized till then why she brought that up. Why would she? If it were any vacation, she wouldn't need to. Saying I was irritable would've been enough to convince me. Even more so, why send me on a vacation now instead of on some other, more vacation-y holiday. Maternal Mare Day didn't fit the expectations one would normally associate vacations with. “She's regressing me because of that?” The memories of my mother flooded my mind again, and like before, I shooed them away. “I don't need to celebrate that day. I've survived without needing to.”

I was running out of options and time. I looked to Reversion's journal and had the thought. If I'm going to solve any of this before I lose my independence forever, it has to be now. I need to inspect those falls.


Robu and I returned to the Foal Falls the next day and decided to inspect the water from the top. Like before, signs of erosion was non-existent. This should be impossible, yet here it is. How? My answers were left unanswered as I searched the area. However, I did notice yet another carving in a rock. “A.R. So, maybe he's trying to lead me to the source.” I followed up the river and saw more of his marks. “Sheesh, with this many marks, I'm surprised they haven't noticed them. They'd clearly fit for some museum exhibit or something. They would be old enough for that.” Robu nodded in agreement.

The river continued up an ice cap. Not surprising, since the water had to come from somewhere. “Well, this is no good. I can't climb a mountain. I'm not equipped for it. Besides, it would look suspicious if I was gone for too long.” I was about to turn back when I noticed something strange from the mountain. “Huh, the river's leading into a cave.” Looking to my right, I saw another 'A.R.' carved into a tree with an arrow pointing towards the cave. “I guess I have no choice but to look here.” Robu looked worried and clung to me.

The cave was dark for a brief period, but a short walk led to the back, which gave off an oddly lit cavern. “Wha... Whoa!” I looked in awe at the sight before me. The cavern refracted and reflected all over; the light coming from a rather large hole in the ceiling. The walls were covered with colorful crystals of pink. “What is this place?” Even Robu spun in excitement.

I looked to the river, which was getting the water from the hole, but noticed berries and leaves floating in them. I picked one berry up and took a look. “Raspberries. So, this is where the water's flavor comes in. But where are they coming from?” Looking up, I notice a few bushes that occasionally got hit with the water, dropping some of the berries and leaves. “Weird. So the water falls into this cavern and then mixes with the berries and leaves. It's like making a natural tea for the water. But tea itself doesn't inherently make one regress; certainly not Raspberry Tea.”

As if on cue, the crystals around me began to glow brightly, to the point of being blinding. “Ah!” I shouted as I covered my eyes. Robu covered his, as well, so as not to damage his lenses. After a brief moment, and some strange splashing sounds, the light faded and we looked again. To our surprise, all the berries and leaves were gone. “What the...?” I took a small taste of the water and noticed it still tasted sweet. “Okay, so what just happened?” I inspected the crystals with my magic and felt energy emanating from them. “I see. So this is the source.” I noticed Robu scanning them and returned to me with his results. Having a computerized robotic butterfly had its benefits. “Beryl? Wait, the pinkish color. These aren't just any beryl, they're Morganite Beryl. It's said that they instill everlasting youth.”

Robu gave me a questioning look.

“I read it in that book I had earlier.” I pulled out the book I used for meditation when I first arrived in the kingdom. I looked into the book and searched the pages under 'Crystals and their effects'. “Ah, here we are:

'Morganite, or Pink Beryl, activates and cleanses the Heart Chakra. It calms a stressful life and benefits the nervous system. Morganite helps you to recognize the escape routes that you need. It removes closed minds and egotism which can block spiritual growth. It assists in helping you become aware of your ignored needs of the soul.

Morganite also helps you to recognize unfulfilled emotional needs and unexpected feelings with which you can't cope. Morganite helps dissolve both conscious and unconscious resistance to healing, and helps clear the victim mentality and opens the heart to receive unconditional love and healing.

It holds the emotional body stable while emotional changes enter your life. Morganite helps with stress and all stress related illnesses. It oxygenates the cells and repairs them. It has been known to treat tuberculosis, asthma, emphysema, heart problems, vertigo, impotence and lung blockages.

While it's said that any Beryl can represent everlasting youth and happiness, Morganite is the most commonly used for eternal youth scrolls, as they're believed to be the most powerful in that regard and is often rare.'

So, these morganite crystals must be reacting to the water, causing it to give the regressive power we've been seeing. But why raspberries?” I pondered over it until I saw another 'A.R.' on the floor. Following it, I saw a formula etched on the wall. “What is this?!” The formula was a tad complex, but it had mentioned the water and the contents. “Raspberries... Zinc... Selenium... Wait, those are nutrients for the skin. Zinc strengthens the elasticity of skin and even helps repair it, while selenium makes it soft. They're both ingredients for beauty products.”

Robu was skeptical of my knowledge.

“What? I frequent the spas every now and then. Then again, you never join me there, so how would you know?”

Robu, being of the male gender, (or as male as a robot can get,) was not interested in spa treatments, and simply scoffed at that.

“Regardless, it's now making sense. The crystals, infused with magic, react and combine with the raspberries and their leaves. What we've got here is a naturally-occurring magical brew of youth flowing into the kingdom. It might also explain why the rocks aren't eroding. The magic is keeping them protected from the wear and tear of time.”

I had to admit, such a sight was crazy to think. This kingdom was an enchanted one, to be sure, but to think the source was of a natural one was mind-boggling. “Wait, then could this formula be...?” I looked at it with wide eyes. “The cure?!” It had to be. Why else would the doctor write it here? “Robu, take pictures of it. Leave nothing out!” Robu immediately began photographing the writing as I looked to the crystals again. 'Ignored needs of the soul.' Could it be that's why I'm feeling this way? Why I'm so unsure of myself about all of this? Am I actually... Longing for her?


I wanted to know more about that cave, so I decided to do another library run. “River, Foal Falls, raspberries, water, morganite.” I used my search spell again, though sadly nothing came of it. Only partial light from the books. “Darn. I knew it was too easy.” I thought about it more and decided to do some research on the history of the kingdom. Fountonia has to of had something before. I pulled out the history books from my saddlebag and began reading. Unfortunately, the books were written in a way that made them confusing and requiring the other volumes to make any sense of it. “This is crazy. I can't just read through all this.”

Out of options, I simply placed the books back on their respective shelves. “I don't understand how any of this is going to help me.” I lightly kicked a shelf, only to have one of the children books fall out. To my surprise, the book opened up to a story that mentioned Fountonia, left there by a bookmark. “Wait, is this...?” I began reading.

Long ago, two kingdoms existed side by side and lived together: the Kingdom of Blitzkrieg, and the Kingdom of Donnybrook. One day, a war broke out between the two kingdoms when the two kings discussed the expansion of land ownership. Both believed the other was too greedy and held too much. For years, the kingdoms feud and fought one another, with many unfortunate sacrifices made against each other.

King Avarice of Donnybrook had launched an attack on Blitzkrieg, and was on the verge of victory. King Edacious, Blitzkrieg's king, had watched his kingdom falter and felt great despair for his people, who suffered the most. In the hopes of restoring peace or face more loss, Edacious had arranged a place of meeting with Avarice in a nearby cave, so as to prevent the people from overhearing them and fearing the worst. However, as they ventured into the cave, they discovered a mysterious spring of water surrounded by crystal. It seemed so fresh, so delightful to them, that they drank from it. In a matter of time, they both had shrunk down to foals. Neither had any idea of how they were before, but instead just played and laughed together.

By the time anypony had realized their transformation, many other citizens from both kingdoms had drank from the same spring and experienced identical results. It seemed that the more they were treated like foals, the faster the regression happened. Simply suggesting a foalish idea would cause it to stick. When the two kingdoms had found out what happened, they called off the attack, and came to good terms with each other; their kings now powerless to rule, let alone show greed and wrath to each other. Instead, they merged the kingdoms into one, and became friends. After all, if the two ponies who were arguing over wares yesterday were such giggly best friends the next day, why couldn’t they do so, as well?

Thus, Fountonia was founded. The people of this new kingdom elected for a new ruler, one that would remain innocent from such sins as greed and envy. To that, they decided to make the next ruler a foal, though not one of the two kings, for they had far since forgotten themselves. Instead, King Edacious's daughter, who had been born during the conflict and opposed the war, stepped in to rule, knowing full well of what it meant. However, rather than turn her into a complete foal, the citizens had partially regressed her; playful and happy as a foal, but still retaining enough maturity to rule.

Her Majesty had first decreed that The Fountain of Youth, as it was to be called, would be protected by the Royal Families and their counsel. With her permission, the people were allowed to drink from the water, should they wish, but must be given a guardian to care for them.

Her second decree was that the Fountain would be kept secret, for she feared other kingdoms would take advantage of such magic. A decree proven right when others had attempted to take over the kingdom, believing it to have been weak; their motives selfish and cruel. Fortunately, they had underestimated the power of the water, and the ponies that protected it.

The third was to change criminal sentencing, taking any criminals to the Fountain of Youth to be regressed back into newborns, their memories a clean slate. This would allow them to start over, and be given another chance that they may not of had before.

With these decrees, Fountonia grew and became a kingdom of peace. The foals that lived in the kingdom were happy, and they would remain so thanks to their guardians. Her Majesty smiled and played with her father, both enjoying their youth once more, and the kingdom has ever since been filled with the giggling and playfulness of its foal-sized people.

“The Fountain of Youth? You mean, the Fabled Fountain of Youth?!” I was in such shock, I forgot I was in a library and almost had been heard. “I can't believe it. This kingdom was built on the Fountain of Youth that many had sought out before. Why did I not see it sooner?” It was hard to believe, but I couldn't deny the story's many coincidences. It fit too well to have just been a silly fairy tale. “Now I see why Glitter regressed to a baby. Two kingdoms constantly at war must have been traumatic enough as it was. I would've been happy to forget such things. Perhaps she even missed out on having a real foalhood during it.” The morganite would've helped influence her on it, as well. Much like how it was influencing me. “I see clearly now why she's afraid. She fears being responsible for restarting a long forgotten war, and wishes to keep the secret hidden to that end. I would agree that this secret should be kept quiet, if it weren't for what they're doing to me.” My interests were now even further conflicted.


Back in my room, I laid on my bed and stared at my pendant, pondering about my discovery. So, I know the formula that makes the water, and what the cure for it might be. I also know the kingdom's history and what Glitter fears most. Now what? I didn't know what to think. I didn't want to regress to foalhood, yet I wanted to stay and see where this all went. I wanted to tell the people about the water being fed to them, but feared the consequences of doing so. I felt the Morganite's effects continue to influence me and I felt like giving in, yet I believed I was fine and didn't need to embrace my longing. “Arrgh! This is stupid! I shouldn't be staying here. I should be getting my diapered flank out of here before I'm stuck as a permanent resident.” Robu comforted me, but it sadly didn't make me feel any better.

Knock knock!

As if on cue, a knock on my door. “Gee, wonder who that could be?”

As I opened it with my magic, I saw Glitter looking at me with hopeful eyes. “Hello, Mindset. Are you awake?”

“Oh, hello, Glitter. What can I do for you?”

“Well, tomorrow is the big day. I was wondering if you had any plans.” Her curiosity was transparent. I knew what she wanted.

“Oh, yes, the festival. Listen, Glitter, I know you want me to join in the celebration, but I'm not really interested in it. Besides, I can't really celebrate it without my mother.”

“Well, true you can't celebrate it with her, but you can still have fun with it. In fact, Cocoa's willing to let you join us as her filly. What do you say?”

That idea had crossed my mind, but I still doubted it. “That's sweet, but I can't just accept her as my 'mother'. It just wouldn't feel right.”

She frowned. “Oh.”

“I thank you, though. I didn't really have much to do anyways.”

“Okay.” I watched as she walked out, but was surprised when she stopped and turned to me. “You know what, no, it isn't okay.” She quickly approached me with determined eyes. “I know you think you don't need to celebrate it, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm sorry your mommy left you, but it's not fair that you can't have fun because of it. You should stop punishing yourself for what she did and move on!”

“Glitter, I appreciate the advice, but you have no idea what you're-”

“You're right, I don't know what exactly happened, but I do know you can't keep going on in life without having something to fill that hole in your heart. I may be a foal, but I can see right through you. You're in pain because of her, and it's not right to just go on without having that emotional connection. So, I'm not leaving until you agree to it. To leave you here to brood would only be more harmful to you than you'd realize, and I'm not about to let a friend suffer from it.”

I never thought I'd be lectured by a two-year-old, but her face displayed a sort of regal maturity that I never expected from her. I honestly was too shocked to disagree. “I... Okay. I'll come tomorrow.”

She simply walked to the door, not saying a word until she did so. “I know it's hard to move on, but resenting your mother isn't going to make the hole smaller. It's just going to keep eating at you.” And with that, she closed the door.

“It's not resentment I'm feeling. It's loneliness.” I had to admit, it was the first time I ever admitted to a stranger that I missed my mother, even if Glitter didn't hear it. If only she knew the full story. Those returning memories came flooding in, but I didn't brush them off this time. I just took them in, letting them comfort me. I know they aren't real, but I need something happy right now.

I laid there, letting my mind fill with bliss with the memories that have been with me for the longest time.

I just only wished that they actually happened.