• Published 22nd May 2017
  • 3,772 Views, 94 Comments

Mindset's Foalish Vacation - LeyenEnyo

After Mindset is told by Princess Luna to take a vacation from work to help the Block Kingdom, she learns that this place has a unique way of "relaxing" ponies. At least she'll fit in with the other foals...

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Prologue: Overworked

“So, Mr. Sentry, you feel as though you're not being represented well by your peers?” I asked my patient, Flash Sentry.

“Yeah, it's strange, but it's like nopony respects me... Like I'm just another face in the crowd. Not even Princess Twilight sees me.” I stared at the poor royal guard as he lamented his feelings.

Normally, I'd be happy to listen to ponies about their problems; it's my job, after all. Today, though... Today was different. “Mr. Sentry, have you ever considered that maybe you feel this way because you are a face in the crowd?”

“What?!” He looked at me, puzzled.

Upon realizing what I said, I immediately corrected myself. “Er, what I mean is that you haven't really done anything to stand out. Sure, you guard the Princesses and all, but so do other royal guards. Maybe what you need to do is show others what you can do besides that. Maybe find a hobby or do something expressive. Show the world what you can do and find a way to stand out. Show the world you're here, and that you exist.”

Flash thought about that and stood up in a triumphant pose. “You're right! I need to just show the world I'm here! Thank you, Dr. Mindset.”

“Yes, it's what I do. I suggest doing a bit of research and looking up different activities you can do in your spare time. Try them out and see which ones fit you best and which ones you're good at. Then, practice with it. In time, and with luck, others will see you for you, and not just as another royal guard.”

“I will. Thank you.”

I watched as he left, being sure he was out of earshot, where I then sighed irritably and rolled my eyes. Looking at my plaque as it read, 'Dr. Mindset Shield, Ph.D', I started to wonder if other famous psychologists had felt drained like I did. Checking the clock and looking at my schedule, I began to relax as my day was open. Right on cue, of course, so did my bladder. “Ugh... Great...” I cursed the day I was born with permanent incontinence as my diaper became flooded, the warmth of it spreading in the padding.

Oh, right, I probably should mention who I am and what I do. I'm Mindset, no doubt you figured that out from earlier. I'm a unicorn with a light blue coat and long brunette hair, and I'm the Royal Therapist. I've always had a bit of a rough life ever since birth. From constant diaper changes, to bullying from my peers, to even being taken seriously as a professional psychologist, it was a rough climb. I persevered, though, and eventually proved I was truly an expert.

I've always had a fascination for the mind and what we, as ponies, are capable of. Of course, it didn't truly become a passion until the day I got my Cutie Mark, after I accidentally made my entire class incontinent and solved their issues. I say 'accidentally' because I actually didn't have any control over it. It all just sort of happened one day when I had a certain pony destroy something very valuable to me, and I kind of got angry. Nopony was hurt and the effects were temporary, thankfully, but a lot of things changed. Most for the better, but I did end up losing my natural magic control and had to wear an inhibitor ring, something that I still wear to this day.

Thankfully, I trained with Princess Twilight after I registered to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, and mostly regained control. Regardless, I learned my passion and continued to pursue it, diapers and all. Now, I help all the staff here in the castle, including the Princesses themselves! I know secrets about them that I'm not allowed to share with you. So, it felt odd that I wasn't feeling happy about my career choices.

“Well, I'm free, at least,” I said as I pulled out my 'saddlebag' and went to the bathroom to change. Before I could enter, though, I was stopped by, to my surprise, Princess Luna.

“Excuse me, Doctor, but I was wondering if I could speak to you for a moment.”

“Oh... Uh, sure, just... Give me a moment.” I blushed as she noticed my bag and realized what I needed to do. My disability was no secret around here, with many of my clients well aware of my problem and my crinkly underwear.

“Oh, of course. I apologize.” She simply waited as I cleaned myself up and exited the bathroom soon after. “So, if I could talk to you for a moment.”

“Yes, of course, Your Majesty.” I led her to my office where I once again sat in my chair and directed her to the sofa. “So, what did you wish to speak to me about?”

“Well, I've been having concerns about you, actually.”

I was not expecting that. “A-about me?”

“Yes. You see, as I am responsible for the care and protection of ponies' dreams, I noticed some interesting things from you.” Luna gave me a look that made me feel a bit small.

“Oh... Uh... Well, I suppose I've been a little...”

“You hardly sleep at all, and when you do, your dreams are rather negative towards others. Myself, included.”

Now, I was scared. “Oh! Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you, or others! I'm just a little bit...” I couldn't find the right word for it.


“Y-yeah...” I felt guilty.

“Mindset, you have had a difficult life coming here. I won't deny you impress me with your perseverance and determination to continue your dream as a professional psychologist and Royal Therapist. However, it seems that you may be pushing yourself a little too hard. I, Twilight, and my sister have noticed this change from you, and Twilight has told me you rarely take vacation days, other than holidays with your family.”

“Your Majesty, with all due respect, I don't wish to take vacations because I'm not really all that interested. I mean, sure, it would be nice, but I'm too busy with my clients, such as the guards, the maids, the cooks, th-”

“Yes, I'm... Well aware of your clientele.” She interrupted me. “However, we have other therapists here to take your place for the time being. This isn't just a concern of mine, but of the others, as well. Your attitude as of late has been, and I quote Twilight on this, 'snarky.' Perhaps, a change of scenery would do you some good.” She then pulled a strange letter from the Aether of Stars that was her hair and levitated it to me. “It just so happens that a princess in one of our neighboring kingdoms needs a pony of your expertise to visit them.”

Putting my reading glasses on, I began reading the letter, which had unusual hoofwriting. It was written as if it had been from a young foal learning how to write in preschool, yet it was oddly legible and coherent.

Hello again, Princess!

I'm happy to report that our kingdom is flourishing thanks to your assistance with those mean ponies trying to trick us for our land and water. I'm happy to report they've made a complete turnaround and are now rehabilitated.

However, in light of this near-disaster, I've had some thoughts lingering in my head about if this were to happen again. What if we did lose everything? What would I, and my people, do? Where would we go? I've tried to ask my adviser about this, but it seems she is besides herself. I write to you to ask if you knew of a professional who would be willing to help. I assure you they would be well accommodated and cared for, like many others you've sent to help us.

Please, I really would like having a friend to talk to about this.

Yours truly,

~Princess Glitter Star

“Land... And water?” I asked.

“They have very clean, fresh tasting water that, no doubt, many con-artists would take and use for their own purposes, and the water there is practically the kingdom's biggest attraction. Without it, The Block Kingdom in Little Valley would fall apart. Sad, too, as there are many little foals there who would lose their homes,” she explained, looking sad as the thought of homeless foals filled her mind.

“Hmm, that would be sad. But, why me?”

“Because you are the best, and brightest. You and your skills with psychology have proven time and again just how resourceful, creative, and determined you truly are. While Twilight herself is skilled with this knowledge, as well as your mentor, she sadly has other duties that make her unable to visit this kingdom. You, however, are free to go, and you could really use the trip.”

I got up from my seat. “But Your Majesty, I find it odd you'd send me to another kingdom to help the princess with therapy, yet claim this is a vacation for me. Wouldn't a vacation mean going away from work?”

“True, normally you'd be right...” She got up from the sofa. “But rest assured, this trip is exactly what you need. The Block Kingdom, and Little Valley in general, has a very unique way of helping ponies relax. In fact, you could simply go in just your diaper, and they'd never question it.”

“What?!” I had serious doubts about that. That was probably my first 'red flag', if you will.

“Eh, rhetorically speaking, I mean,” she explained with a nervous look.

“Uh huh...” I contemplated this whole thing. I did feel tired, after all, and while crudely written, I did sense a sort of urgency and desperation in the letter. I couldn't simply let a princess in charge of a kingdom, no matter how unfamiliar about it I was, suffer from such tormenting thoughts. I swore the Ponicratic Oath, after all. “I guess I could take some time off to help a neighboring kingdom. But how long, exactly?”

“From what I saw from your allotted vacation days, I'd recommend at least two weeks. Perhaps three.”

“Three weeks?!” I asked.

“Well, it may take time to help Her Majesty, and besides, 'That Day' is coming up...”

It didn't take long to figure out what she meant. “That Day” had always been a rough one for me. Not because of a traumatic event or anything, but... Not a day I enjoyed celebrating. “That is coming up, isn't it?” I sighed. “Okay, I suppose I could try to take my mind off of things.”

“Excellent. I'll write to the princess, informing of your arrival.” She soon left the office with a skip in her step.

“Well, what's the worst that could happen?” I tempted fate, which decided to answer in the form of a gurgle from my stomach, followed by... Well, I'd rather not say what happened next. “Oof... Oh, come on! I just changed!”