• Published 22nd May 2017
  • 3,775 Views, 94 Comments

Mindset's Foalish Vacation - LeyenEnyo

After Mindset is told by Princess Luna to take a vacation from work to help the Block Kingdom, she learns that this place has a unique way of "relaxing" ponies. At least she'll fit in with the other foals...

  • ...

Chapter One: Welcome to Little Valley

“Ooohhh...” I watched as we continued to fly over the clouds. Being a unicorn, I would easily fall through them unlike pegasi or alicorns would. Granted, Princess Twilight taught me a cloud-walking spell under her tutelage, but the moment we went up into the sky, I drew a complete blank about it. “H-how much further?” I asked the Pegasus Transport Unit as they flew the carriage I was on.

“We got about two more hours until we reach it. Don't worry, we'll be there before you know it,” one of them, Nova, as I recall, explained.

“Yeah, Doctor, relax a bit. You're supposed to be on vacation!” the other, Blue Skies, joked. I was in no laughing mood.

“Need I remind you I'm the daughter of General Heart Shield, your Superior?! I doubt he'd want to hear about how his daughter became a pancake from falling to the ground!” The two immediately quieted themselves. Normally, I wouldn't flaunt that kind of fact about me in such a way, as it made me feel like a privileged spoiled brat, and I hated feeling like that. Plus, in the Grand Scheme of things, it didn't matter whose daughter I was; it didn't mean a thing since I didn't have my father's training, making me just another civilian to them. I was just really afraid to think rationally then. “I... I'm sorry, that was rude.”

“Listen, Doc, you need to relax. We're not going to let you fall, and we'd never let it happen to anypony. Just try to enjoy the view,” Nova explained.

“I would if I weren't soiling myself out of fear,” I whispered to myself. I wouldn't say I'm acrophobic, as I'm far more fearful of spiders, but fear of falling from great heights, irrational or not, is still a reasonable fear to have. I was just happy to have spare diapers at the ready should I ever needed them. Which, at the time, felt like I would need one any minute. I then felt a few little insect-like legs on my horn. Looking up, I saw my little companion shaking a bit. “It's okay, Robu, I'm scared, too.”

Ah, Robu, my Robotic Butterfly. I, with my brother's help, built him when I was a filly. He was designed to be a pet, but he could do so much more, such as act as my camera, which was why I brought him. My brother supplied the parts, and I supplied the 'programming', if you will. Despite being a robot, Robu was as expressive and alive as any other creature, and right now, he was expressing fear like I was.

Trying to keep my mind off of it, I started to converse with the two pegasi. “So... How familiar are you and Blue Skies with the Block Kingdom? Princess Luna personally recommended the two of you, so I imagine this isn't your first trip there.”

“It's not a bad place, though you may be surprised by your first visit,” Nova stated.

“Yeah, but after the initial shock, once you begin relaxing, it's like living at home away from home. You'll feel very welcomed in a place like this in due time,” Blue added.

“I see,” I remarked.

We eventually landed at a rest stop for pegasi for a brief period, allowing my drivers to get a coffee or something. I took that time to inspect my bags and luggage, since I couldn't step out of the carriage and on the cloud. Good thing, too, as I did in fact need a change and was lucky the carriage was large enough and private enough to give me the chance. Robu just relaxed, happy to have stopped.

After I took care of that mess, I searched my bags for a good book to read, hopefully to keep my mind off of the ever-looming possibility of falling to my doom. I stumbled upon my research books on mind magic and psychology, as I wanted to experiment more with different therapy methods and skills. As I pulled one out, another book fell out, though this book was anything but a research book. “Oops, how did this get in here?” I asked as I picked it up.

'Cuddle Bear and the Honey Tree'. A classic foal book that, to this day, was actually one of my favorites. What can I say; I like Cuddle Bear. “Hmm... Maybe I could read it to some of the foals there? I'm sure the Princess won't mind, right?” Robu simply flapped his wings and gave a happy expression. He didn't talk much, but I could always understand him. I carefully put it back in my bag, put my reading glasses on, and began reading my other book.

After a half hour had passed and I came back from my meditation, my drivers returned and we continued our way to the kingdom uninterrupted.


We approached the Block Kingdom from the sky as I looked out to it. I was curious about how the buildings were constructed out of actual building blocks, the kind that little foals play with and stacked together. They had locking joints with each block so that they didn't fall over from light pushing or anything. Strange but fitting. It was the 'Block' Kingdom, after all.

As we landed, I noticed that there were more children than I had thought there would be. About a ten-to-one ratio of child to adult. “Wow! I'd imagine being a foalsitter here would be hectic.”

“Well, they do enjoy foals around here. It would make sense there would be more foals than adults,” Blue stated. “You planned on meeting Her Majesty, right?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Well, talk to the guards over there. I'm sure they'll take you to her,” Nova instructed as he helped me remove my luggage. I looked to where he pointed, only to see two little pegasi colts, both looked about three or four years old in makeshift guard armor.

“Uh... Guards?” I found it a bit difficult to see the two as guards, as they both appeared to be in training pants. Then again, I did remember that even adult guards wore diapers during long watches where bathroom breaks were near-impossible. Called them 'Watchpony Urinals', a name that makes me chuckle just thinking about, given my own experiences with my padded flank.

“You'll see soon enough.”

After unloading my luggage, which Robu decided to relax in, and watching the two fly off back to Canterlot, I approached the pair in 'armor'. “Excuse me, you two...” They both looked to me with raised eyebrows. “I'm Dr. Mindset Shield. I was requested to come here by your Princess, and was told you would take me to her personally. May you please be so kind as to show me the way?”

They both nodded as one spoke up. “Sure, we'll take you to her.”

“Yeah, she's been expecting you!” They gestured me to follow. “Boy, this one is polite, much more than that one grown up that came from Equestria,” I heard one whisper to the other.

“Yeah, and look at what she's wearing. I've never seen a grown up wear a diaper before.” I blushed at that remark and instinctively tugged at the skirt of my purple dress, hoping to hide my diaper. Unfortunately, many other guards, both foals and adults, passed by us while I did so, with many getting a good look at my attire. The adults smirked while the foals giggled to themselves.

“Ahem, I have a medical condition. I kind of need to wear them, whether I want to or not,” I explained to them, where they both giggled to themselves.

“Sorry, we didn't mean to be rude. We just never see something like that very often.”

“Yeah, usually they wear after they've turned int-Oof!” He was interrupted by the other with an elbow to the gut. “Er, I mean, it's something we never expected, that's all.”

I raised a brow but then stated, “I suppose, but then again, I could say the same about you two. After all, where I'm from, most little colts and fillies are out of training pants at your age. I'm guessing you both are still growing?”

They immediately turned pink in the face. “Um, well, we, uh...” stuttered one.

“It's, uh, not that we can't make it, it's just we... I mean with all the long shifts and standing watch all day...” explained the other.

I gave a lighthearted laugh as I watched them fumble with their words. “Hey, relax, you two; I understand. I have a father who is a guard for my Princesses, so I understand what their jobs can be like. Besides, you both got further than I ever did.”

“Really?” I watched them relax a bit.

“I think I like this grown up. She's nice.” I beamed with confidence from this compliment. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad adjusting here. I made two new friends already, young as they were. “My name's Cirrus.”

“And I'm Nimbus.”

I chuckled. “It's nice to meet you both. I'm glad I could make a good first impression for you.”

As we walked through the castle I made note of the interior design, which was interesting. Again, the castle walls were built with colorful building blocks, lined with hoofpaintings, crayon scribbles, a few... choice statues. I think one was of a pacifier. Fitting, given the foalish theme they were going for, but still rather odd. “So, if I may ask, why is the art so...” I couldn't find the words again.

“Baby-like?” Cirrus asked.

“Made by foals?” Nimbus added.

“I suppose...”

“Well, why not? All art should be inspiring! True, it's not 'fancy' like other pieces, but you have to start somewhere. This castle is a tribute that art can take form and be inspirational anywhere, even from the littlest of ponies!” Nimbus explained.

“He's just saying that because one of his pieces is up here.” Cirrus remarked.

“But it's true! Everything I said is true!”

I was surprised. “Really, Nimbus? Which one is yours?”

“That one, right there!” He pointed to a painting that was a little crude, but actually wasn't half-bad. It depicted what looked like a mother holding a foal, both with smiles on their faces, though many parts of their bodies were a tad disproportional. The foal especially, as its body was a little too big compared to the head, which I honestly didn't blame him since baby bodies are weirdly proportioned in general; their heads are bigger than their bodies where as adult bodies are bigger than their heads. Nature can be weird.

“Wow! This isn't bad. You did this, Nimbus?”

“Yep! All by my self!” He beamed with confidence and skipped in place for a bit. “It's supposed to be the Fountain!”

“Fountain?” I tilted my head in curiosity.

“Yeah, over there!” Cirrus then pointed to it. The Fountain looked the most professional of all the artwork in the castle. Again, the depiction was of a mother holding a foal, only the proportions were far more lifelike. I couldn't help but stare at it for some time. Something about it... I couldn't put my hoof on it, but something about it seemed enticing. “Ms. Mindset...”

“Huh?” I was brought back from my thoughts.

“Um, are you okay?” Nimbus asked as they both looked at me curiously.

“Oh, uh... Yes, I'm fine.” I blushed. “Sorry, my brain must have been on autopilot for a moment.”

The pair giggled, no doubt at the thought of that imagery. “It's okay, lots of ponies get distracted with this. It's a very important fountain, after all!”

“Really? How so?”

Before he could answer, though, a Pegasus mare, light blue with a dark blue mane, approached. “Nimbus, Cirrus, there you are!”

“Oh, hi Mom!” Cirrus shouted.

“Hi, Mom!” Nimbus followed.

“You two boys wouldn't happen to be bothering this poor mare, would you?” Her voice was gentle and sweet, almost calming.

“Oh no, miss, not at all. In fact, they were quite the gentlecolts. They were just showing me around the castle, that's all,” I answered.

“Is that so? Well, then, I suppose you both deserve a special treat later for your good behavior.” Immediately, they lit up with joy.

“Really?!” Nimbus asked.

“Yay! A treat, a treat!” Cirrus said as he jumped around. The sight made me giggle at how adorable it was.

“So, I assume you're the doctor that we're expecting?” the mare asked.

“Oh, yes. I'm Dr. Mindset Shield, a pleasure to meet you,” I answered while offering a hoof.

“Likewise. I'm Frost Wind, one of the Counsel members for the Princess,” she explained as she took my hoof and we shook. “I want to thank you for coming all this way from Equestria. Her Majesty has been besides herself with worry. I fear it may affect her work as a leader and a princess.” The four of us walked passed the Fountain and continued towards the throne room.

“Well, that's why I'm here. I'm not sure what to fully expect, but I'll do what I can. After all, her letter did seem to indicate distress on her mind. Could you, at least, give me a quick summery of what she might be feeling and why?” I put on my reading glasses and pulled out a pen and notebook.

“Well, not too long ago, a couple of ponies came to our kingdom and claimed they had been here to sell us a special device that could help with diaper changes.”

“Diaper changes?”

“Yes, we have many little ones here who have yet to reach that age of maturity. My boys here just recently outgrew their diapers.” I noticed the two blush and scrunch up their faces. “Anyways, it was a device they called an 'Auto-Changer' and it was designed to change diapers in a safe and effective way.”

“Sounds kind of similar to my brother's own 'Auto-Changer'. Let me guess, though, it didn't work like it was supposed to?” I wrote down some notes.

“Oh, no, it worked... For the most part. However, it turns out they were working behind the scenes, trying to divert our water.”

“Ah, yes, Princess Luna mentioned your water. While I can understand the importance of having water in the city, it's kind of confusing as to how it's your biggest attraction. I'd imagine food would draw more people before I'd consider the water.”

“Oh, this water is very special. It's the cleanest and purest of water there is, and it has a sweet taste to it,” she explained.

“Eh, I'm not entirely certain that would draw crowds. Regardless, I'm not here to judge. Continue.” I scribbled some more notes in my paper regarding the water's attributes.

“Well, while we didn't know it at the time, the duo were using their spot in the marketplace to dig into the stream and collect the water in jars and bottles. They planned on taking the water and selling it to other cities and kingdoms, claiming it as 'Miracle Water.'”

“Miracle Water? 'Miracle' how?”

“Oh, just that it could mend wounds, reverse time, etc. Fraudulent claims.”

“Wow, sounds too good to be true...” I gave a sarcastic eye-roll.

“Well, of course, dear. These were con ponies, after all.”

“So, they planned on taking the water out of your city and sell it to others, no doubt expanding the price of it far more than it truly was worth. Anything else?”

“Absolutely. They were planning on reselling it to us when all of our water was drained, claiming it had come from another fountain. Only, they wanted more than just money. They wanted property!”

“That's horrible! I can't imagine how cruel they must have been!”

“Indeed. Thankfully, though, Her Majesty, with the aid of your Princess Luna, found them out and stopped their devious plot. The water was restored, and life returned to normal. The two con-ponies were then dealt with thanks to our legal system.”

“What exactly was their rehabilitation like?” I was curious.

“Oh, you know how it goes. They throw tantrums and refuse taking their naps. The usual behavior. However, they slowly change and become quite the little angels.”

“Uh... Interesting way of describing it. So, then what happened?”

“Well, things seemed to be fine, but then Her Majesty started having second thoughts. It seems the incident has plagued her with fears of 'what if's' and hasn't truly been herself. From business meetings, court hearing, even her diaper changes; it's all she ever thinks about lately.”

“I see.” I then noticed something, pausing my writing. “Wait, diaper changes?!”

“Ah, here we are.” We had approached a large set of doors, a pastel pink that would look good in a nursery, and apparently this castle, as well. Props for consistency, I guess. As she opened the door, I immediately saw what she had meant, and was in shock. So much so, I lost concentration on my magic, and my pen and notebook dropped to the floor.

In the large open room was a young alicorn filly, no older than two or three. She was sitting in a jewel-encrusted highchair that, to be honest, made me envious. Her coat was a bubble gum pink, with hair that made me a bit hungry for blue raspberry cotton candy. Baby pink and blue colors. Starting to see a pattern here. I thought to myself. She wore an opal tiara that glistened in the light, and indeed, she wore a diaper that looked rather thick, soft, and very comfortable; sort of made me want to try them.

“Oh, you're here, great! I'm Princess Glitter Star!” She said with a lisp that made her words a tad difficult to understand.

“Oh my, this little one just looks so adorable!” A unicorn mare with a yellow coat and hair of red gradient stood next to her, eyeing me with a look that made me think she wanted to cradle me in her hooves.

I gave a look to Frost Wind next to me, which she returned with a nod, confirming my thoughts. “I... I'm Dr. Mindset Shield. It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty.” I bowed to her as is the norm for royalty.

“You look nervous, Doctor! You okay?” Her Majesty asked.

“Y-yes, I'm just... Surprised, is all. I wasn't expecting Her Majesty to be so...”

“'Young looking?'” She gave me a smug look.

“Actually, I was gonna say 'adorable,' but that works too.” I joked.

She giggled at that. “She's funny, I like her.” I smiled at that, and began to relax a little from the shock. “Welcome to Little Valley! I hope your trip here was enjoyable.”

“It was okay. I'm not used to being in the sky, so I was a little nervous.”

“Well, you don't have to worry about that here. We'll take good care of you,” stated another mare, a pegasus with a brown coat and even darker brown hair who had a similar expression as her unicorn friend.

“That's good to know.”

“Mom, I, um...” I looked behind me to see that Cirrus and Nimbus were still with us, and both fidgeting in their play-armor. “I have to go potty,” Cirrus stated.

“Yeah, me too,” added Nimbus.

“Ah, yes. Your Majesty, if I may, I'd like to request my leave for now and take care of these two, before they both have accidents.” Frost asked.

“Yes, you may go. Thank you for your help!” Glitter responded.

“Okay, you two, let's hurry before those pants need changing.” She began shepherding the two to the nearest bathroom.

“Thank you, Ms. Frost Wind. Goodbye, Cirrus and Nimbus. It was nice meeting you!” I waved good bye to them.

“Thanks, you too!” I heard them both say as they did the 'Potty Dance' down the hall.

I turned to the Princess and saw she was being lifted out of her highchair by the pegasus. “Now, before we begin, let's get you settled.” She pointed to my luggage, which I forgot I was still carrying.

“Oh, right, I would like that, since I'm here for a few weeks,” I stated as I followed them.

“Ooh, would you like a tour of the castle?” she asked with her foalish lisp, complete with 'wike' and 'tha'.

I smiled. “Yes, actually. It would probably help me get my bearings.”

“I'm sure it would. I'm Cocoa Puff, by the way. 'Cocoa,' for short,” the pegasus said.

“Nice to meet you. I'm sorry for asking but... Well, is she really the one running this kingdom?”

“You don't believe me?” She gave me a heart-broken look.

“Nono, it's just... Well, you seem so young and inexperienced looking, it just... I'm sorry, that was offensive to ask, wasn't it?” I stuttered with guilt from that face.

“Oh, don't mind her. She's only teasing,” Cocoa assured, which Glitter responded with a cheeky expression. “Yes, Her Majesty is the one ruling this kingdom. She might be young, but she's wise, and incorruptible.”

“Incorruptible? I'm guessing that's been an issue for this kingdom at one point?”

“Oh yes, several points. This kingdom had suffered from all kinds terrible rulers that abused their power and, in turn, abused their citizens. However, a foal looks at the world with fresh, innocent eyes. They see the world filled with curiosity, and bliss. They don't care about money or power; they only wish to enjoy life, and be happy sharing it with others. That's why this entire kingdom is run by foals.”

“The entire kingdom?!” I was shocked, yet again.

“Yes. From the shops, the constructions, to even the Counsel, foals play a major part of it all. You saw those two guards, correct?”

“Cirrus and Nimbus? Sure, but I thought they were just in training.”

“More like they're in training pants,” Glitter joked, which got a small chuckle out of me. “I prefer them in diapers, to be honest, but that's just me.”

“Well, I'm sure they miss wearing them, too, but they have to grow up eventually, right? Can't be in diapers forever,” I remarked.

“That's not stopping you from wearing them.”

I stopped dead in my tracks in a heavy blush. “Oh, uh... Well, yes, I'm kind of an exception.”

“Oh my, I hadn't noticed. Dear, are you...?” Cocoa asked.

“Ugh, yes, I'm in diapers.” I felt like repeating that fact was becoming tedious. “I was born with Permanent Incontinence. I can't help being in diapers, it's just something I'm required to wear. Otherwise I'd be leaving stains on this colorful carpet.” It just occurred to me that the carpets were foalish in design, as well. This one had baby bunnies sleeping on clouds.

“So you've had to wear diapers your whole life?” Cocoa asked curiously.

“Yep. Luck of the draw, right?” I half-joked.

“Oh dear. Well, rest assured, you'll feel very welcomed here. Diapers or not, we treat all our guests with the same kindness and respect.” Cocoa gave me a reassuring smile that actually made me feel comfortable with my diapers being commonly known. Almost like it was okay to just wear nothing but.

“T-thank you. That does make me feel a bit better about it.”

We continued to a door that had a baby pink color with some lettering on it. “And here is your... Oh!” As she opened the door, I noticed a crib and a changing table. It was a nursery! “Oops, my mistake. I keep doing that.”

“Uh, no worries, I get lost sometimes, too,” I stated.

“You must understand that I'm used to caring for little ones, so it's a bit hard to remember when I'm talking to an adult.” We continued to another door, this one a little more mature-looking. “There we go, this is your room.”

I entered to find a beautifully crafted canopy bed in the center of a well-painted room. The walls were colored with a deep violet color that resonated with me greatly. I'm a sucker for the purple color; it compliments my coat. I looked in the bathroom to find it just as beautiful, with a marble and gold color to it. Even the toilet, which was thankfully spared this time. Wouldn't want to ruin its beauty.

I got myself situated as Cocoa and Princess Glitter watched, setting down my bags, save my 'saddle bag' filled with my changing supplies. Princess Glitter aww'd at Robu as I set his little flower-shaped energy charger on the bedside table with him still on it.

“You have a cute butterfly!”

“Thank you. His name is Robu, and he's been my little friend for a long time. He knows a lot of cool tricks, too.”

“Ooooh, can I see, can I see?!” She bounced with excitement, each time making a loud crinkle from her diaper as she landed.

“Maybe later. Right now, he's sleeping. He had a long ride, too.”

“Aw, okay...” She looked so disappointed, I felt my heart break.

“So, if you're finished, how about we go to the dinning hall. It's almost dinner time.” Cocoa suggested.

“Sure, I am a bit hungry from the trip.” I was starving. I was too nervous to eat anything on the way there, and it was a six hour trip, at least.


We had a delicious dinner where I had an apple slice salad, while the Princess had a fruit mash with a bottle of milk. The apple slices tasted sweet, and had a fresh taste to it. “That was good.”

“I can tell... Oh!” Cocoa strangely came up to me with a napkin and started wiping my face. “There we go, there was bit of apple on your cheek.”

“Uh... Thanks...” I could literally feel the awkward that permeated the room.

“Oh! Oh my, I'm sorry, I just made this uncomfortable, didn't I?”

“Yeah, just a little...” I responded. The Princess simply giggled for some reason.

“Sorry, I'm usually-”

“Yes, I know, looking after foals. I kind of got the theme of this place by now.” I interrupted. “If you don't mind me asking, though...”

“Yes, dear?”

“If the foals are in charge of this place, where does that put adults? What do they do?”

“Oh, we play our parts, as well. Mostly we just care for them when they need us, but we do have some influence on how they run the kingdom.”

“Like what?”

“Well, for example, we have our guards; while many of them are little ones, there are plenty of adults to help deal with the more rowdy ponies.”

“I see.” It was a strange system, but given the state the kingdom was in, it seemed to be working. “I'll have to look up more of this place later. Do you have a library?”

“Of course.”

“Egghead, egghead!” The Princess taunted.

“Oh, shush. There's nothing wrong with a bit of reading.” Cocoa playfully scolded. “You're more than welcome to our library. Would you like me to show you the way?”

“Yes, please, that would be great,” I answered.

After cleaning up Her Majesty, we made our way to the library. However, along the way, Cocoa stopped for a moment. “Hold on, dear, I'm afraid the Princess needs a change.”

“Oh, so that diaper isn't just for show?” I teased.

The Princess retorted with a tongue and pointed to me. “At least I'm not the only one.”

I was confused until I checked my own diaper. “Oh... I didn't realize I was wet.” Actually, I was soaked. If the Princess hadn't pointed it out, I could have leaked eventually.

“Oh, well then, I guess we should get you changed, as well. Come with me, I'll take care of you,” Cocoa said as she grabbed my hoof.

Major red flag!! “Whoa whoa whoa, I appreciate your kindness, but I prefer to change myself, thank you!” I pulled my hoof away from her.

“Oh... I did it again, didn't I? I'm sorry...” She gave me a very apologetic stare.

“No... I'm sorry, I should've said something earlier. I'm not really comfortable with others changing me. There are a few exceptions, but neither are here now.” I was blushing ever so furiously as I calmed down from my outburst.

“Oh, can you please change with me? It'll give us time to know each other better.” The Princess proceeded to give me a begging expression that could melt the cold heart of Tirek.

“I don't know...” I was conflicted. I did need to know more about her, since she technically was my client, but I didn't want to sacrifice my privacy and personal space. One long look at her, however, and she made me feel a little bit safer with her. “I... Okay, but only this once, and only if Ms. Cocoa is okay with it. Adults usually make bigger messes than foals. I don't want to scar her for life.”

“Oh, pish-posh, I have no objections to it. I'm been caring for foals for a long time. I've seen worse messes, believe me.” With that, the three of us entered the bathroom. It had a small changing table that the Princess was put on. She immediately laid on her back and awaited her change.

“So, what did you want to discuss about, Princess?”

“Oh, no need to be so formal. Just call me Glitter!” she said as she giggled a bit, Cocoa opening up her diaper in the meantime. “Actually, I wanted to know more about you. What's it like being a doctor?”

“Huh? Hmm... I suppose it's nice. Could have better hours, though.” I hadn't really thought about it ever since I was a filly, but then again, I was distracted with other things on my mind at the time. “It was rough getting through it all. Not many ponies in Canterlot take ponies like me seriously.”

“Ponies like you?” She tilted her head as Cocoa began wiping her bottom.

“Yeah, you know... Diaper-bound...” I felt like my head was getting dizzy from all the blood flow to my face.

“Oh, you mean it was hard for you to be liked because of your diapers?”

“Yeah, pretty much. It didn't matter, though. I proved them wrong when I became the Princesses' Royal Therapist and a Professional Psychologist. I proved that being diapered shouldn't stop one from succeeding.” I beamed in pride as I spoke. It did feel like a true accomplishment, after all.

She giggled and said, “Yep, I know what you mean! Look at me, I'm a princess and I wear diapers! Why do grown-ups think being in them makes you dumb or something?”

That was a good question, one that I didn't immediately have an answer for. “Well, I think it's because when growing up, they grow up with this mindset that diapers are only for babies, thanks to parents potty training them, and continue believing that until a certain age. Otherwise, it's just strange to see a grown pony in a diaper, regardless of whether they medically need them or not. Kind of silly when really thinking about it, but what can you do?”

“If I had been in charge, I would tell them the truth. That grown-ups do wear diapers and that it should be the foal's choice to potty train or not,” she exclaimed as Cocoa oiled and powdered her, eventually finishing with a fresh diaper wrapping around her waist.

“There we go, sweetie, all done!” Cocoa exclaimed.

“Yay!” She got up and was put on the floor.

I chuckled as I pulled a changing mat out of my bag and laid it flat on the floor, leaving my supply bag next to it. The mat was big enough to fit me and I immediately laid upon it. “I see your point, Glitter, but it's not that simple. Most foals usually crave positive reinforcement from parents, which they get when the parents praise them for making it to the potty.” I suddenly felt nervous as Cocoa approached me.

“Okay, sweetie, I need you to open up your legs.” That sentence didn't help.

“Sorry, I'm a little nervous.” I slowly spread my legs and she began tearing off the tapes.

“It's okay, I won't hurt you.” Her calming voice made me relax, but I winced as she started wiping.

“I bet if those grown-ups lived here, they'd be singing a different tune.” Glitter responded.

“What does that mean?” I asked with suspicion.

“Uh, nothing!” She scrunched her face, almost as if she was hiding something.

“Oh, the Princess is just being silly. She means that parents would be more accepting of their little ones still being in diapers if they lived here, since foals are the ones in charge.” Cocoa explained as she started oiling and powdering me.

“Okay, so now that you've asked me a question, time for me to ask you something.” I decided to change the subject.

“What?” Glitter tilted her head.

“How do you feel being Princess for a kingdom?”

“Oh, it's lots of fun! I get to play and do all kinds of fun things!” She gave a great big smile.

“True, but I know it's also a lot of hard work, too. You have to make some very important decisions and sometimes those decisions can be hard.” I noticed Cocoa wrapping a fresh diaper on me.

“Well, sure, it can be...” She seemed to be saddened by this.

“Okay, all done!” Cocoa said in a sing-song voice.

“Thank you. That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.” As I went to stand, I suddenly felt dizzy. “Whoa!” I nearly fell over, but was caught by Cocoa.

“Oh dear, are you alright?” She asked with concern.

“Yeah. That was weird, like I had a bad case of vertigo or something.” I reoriented myself not long after.

“Hmm, perhaps you're tired from your trip. How about we skip the library for tonight and call it a day. It is getting late, and I know a certain little foal who needs to sleep soon.”

“Aww, but I wanna play some more.” Glitter protested.

“Now, now, Princess, you can play some more tomorrow. Will you be okay waiting for tomorrow for that visit to the library?”

“Oh. I suppose, sure.” I rolled up my changing mat. “Well, I guess I'll head to my bedroom then. Good night!” I opened the door and walked out of the bathroom.

“Good night, dear. See you in the morning.”


After changing my clothes to my nightshirt and going through my daily routine, I got under the covers and turned off the light. I noticed Robu still on his flower charger and closed my eyes. “Well, my vacation officially starts now...” I soon drifted off into sleep.

My dreamscape was of an open field of grass. The sky bright blue with clouds taking shapes in the calm wind. I had hoped to contact Princess Luna to speak to her more on the Block Kingdom, but was disappointed when she didn't show. “Perhaps she's busy? She's probably helping another pony with a dream problem or something.”

I was about to simply drift into my subconscious, when I noticed something odd. Lying on the ground was a small pool of water. “Huh? I don't recall it raining... In my dreamscape...” I walked towards it and looked into it. The reflection I saw was not of an adult mare, but of a foal, no older than one or two months. On closer inspection, I realized that foal was me! “Huh? But I'm not a foal!” I dipped my hoof in the pool to confirm it was just an illusion, only to have it get stuck. “I can't get it out!” I struggled as I felt myself being sucked in.

My body began changing; shrinking from my usual size until I was exactly like the foal in the reflection. I tried to speak, but only babbled my words, making sounds instead. I felt a warmth that I knew all too well, as my diaper started growing a yellow tinge. I tried to cross my legs, hoping to stop my bladder, but instead only felt my diaper getting thicker; much thicker. My bladder continued to empty full force as my already thick pampers became swollen. Was I wetting, or flooding? I couldn't tell anymore but it felt endless. Finally, it stopped, but my diaper had swollen beyond my control. I lost balance and fell to my back. Help! I'm stuck! I can't get up!

“Oh my, looks like the baby needs her diapee changed.” I looked to the sky and saw Ms. Cocoa, only she was five feet taller than me, towering over me. She got closer and pulled out changing supplies.

W-wait! Stop! It was no use, she couldn't hear me, and I couldn't speak. I watched as she opened my diaper and started to clean me. I felt myself relax and smile for some reason.

“Oh, you are such a cutie.” I began to giggle; I wasn't sure why. She grabbed a new diaper and proceeded to put me in it, wrapping it around my waist and taping it shut. “All done!” She lifted me up and proceeded to rock me gently in her hooves. My eyes felt heavy as she did so, and I eventually fell to sleep.

So... sleepy...


I awoke feeling well rested and energized. I hadn't felt this good in a long while. I yawned and said, “Morning, Robu.” Robu looked at me for a brief moment, only to do a double-take and become panicked. “Whoa, Robu, what's with you?” Robu immediately started flapping his wings towards me as they began to change color, showing an image of what he was seeing through his eyes at that moment. What I saw surprised me. “W-wha...?!” I ran to the bathroom mirror and looked into my reflection. The pony I saw was in her early twenties, and looked young and vibrant; ready for the world.

I was supposed to be thirty-three.