• Published 1st Jun 2017
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Love is Found in the Strangest of Places - Stormbringer

The Cutie Map calls AJ and Twilight to something more than a friendship problem.

  • ...

DAY ONE: A Horrific End to a Successful Mission

A little over one moon later…

“And so, Chief Thunderhooves,” said Twilight Sparkle, “your new friendship with Chief Shining Horns and his tribe, means that you’ll have twice the number of buffalo to remember and preserve the culture and the traditions of the buffalo.”

“Thank you, Princess Twilight and you too Applejack of the Apple Family,” said the chief in his authoritative way of speaking, “once again you ponies have kept the peace of the buffalo. You will not be forgotten.”

“May The Great Spirit bless you,” said the old shaman buffalo.

The chief and shaman bowed to the princess. Then the chief called out to the tribe.

“We run!”

Little Strongheart gave Twilight and Applejack a hug and ran off after her tribe.

As Twilight and Applejack watched the receding buffalo, their flanks started to vibrate and feel slightly warm, They looked back, Twilight moved her wing, sure enough the glowing and movement if smaller copies of their cutie marks were seen. The sign that their mission was over.

“Yeehaw!” cried AJ rearing up on her hind legs and kicking her front legs in joy, then landing back on all fours. “Ah’m glad that’s finally over. This here livin’ out in the desert fer an entire moon is enough to make me wanna soft bed an’ a home cooked meal somethin’ fierce!”

“You and me both, Applejack. Although I wouldn’t mind starting off with a hot bath, I could really use one” said Twilight trying to shake out the dust in her mane and wings that the departure of the buffalo had kicked up.

Applejack acted like she was sniffing Twilight.

“Yeah, Ah’d say ya do,” said AJ, but couldn’t keep a straight face.

Twilight playfully nudged AJ with her flank.

“Says Ms. Whiffy Mare. You haven’t had a hot bath for as long as I have.”

They both laughed knowing the other was just having fun with the other. They actually had to bathe regularly with the buffalo, it was a cultural taboo not to, but they were in cold streams..

“Let’s collect our stuff so we can start to head back to Appleloosa.” Said Twilight, still chuckling and walking over to where their saddle bags were waiting. “It’s an almost three day hike back before we can even catch the train. Maybe your cousin Braeburn will put us up for a night. But a hot meal of something other than whatever that green muck is that the buffalo eat would be nice. Who knew it’d be an insult to eat anything other than what they offered. Thankfully Little Strongheart gave us heads up.”

“Ah tried not to think to hard ‘bout what it was. At least it kept the hunger pangs away.”

The two friends laughed as they readied themselves to start their long walk. Twilight looked up at the sun and then out at the horizon.

“We have about four hours of sunlight left for the day. Do we camp here or do we start our hike?”

“Ah reckon we should try to get a little hike in for now.” Said AJ, “we can camp after Luna raises the moon. At least we ain’t got to worry none ’bout no rain, Ah know the rain in the desert can come without warnin’, but it don’t look like it’ll rain tonight. We can sleep out under the stars in our sleepin’ bags. Better than those smelly ol’ teepees.”

“I hear you there,” said Twilight giving AJ a hoof bump.

The two walked on toward the west. The buffalo had taught them where to find little springs of water where it didn’t appear there was any. So they didn’t need to deplete their canteens.

After a thoughtful silence walking side by side Twilight voiced a concern.

“I really am so happy I got to go on this mission with you, but one thing just doesn’t feel right,” said Twilight.

“What’s that, Sugar Cube?”

“I know we were there and supported both tribes,” said Twilight thoughtfully, “but what did we do except help facilitate a couple of meetings.”

“Ah ain’t thought ’bout that.” Said AJ, “it’s almost like it all would’a happened without us.”

“I wonder if we might’ve missed the real problem,” said Twilight.

“But our cutie marks,” remarked AJ.

“I know,” said Twilight, “but as I said, something just doesn’t feel right.”

“Perhaps it was just an easier problem than we thought it might be an’ that’s all. Or we’re just good at what we do.”

Twilight conceded and they walked on. The talk was more light after that, Twilight spoke of her upcoming summit with Princesses Celestia, Luna and Cadence concerning the state of Equestria.

AJ talked about the preparations for cider season.

Neither had real any deep interest in the subject the other was talking about but they hung on every word. So much so that they didn’t realize that the sun had went down and the moon had come up until long after it was getting dark.

“Ah guess we should bed down fer the night,” said Applejack.

“Yes,” answered Twilight, looking around. “We can put our sleeping bags down by that outcropping of rocks. It’ll shield us from the wind.”

They started to roll out their sleeping bags.

“Twi? Would ya mind much if’n Ah was to put my sleeping bag next to yer’s?”

Twilight smiled, she was so wanting to tell Applejack to just join her in hers. But this was just a fantasy.

However, AJ was having the same thoughts.

With them spending days together, often with nopony around except each other. Working closely and having time in the evenings to just talk, it gave them time to think of things that they’d kept to themselves. The reason that the two were happy to be called on this mission together.

“No problem,” said Twilight.

They smiled and rolled out their bags next to each other. Twilight lit a small fire.

Because they couldn’t eat the food they’d brought, AJ was still carrying a fair supply of apples and they ate a couple along with some carrots that Twilight still had. It wasn’t long before they got into their sleeping bags and lay there looking at the stars.

They were laying there for several minutes wondering what the other was thinking and if a certain subject should be broached. It had been weighing heavily on their minds. And working so close together and no other pony around, only served to have them consider things that they’d thought about for a few years now.

But both were hesitant to approach the subject, fearing making a fool of themselves, little knowing that the other was feeling the same.

Applejack decided she still needed to think it all out before she could work up the nerve to talk about anything deeper. So to keep off the subject, Applejack broke the silence.

“Ah bet ya could tell me the name of all them there stars up yonder,” said AJ with a chuckle.

“Maybe a good number of them,” said Twilight, glad to have distraction from her own thoughts, “but here away from the lights of town, you can see so many more.

But you’re a farmer, I know you know stars by which to plant and harvest.”

“That’s right, Ah know the ‘signs’ but Ah don’t know the name of the stars, or at least not a bunch of ‘em,” said AJ, “but Ah know most of the constellations. Ah know that there one right ’bove us is Orion, but beats the hay out of me what the names of the stars are.”

“Well, you see the red one at the top left?”


“That’s Betelgeuse,” said Twilight,

“Beetley-Juice?” said AJ with a little snort, “funny name.”

Twilight smiled;

“It translates to something close to ‘Armpit of the Giant’. Most of the stars were named by ancient astronomers from what is now Saddle Arabia.”

“That ’s’plains it.” Said AJ snickering at the translation.

Then pointing out the other major stars of the constellation.

“Then that one is Rigel then Bellatrix and that is Mintaka, then there is Alnilam, Alnitak and Saiph.”

“What about that bright one there down to the left?”

“That, Applejack, is Sirius,” said Twilight, “it’s the brightest star in the sky.”

Applejack whistled.

“Ya really do know ’em, don’t ya,” said AJ. Then surprisingly yet pleasantly, she reached over and took Twilight’s hoof. “Ah don’t know if’n Ah’ve ever told ya, but Ah’m so happy to have a friend that’s so smart.”

Twilight turned to face AJ, Applejack did the same.

“I’m happy to have you as a friend as well, Applejack.”

“Ah bet there ain’t nothin', ya don’t know,” said Applejack.

Twilight got quiet, her smile faded as she broke her eye contact with Applejack. It was apparent to AJ that something changed. But to AJ’s delight, Twilight was still holding her hoof.

“What’s wrong, Sugar Cube?”

After a slight delay Twilight said:


It’s nothing.”

“It’s sure as shootin’ ain’t nothin’. It’s just you, me an’ Beetley-Juice up yonder,” said AJ pointing her free hoof to the heavens. “We might as well be the last two ponies in the world.

So tell me what it is.”

“I just don’t know how to get a pony to love me,” said Twilight softly.

“Is that all?” asked AJ, “Ah don’t think there’s a pony in Ponyville that doesn’t love ya, Twi.”

“I know I have a lot of friends, but there aren’t many that I’d want to get close to. Really close to, do you know what I’m saying?

(AJ nodded her head.)

I know some ponies like Rainbow Dash and Rarity who use sex for recreation. I love and respect them and I know they were raised differently than myself. I was taught that sex is something beautiful when it’s with a Very Special Somepony. Something worth waiting for.

However, I wouldn’t mind having a pony in my life that’d want to do that with me. Not for recreation but the right way for the right reason. I don’t mean that I’m looking for somepony to jump in the sack with. But a pony that’d be so close that it might be an option down the road.

Do you know what I mean? Somepony to love. Truly, truly love.”

“Ah know exactly what ya mean, Twi. Ah’ve never taken any time to test the waters either.

But Ah’m sure that there’s a stallion out there that’ll meet all yer needs.”

Twilight looked oddly at Applejack. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. It was time to lay the cards on the table. It’d be the only way to know.

“Why does it have to be a stallion?” Twilight said quietly.

“Beg pardon?”

“Why does it have to be a stallion,” repeated Twilight.

Twilight was half afraid that with her declaring this, Applejack would let go of her hoof, or worse, she’d just alienated herself from her very conservative friend.

It didn’t.

“Did I shock you?” asked Twilight.

“Not really shocked,” said AJ, “Ah just never considered that ya’d be a fillyfooler.”

“Mare-lover,” said Twilight.

“Come again.”

“The term used today for my lifestyle is mare-lover. Fillyfooler is seen as derogatory. It makes it sound like the mare in question molests young fillies.”

AJ was quiet for a moment.

“Ah’ve never really thought of it that way,” said Applejack, “if’n ya think ’bout it, it does sound insultin’.

An’ Twi?”

“Yes, AJ.”

“Ya were ‘fraid that tellin’ me ’bout being a filly… Sorry, mare-lover would scare me off, weren’t ya.”

“A little,” said Twilight timidly.

“Ya ain’t got nothin’ to worry ‘bout there. Ah really do understand.”

“Why? It doesn’t sound like something that’d be very… Apple.” Said Twilight sensing something deeper was being hinted at.

Applejack paused and took a deep breath.

“Yer right, ain’t many Apples been mare-lovers, but with the number of mares to stallions, it ain’t unheard of.”

AJ paused as if to collect her thoughts. It was time for her to be as open as Twilight had been about this as well.

“Ya see, when Ah was ‘bout a couple years younger than Apple Bloom, Ah accidently walked in on Big Mac right after showerin’.”

“That’d be embarrassing.”

“It’s worse than that. Ah walked in on him standin’ at the john playin’ with himself.”

“Yikes!” said Twilight with a shudder.

“That’s not the worst of it. When Ah opened the door, It surprised him. He turned to see who opened the door an’ shot his stuff all over my face! He didn’t mean to, but it scared me. Ah ran to find Granny.

Ya can imagine what happened next. (Twilight nodded.)

After Granny helped me clean up, she had to have a talk with me ‘bout the ‘birds an’ the bees’.

Right then Ah thought that there’d be no way that Ah’d ever be comfortable havin’ somepony stickin’ their ‘thing’ in my privates an’ squirtin’ that stuff in me.

So Ah decided that getting’ with guys weren’t gonna happen…


Ah ain’t put much thought to bein’ with a mare, but Ah can’t think of any good reason why not.”

“I can imagine the shock.” Said Twilight, “but you should never let one bad experience shape your life.”

“Ah know Twi, but a’fore that happened, Ah think Ah was startin’ to find that girls were a might more attractive than any colt or stallion. Ah think Ah’d have fig’erd it out anyway. I still feel that way when I look at certain mares.”

“You know AJ, I’m really glad you felt that you could share that with me. It’s funny, in a way it’s one more thing you and I have in common. I really like that.”

“Me too, Twi. Me too.”

After a few moments, AJ giggled.


“So Twi,” said AJ, “that ’s’plains why yer always checkin’ out Rainbow Dash’s flanks.”

“I do not!” said Twilight smirking, knowing that AJ was just teasing. “No more than I see you checking out Fluttershy’s! (AJ giggled knowing that Twi was joking as well) I might look once in a while, but I don’t ‘check her out’… Much.”

“Well Ah know ya check out Rarity’s rump,” said AJ snickering.

“Well who doesn’t?” said Twilight smiling. Both mares giggled, “and how could anypony miss it? I swear to Celestia, she practically waves it under everypony’s muzzle. But I don’t look that often or too closely.”

“Ya sure?” said AJ having fun, “Ah mean it’s a nice, round, plump booty. Ah don’t know, Ah think it might be fun to check out them cutie marks real close.”

“Then you ask her out. You know from her talks, she ‘puts out’. Maybe she wouldn’t mind having her muzzle in between your muscular flanks. I mean they are nice, round, plump and juicy as well.”

AJ stopped the teasing, a little shocked at what she hoped she was hearing.

“Ya really think my flanks are nice?”

Twilight blushed.

“Actually, I think your rump is really hot, even more than Rarity’s. I hope this talk isn’t going to creep us out.”

“Don’t worry ‘bout that.” Said AJ smiling, “Ah think yer backside is quite tempting too. Ah admit Ah’ve checked ya out from time to time. Maybe more than that.”

“AJ,” said Twilight blushing more, but as happy as AJ that the gate was finally opened. How far was yet to be seen. “I really have thought about you at night sometimes. Wondering what it’d be like to have a pony as wonderful as you to cuddle and embrace. Sex wouldn’t be necessary. Just to be with you would be enough.”

Both mares were starting to feel relieved. It appeared what they were hearing from the other was something they’d been dreaming of, and how it might come to pass.

“Twi,” said AJ smiling, “Ah think that sounds real nice. An’ ya know, Ah’m thinkin’ that we need to talk ’bout it when we get home. Maybe over dinner?”

“Applejack, are you asking me out on a date?” said Twilight smiling.

“Yeah,” said AJ smiling too, “Ah guess Ah am.”

“I’d really like that,” said Twilight with a smile.

They lay there for a while just looking at the other and smiling. Imagining what the future may hold.

Then Applejack withdrew her hoof, Twilight felt disappointed.

“Good night, Twi,” said AJ, turning away to go to sleep.

“Good night, AJ,” said Twilight continued to lay on her side as she was looking at Applejack. She so much wanted to run her hoofs through the blond tresses in front of her.

What Twilight couldn’t know is that AJ had to turn away to control herself. She was wanting to cuddle up next to her friend and share body heat. And if there was any kissing, the more the better. In spite of the declarations, she wanted to be sure and not rush it.

Twilight continued to look over at her friend thinking of how fun it would be to be together closer. To share her life with a mare as wonderful as Applejack. The hints were there and Twilight couldn’t wait for the situation to come to fruition.

But then the cobwebs set in and they drifted off to pleasant dreams.

The sun brought both mares awake. They got up, stretched and then complained about the rocks in their backs. Each pony embellishing the size of the rock they’d slept on until it sounded like Twilight slept with the Rock of G’halter digging in her back. However, AJ made it sound like she had the entire Crystal Mountains under her sleeping bag.

The two friends had a good laugh.

“Ah didn’t know ya could tell tall tales like that, Twi”

“Well, you do a good job yourself,” answered Twilight.

After eating a frugal meal they continued on their westward journey. Luckily, it was mid fall and the desert sun wasn’t too overwhelming. They walked until about noon and stopped for a break. They each had some water, a couple of carrots and an apple each.

“Where do ya reckon we are, Twi?”

“Probably about a third of the way,” said Twilight. “If I remember correctly, when we reach the bridge over Dead Pony Canyon, we’ll be halfway.”

“Such a lovely name.” said AJ chuckling.

“Yes,” said Twilight laughing, “but you know how they name thing’s in these parts. Discord’s Tower, Nightmare Moon’s Valley and the like.”

The two gathered up their bags and continued on their trek.

About an hour later AJ spoke up.

“Ya know, when we were walkin’ out to meet the buffalo, Ah didn’t realize how fer it was from Appleloosa. Ah guess we were talking ‘bout what our mission would be.”

“Yes,” said Twilight, “I guess we were distracted by the mission. But it’s kind of nice to have some quiet time together. It’s been something I’ve enjoyed about this mission. How when we weren’t meeting with the buffalo, we had time to talk or just sit in silence, together. We don’t get a lot of time back home like that. You’re always busy with your work as am I.

I guess of all our friends, we two really are more alike than the any of the others. We both were brought up more traditionally and guided by ponies who had a lot of life experience. In my case a lot of life experience. Even our thoughts about mares and colts are the same.”

“Ya know,” said Applejack, “Ah never thought ’bout it that way. But Ah’ve noticed that when Rainbow Dash an’ Rarity talk ‘bout their ‘experiences’ with colts an’ the like, yer reaction is the same as mine. Last thing Ah wanna hear ’bout is who RD was in the sack with when she’s on her back with her hooves in the air. An’ what exactly they were doin’!”

Twilight burst out laughing.

“AJ, I don’t ever think I’ve ever heard anypony put it in quite those terms. That mental picture of Rainbow in that position will be stuck in my mind for hours.

Thanks a lot!”

“Hey Twi,” said AJ chuckling, “Ah calls ‘em as Ah sees ‘em.

But ya know, our friends have jobs an’ responsibilities but yer always makin’ doubly extra sure that all your work is done. An’ even when ya ain’t workin’ on work, yer workin’ on somethin’. If’n Ah didn’t know any better Ah’d swear that yer an Apple, Alicorn or no.”

“Thank you, AJ,” said Twilight blushing slightly, “I know how much of a compliment that is. And to hear that from you means a lot to me.”

The two stopped and hugged, then they walked on.

After a bit of quiet, AJ spoke up.

“Ah’ve been wonderin’ fer a bit now, with ya bein’ a princess an’ all; is Princess Celestia gonna call ya away to rule over a part of Equestria? Like she did with Princess Cadence.”

“You trying to get rid of me now that you know I’m a mare-lover, and I like to check out your ‘juicy’ rump?” asked Twilight chuckling.

“Come on Twi,” said AJ, “with what Ah told ya, ya really believe that?”

Twilight shook her head and smiled.

“Nothin’ like that at all. Ah think Ah’d be lost without my friend,” continued AJ. “Ah was just curious if’n there was somethin’ gonna happen down the road that Ah ain't gonna like at all.”

“You know AJ, I wondered about that too at first. But when I got Friendship Castle and Celestia proclaimed me Princess of Friendship. I’m pretty sure that I’m where I’m going to be for some time to come.”

“Ah’m glad to hear that, Twi. Ah don’t think it’d be Ponyville without ya. Ah know Ah’d miss ya somethin’ fierce.” Said Applejack, Twilight looked over at her friend who turned away to hide her blushing. It made Twilight smile.

“I’d miss Ponyville and especially you too,” answered Twilight, Applejack looked at her friend who was blushing as much as herself.

Applejack surprised Twilight by bringing her head next to Twilight’s and nuzzled her ear softly.

“Thanks, Sugar Cube,” said AJ.

“Your very welcome,” said Twilight who returned the nuzzle.

They stopped then looked at each other and smiled. But the two blushed even more and turned away and started walking again.

The quiet this time was awkward. Both mares were trying to figure if this was going where they’d hoped. Especially after their confessions the previous night. Each wanted to stop and perhaps have the long talk they’d mentioned. It was obvious that the two were and have been attracted to each other. Perhaps it’d be easier to just come out and admit it as much to themselves as well as the other. Then they could make a commitment to be in a relationship other than being best friends.

The two were lost in their thoughts as they trudged forward. The afternoon was wearing away and the shadows were starting to growing long when the bridge across Dead Pony Canyon came into sight.

“Ah guess we’re half way there,” said Applejack. “Ya wanna camp now or wait ‘till we get on the other side?”

AJ was determined to ask Twilight to share her sleeping bag this time. Twilight was having the same thoughts. Nothing about sex, just a chance to be really close with each other. But they were each imagining what kissing the other would be like.

The bridge was long for a rope bridge. About one hundred yards across, and sagged greatly in the middle. It was old and looked it. Twilight had flown alongside on the way there to save on weight and she was going to do that this time as well.

“We can cross,” said Twilight, “but be careful, the wind can pick up in the afternoon in the desert and come out of nowhere.”

“No problem, Sugar Cube,” said AJ smiling. “Ah’ll be careful.”

AJ stepped out on the bridge as Twilight took to the air. Twilight could feel the breeze was getting stronger as she went out over the canyon.

Actually, it was more of a wide and very deep ravine as opposed to an actual canyon. It was about five hundred feet deep with a stream flowing through the middle. The sides were very steep, almost vertical. It had shrubs and small trees growing on the walls. The shape funneled and amplified any breeze blowing through.

Applejack was no more than ten yards onto the bridge when a large gust of wind tore through the ravine actually lifting the bridge and almost knocking Twilight out of the air. Twilight was able to get control of her flight in time, it had blown her several yards away from AJ and the bridge. Then to her horror, she saw Applejack stumble. A hind leg went over the side of the bridge. The bridge twisted and dumped AJ over the side.

Twilight had never heard Applejack scream like that.

Without thinking, Twilight went into a dive that would’ve impressed Rainbow Dash. After connecting her aura to her friend, Twilight beat her wings furiously, but all she was able to do was slow the descent, there was just too much momentum, mass and speed. It dragged Twilight down as well. The distance varied so much that her teleportation wouldn’t lock onto AJ, so teleporting both of them wasn’t possible.

Twilight had never seen such fear and sadness in a pony’s eyes before as she did AJ’s. It was as if Applejack knew she wasn’t going to make it and was trying to take comfort by looking at Twilight, who was still close by. It was the only way she could say, ‘good bye’.

Twilight knew she could let go of AJ and save herself. But she’d rather die with her friend than live with the guilt of abandoning AJ to her doom. A mare she cared for more than she’d ever admitted, even to herself.

About one hundred feet from the bottom, Twilight did the only thing she could think of to try to slow them down. It was fast, but it was as if everything was in slow-motion, that adrenalin induced hyper awareness. Twilight was able to spread her wings out full and direct them into the trees just a couple yards away. Immediately, Twilight’s wing hit a tree branch, her head hit another branch hard as well. It was all Twilight could do to stay conscious and focused.

The two mares were still connected by Twilight’s magic, and in spite of the pain in her wing, the pain in her head and crashing through the tree branches, by sheer force of will, Twilight wasn’t letting go.

However, the branches did slowed them, but none too gently. The ground still came up fast, AJ and Twilight hit the ground hard.

Twilight landed on a pile of bracken. It somewhat cushioned her but it still knocked the wind out of her. She struggled to get her breath and to stand up. It was a superpony effort but Twilight made it to her hooves.

Her face felt warm and wet. Putting her hoof to her forehead and drawing back there was blood on it. She was covered with scratches and minor lacerations, from crashing through the tree branches, nothing too severe but they stung. She also noticed that her right wing was dragging the ground and she couldn’t move or fold it, it hurt like Tartarus.

“AJ?” Twilight called out. She heard no reply. Looking around and to her dismay, she saw Applejack had landed on a slab of rock, she too was covered in scratches. She was on her back. Twilight saw that AJ’s right hind leg was bent in the middle at an unnatural angle. Her eyes were closed and she wasn’t moving.

“APPLEJACK!” screamed Twilight.

Twilight bolted to her friend’s side.

“Oh Faust, AJ!” Cried Twilight, “wake up!”

Twilight was shaking Applejack as hard as she dared…

“Wake up!”


Twilight put her cheek to Applejack's muzzle to see if she could feel if AJ was breathing…


Twilight put her ear to AJ’s nostrils to listen if she could hear if she was breathing…


Twilight then put her ear to her friend’s chest to listen for a heartbeat…


“AHHHHHHH!” Twilight screamed in fear and panic, as she was blinded with tears and blood.

“Don’t be dead, AJ! Don’t be dead!” Twilight buried her face on her friend’s chest and wept hard.