• Published 1st Jun 2017
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Love is Found in the Strangest of Places - Stormbringer

The Cutie Map calls AJ and Twilight to something more than a friendship problem.

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DAY FOUR: The Falls

Twilight woke up warm and semi-comfortable. Semi-comfortable only because of her injured shoulder, but the feeling of holding and being held by Applejack was the greatest feeling ever.

As Twilight opened her eyes, she saw Applejack lying beside herself, just looking at her.

“Mornin’, Sugar Cube,” said Applejack.

Twilight smiled.

“Good Morning Apple-Dumpling,” said Twilight.

The two kissed a fairly passionate kiss.

After breaking the kiss, Twilight blushed and looked sheepish.



You didn’t hear me telling the mountain lion that I love you…

Did you?”

“Ah sure as sugar did!”

“Good,” Twilight weakly giggled, “then I don’t have to repeat myself.”

“Oh, no!” said Applejack, “yer goin’ have to tell me that every day!”

Twilight pulled AJ close and kissed her again. They embraced and felt the warmth of each.

“What about you, Apple-Dumpling?”

“What ‘bout me?” said AJ, “Twi Sugar, Ah love ya more than Ah’ve ever loved a pony a’fore. Ah know that sometimes this takes weeks or moons to discover. But Ah think with us bein’ in a situation where our lives are really in danger. It’d make a pony really consider what’s ’portant.

Ya weren’t sayin’ words to try to woo me. Ya were declairin’ that ya were ready to fight to the death fer a pony that was dear to ya. That was the real test of yer feelin’s. Feelin’s ya admitted that ya’ve had fer me, an’ Ah’ve had fer ya fer some time now too. An’ Ah think all this has shown me what’s ’portant an’ what’s needed to’ve been said a’fore now.

Ah love ya Twi, an’ Ah’ll always be there fer ya, as Ah know yer gonna be there fer me.”

They kissed for a bit longer.

“I love you Apple-Dumpling.”

“Ah love ya Twi.”

They smiled and looked into the eyes of their declared love.

“This is what life is really all about,” said Twilight, “isn’t it?”

“Ya bet yer boots it is,” answered AJ.

They embraced and drew strength from the other.

After a bit of kissing, Twilight sat up and looked around.

The sight of a dead mountain lion, just yards away sent a shiver up her spine.

‘There, but for the grace of Faust, go I,’ thought Twilight. She’d heard that expression all her life. But until now, she never realized the real meaning, ‘thank you Faust, for giving me the strength to protect the pony I love.’

Twilight was never really religious and in the past she’d rejected anything that might even have a trace of the supernatural or the divine. But with hints from Celestia, a pony she trusted implicitly, perhaps there was something. Twilight was now ready to concede that the strength to take on and kill a lion, as injured and magically disabled as she was, had to come from the outside.

As Twilight stood up, her shoulder burned where the lion had repeatedly raked her with his claws. The deep wounds needed to be cleaned out, no telling what rotting flesh was under his claws. Twilight was sure the water was cold and it would sting, but it had to be done. She was also sure that there was still some blood on her head and face.

“Apple-Dumpling,” said Twilight looking at AJ. “I need to clean these scratches that I got from the bad kitty. Then I’ll get you fed and watered. After that, we should think of starting to get out of here. If ponies were looking for us, there should have been some sign of them by now. So I think we need to get moving. Especially with the storm clouds gathering.”

“’Kay Sugar, a’fore you do that, Ah really gotta pee.”

Twilight smiled.

“No problem…

My Love.”

AJ smiled at the endearment as Twilight went through the now routine process of aiding AJ in ‘taking care of business’. Then she walked to the stream. AJ saw Twilight stop at the bank and send the waste to the land on other side.

Then Twilight jumped into the stream. She rolled around in the water. Using some broad leaves and sand to scrub her head, face and wounds. It did cause the gouges from the lion’s claws to bleed anew, but that was some proof that they were scrubbed deep enough. Twilight was able to use enough magic to staunch the flow of blood. Then Twilight got out, shook the excess water off and returned to their camp site.

“Apple-Dumpling, it must have rained further north of us. The water is higher than it was yesterday. I don’t want to alarm you, but we need to look out for the possibility of a flash flood.”

“It don’t rain but it pours,” said AJ.

“Let’s hope not in this case.” Said Twilight trying to smile to hide her nerves. “I have some nice sweet grass for you and then an apple. After that, we need to see if all my work on the travois was worth it.

If you don’t mind, I’ll gather a little more bark to take with us. If not for you then for me. I’m afraid these wounds are starting to really sting.”

AJ had learned that she couldn’t argue with Twilight on the care of herself. And truthfully, AJ was enjoying the attention Twilight was giving her, in spite of the pain. AJ had noticed that Twilight was eating only poor fare, and she refused to eat any apples. Never had a pony been so obstinate in taking care of herself over themselves. How could she not love Twilight.

AJ was as much of a tomcolt as Rainbow Dash. But with the way Twilight was treating her, she never felt more a mare than now. Twilight wasn’t acting like a colt, she was acting like a mare that was very much in love with a mare and was willing to do anything to aid and defend her. Twilight was eating poor food so that her marefriend could have the good. Even taking on a lion and killing it with nothing more than her horn and a stick.

AJ wasn’t sure that Big Mac would’ve come out ahead with the lion. Even if there weren’t the feelings she was having for Twilight…

Twilight would still be Applejack’s hero.

After Twilight had made sure AJ had eaten, she helped AJ to her three good hooves as she took AJ’s sleeping bag and placed it on the travois. Then Twilight hitched herself between the two long poles on a makeshift harness.

“Okay Apple-Dumpling,” said Twilight. “Get on the sleeping bag and I’ll secure you. I’m sorry if the ride will be rough on your leg. I’ll try my best not to hurt the pony I love.”

“Ah know Sugar,” said AJ as she hobbled to the travois, but first she kissed Twilight.

AJ climbed on and Twilight’s magic was able to zip the bag then tie vines around it to keep AJ secure.

“All set?” asked Twilight.

“Giddyup pony!” snickered AJ.

“I’ll giddyup you later!” said Twilight chuckling as she started to pull.

“Ah’m counting on it,” said AJ as she lay back on the travois. As she did, she saw a familiar object on a low branch.

“Twi Sugar,” said AJ timidly, “a’fore we go, do ya think ya could get my hat off that there branch?”

Twilight tried to levitate the hat, but nothing happened. AJ was slightly disappointed. But then Twilight levitated a rock and rocketed it at the hat. To AJ’s joy, the hat fell out of the tree. Twilight’s magic caught it, and it floated to AJ.

“Now everythin’s back to normal.”

“You’re not going to wear that when I have you on your back and your hooves in the air, are you?”

“We’ll see when the time comes, My Love.” Said AJ with a thrill.

It was apparent that every moment that went by, Twilight was wanting her as much as she was wanting Twilight.

AJ knew that Twilight would do the right thing and wait, unless it was to fulfill AJ’s last request that they make love if it looked like the end was near. And even though AJ knew that it’d be a wait. She felt it’d be worth it.

In Ponyville…

Muffins had delivered the mail to Friendship Castle. Spike was still having to get used to mail coming for more than just Twilight and himself. He looked at the envelopes they were all addressed to Starlight Glimmer, except the last one. It was to himself from Braeburn in Appleloosa. This was new, he never received any mail except magically from Canterlot.

He opened and read it. What it said concerned him.

“Starlight!” called Spike.

“Yes Spike,” said Starlight trotting out of the library.

“Oh, the mail’s here,” said Twilight’s pupil, “anything from Sunburst or Trixie?”

“I don’t know, but look!”

Spike held out the letter and Starlight levitated it to herself, she became as concerned as Spike.

Dear Spike,

Just wanting to see if Cousin Applejack and Princess Twilight had made it home yet. We heard from the buffalo that they finished almost a moon ago, but they didn’t stop to say anything here in Appleloosa.

Give them our thanks,


“I don’t like the feel of this,” said Spike. “If they finished a moon ago, they should be here now, even if they’d walked!”

“Well, don’t panic yet,” answered Starlight, “they may’ve been sidetracked. Send a letter by magic to Braeburn and see if they have heard anything since the letter was sent.”

“Okay Starlight.”

In Dead Pony Canyon…

Twilight trudged along the floor of the canyon, she was trying to stay on the grassy parts because it made the travois slide easier. Plus there were less bumps to jostle AJ.

It was slow going and the bend at the south end wasn’t as sharp as it appeared from where they had spent the last couple of days.

It took longer than they had thought but eventually they were around the bend and had lost sight of their camp site.

AJ had little choice but to look at the sky and the walls of the canyon. So she didn’t see what Twilight was starting to worry with. The stream was becoming a river and it was getting wider. The margin of land on either side was becoming narrower as they went.

About noon, Twilight stopped. She put the travois down and unsecured AJ so she could sit up.

“Sorry, My Love,” said Twilight, “I need a rest and we need to eat. Have an apple while I go gather some greens.”

“A’fore ya do, can ya untie this here thingy an’ let me stand. Ah need to go, an’ there’s no need for ya to do it anymore. Ah’m a big filly now.”

Twilight smiled, untied the remaining restraints and helped AJ to her hooves. She hobbled away and relieved herself. Then she returned to Twilight.

“Help me to the stream please.” Said AJ, “Ah really do need to wash up. Ah’ve been layin’ in that there sleeping bag fer days.”

The two sat in the stream. Twilight sat behind AJ and was washing AJ the best she could without soap. It turned into an excuse to run her hooved all over Applejack’s body, AJ had no problem with that. Twilight was as thrilled at being able to rub AJ’s breasts as her marefriend was. AJ leaned back against Twilight and they kissed deeply. Applejack reached behind her and was able to find Twilight’s breasts as well.

Twilight’s hoof started to move slowly down toward AJ’s marehood. AJ’s hoof caught Twilight’s and held it in place. Neither moving it away or moving it down.

“Ah want ya so bad Twilight,” said Applejack, “’specially after ya teased my twat a couple days ago. But do we really wanna do this now? Here?”

“My brain is in conflict with my body,” said Twilight. “I so much want you Apple-Dumpling, I want to touch and taste you. I want to make that deepest of connections with the pony I love.

But I still want to do it right as well. And in the middle of a cold stream is kind of different and exciting. But I know you’d be disappointed with yourself as would I. I think I need to finish cleaning your back and we can get out of here and dry off.”

Applejack snickered.

“Twi Sugar,” said AJ, “ya’ve got me so hot right now, Ah think Ah’ll be dry as soon as Ah get out of the water.”

The two laughed, finished washing then kissed. They got up and shook off, Twilight helped AJ back to the travois and fed her one of the last apples and some fresh greens. They both felt better being cleaner, but as they were getting ready to go, they felt a sprinkle of rain starting.

“Oh pony-feathers,” said Twilight, “We better get moving, there isn’t much cover here and no high ground in case of a flash flood.”

AJ got on the Travois, Twilight secured her in and hitched herself up then started to move as fast as she dared. AJ had her hat slouched over her face to ward off some of the light rain. Plus the sleeping bag had a water proof covering to keep AJ mostly dry.

Twilight’s shoulder was hurting and it felt warm so the cool rain actually felt good on it. Twilight was fearing infection, but she wasn’t going to show any weakness to her marefriend. Applejack had enough to worry with for now.

As Twilight walked on, they finally cleared a bend in the canyon and the river went straight ahead into a wider area. Twilight saw that the river was almost wall to wall. It was running swifter as well. It went on about a half mile but appeared to just stop. Nothing but open sky and hills in the distance. It was hard to see too far ahead because of the drizzle. But the most disturbing thing was the sound of rushing and churning water.

“Twi Sugar,” said AJ, “what’s that noise?”

“Apple-Dumpling,” said Twilight, “it sounds like a waterfall.”

“Well ain’t we just the luckiest two mares on Celestia’s good earth,” said AJ sarcastically.

In spite of the situation, Twilight chuckled.

“Yes, the fun never stops.”

“Make’s ya miss teepees an’ green mush,” said AJ.

“Yes,” said Twilight, “a warm dry teepee and bowl of green mush would be Elysium right about now.”

Twilight continued to pull AJ and the travois along the canyon wall. It was getting hard to stay dry. There was only a tiny slip of semi-dry land along the canyon wall. It was also becoming harder to hear anything.

All along her trek, Twilight had been looking for any way out of the canyon, but there were no signs of any route of escape on either side.

‘Dead Pony Canyon indeed,’ thought Twilight grimly.

Twilight stopped at the only wide spot that she could rest without having the travois sitting in the water. She looked around and was disheartened at what she saw. They were now only about twenty yards from the falls.

On the opposite side of the stream there appeared to be the first path out of the canyon Twilight had seen. Worst of all, the water appeared to be moving faster as the rain upstream was adding to the river.

“Apple-Dumpling,” said Twilight. “I’m afraid that circumstances have dealt us a hard choice. We can try to go back some and cross the stream. Or try to cross here. I fear that as we go back, it’ll only let the stream get stronger and higher. If we cross here, then we can deal with the strength now and not what it may become.

Either way, I’m afraid. Not for me, but for the pony who’s become so important to me.”

“Twi Sugar,” said AJ. “Ah don’t know how Ah’m gonna cross either way. Ah’m sure this here travois thingy don’t float. An’ Ah’m sure Ah’ll never be able to hobble across.

Ah’ll try an’ get comfortable here an’ wait fer ya to return with help. Ah’ll only slow ya down.”

Twilight couldn’t have looked more hurt and offended if Applejack had slapped her with a hoofful of cow manure.

“I understand why you’ve said this once already. But please, don’t ever ask me to abandon you again,” said Twilight with tears in her eyes. “If we’re to end our lives here, it’ll be together. I’ll not live my life from here on out without you.

That goes for here or Ponyville or Equestria or the Fields of Elysium. I love you too much and I’ll never leave you.”

“Ah know My Love,” said Applejack, “ya ain’t gotta say it. Ya saved my life a’fore ya fought and killed a lion to protect me. Ah owe you my life twice over as well as my love.”

“I only want your love, you don’t owe me anything else,” said Twilight.

Twilight stood there in thought, she knew what she had to do, but it was dangerous. Not only for herself but for Applejack too. It had to be done and with the rain getting worse, they couldn’t delay much longer.

“Apple-Dumpling,” said Twilight, untying the vines that kept AJ secure. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to say goodbye to your luxurious pony drawn carriage for the moment. I’m going to pack up the blanket and sleeping bag in the saddlebag.

Then I’m going to put them on your back and I’m going to carry you across on my back. Then I’ll have to go back for the travois and bring it across as well.”

“Are ya sure there ain’t no other way?”

“If my magic was working properly, I could teleport us across. If my wing wasn’t injured, I could fly us across. But without those, this leaves no other alternative. And I’m afraid that waiting isn’t an option, a flash flood would certainly sweep us away.”

“’Kay Sugar, we’ll do what we need to do…


Twilight worked on getting the saddlebag loaded with some of the vines in case they needed them. She gave AJ the last apple and then she stuffed the blanket into the bag as well. Then she rolled the sleeping bag tightly. When finished she put it all on Applejack’s back. Then she squatted down.

“Okay, get on my love,” said Twilight. Applejack straddled Twilight’s back and Twilight stood.

“Oh dear!” Twilight grunted as she stood. “Honey, I think you need to lay off the apple pie for a while.”

“But Ah thought ya liked my round, plump an’ juicy booty,” said AJ as she gave Twilight a small love tap, but they both laughed.

“Hang on tightly,” said Twilight, as she started to wade into the river.

Twilight slowly and gingerly picked her way across. The bottom was rocky and there were some rocks that were loose. Add to that they were slick with wear and algae. The bottom sloped down toward the middle making it deeper every step Twilight went. Twilight was up to her back before she knew it. The force of the water pushed hard against her.

But soon enough, the stream bed started to slope back up and the other side was getting close. Twilight and AJ were starting to relax.

That’s when the unthinkable happened.

Twilight’s hoof slid off an algae covered rock, she stumbled and was unable to keep her footing. Twilight fell thus spilling Applejack into the torrent. Twilight was swept along too, she was desperately trying to get some footing while her magic kept Applejack and herself connected. But it was too late, AJ and Twilight were swept to the very edge of the falls.

Twilight felt herself strike hard rock almost as soon as she went over…

Then all went black.