• Published 1st Jun 2017
  • 2,041 Views, 13 Comments

Love is Found in the Strangest of Places - Stormbringer

The Cutie Map calls AJ and Twilight to something more than a friendship problem.

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DAY SIX: Appleloosa

Rainbow Dash and most of the Wonderbolts came swooping down to the ponies and buffalo gathered in the town square.

Starlight Glimmer, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Spike even Trixie were waiting for the word from the aerial search.

“Nothing!” said Rainbow.

“It’s like they fell off the face of the earth!” said Spitfire.

“We searched from here to the bridge over Dead Pony Canyon an’ beyond a dozen times an’ nothin’.” Said Braeburn, “this last time, we even sent a Pegasus down into the canyon.”

“Ah found a saddlebag an’ sleeping bag in the trees an’ a lot of broken branches.” Said an Appleloosan Pegasus. “At the base there was a camp site that looked as if’n ponies had stayed there fer several days. But it looked like it had been abandoned for weeks. An’ there was a dead mountain lion by the camp as well. It had a stick through it like a spear. An’ it had several wounds includin’ the eye that looked as if they were made by a Unicorn’s horn. It was obvious that the lion had been dead fer weeks.

Ah found one set of very faint tracks that went away, it appeared that the pony was draggin’ somethin’. Ah followed the tracks, they led to a waterfall. There Ah found a frame, like a travois, it had to be what the pony was pulling. There were hoof prints all around but they disappeared into the water. But Ah couldn’t find any on the other side.”

This bit of news sent a shiver through the gathered.

“Good Celestia no!” said Rarity.

Fluttershy started to cry as did Spike.

“Were bodies found at the base of the falls?” asked Starlight.

“No, only a saddle bag an’ this, they’re pretty waterlogged as if’n they were by or in the stream fer days.” Said the Appleloosan Pegasus producing a very familiar hat. “But bodies could’ve been washed down stream.”

“Applejack’s hat!” exclaimed Apple Bloom, taking the hat, cuddling it and starting to cry, Big Mac put a foreleg around his little sister to comfort her. “Oh sis!”

“Our best trackers have found nothing,” said Little Strongheart, “but they are still searching.”

The gathered ponies and buffalo were talking among themselves. Each worried about their friends and family. So they didn’t notice two ponies, one on the back of the other walking into town from the desert.

“Y’all know where a pony could get a hot bath an’ a good meal?” asked a voice. “Hey, that’s my hat!”

They all turned to see Twilight with Applejack on her back. They were grinning like the cat that ate the parasprite at the reaction of the others.

There was a rush to hug and welcome them.

Apple Bloom ran to her sister and gave AJ her hat and a hug. She noticed something different about the two.

“What happened to y’alls manes?”

“We don’t know,” said Twilight, “I guess it happened after Wakan Tanka gave us the robes and spoke a blessing. It’s kind of funny how Apple-Dumpling now has an indigo stripe in her mane and tail and I have a blond one in mine. I guess we’re starting to wear off on each other.”

“Apple-Dumpling?” said Rarity with a knowing smile.

Chief Thunderhooves and the other buffalo started to speak among themselves. Finally the chief and the old shaman walked forward.

“Did you say Wakan Tanka?” asked the Chief in awed whisper, “you really spoke with…

The white buffalo?”

“That was him,” said Twilight, “and a mountain lion named…”

“Misibizhiw,” finished the old buffalo.

“Yeah,” said Applejack, “that’s the one.”

The buffalo all bowed.

“What does it mean?” asked Twilight.

“You have been among powerful spirits,” said the old shaman buffalo. “What was the blessing he gave?”

Somehow Twilight and AJ were able to repeat the talk about Two-Spirit couples and the words of the blessing verbatim.

“What does it mean?” asked Twilight.

“It means that The Great Spirit has blessed your union,” said the shaman.

“Our union?” asked AJ.

“Yes, that is why the wedding robes, the wedding blessing and the change in your manes and tails, he has made you one.”

“Married?” asked Twilight.

The shaman smiled and nodded.

“You Missy,” said AJ to Twilight, giving a small love tap, “owe me a weddin’ night!”

All the ponies and buffalo laughed.

“Why don’t we get you to the doctor to take care of your leg, get a bath and food and then we can talk about that.”

“There ain’t gonna be nothin’ to talk ‘bout. If’n bein’ married ain’t the special occasion we’ve held back fer, Ah can’t think of nothin’ else.”

Twilight allowed AJ to get off her back, they faced each other and to the amusement of most, embraced and kissed the deepest kiss they’d shared up to that point. Then lookin deep into each other’s eyes:

“I love you Apple-Dumpling, my wife.”

“An’ Ah love ya too Twi Sugar, my wife.”

All cheered.

Later, Twilight had been bandaged, her wing appeared to be healed, and Applejack’s dislocated leg was able to support her with little difficulty if she took it easy. They were eating like two ponies who hadn’t anything good to eat in over a moon (which they hadn’t).

They told the story of what had happened on the bridge, the fall and their steps to survive.

Rainbow and the buffalo were very interested in Twilight’s fight to the death with the mountain lion.

“You fought and killed a mountain lion, all by yourself? Without magic?” asked Rainbow, “remind me never to piss ya off Twi!”

They all got a good laugh out of that.

They also told about from the start of the hike to Appleloosa to the end of their adventure that the feelings they’d had for some time now for the other were admitted. How the life and death struggles had brought out just how much they meant to each other.

And in spite of this, how they almost painfully avoided intimacy in favor of staying focused on survival not to mention doing the right thing.

“What right thing, Twi?” asked Rainbow chuckling, “if it were me, I’d have been all over AJ’s juicy rump.”

This was met with a pop from Rarity’s hoof to Rainbow’s head.


“Serves ya right,” said AJ laughing.

Then they told about their time in the cave with the white buffalo. And the name the mountain lion spirit had given Twilight. And the mountain lions who stood guard over them as they slept in the desert.

The buffalo were impressed.

“Princess Tlvdatsi Nahna Ulasideni,” said Thunderhooves, “that is a most noble name. You and your mate will always be honored by all buffalo tribes.

But it is most curious, I have lived all my life here and I know that aren’t any caves behind that falls.”

There was talking between all gathered there because of this.

“Sorry Twilight,” said Starlight Glimmer, “but from what you’ve told us, that covers only about a week’s time.”

“Yes, it was about a week since we left the buffalo to now.” Twilight said, but noticed the looks from the gathered. “Chief Thunderhooves can vouch for that…


“Twilight, Darling,” said Rarity, “you and Applejack left the buffalo about a moon ago.”

“Are ya sure?” asked AJ.

Several of the gathered ponies and buffalo acknowledged this.

Twilight and AJ looked at each other. They weren’t the only ones to have a shiver.

“Perhaps we were among the spirits,” said Twilight, “as odd as that sounds. But after all this, I don’t think anything will ever surprise me again.”

After all, or most of the questions, that they could answer were answered, Twilight and AJ said that they were really tired from their ordeal and wanted to rest for a day before they returned to Ponyville.

“If’n y’all wanna talk later,” said AJ, “Braeburn is gonna feed us dinner tonight. We can meet there later. For now, my wife an’ Ah need some privacy while we take care of some ’portant business at the hotel.”

Everypony laughed and let Twilight and AJ go to take care of their business.

At the hotel, the proprietor said that they could use the ‘bridal suite’ for free on the condition that Twilight sign the register as Princess Twilight Sparkle. That way he had bragging rights and could impress guests that the suite was used by royalty.

Twilight was thrilled that AJ signed the book as:

Applejack Sparkle.

Twilight and AJ went to the third floor and Twilight opened the door. The two went in and Twilight closed the door, but immediately there was a knock. Twilight opened the door to see a bellhop standing there with a bottle of Champaign, some glasses and a bouquet of flowers.

“On the house, Your Highness,” said the bellhop.

“Thank you,” said Twilight, “sorry, after being in the desert for over two moons, I don’t have any bits for a tip.”

“Not necessary,” said the bellhop, “congratulations.”

Twilight closed the door and turned to see AJ was headed to the bathroom with a look that would arouse a stone statue.

“Come here Missy,” said AJ, “Let’s take a shower and then it’s time we had that ‘talk’.”

Twilight just set the gift items on a small table and followed AJ to the bathroom.

“What’d you want to talk about?” asked Twilight, having trouble keeping a straight face as she followed AJ into the shower.

“Shut up an’ kiss me!”

The two kissed deeply.

“Ah love ya so much, Twi Sugar.”

Twilight stopped kissing long enough to respond.

“I love you too, Apple-Dumpling.”

After the shower, the two climbed on the bed and embraced.

“Remember when I told you that I’d finish kissing your marehood later and that I’d also ‘giddyup’ you later?” asked Twilight.

“Ah sure do,” said AJ with an arousing smile.

“Apple-Dumpling,” said Twilight with a sparkle in her eyes, “it’s later.”

AJ gasped at the speed that Twilight was at her marehood and commencing to pleasure her wife hungrily.

They were ‘at it’ for a couple hours straight. Now they lay side by side on their backs, just holding hooves. They were only now getting control of their heavy breathing. The two turned to face the other

“My Darling, Darling Apple-Dumpling,” said Twilight. “I think we were right to wait. This was the perfect time and place. And I thank Faust, Celestia, Wakan Tanka or whatever spirit that watches over ponies, for blessing me with the greatest gift I could ever receive; your love.”

There were tears of joy in both mare’s eyes.

“Oh Twi Sugar,” said AJ, “Ah ain’t as flowery with words as ya. But never have Ah ever been as happy as Ah am now. Ah promise that every day, Ah’ll do all Ah can to make ya happy.”

“As will I, My Love.”

“But do ya think we were actually missin’ fer an entire moon?” Said AJ, “it don’t seem possible.”

“I’ve heard tales of travelers experiencing what is referred to as ‘lost time’ or ‘time displacement’.” Said Twilight, “where they were gone for longer than they thought. Or they felt they were gone for weeks and it was only days or hours. Even reporting that they appeared to be interacting with sometime in the past. I’ve never put any credence to those claims.

But now I’ll have to rethink all that.”

“Ah’d think so,” said AJ.

Then Twilight started to laugh.

“What?” asked AJ.

“Remember when after the buffalo left, how we wondered if there was something other than the buffalo’s problems that we may’ve been called for?”

“Yer right,” said AJ, “ya think the map was playin’ matchmaker?”

“I think the buffalo’s issue was important, but it could’ve been a way to have us together. Because of that, we had time to be alone, time to think of what we’d kept to ourselves. I’m not saying that the map tried to kill us, but we were sure put into a position to make us face and confess our feelings.”

Applejack chuckled.

“Ah think yer right, a double whammy. I don’t think any of our other missions ended up with somepony getting’ laid.”

“I don’t know about that,” giggled Twilight, “I think there might’ve been a ‘Hooray! We’re Finished Party’ when Pinkie and Rainbow finished at Griffin Stone. I did check the travel expenses before sending them to Canterlot, and they only had one sleeper berth on the return train trip.”

“But I don’t think any of the others finished by getting married.” Said Twilight, then with a gleam in her eyes, “and speaking of getting laid…”

Twilight and Applejack pulled the other closer and kissed as the started another round of lovemaking.

Later, the new couple walked to Braeburn’s ranch house. There were friends and family waiting for them. Rarity had convinced Pinkie Pie to not throw a party for them yet. They would still be exhausted from their ordeal she said. Then with a wink, and their time in the desert.

Nopony had ever seen Twilight and Applejack so happy. They held hooves and were nuzzling constantly.

After the meal, they all went into Braeburn’s living room to sit and talk and drink tea or coffee.

“So what are y’all gonna do ‘bout livin’ ’rangements?” asked Apple Bloom.

“We ain’t talked much ‘bout it,” said Applejack, ‘but Ah reckon Ah’ll be movin’ into the castle with my wife.”

Twilight and AJ turned and kissed.

“Big Mac,” said Apple Bloom, “ya know what this means? We‘ve got ’nother sister!”

“Eeyup!” said the stallion with a smile.

Apple Bloom rushed and hugged her sister and new sister-in-law.

“I’m glad to have and new sister and brother too,” said Twilight.

They all talked and laughed and wondered at Twilight and AJ’s time in the desert. Trixie actually apologized to Twilight for the low esteem she’d held her in the past. She was genuinely impressed with Twilight and Applejack’s adventure.

Later back at the hotel, Twilight and AJ were snuggled next to each other.

“Ah still can’t believe where’re married,” said AJ giving Twilight a kiss on the cheek.

“Me either, Apple-Dumpling,” said Twilight. “Who could’ve guessed when all looked dark and we might not make it out alive, at the bottom of a canyon, it would end like this.”

“It ain’t ended,” said Applejack, “it’s only just startin’!”

“So how do you think Granny Smith is going to take the news?”

Applejack got quiet.

“If’n there’s gonna be any troubles, it might be with her,” said AJ, “the old pony is quite stuck in her ways. Two mares marryin’ might be hard fer her to understand. But to be marryin’ anypony other than an Earth Pony might rankle her.”

“Why so?”

“Apples have almost always been Earth Ponies. So to her, all Apples should be Earth Ponies.”

“But now you’re a Sparkle.”

“Honey, if’n we were able to have a filly foal. An’ that filly married a stallion had a filly foal, an’ that filly married a stallion had a filly foal, an’ that filly married a stallion had a filly foal. The name Apple would be long gone. But to how Granny an’ most of the old Apples are brought up, that great-great grandfilly would still be an Apple.”

“Are you saying that Granny will dis-own you?”

“No, but it may take some doin’ to convince her that it’s real an’ there ain’t nothin’ she could do ’bout it. Yer my wife an’ Ah’m yers. That ain’t never gonna change.

Ah’m proud an’ always have been to be an Apple. But Ah’m now even prouder to be a Sparkle.”

The train pulled into Ponyville. There were ponies waiting at the station. Many of which had been anxious about their missing princess and friend; Twilight Sparkle and the beloved friend of all; Applejack.

“Oh my gosh!” said Applejack, sitting very close and holding the hoof of her new wife.

“I think we’re expected,” said Twilight giving AJ a little kiss on the cheek.

Everypony waited to depart the train to let the new couple depart first. As they detrained, the crowd rushed to greet them. There at the back of everypony was Granny Smith waiting to greet them as well. Twilight and AJ walked through the gathered ponies, receiving their welcome.

Then they approached the Apple matron. She noticed that AJ was limping.

“Thank goodness,” said Granny, hugging Applejack. “Y’all were gone fer so long! Ah was so ’fraid somethin’ bad happened to ya child. But look, yer hurt! Let’s get ya home so ya can rest.”

“Somethin’ did happen,” said Applejack, “Ah fell a long way an’ got my knee dislocated. Ah guess it’ll be a bit a’fore Ah can do any apple buckin’. But also Ah had the most wonderful thing ever happen…

Ah’m now married to the most wonderful pony ever.”

“To who child?” said Granny, totally confused. “One of the Appleloosans? Ya ain’t gonna be havin’ to leave us, are ya?”

“Ah ain’t leaving ‘cause Ah’m married to the pony right here,” said AJ motioning to Twilight.

“Twilight sweetie,” said Granny, “could ya move a moment, Ah can’t see who it is Applejack is sayin’ she’s married to.”

Twilight chuckled and put a wing around AJ and pulled her close as Applejack nuzzled Twilight’s cheek.

“Granny,” said Twilight smiling, “Applejack Sparkle and I are now married. I’m your new granddaughter-in-law.”

With that, Applejack and Twilight kissed in front of Granny and all of Ponyville. Granny was dumbfounded, Ponyville cheered.

“But Applejack,” said Granny, “how can ya be married to a girl?”

“Granny,” said Twilight, “there are ten mares for every one stallion in Equestria. What do the 90% that have no chance at a mate do? Would you rather they sit around and be sad and lonely over something they have no control over?

Is that what you want for Applejack? She doesn’t like colts. So does that mean that she has to live her life without love and companionship?

Don’t you want her to be happy and loved?”

That hit hard.

Granny looked at the ground. She did want Applejack to be loved and happy. And she did know of Applejack’s sexual choice. And if that weren’t a factor, she knew that there weren’t enough stallions to go around. Just look at Cousin Goldie Delicious.

Goldie was always a fine looking mare in her youth. But because of the lack of stallions, she became a spinster with nothing but cats for companions. Granny was lucky to have found a stallion, and had a long happy life together, may he rest in peace.

Did she want that happiness for her granddaughter even if it was with a mare? Or did she want to chance that AJ would become a crazy cat mare, lonely and sad.

Granny looked into the eyes of Applejack and then Twilight.

“Do ya really love her Twilight?” asked the old Apple. “Ah mean as much as any stallion would?”

Twilight took the old pony’s hoof and looked deep in her eyes.

“Yes Granny, I love Applejack more than life itself,” said Twilight.

“Granny,” said AJ, “this may be hard to believe, but Ah was killed fallin’ off that bridge.”

“Killed?” said Granny shocked and ready to cry.

“Yes, my heart was stopped an’ Ah weren’t breathin’ none neither. But Twilight brought me back with knowledge she’d brought back from that other world she’s visited.

An’ if’n that weren’t enough, she fought an’ killed a mountain lion with nothing more than her bare horn, a stick an’ her wit; no magic. She risked her life to save me.

We want yer blessin’ Granny. But what’s done is done. Ah love Twilight an’ she loves me.”

“Ya really fought an’ killed a mountain lion to protect Applejack?” asked Granny.

“Yes Granny, and I’d have given my life to protect her. She’s the most important pony in the world and I’ll live my life just to make her happy.”

Granny embraced Twilight.

“Thank ya fer savin’ Applejack… Twice. Welcome to the family Sweetie. Yer an Apple in my book.”

“Thank you,” said Twilight, hugging the old pony close. “You can’t begin to understand what that means to me…

And you’re okay with me not being an Earth Pony?”

“Twilight,” said Granny chuckling and wiping a tear from her eye, “no pony’s perfect.”

The surrounding friends and family burst out in laughter.

Comments ( 9 )

8205761 True, but there was a 'hand' at work in all this. Thus them being lost for a month (moon) and yet they only experienced 6 days.

Bear enjoyed this.
Bear would like to see more stories building on the mythology you have hinted at here.

Perhaps, but I have several stories that I have to write the last book for. I did enjoy this however. I have played with the idea of Viking Mythology (Guess who is Loki?) I have also thought of incorporating the stories of Elric of Melniboné as The Eternal Champion, a Hero who exists in all times and worlds, is the one who is chosen by fate to fight for the Cosmic Balance (Balance=Harmony). stormbringer.net/images/elric/elric1.jpg

Bear can guess who Loki would be. Bear guesses...FLUTTERSHY or FLUTTERSHY ACCESSORIES. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Bear is familiar with Elric.

Bear discourages a true crossover...Pony Elric would be nifty.

Bear is very familiar with the concept of the Eternal Champion. Bear has used concept in his D&D games for a recurring NPC that shows up in every game regardless of setting.

Til Valhal.

Cool story I like very much. Love the fight with twilight and the mountain lion.

“Yes, that is why the wedding robes, the wedding blessing and the change in your manes and tails, he has made you one.”

Just have to ask would this make AJ immortal since Twilight is a alicorn since they are one

This started out strong and somewhat dropped midway to the end.

Pretty spiritualistic. Kissed a lot till it's getting awkward. And the somewhat forced converastion along the lines of "I have a wife and I must tell the world". Also could have brought Granny around for a private conversation instead of putting her on the spot.

But it was enjoyable.

Loki pony? I've got to see more expansion of that.

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