• Published 18th Jun 2017
  • 4,671 Views, 95 Comments

Not a Crazed Gunman... - base4

The Sniper from TF2 dies, for real, and is thrust into a world of ponies. Nobody is happy about this.

  • ...

I just bagged the world's fattest man!

Author's Note:

A spooky surprise, foreshadowed on the 24th in a blog post. This chapter's relatively short, but it's mostly here to set up the next part of the story.

This chapter took... I don't know, at least 12 rewrites to accomplish. And it was a pain, even as I managed to finally get it down-pat.

But, I did it. Eventually. And I think that's what matters now. If you'd like to know more, mostly about what's been keeping me from writing, check out the newest blog post.

Otherwise, dig in. The twists, turns, and otherwise are never over. Not till the fat lady sings.

A thunderous roar pierced the silent field as Heavy charged toward Spy, screaming in rage.

Spy tried to cloak, but Heavy slammed into him, elbow first, sending him careening to the ground. His cloak flashed blue, then completely disabled as he hit the dirt. He stamped his foot onto Spy's chest, immobilizing him.

Snapping out of my daze, I took in the situation for what it was, and spoke up. "Heavy! What the bloody hell!?" I yelled.

Heavy, still securing his foothold, looked over in confusion. "Sniper is still alive?" he asked.

Spy tried to get up, but was stopped by the Heavy's foot, which quickly stamped him back into the dirt.

"Yes, I'm still kickin', you buffoon! Now get offa him, before I make you myself!"

He took a second to stare. He traded glances with Spy and myself, and chuckled. "What, Heavy gets off of enemy?" he torted. "Does Sniper still think BLU Spy is friend? After he kills you?"

I growled. "That's not the point! I-"

He interrupted. "Sniper did not hear team the first time, dд?" Suddenly, he turned dead serious, and looked me straight in the eye. "We kill BLU. We do not make friends." He put more pressure on Spy, looking down as he did it. He smirked, and looked back at me. "This is life. Do you wish to cry about it, baby?" he mocked.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sat silently in the background, watching in confusion as the Heavy mock-cried.

I burned with fury, prepared to retort, when Spy butted in.

First, he groaned, and then spoke. "Come on, I don't have all day!"

"Huh?" Heavy looked down at him, and then noticed the revolver pointed into his foot.

Spy fired directly into the Heavy's foot, eliciting a painful scream. He stumbled backward, tripping over his own feet, and fell to the ground, grunting from the impact.

As Heavy clenched his foot in pain, Spy stood up normally. He quickly dusted off as Heavy sat in the dirt, trying to recover from the shot to his foot. He pointed the gun straight at the Heavy, and aimed down the sights. Heavy winced, and rose his hand to block the shot.

"Mate, stop! That's enough!" I pleaded.

Spy turned away from Heavy, and gave me a curious look. He stared for a second, and began to lower his gun. But after a few seconds, he stopped, fury flashing on his face, and took aim.

He fired the revolver, sinking a bullet into the Heavy's bear claw, which ricocheted off that claw and into the ground. The pseudo-glove flew high into the air, and landed in the dirt as the Spy aimed another shot. Heavy raised his other hand, and Spy fired again, hitting the other claw.

"STOP!" I yelled, desperately trying to interrupt the brawl.

Rainbow Dash, watching idly in the background until now, perked up at the screams. Something in her head seemed to click as she flipped into distress and took to the sky. She raced for Twilight's.

As Rainbow flew into the distance, Heavy took the pieces of the broken claw and hurled it at Spy, who sidestepped to avoid the projectile. He watched as the pieces stuck into the ground behind him, and turned again to face his opponent. Suddenly, Heavy jumped from his idle stance, ignoring the injury, and pounced. Spy raised a revolver to fire off a shot.

I soon realized that the battle was far beyond stopping. ...There's only one thing I can do...

But as he took aim, Heavy collided with him, sending him to the ground once more. The revolver, still without firing, flew from his hands, and landed across from Heavy.

I pulled out my rifle.

Spy, completely pinned, could watch in horror the bear-like monster took hold of his revolver and pointed it straight at his face.

I took aim. Sorry, mate.

"...did you think you could beat me?" he said, staring right at him. Spy said nothing, and Heavy smirked. "You are not so good as you think, tiny man." he said, finger on the trigger. "You will learn lesson today about dealing with Heavy."

I fired. He pulled the trigger.

The battle ended with the sound of a bullet. The shot rang across the empty field, killing the noise of intense fighting with the sound of unbearable silence. Both of us had fired, but one of us fired first. The revolver, bent with the force of a high-caliber bullet, lay aside the two combatants.

The bullet had ricocheted off the gun, landing in the Heavy's hand. He bled profusely from an opening in his palm. Slowly, he got off of Spy. His hand, a complete mess, was limp and unusable.

Spy, free from the Heavy's weight, backed away from the hulking man. He quickly adjusted his watch. Fumbling with the infernal device, a single 'click' resounded as it came back to life. As he reached to turn it on, he cast a solemn look my way, and nearly stopped himself, but didn't. He disappeared from sight, and even the quiet field failed to give away his footsteps.

Holstering my rifle, I went up to Heavy. As I approached, I saw the true nature of the wound. A hole, drawn straight though his hand, was almost like seeing through a peephole on a door. I reached him, and knelt, getting closer to the wound.

He pulled back the hand. Blood dripped down his other hand as he tried to hide it from sight. The anger, now faded from his face, could still be seen, even as he tried to hide it. Though, as he began to look my way, the rage had seemed to grow.

"Spy gets away," he sighed, pensive in his gaze. "Sniper's fault."

And as he spoke, I had to think. Soon enough, I tried to speak. "Mate, I'm-"

Though he stopped me. "Heavy knows. You are sorry," he said, even as his mouth betrayed his eyes. "But...he knows you do not want this."

I said nothing. I could only manage to meet his gaze as the words appeared in the sullen air around us.

The feeling, the one in my eyes, he seemed to read with careful insight. He sighed, pitiful. "Do not think that you are traitor, Sniper." He looked away, into the distance. "You are still credit to team, even as you make mistakes..."

And as Rainbow came back with Twilight in tow, and Fluttershy approached from behind, I felt the ghost of those unspoken words.

Twilight paced, back and forth, through the hallways of the castle. As she passed us, waiting in a side-room, she checked to see if Celestia had responded.

Spike and I chatted idly by, though I waned in enthusiasm.

"So...where did he go?" Spike asked.

"...he's with Fluttershy," I muttered.

Twilight passed the door to the room.

"Oh," he said. "Guess he's really out of it, then."

I winced at that remark. "Yeah...you could say that..."

Twilight passed the door again.

"And...how long is she keeping..."

"Heavy," I finished.

Twilight passed the door again, peeking inside.

"Right. Heavy," he uttered. "Did they give you a time?"

It took a second for me to answer. "She didn't say."

Twilight peeked into the room, and continued on.

"-And speaking of timing, is Twilight getting even faster?"

"Let's hope not," I remarked.

Suddenly, a magic belch erupted from Spike, spewing magical, mystical fire, which turned into a scroll with a seal of royalty.

And as suddenly as it arrived, our purple pony princess pal arrived and took it away. She teleported in, ripping the scroll from his hands.

Taken aback, I jumped a bit, falling off of my chair in the process. I grumbled.

He recoiled a little at her sudden appearance, but quickly regained his temperament. He folded his arms, seemingly peeved. "Y'know, you could've just asked," he snarked.

Twilight didn't respond. She ripped open the seal, unfurling the letter, and began to read profusely as I put myself back onto the chair.

As she read, the expression on her face began to noticeably change. While at first, she was rather anxious, it seemed to fade and turn to concern. By the time she was done, it seemed as though she had seen a ghost.

Rather than try to guess what she was thinking, we tried to ask ourselves.

"...Something...wrong?" I cautiously asked.

She nodded, affirming our collective suspicions, and passed me the letter.

Spike and I read as one, looking for the point that seemed to have scared her. And as we delved into the letter, we found it.

I am sorry to say that in light of this new mercenary, I can no longer conjure a spell with enough power to connect the two worlds.

I lowered the parchment, and stared at the wall.

...I can't go home.

Comments ( 9 )

At the end it says 'can no conjure' do you mean 'Can't conjure'

Or possibly 'can no longer conjure'

Welp, guess they're screwed until someone accidently offs the Engineer and somehow Demoman sends Merasmus down there too. Now there's a thought, the Halloween bosses following the mercs into Equestria...

Comment posted by medictf2 deleted Jan 16th, 2019

When I see Sniper and Twilight crossovers I imagine that.

Pretty cool! I don't know why, but I actually imagined making an SFM outta this (even though I barely learned to pose yesterday)! Just waiting till they all arrive...

Comment posted by horses are fuckin weird deleted Aug 19th, 2022

Still hoping that this one day gets picked up again.

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