• Published 18th Jun 2017
  • 6,289 Views, 672 Comments

Unexpected Adventure - WhooshieWoosh

Getting sent to a new world? No problem. Becoming a dragon because a demented weirdo thought it would be funny? How quaint.

  • ...

Into the Jungle

"Eww... why is it so... gooey in here?"

Gemlight shook the mud from her hoof and moved towards me a bit more. Leaflet looked up from her map and said,

"It's a jungle. That means it has much more rain than most areas. Also, it's humid... very humid."

"And hot."

Grip groaned as everyone started to fan themselves and pant. Well, except for me and Gemlight. Gem scoffed.

"Hot!? It's not hot... or it might be? I don't know, I'm always cold!"

Meril shook her head and then stared at me.

"How are you still wearing that coat! It's like a million degrees in here?!"

I grinned.

"I'm pretty sure that my dragon body just flips the bird at climates of all types. Dragons raise their young inside active volcanoes you realize."

"I'm a pyromaniac who constantly lights nearby objects on fire, and even I think it's hot."

I gave Cinders a smug look before following after Leaflet. She lead us over fallen trees and over narrow ledges before stopping earlier than most nights given everyone was exhausted, thirsty, and soaked in sweat. (not me, I was fine. Thank you Discord for the dragon body!) We made camp beside a small pool. as we set up our tents Cleghorn went to get a drink only to spit it out.

"Salt water!? Why tha bloody hell is there saltwater here!?"

Everyone rushed over. Sure enough, the pool was saltwater. Grip groaned,

"Great! Now we have no water! Fantastic. Anyone got any ideas?"

As they discussed possible solutions I pulled out my spell compendium and flipped to the section labeled "basic survival spells." Warmth spell? Not helpful. Air conditioning spell? Oh... actually useful! Poison detection, compass point, camouflage, rain barrier... okay, I'll have to keep this section in mind incase it rains. I found a water filtration spell and filled the large kettle before rereading the words.

"Pisce du aquari." (Cleanse the water)

The symbols for the words appeared over my hand and the water glowed bright blue. It took quite a bit of energy, but not too much. I dipped a claw in and tasted it. Yup, it was clean. But it was piss warm. I looked back at the air conditioning spell and started picking it apart.

Okay, the spell is "Quelt du vingra" (cool the air) so... just "quelt" would be "cool" so....

"Quelt du aquari."

Once again the symbols appeared over my hand and the water glowed before becoming icy cold. I whistled which got everyone's attention.

"Hey! Want some water?"

Everyone rushed over and looked at my kettle of "saltwater." Grip shook his head.

"Drake, why would you fill the kettle with salt water? Now everything's going to have--"

"Shut up and drink it."

He looked at me before rolling his eyes and dipping a claw in. He flinched as rather than warm water, he felt cold water. He looked at me curiously before dipping a cup in and taking a sip. His eyes widened before he gulped the rest of the cup down.

"How did you!?"

"Trade secret."

Everyone looked back and forth between us before Gemlight asked,

"Okay, what's going on?"

Grip got another cup and said,

"Somehow he not only made fresh water, but it's ice cold!"

Leaflet huffed.

"Preposterous! A skilled wizard wouldn't even be able to pull that off without a lengthy ritual!"

He gave her a cup and she too stared at me in shock.


"I'll say it again, trade secret."

As everyone got a drink I set about working on the air conditioning spell.

"Step one: draw the phrase 'cool the air' in a continuous circle around your camp."

I began drawing the intricate symbols with a stick as I walked around the camp.

"Step two: designate duration of spell by adding the desired amount of time to the end of the incantation."

Okay... I don't really know how to say times in Draconian... But I think we need it for only, like, three hours. So... "tri... hours?" (Three prostitutes) NOPE! How about... "tri oors?" (Three hours) Nice.

Once the circle was completed I placed my hand on the ground and whispered, "Quelt du vingra tri oors." The circle glowed faintly before a transparent bubble rose over the camp. I brushed my hands together as the cost took effect.

Okay... I needed to sit down. I staggered over to camp and sat down on a log. Everyone jolted and looked around frantically as the air became cooler and more comfortable. Everyone looked at me as I sat exhausted on my log before Cleghorn rushed over and hugged me.

"Mate! Yoo are a bloody lifesaver! Ah just... how did... Ah don't care! Ya made it cool! It's comfortable again!"

He danced a little jig as everyone started cheering and slapping me on the back. As dinner was being made I looked around with satisfaction as everyone enjoyed the cool air. Well, almost everyone.

"Drake! Why'd you have to make it cold!?"

I looked at Gemlight as she rubbed her forelegs. I sighed and scooped her up before tucking her securely against my chest. She wriggled around until she managed to burrow under my coat and popped her head out the top. I chuckled as I felt her silky tail flick against my chest as she got comfortable.

"Much better! Wow... this is a really comfortable coat. I can tell why you wear it so often."

I raised a claw and scratched her ears as everyone looked over and laughed at the ridiculous sight. Everyone was so busy laughing, they never noticed the rustling in the treetops, or the small ball of a mysterious substance get dropped into the cooking pot. After eating, it wasn't long until everyone began to feel sleepy. They never even reached their tents.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the short chapter, but it's the fourth of July so... I'm busy being free. Thanks for reading and God bless America!