• Published 18th Jun 2017
  • 6,289 Views, 672 Comments

Unexpected Adventure - WhooshieWoosh

Getting sent to a new world? No problem. Becoming a dragon because a demented weirdo thought it would be funny? How quaint.

  • ...

Under Town-Arrest (1)

It didn’t take long for us to reach town hall. With Alice as my guide, we easily navigated the unfamiliar streets and bridges That appeared to have no rhyme or reason. To be honest, I was getting kinda nervous about the whole “being on probation/parole yet completely disappearing despite that” thing. I mean, people went to jail for that! For a pretty long time! If I’m gonna to prison I want it to be because I did something epic.

I was preparing to enter the building when I realized that Alice was still beside me.

“Uhh... you’re... coming in?”

“Oh yeah, I must have forgotten to tell you that I actually have some business in here this morning. You see, I need to make a delivery.”

I nodded.

“Cool... coolcoolcoolcoolcool. Guess you can be there when I probably get thrown in prison.”

She grinned.

“I’ll be sure to bring you an embroidered pillow to give you cell a nice, homey touch.”

I nodded and continued inside.

“That’s... reassuring.”

“Oh, and be sure to shower with your back to the wall. One of my former fuuuuuuu... fudge friends went to prison once, just... yeah. Be careful in the shower. Unless you, well, I mean some people like—“

“I’m going to cut you off there.”

Alice shut her beak and nodded.

“Yup, thanks.”

Soon we were in the main room where the Jarl was talking with some of his underlings. I nervously walked up and coughed.

“Ahem, uh... hi, Your Jarliness, how’s it going?”

He didn’t even turn to me as he said,

“Where were yoo las’ night. Ya know yoor on probation, right?”

“Yeeeeaaaah... but... it’s no big deal I kinda forgot that, that... right?”

“Ya know that skipping parole is an offense punishable by jail time, right?”

I gulped.

“Do ya have a gud excuse?”

I nervously adjusted my collar and mumbled.

“I... got really drunk?”

There was a sickening span of time where nobody spoke a word. I swear I could hear my heart beating.

“That’s valid. No need tah fret about any problems. Just check in here before sunset each day so I know ya didn’t skip town. Also, where do ya plan to sleep?”

“That’s... a good question. I’ll... figure something out.”

Alice piped up.

“You can stay wiv me still. I’d love the company!”

Finally the Jarl turned his head.

“Ah, Alice! Nice to see you this mornin’. Here for the usual delivery?”

She beamed and flashed the sachel she was carrying.

“Righty-o! Thought I’d pop by early given I had to escort the prodigal dragon over here. Is Einheria up?”

At that moment a side door open and Einheria entered, followed by....


The bard froze and whirled to face me.

“Cain! Oh thank the stars! I’ve been runnin’ ragged tryin to find you,mate! Where have you been?!”

Alice, however, responded before me.

“You didn’t tell me you knew good ole... uh... oh dear, I’ve forgotten his name. Mister... uh... Bardy McBardyface.”

Gerhman’s eyes flew from me to Alice and grew to the size of saucers. His jaw worked for a bit before he rasped,

“Who... who is....”

Alice grinned.

“Oops, forgot to introduce meself! I’m Alice, and Cainy-boy here slept at my place last night. Do you two, like, actually know eachother or is it just an acquaintance where you recognize eachother at your nephews birthday party because you’re dating his cousin, woops, got that backwards, he’s dating your cousin; and he’s all ‘wow I haven’t seen you since college when you sucked me off in the middle of an exam while getting off my mate wiv ya paws while Blaine....’,” she noticed several horrified looks and gulped,” Uh, oh dear, uh... I’m gonna shut up now.”

As Gerhman stood transfixed, Jarl Fiadhaich laughed.

“Just as talkative as ever, I see.”

Alice blushed before scampering over to Einheria and wrapping her in a hug.

“Einy! How nice to see you! How’s the cut? Your old wounds doing okay? How many brigands did you maim while you were being held captive? Any more than the last time?”

Einheria gave an exasperated look as she returned Alice’s hug and began to sign something. I instead focused on the Jarl.

“Last time? Do you have kidnappings a lot?”

Fiadhaich sighed.

“Thankfully, no. The bandit problem has severely lessened during the reign of King Cróga. However, my wife was a slave to a group of the scum since she was a wee chick, apparently.”


“Well, I first met her when i was simply an officer of the guard. I led a raid on the bandit stronghold and there she was, in shackles being forced to wait on their chieftain. It was love at first sight when she used her own chains to choke the life out of the bastard before she ripped his bodyguard’s throat out from behind with her own claws.”

He sighed dreamily and gazed fondly at the haggered griffin.

“I brought her back and had my best medics try to patch her up as well as they could. Unfortunately her throat was too damaged to ever heal and since then she’s been mute. But she never broke. She’s the strongest person I know and the love of my life.”

“And she’s freaking epic with a sabre too.”

He laughed.

“Aye, and that too.”

By now Alice had fished something out of her bag and had given it to Einheria. She turned back to me and chirped,

“So! You ready for me to show ya to the gym?”

I shrugged and we began to leave. Gerhman snapped out if his trance and asked,

“Wait, why are you two going to the gym?”

“So Cain can wash his coat! It’s got a bunch of funny stains and stuff. I think some might be blood. And while he’s there it wouldn’t hurt for him to do a bit of light exercise *cough*hint hint.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah yeah, I’ll do something while I’m waiting.”

Gerhman puffed out his chest and flexed an arm.

“Maybe I should accompany you lot so I can get a quick set in. You know, gotta keep my pump.”

The Jarl cleared his throat.

“Don’t you have something you’re supposed to be doing?”

Gerhman deflated and gave him a bashful look.

“Right... sorry. I’ll get right to it. See ya in a bit, Cain.”

I waved goodbye and me and Alice headed out the door. On our way to the gym she began to plan.

“Right, so what I think the best thing to do once you’re done is, you head back to town hall and do... whatever until I get off work. I’ll pick you up and we can go out for dinner! How does pizza sound?”

“Great! Sounds like a plan.”

All too soon we arrived at the gym and parted ways. Once inside I got directions from the lady at the desk and made my way back to the washing machines. I soon had figured out the controls and it was whirring away. Speaking of the washing machine, this whole word had a weird mix of tech going on. They had electric lights and indoor plumbing yet semi Colonial era weaponry and military stuff. This whole place was weird.

I left the laundromat and entered the main room of the gym. People of all species and gender were doing the machines and the reps and the... uh... sets? I don’t know gym lingo.

“Hey, you.”

I looked around before seeing a pony dude and a griffin dude standing by a machine nearby. The pony tilted his head.

“Yeah, you. You look kinda lost. First time?”

I nodded.

“You can work in with us if you want. You know, show you the ropes.”

I grimaced.

“Sure... great... this going to be... fun.”


I staggered back to the Jarl’s house, my jacket clutched in my hand.

“Mistake *huff* huge mistake! Why my *pant* everything hurt?”

I practically collapsed into a bench outside the building and just kinda sat there... groaning in pain. I don’t know how long I was there but eventually I heard a familiar voice.

“Wotcher, Cain! How’s it goin?”

I cracked open an eye and let out an indistinct croak.

“I’ll take that as a ‘bad.’ Well, either that you just had your throat destroyed by someone’s massive... filter Alice, filter what comes out ya mouth. Anyway, ready to go eat?”

I nodded and made to rise... yet couldn’t. I coughed and groaned.

“Help me up?”

“Sure! Must be mighty soar if you haven’t worked it in a while and then overdid it. I felt the same after I tried *smack*!”

I jumped as Alice slapped herself across the beak. After her eyes stopped spinning she grinned.

“Sorry, but that was much more effective than just trying to filter myself. Anyway, I think I’ll have it delivered. Up ya pop!”

With a grunt I was hobbling after her in the direction of her house.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long and that it’s cut in half, I’m just super unmotivated at the moment. I figured I’d wait until I got out of the slump rather than make a lackluster chapter. Hope you understand.