• Published 18th Jun 2017
  • 6,289 Views, 672 Comments

Unexpected Adventure - WhooshieWoosh

Getting sent to a new world? No problem. Becoming a dragon because a demented weirdo thought it would be funny? How quaint.

  • ...


I hummed a little tune as I rested against my usual tree. In the two weeks I’d spent recovering at Gerhman’s house I’d gotten strong enough to walk around on my own for a while. I’d improved so much in that respect that I could walk upstream for a while until I reached the waterfall where I was currently resting. It was a nice place to sit, relax, and do some thinking. I wasn’t sure why, but I felt like it was important to remember what happened after I jumped.

“Let’s see... I know something must have happened to break my fall, but what? It wasn’t the water because from that height and that speed it would have been like diving onto concrete. So something must have happened to have broken my fall that wasn’t normal. And something must have happened to me to cause such extensive damage. Wait....”

Something extraordinary broke my fall but at the same time left me weak and basically comatose for a few days. That can only mean... I must have used magic to break my fall and don’t remember it. But what spell? I don’t really know any spells that would do something like this. Talk about frustrating. I wish I could, like, actually scratch my brain to try to make me remember better. Whatever. Well... speaking of magic.

“I might as well practice some magic while I’m out here. Maybe figure out why it’s so much weaker now.”

I stood and moved towards the waterfall a bit more. Maybe I should start with the basics again. Like fire magic. I don’t exactly have to worry about getting burned given I’m a dragon.

“Fyair.” (Fire)

To my disappointment a truly pathetic “fireball” (if you can call it that) flew towards the waterfall and fizzled out in the mist.

“See, that’s what I’m talking about. It shouldn’t be that weak even if I’m not as strong anymore. I’m missing something, I know it. The question is, what?”

I cast the spell again and this time focused on the feeling of using magic. How I felt the power course from my core and gather in my palm. Wait, my palm. Whenever Ra’avez cast a spell a glyph appeared over his palm. Maybe I need to, like, charge the spell up like in Skyrim with fireball and similar spells.


This time I let the power collect in my hand until the glyph appeared over my palm. It was that intriguing design again, a flame inside a triangle with the very points cut off by a circle. As I charged it, the flame symbol soon became a real flame that steadily grew in my hand. Sweat beaded my forehead as the strain of gathering the magic as well as the concentration needed to hold it steady began to wear me out. I aimed the spell at the waterfall and released the magic. A much larger fireball shot into the waterfall and vaporized a bunch of the water with a satisfying “hiss.”

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaw yiiiiiis. That’s so much better... and I’m tired now. Well at least that’s one magical problem down. Now if I can onlyremember what spell I used to save my life I can add that to my magical repertoire.... I remember when I used to stress about work and parties and avoiding the topic of my love life at Christmas dinner; not magic and monsters and not dying. Ah the good old days.”

I sighed as the topic I’d been avoiding was now brought to light. My family and past life.

“Focus on recovering now. I just need to put that out of my mind.”

I took a deep breath and slowly let it out before turning and walking away from the falls.

“I should head back to the house. I’m done here anyway.”

I stalked away towards the cottage, my good mood effectively destroyed. Not that I was really ever in a good mood. It was hard to think positive when it felt like I was aimlessly wandering in the dark. I had no idea where to go or what to do. I had no goals or plans and that really was getting to me. You might be thinking that I’m being overdramatic about this, but bear in mind how completely lost I was.

I was on some weird alien planet in an alien (yet similar so not as big a deal) body with weird powers, weird creatures all over, and no clue what to do. All my old goals were out the window leaving me with nothing to work towards. I no longer was working for a promotion or trying to buy a house, instead I had nothing but the clothes on my back and whatever was in my bag.

“No. I’m not going to sit and whine like this. Shut up and keep walking.”

I soon arrived back at the cabin and opened the door. My host was sitting in a chair, absently strumming a guitar. He always seemed to be playing around with some instrument or another. He looked up and waved.

“How was the walk?”


“Feeling any better?”


I slumped into the room where I was sleeping and rummaged through my bag for a gem to eat. I only had a few left so I’d have to either conserve them or find more. I turned as I heard a knock on the doorframe.

“Hey, can we talk?”

I gave Gerhman a blank look before shrugging. He walked over to nest-like pile of pillows and blankets where he preferred to sleep and sat down.

“I’ll be frank with you. I’m getting real tired of your crap.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t you give me that look! All you do is trudge around being up everyone’s butt with moping. You won’t talk to me, you barely eat, and you’re always super glum. Now I’m hoping this is an abnormal thing and that you’re not always a git, but it needs to stop. So start talking.”


“Because you bloody need to! You ever stop to think that maybe if you stopped bottling everything up you’d feel better?”

“Yeah right. As if that would help or that you’d understand. This isn’t exactly a problem that I can talk into resolution.”

“And why not?”

“Because it isn’t!”

“What problem is it then?”

“One that only involves me.”

“I’m sorry, but whose house are you staying in? Whose food are you eating? Who saved your life!? I feel like I deserve an explanation at the least! Maybe I’m overstepping my bounds, but at the moment I really don’t care.”

He was right. I was squatting in his house, eating his food (the little I did eat), and being a total inconsiderate jerk. And I’d had my head so far up my butt that I hadn’t even considered the inconvenience I was being. I hung my head.

“...I’m sorry. I didn’t even think of that.”

He sighed,

“It’s fine. I can tell that you’re going through a rough patch. But please, just let me know what’s wrong. Even if I can’t help, you won’t have to deal with it alone. As much of a pain as you are, I still would like to consider you a friend.”

Even after acting like a spoiled brat for the past few weeks, he still wanted to help me and be my friend. I couldn’t even believe it.

“Why? I’m nothing but a pain? Why shouldn’t you just throw me out?”

He shrugged.

“Even your sorry excuse for company beats being all alone. And besides, I couldn’t throw you out in good conscience. You’re more than a little pathetic right now.”

I shook my head, a smirk tugging at the corners of my mouth. He noticed and chuckled,

“There we are! Now, while I have you out of the doldrums, can you please tell me what’s eating you?”

I sighed. To be honest I always sucked at this sort of thing. I hated talking about my feelings or whatever. But I really owed it to him for everything.

“Fine... just know this doesn’t come easy for me. The problem is... I’m completely lost.”

He raised an eyebrow and gestured for me to continue. I groaned, trying to think of how to explain it.

“It’s that... that... I’m in an a place I don’t know with no family, friends, or purpose. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do with my life or even who I am anymore.”

“Well I can’t speak for the family or yourself, but you have at least one friend.”

I gave him a small smile.

“I guess.”

He nodded before holding out his arms.

“Bring it here.”

I stared at him. He waved me over again, an expectant look on his face.

“Uh... I don’t really do physical contact.”

“Doesn’t matter, you need it.”

“No, I don’t think I do.”

“Just come here.”

“Yeah... no. I’m not hugging you.”

“Why not.”

“Isn’t it kinda... weird?”

“Not if you don’t make it.”

“I don’t know.”

“You either get your tail over here or I’m going over there.”

I sighed before standing and awkwardly patting him on the shoulder. He pulled me into a hug and patted my back.

“See, it’s making you feel better isn’t it.”

“Not really.”

“Give it time.”


“Okay now it’s awkward.”

“Yeah it’s gone on for far too long.”

“Yeah... can you stop?”

“I don’t know how to stop that won’t make it weirder.”

We both let go and stood uncomfortably. Gehrman raised his hand and froze before patting my shoulder.

“Yeah, uh, good talk. I’ll, uh, go start on dinner. If you want to help, feel free. Not that I’m expecting you too or.... I’m gonna go.”

I shook my head as I watched him go. That... was a first. Nobody’s ever done something like that to... I mean for me. It was... unexpectedly encouraging. Maybe I would help him with dinner after all.


I slowly turned to face the river winding through the valley as I continued to fall. I was going to die. That was it. There was no way I was going to survive this fall. I couldn’t fly with my damaged wing and I couldn’t stop my descent. This was the end.


Except, I didn’t want to die. Some instinctual part of me refused to consider the possibility of my demise. I’d heard of it feeling like time had slowed to a crawl in life-or-death situations, but it truly felt like everything had slowed to agonizingly sluggish. Unbidden, a memory flashed through my mind of one of the pages in the basic Elementalism book I’d read.

Reflexively I reached out and released every ounce of magic I could in one spell towards the river below.

“Glàce!” (Ice/freeze)

What looked like blue lightning shot from my hands and exploded against the water below. With a flash the river turned into a mountain of fresh snow that I landed in with a muffled *whmp* before the world went dark.

I awoke with a gasp and looked down at my hands. I checked to make sure Gehrman was asleep before focusing and allowing the spell to come to life.


A blue circle containing an upside-down triangle and another bizarre glyph appeared as ice crystals formed in the air.

“That... is awesome.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay. Hope you enjoyed it. Also, I wish I could show pictures of the sketches I’ve made of the various glyphs I’ve made, but I’m clueless when it comes to that sort of thing. Sorry.