• Published 30th Jun 2017
  • 6,153 Views, 68 Comments

You Forgot Your Toothbrush! - FamousLastWords

Starlight's toothbrush looks suspiciously like Spike the Dragon. This is why.

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How a Toothbrush Changed History

The afternoon sun was setting over the peaceful village of Ponyville. It’s within this village that Starlight Glimmer could be found, staring at the piece of paper in front of her. A paper that is planted with a freshly coated royal seal of approval.

Dear Starlight,

Thank you very much for the courageous act you did of helping my sister and I get along. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: We couldn’t have done it without you.

However, there is one curious detail about the event in which we must know the truth. Your toothbrush seemed to oddly resemble Spike. Is there something we should know about? Or are we reading too much into it.

Please, if you could, we’d love at least some detail in regards to this, due to the fact there is hardly anything going on at the castle currently and we need something to occupy our time with.


Princess Celestia

Starlight's glossy eyes scanned the letter once more, ensuring the accuracy of the information she had read. If only Twilight would have foreseen the embarrassing, no, borderline humiliating consequences of bringing her cavity cleansing apparel to the royal castle. She knew it wouldn’t be long before someone had to ask about it.

She shook her head, blinked a few times for added measure, grabbed her trusty quill and paper and began her response. It wasn’t much of a story, but it was interesting nonetheless.

Dear Princess Celestia,

About that Spike themed toothbrush. It’s not what it would seem…

Day 1 of Starlight Living At The Castle

“Here you are, Starlight!” Twilight screeched, the largest smile she could muster plastered across her face. “Your very own room in the castle, as promised. If you’re gonna be staying here, I figured we should at least make you feel comfortable.”

Starlight walked past her and looked around her room. It was, quite frankly, not what she had expected. It could hardly be considered a bedroom. Its sheer size and royal appeal made it look more like the home for a dance theater of sorts. Crystal chandelier, elegant throw pillows and purple sheets adorned the bed and a large floral print rug was laid across the floor.

“Oh, Twilight, this really wasn’t necessary,” she said. “I don’t need all this.”

“Oh, I insist,” she replied. “Just because you were an anarchist villain in the past doesn’t mean that same noise has to echo into your future. And look!”

Twilight rushed in and levitated a book off the perfectly placed shelving. She levitated it over to Starlight, who read off the cover.

Upper Class, Lower Class, No Class: A New World Economic Order’?”

“For authenticity!”

Starlight resisted the urge to ignite the book into a burst of flaming horror, but instead gave a smile the old college try and placed the book on a nearby counter. “Twilight, thank you so much for all of this. But, really, you didn’t need to go through all of this trouble just for me. I hardly deserve it.”

Twilight strolled over to her and placed a hoof of comfort upon her shoulder. “Starlight, this is a new start for you. But, I promise, with the help of all your new friends, everything will turn out great. You deserve a room to yourself just like anypony else would.”

Starlight let out a sigh and looked the alicorn in the eye. “Well, as they say, no use in crying over spilt milk, I suppose. Thank you, Twilight. This room is lovely.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Twilight said. “I promise, it may be strange at first, but give it some time and Ponyville will begin to feel like home to you, alright?”

“I’ll definitely try my best.” Starlight cracked a smile.

“Excellent. Now, will you be joining Spike and I for dinner tonight? It’ll be ready in just a few minutes. It can be a celebration of your first night in town!”

Starlight thought for a moment but she only had one answer. “I’m sorry, Twilight. I honestly think I’m going to turn in early. The train ride over here was a bit long and I’m pretty tired. But, I promise, I’ll have that celebration meal with you two tomorrow.”

Twilight nodded. “That’s fair. Well, get some sleep, and I’ll make sure Spike gives you a full tour of the castle tomorrow, alright?’

“Sounds good!”

Twilight waved and exited the room, leaving Starlight to herself. The unicorn let out a breathy sigh and hopped onto her bed. She wasn’t lying when she said she was tired, but more than that, she needed some time to herself.

The wooden ceiling she was used to had been replaced with the highest quality stone and crystal. The cheap, torn up carpet her hooves got comfortable stepping on day after day was now replaced with a luxurious one that she didn’t want to touch, for fear of messing up its perfection.

This room is so beautiful. This castle is perfect. But it’s not home.

Starlight tossed and turned on top of the throw pillows and feather filled comforter beneath her. How could she get used to luxury like this when she was born and raised around the simple things of life?

She eventually pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, however, upon a quick taste of her own breath. As per every night, she needed to grab her toothbrush and take care of said problem. She wouldn’t be able to sleep without doing so.

She hopped off the bed and rummaged through her suitcase. Deodorant, shampoo, mane brush… where was it?

Where was it?!

Starlight dumped all the contents of her suitcase the ground and rummaged through them as if seeking out a long-hidden treasure. However, her search for the spoils proved to be fruitless.

“I can’t believe I forgot my toothbrush!”

Starlight had to resist every urge of her body telling her to punch something. Of all the things to leave behind, it had to be one thing that was part of her routine. The one thing she needed to feel at least a tad comfortable.

It wasn’t fair.

She slouched to the ground and felt a tear drip down her cheek. It wasn’t about the toothbrush, it wasn’t about the perfect surroundings. It wasn’t about anything. But at the same time, it was everything.

She slowly rose to her hooves and crawled back onto her bed once more. Sleep would be a luxury tonight, but there was nothing else to do but close her eyes and try her best to let her mind drift away…

*knock knock*

Her eyes shot open. “Yeah, who is it?”

“It’s Spike!”

She groaned and hopped back off her bed. She slumped over to the door and popped it open, revealing the small dragon.

“Hi there, Starlight!” he said with a bright smile. “I’m sorry to bother you.”

She shook the negativity from her mind and smiled back. “No, it’s alright, Spike. What’s up?”

“Well,” he began, “I was in the bathroom, polishing my scales and other dragon things, when I noticed that you hadn’t brought your toothbrush in yet. Mine was there, Twilight’s was there, but you didn’t seem to have one. So, I just was wondering if you’d like to have my extra toothbrush, just in case you forgot yours.”

Spike held out the still sealed toothbrush to her, a bright smile on his face. Starlight took it from him and eyed it over.

“I found it in the store the other day and was gonna use it, but I figured you could use it more. It’s dragon style, and actually looks kinda like me, don’t ya think?’

Sure enough, the toothbrush was the exact same color and pattern as the little guy. Starlight, against all odds, felt a smile forming on her lips. The first one she hadn’t had to force all day.

“Thank you. Thank you so much, Spike” She used her magic to place it on top of a nearby counter for ease of use in the very near future. “I actually did forget mine.”

“Oh, I know the feel,” Spike said. “I forgot mine once when Twilight and I went on a trip together, and I didn’t feel right the whole time. I had to go out and buy a new one right away. Figured I could save you the trouble. Especially because you’re not super familiar with the area, yet.”

Starlight nodded and smiled. “Well, Spike, I really appreciate this. Thank you very much, once again.”

The dragon waved goodbye and skipped down the hall, most likely off to dinner with Twilight.

Starlight picked up the toothbrush once more and looked it over. This place may not be home yet, but this was definitely a start.

...So as you can see, Celestia, it’s nothing creepy or interesting. The toothbrush was just a gift and the first thing that made me start viewing Ponyville as a home of sorts.

Sorry to disappoint you if you wanted some drama to read about.

With all due respect,

Starlight Glimmer

Starlight rolled up the parchment, sealed it and put it in her drawer. It could wait until tomorrow to send off.

She exited her room and walked down the hall to the bathroom where Spike was, as usual, polishing his scales and doing other dragon things.

“Hey, Spike, we still on for that rematch at Marenopoly tonight? Because, I was totally thinking we should make some under the table kind of deals during the game and we might be able to finally overthrow Twilight from her capitalist crown.”

“Heck yeah!” he said, running out to the hall with her. “If we work together, she’s going down. Then we’ll get the bragging rights around here for once!”

“Oh yeah, we got this.”

Author's Note:

Special thanks to The Abyss for some tips that made this fic have a bit more oomph.

Comments ( 68 )

Well, that was quick, not that I'm complaining great work once again.

This story was a fever dream I had to get on paper. Thanks for reading!

That was warm and fuzzy.:twilightsmile:


Sorry to disappoint you if you wanted some drama to read about.

:ajbemused: mah drama....

I prefer the explanation that it was simply Spike's toothbrush, and Twilight was just full of BS

First Epi of s6 spike is using a different toothbrush. A normal one.

Oh, I can definitely understand having to get an idea out quickly.

This was fantastic. Really sweet too. Feel like I need to brush my teeth after reading it. :rainbowwild:

Thanks for the feedback!

I'd like to say that the writing staff is being cutting edge with including such an obvious romantic sub-plot, but we did it first bro!

short and sweet. and i'm the same way when traveling and forgetting lotion or my tooth brush.

Aw~! This quick dose of cute just made my day a little brighter. Keep up the good work!

The same person having multiple toothbrushes is a thing that happens.

That's fair. Thanks for stopping by, either way! :twilightsmile:

This could've been ten times wackier. But eh, a simple, cute read works too.

I thought about taking it along the lines of Starlight earning it in a battle to the death with Spike over being ruler of the dragon lands... but ain't nobody got time for that.

Dear Princess Celestia,
About that Spike-looking toothbrush. It’s not what it would seem…

Is this a metaphor for oral?

I was just thinking that I hadn't read a cute Starlight story in a while, the timing couldn't be better :pinkiehappy:

My Sparlight senses were tingling and lo and behold a new fun story about Starlight and Spike has been born.

I need to catch something that comes with a fever too if the reward is a dream involving Spike! :rainbowlaugh:

Aww, this was nice <3

Famous, you did it again!

hey, you're a guy who wrote a thing, and now, you're a guy who wrote another thing.

Forgot your toothbrush moving to a new place.

I'll show myself out now

What are you?! Some kind of freak!? *I say as I have two tooth brushes in my bathroom.*

That was pretty neat!

Aww. I wanted something sillier

That was... definitely slice-of-life. This was about as slice-of-life as it gets.

But beyond that.. it doesn't really speak to anything about the human condition or aspects of philosophy and/or sociology, as the best-written slice-of-life stories will tend to aim for since they're not engaging in mysteries and adventures, or drama and intrigue.

I always take such stories as "Death of a Salesman" and even the more whimsical, but still very grounded in 'life', "Stuart Little" and "Charlotte's Web" as what slice-of-life does well.

This story needed just a bit more 'purpose' behind its glimpse into this everyday event. Perhaps more introspection, a bit more polish on what Starlight was experiencing and why it was becoming meaningful for her. I can see a bit of what it was aiming for, but there's not enough substance to reach the goal.

That's a very fair point and I appreciate your opinion! Thanks for stopping by. :twilightsmile:

It’s sheer size and royal appeal


A nice little thing.

Thanks for the correction there, sir!

Sorry to disappoint you if you wanted some drama to read about.

That was what I was expecting...
I like it, It's different from the type of one-shots that I've read. :pinkiesmile:

“Hey, Spike, we still on for that rematch at Marenopoly tonight? Because, I was totally thinking we should make some under the table kind of deals during the game and we might be able to finally overthrow Twilight from her capitalist crown.

The bookworm Princess of Frienship is also the Princess of Marenopoly :rainbowlaugh:

cavity cleansing apparel

I would have said "implement", but hey, maybe she wears it.

Nice bit of friendshipping. :pinkiesmile:

"Just because you were an anarchist villain in the past..."

Wot? She took over a town either by force or by hook and crook, brainwashed them into her belief system, ripped them of their individuality, and made herself top of the food chain in direct opposition to her statements of equality. If anything, she was a Marxist.

Otherwise a nice little slice of life. But I'll still ship SpikexStarlight. ;)

Awh I missed one!

That...was not what I was expecting at all.

I was honestly expecting a story that Twilight, in an absolutely crazy fit of 'Princess-based-panic', was in too much of a hurry to go to the bathroom to grab a real toothbrush, so she transformed a nearby Spike into a toothbrush to use for her excuse. And this story would be all the drama and maybe even comedy that followed once Spike transformed back.

I can't have been the only one who thought of that, right? Or are my own ideas for a 'Twilight's Panic and Paranoia Goes Way Too Far' story just my thing?

8265770 At least it wasn't a bad OC alicorn HiE self-insert crossover with Warhammer and vampires.

Then I'd have to vivisect you alive. It's part of The Rules, you see. :pinkiecrazy:

That what I thought it was as well, that she was in such a rush that she grabbed the nearest toothbrush. Which was Spike's how much you want to bet that it was made in the Crystal Empire.

Twilight rushed in and levitated a book off the perfectly placed shelving. She levitated it over to Starlight, who read off the cover.
Upper Class, Lower Class, No Class: A New World Economic Order’?”
“For authenticity!”

I don't get it. Why is she mad?

I was in the bathroom, polishing my scales and other dragon things, when I noticed that you...
...down the hall to the bathroom where Spike was, as usual, polishing his scales and doing other dragon things.

I wonder what he is doing...

Well, that answers the question.
Nice story!

That's what I thought of too. I then imagined Rarity might ask to borrow brush-Spike for some reason. And then my mind went into a long story of the mystery of brush-Spike being stolen by various ponies that kept pawning him off to other ponies and after he was back to not-a-brush-Spike and with Twilight, Twilight then enacted a law that forbids turning living creatures into anything that could be considered a grooming implement.


That was indeed the original joke, that she just grabbed any random toothbrush within range as a transparent excuse to pop over to Canterlot and interrogate Starlight Glimmer. But you know how fandoms are, no joke is just a joke.

We have to take it all the way. Remember all the fics that stemmed from Spike having a Rarity plush?

Would you believe the 99 cent store here has those tooth brushes in stock?

well this was funny in all honesty i thought you where gonna ship starlight and spike XD

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