• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 6,165 Views, 235 Comments

To Love the Changeling Queen - Mightyfinemorning

A Guard Pony realizes that he loves Queen Chrysalis, and seeks her to confess his love.

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Chapter 2

Unfortunately, Lock On’s newfound resolve was not to last long. His breathing became heavier and more desperate as he struggled to walk forward. It was a miracle when he caught a glimpse of a large boulder from the distance, its shade big enough for him to rest.

His legs had just enough strength for him to reach the rock. Upon arriving, Lock On immediately lied down, ignoring the heated ground scorching his flank and back legs. The condition was not much different from the outside; the shade offered hardly any sense of coolness, and his nose inhaled the same parched air.

Still, it was better than staying out in the open. He took off his hat and put down the bag he had been carrying along. He magically lifted his water bottle up to his mouth, drinking only a small portion of the water. Making sure that the now lukewarm liquid moistened every part of his mouth, Lock On drank very slowly.

Most importantly, in this temporary shelter Lock On had some time to contemplate about the Changeling Queen once again. It was certain that his love for her was absolute and infinite; it had to be that very specific feeling, linking and directing his every thought towards Queen Chrysalis. He wished to be with her, to devote his entire life to her, and to serve her as best as he could.

"Chrysalis... I love her," Lock On whispered. He fell for her. The barely audible sound boomed inside his mind, creating innumerable echoes that came back to him like a giant tsunami. But saying her name was just the beginning. When he uttered the name, the image came to life, the form of the Changeling Queen constructed inside his head at lightning speed.

That was it; the switch inside him had been triggered, his mind quick to respond. With the image was the relevant memory attached to it. He had to be reminded of that moment once again, of how he came upon the most beautiful lady he had ever met, Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings...

After the Bearers of the Elements had left the hall to retrieve the Elements, it was up to Royal Guards to protect the ponies inside the room. It was not long, however, before the sheer number of Changelings, pouring down from the sky like a torrential rain, crushed the few guards who tried to aid the fallen Princess. Lock On kept on fighting as those in front of him fell down one by one, until a dozen Changelings all rushed at him, ending his failed attempt to be a hero and save the day for good.

He gradually recovered from the pain, but not without a cost. His body felt numb. He swayed on his hooves, having to regain his balance after taking a few steps, careful not to collapse on the floor. His horn would not respond to his call, the energy dissipating into thin air whenever he tried to cast a spell. As if knowing that he had ceased to be a threat, not even a potential one, the Changelings simply beckoned him to join the other ponies, who at this point looked terrified at the sudden turn of events.

The prospect of hearing the buzzing sound of the Changelings’ insect-like wings was not a pleasant one, though Lock On figured it was unwise to voice his opinion, seeing how his Captain was still enchanted by the Queen Changeling’s spell and Her Highness now entombed inside a cocoon dangling from the ceiling. Through the translucent green walls, the Sun Princess’ long limbs were visible, but he decided it was best not to stare at it for too long, dismissing his curiosity imagining what it would be like to be trapped inside the Celestia-knows-what slime of mass.

But when Chrysalis walked towards him, Lock On forgot all about the slime. Actually, he forgot about everything else except for the sight of the magnificent creature looking at him.

That short moment when Chrysalis’ gaze was upon him, he dared not to blink, not to breathe at all. “Tsk tsk... you thought your Captain’s shield was enough, did you?”

Lock On nodded without thinking. Her voice rang inside his head, the only sound he recognized, his senses shutting off all the frightened murmurs and chattering of the Changelings in the background.

Chrysalis smiled. “Good, very good...” Quickly losing interest, she walked away from him.

He was not crazy. He was fine. It was okay to think of her in such a way.

“You won't get away with this!” yelled Princess Cadence. It was what he, as a Royal Guard, was supposed to say. But how could he?

“Of course I won't. I don’t intend to, at least for the time being. So much love is overflowing in this city, and I plan to make full use of the vast resources it offers. Your husband’s misguided affection was sweet...taking it from you was extremely delightful. But sadly, it’s not enough... I must have more! Luckily, this city is practically a buffet for us Changelings, don’t you think so? Mhmm, I wonder how others’ love would taste like,” Chrysalis laughed.

That smile. That smile. She's beautiful, so beautiful. Attractive. Lovable. Adorable.

“That will not happen,” Undaunted, Princess Cadence was quick to retort. “Even as you speak, the Bearers are on their way to find the Elements of Harmony.”

“Oh, you mean Twilight and her lackeys?” Chrysalis said, giggling. “Oh yes... they had escaped, I remember. But really, do you think what you call these “Elements of Harmony” will be enough to stop me? The mighty Changeling Queen who bested your precious Princess Celestia?”

Seductive. Enchanting. Bewitching. Irresistible.

“We’ll see about that.” Princess Cadence stared at Chrysalis.

“Hoho, if we can see, that is.”

“What do you mean?” She kept her posture, but it was clear to everypony that Princess Cadence was becoming less sure of herself.

“Not so sure, are you?” Chrysalis moved closer to Princess Cadence, hissing right before her face. “I won’t spoil the surprise, my dear Princess.” She turned away, ignoring Cadence’s angry glare. “Just wait a few minutes, and you’ll soon find out.”

He had not been prepared for this. Changeling invasion, now that was hardly surprising. The Royal Guard knew it beforehand. He and others were told countless times starting from the last week’s roll call about how to detect Changelings who might have already infiltrated into Canterlot.

But it ceased to be any importance to him. The irony that the Captain of the Royal Guard could not recognize his own soon-to-be-wife no longer mattered to Lock On, because what caught him at this very moment was the fact of how lovely Chrysalis was. He was definitely not expecting the Changeling Queen to look like this. She was the Goddess of Beauty, her radiance even brighter than that of Princess Celestia. He could assure it was no charm magic that made him think so. No, it was something that was above magic, its power greater than those possessed by the two Celestial Princesses. It was perfectly natural that he was attracted to her.

Nothing wrong at all, even when she could potentially suck the very essence of life from him. In fact, that sounded no longer dreadful but actually desirable, to benefit the Queen, and this in turn would have made him happy. A worthy, noble act. Lock On found himself seriously contemplating the possibility.

But who could blame him? The very being who stood so proudly before the terror-struck ponies deserved to be admired, to be worshiped, having such a fine image. So she needed love? I am here, Lock On wanted to shout. I can give my love to you. You can have me as much as you want to. I would not mind, I would certainly not.

What if she was evil and intending to take over Canterlot? Did it matter?

No, no, no, not at all. He needed to concentrate, to get rid of any unnecessary details that only served to bother him. Love was the most important thing; there was the Princess of Love in the first place! For him naturally his love was the most significant.

Significant enough to deny your order, Lock On? Changelings had to be defeated. They are enemies of Equestria.

But there is a new order now. An order that nopony can ever reject. It is the fundamental principle that governs a pony’s every course of action. And it tells me to love Queen Chrysalis and nothing else.

Lock On sighed happily at the thought, savoring every moment, remembering every line Queen Chrysalis spoke, of how her lips made the smile so fatally charming. The way her body moved as she walked... Lock On could visualize every motion from his memory.

He stood up, feeling completely rejuvenated. He smiled. He laughed. He laughed so hard that the echoes came back at him. Nothing else mattered to him besides meeting Queen Chrysalis. He began to walk again. He had an order to follow.