• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 6,165 Views, 235 Comments

To Love the Changeling Queen - Mightyfinemorning

A Guard Pony realizes that he loves Queen Chrysalis, and seeks her to confess his love.

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Epilogue: What happened after, Part 1

Chrysalis momentarily winced, feeling a slight pain in the head. Her telepathic link that connected to all of her minions had been disturbed for a second. The Brutes, the most elite among the Changelings, chosen by Chrysalis to guard the Changeling Queen’s chamber, looked back at her with concerned expressions on their insect-like faces, green eyes glowing in the dark.

“Is something wrong, Your Majesty?” One of the Brutes spoke, much bigger and more muscular than its peers, covered in thick chitinous scale, its size almost matching that of the Changeling Queen. Any sensible being could instantly recognize that this beast was ranked second to Chrysalis in the Hive, overseeing all the tasks that were unfit for the queen to take care of herself.

“You all sensed it too, didn’t you?” Chrysalis reverted back to her normal serious look, while inside she searched for the source of the disturbance which alerted her. There was a familiar pattern to it which she'd encountered not too long ago. If she could summon the right fragment of her memory, she would be able to find out what had really happened without having to receive tons of signals from her minions, an instance she was not too keen on facing. “My minions are already sending a number of signals via the link. Rather hard to miss, I reckon.”

“The Hive has been infiltrated,” the Brute replied. “The Brood is quick to react. However…”

“They’re not enough, I take it?” Chrysalis said casually. It did not seem to be a significant threat to her. The signal was more like a minor electrical jolt rather than the series of stingy shocks she received when the Hive was in grave danger.

“I can strengthen the signal to reach all of your minions, Your Majesty. What they lack in strength, they make up for in number.” The Brute bowed down. “If Your Majesty allows it, I will carry it out right away.”

“No.” Chrysalis placed her hoof on her head. If she could only recall what seemed near, ready to be picked up by her memory… “There is something… familiar about this incident.”

The jigsaw puzzle pieces were beginning to align so that Chrysalis could perceive the grand picture. Her minions continued to send the signals, but they were still weak; like the first one that had startled her momentarily. Most likely, the number of invaders was not much, perhaps even one. But then it raised another issue: who in his sane mind would ever dare to attack the Hive on his own?

The unseen threat, whoever—or whatever—it was, quite daring. Her usual scouting minions that regularly patrolled the area failed to perceive this threat, and by the distance the signal had traveled for her to notice it, it was most probable that the potential foe suddenly ‘appeared’ near the Hive, bypassing all the eyes she planted along the desert and managing to infiltrate to her domain without much difficulty.

It happened before, didn’t it? I should have known.

The switch clicked inside Chrysalis’ head. One pony coming into her domain was definitely a rare event, and when it had happened before, the event stuck to her head more so than other parts of her memory, more so because it took place fairly recently. Her logic worked out the conclusions, telling herself that it was ridiculous, but Chrysalis knew from experience one could never ignore all of the infinite possibilities that could very well happen, despite the sheer odds going against them.
Besides, one could also never underestimate the fools; sometimes, their dogmatic adherence to their passion proved to be very disturbing.

It has to be him… although I don’t want to admit it. No one in their sane mind could do this but him.

“The signal, does it not remind you of the recent events? Think, as you all are bestowed with this gift while the most of the Brood are not.” Wrapping up her thoughts, Chrysalis stood up from her sitting spot. She glanced towards her guards. “Like when I told you to stay in the dark… and myself as well. I was anticipating a feast, but then something happened that I didn’t expect.”

“Your Majesty?” The Brute’s voice trailed off.

“Listen closely, my most prized minion,” Chrysalis waved her holed hoof, signaling her Brutes to be quieter than usual. Their wings stopped buzzing and fixated in their place. “The disturbance does not carry much impact, don’t you think so? Our visitor is quite well-mannered. A proper reception would be needed.”

The Brute nodded. “Could it be those damned Equestrian princesses sending a group of envoys to demand compensation for the ‘damages’ we have caused? I find it most likely.”

“Several months have passed since our ‘invasion’; it would be very awkward to demand ‘compensation’ now,” Chrysalis replied, her inner self busy trying to confirm if her conjecture was true. “Besides, why would they ever bother with the antique codes that no one adheres to? Remember, to them we are nothing but evil monsters. A group of envoy you say? Rather it would be most likely an army marching to the Hive to take us out once and for all.”

“It won’t happen, your Majesty.”

Chrysalis laughed. “Of course not. The Hive wouldn’t fall to just one pony. But I sincerely appreciate your concern for the Hive’s safety. Your effort I always deeply recognize.”

“I am honored, Your Majesty. May this humble one inquire your thoughts on this matter? A single pony may still prove to be a great nuisance to the Hive.” The Brute’s dark green eyes glowed even stronger than usual. “If Your Majesty will grant me the honor of defeating this lone invader, then I shall gladly obey. He must be a formidable foe to be able to sneak up to your land uncontested.”

“That may be good. However,” Chrysalis paused, contemplating whether her plan had any hidden flaw that she failed to notice. “I strongly suspect that I shall have to deal with this matter personally… and you will find it hard to disagree.”

“Understood,” the Brute said, not revealing any sign of surprise if he had one. “We follow Your Majesty’s command; that is all.” Speaking those words, he retreated into the shadow, where the light from the green fluorescent orbs dangling from the ceiling found it hard to reach. Others followed suit, and there was barely any movement after that. It was almost impossible to notice any of their presence.

“Good. Signal the minions. Make way for this guest.” Chrysalis moved to the boundary of where the shadow started, making her shape barely recognizable as well. Just like last time, the Changeling Queen thought. Buzzing her wings for one last time, Chrysalis stood motionless, and all sound ceased to exist, except for the occasional drop of water from the ceiling, and one could easily pass the room as being completely empty of life.

Lock On could be versatile if necessary, adapting to all situations he might encounter. The desert could no longer bother him and his quest. He learned how to follow the signs in the sky, where to tread in the land, and which direction to listen out for the silent sound of the sands being blown away in the dry wind.

By following several distinct signs, he had reached his destination, and without hesitation he set his hooves forward, stepping on the Changeling country once again. This time he could appreciate the damp air which smelled faintly of the Changeling Queen’s scent. He would have stood there and inhaled it for an extended time, had it not been for the Changelings nearby immediately responding to his presence.

It was most painful to divert from his fantasy and assess his current situation. After admiring the view of a giant cave that was too large and strange to be a natural structure, the Changelings appeared like a group of bees swarming, two dozen or so. A few of them went down quickly, but still a great number remained trying to crush him by their numbers, an outdated tactic that he quickly learned to cope with.

For his love he could change, and he actually had. He was different now, a changed pony, he could easily shrug off the Changelings' mindless charge at him. Once he'd struggled to fight even one, but now a group of them were nothing more than a pesky little nuisance that stood in the way of him completing his mission.

Lock On’s horn glowed, summoning a purple orb which crackled with raw energy. With ease, he directed it towards the rushing insect creatures. The loud bang and the sight of them flying away greatly amused him. It was certainly a good idea to ask Ms. Sparkle on how to perform magic bolts effectively; none could have guessed Princess Celestia’s faithful student being so proficient at destructive spells, but as it turned out, she was quite an expert on that particular branch of magic, teaching him additional spells to defend his own self in case things got out of hoof.

Leaving the affected Changelings groaning, Lock On entered the giant structure which was sure to be the Changeling Hive, knowing for certain his mind could decide which way to take inside the maze-like tunnels stretching out as far as his eyes could see.

Strolling through the passages covered with wet mosses, Lock On felt like humming. The fallen creatures were going to have a hard time recovering, leaving him to happily achieve his quest. His senses told him he was heading the right way. He was getting close; the heavenly fragrance was getting noticeably thicker. When he stopped, he was standing in front of a large hole, covered with overgrown moss patches sprouting from the walls.

The sweet scent engraved in the very place formed an invisible silk veil which seemed an inviting sign for Lock On. Peering inside the richly decorated entrance, he caught a glimpse of wide open space weakly illuminated with emerald green light. This must be it, Lock On thought, as he entered the place, struggling to keep his heart from exploding due to over-pumping itself.

“Chrysalis, I have come for you.” Lock On looked around, searching for the Changeling Queen’s shape in the all-pervading darkness where the lights could not reach. The area was certainly noticeable. “This reminds me of the last time, I know you are here somewhere and listening to me. Chrysalis, this time I will not fail you, as I bring you the love you can properly digest. Please show yourself, change yourself so I can love this dream pony of mine, and you can happily indulge in your pleasure.”

In the distance there was a growl, low enough to make a pony’s fur stand to an end. Unaffected, Lock On walked closer to the boundary of the green light, shouting, “Chrysalis, your food has arrived. Take my love. Take it.”

“As I suspected, it was you. Tsk. When will you ever learn?” The voice which he so longed to hear came like a lovely melody tuned to a fine cadence.

Hearing the Changeling Queen’s voice again was enough blessing for Lock On. For this moment he had prepared himself, dutifully attending Princess Cadence’s love lessons (of which some Royal Guards, including his quarter-mates, mistook for him having an illicit affair with the Princess) and mastering every bit of information related to Changelings in the Royal Canterlot Library. He'd planned and practiced for a long time; he simply could not disappoint his lover.

“Please forgive my rudeness, Chrysalis.” Lock On could glimpse a distinctive shape in the distance that told his target was indeed there, listening to him. “But your servants I have encountered would not hear my words.”
“The disturbances were quite minimal, I’ll appreciate that.”

“I assure you, they will be back up sooner or later. I only came as your captured prize, a feast for you to feed love upon.” Lock On closed his eyes. Hiding herself in the shadow was not needed; if he could not see, he could smell and hear, and if not, he could feel her. He could hardly doubt that love had enhanced his senses.

“From your point of view, that might be valid.” The Changeling Queen’s voice held a marked irritation that was hard to miss in the formality she managed to hold. “Or has a miracle happened, and you learned to love differently?”

“Miracles do happen, for the sake of love.”

“Not for the fools.”

“I am not a fool,” Lock On spoke with confidence, his voice much smoother this time. “Salvation comes for those who strive. Now I know and can suit your needs. I can even tell you this: ‘For the Changeling race to take love from their captured prey, they try to imitate their victims’ loved ones, their innate ability to sense love making it possible to do so. Once the prey falls for the false images of the Changelings, then all is done, for the vile insectoids will capture their enamored victims and feed off their love.’” He grinned widely. She will appreciate my effort, she will…

“I must say I’m very impressed,” Chrysalis said dryly. “Equestria allows even the crazed one to learn. Impressed indeed.”

“Not crazed, but fallen in love. Therefore I am the victim, my lady, taken by you, deathly afraid of what consequences befall me, waiting for it to happen. You will see the image of a pony I love, and you will take that shape. Feed upon my love; now I can give my love to you.” Lock On felt a tingling in his fur, making it very itchy. He could not dismiss this anxiety messing with him entirely. He could barely contain his excitement. He felt hot, not because of the temperature, but his own body heat reacting to his emotional instability. It was being disrupted fast, despite his effort to maintain it.

“You are willing. Has your simple mind failed to look back upon itself? Willing will not get you anywhere. Not with your love, anyway.”

“But I follow the general rules, and I believe that will be enough,” Lock On moved nearer to the darkness. “You pretend to be my lover; I pretend to resist. We all pretend, and it will hardly matter, for what we really desire we cannot change, nor can we hide.”

“You may pretend, but for us Changelings it is very real. Your insanity makes me feel pity for you, had it not been for your audacity which continues to insult me. Pretend? Do you truly think this is a little filly’s play? Are you stupid enough to ignore the fact those who are empty of love are no better than the dead? Should I put it in simpler terms? Those captured by the Changelings, they die.” Her voice, while not particularly loud, held a cold atmosphere that made Lock On flinch, but not before instantly returning to his previous confident smile.

“But they are not dead,” Lock On spoke calmly. He knew what to say. “Those who are sucked out of love by the Changelings… they become Changelings themselves.”

“So you know. But does that make a difference? If becoming a mindless drone is not equivalent to being dead, then what is? I shall not aid some dumb creature trying to take away its own life. Wander in the desert, and collapse on the burning sand as your throat runs dry, tasting of dirt. That will still be less painful than to become the Changeling.” Her tone unchanged, Chrysalis spoke. There was not even the slightest tremor in her voice, remaining unaffected by his revelation.

“But at least they are connected to you, my dear love,” Lock On said, pretending to ignore the loud buzzing sound which obviously signified a warning shot. “Chrysalis, if I could entangle myself with you more, then becoming mindless would be the least of my worries. If I cannot love you, then I am no better than the dead. But if I can love you, I will take any means necessary,” Lock On said, smiling.

He continued, hardly stopping for his breath. “A willing victim is a predator; the words you spoke. I have spent great time consuming all of their wisdom, and I have finally come to the conclusion that I must love you as a Changeling. My real love as a pony must have looked like a joke to you; then it is simple. I shall love you as a Changeling, the hollow love I offer becoming real love for you, of which you shall gladly accept as a nutrient. From the Good, I willingly choose the Evil, and by this my ‘obsession’ shall become love. By choosing to be broken as a being already broken, I shall be mended. Taint and corrupt me, so that I can ascend and become blessed. I want to become a Changeling, because then I can love you.”

Among those who were born to follow, some willingly chose to do so. Some went halfway and then turned back. Some went till the end, regardless of the consequences they met. Lock On knew where he belonged. For Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen, he could choose to be Evil.