• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 6,166 Views, 235 Comments

To Love the Changeling Queen - Mightyfinemorning

A Guard Pony realizes that he loves Queen Chrysalis, and seeks her to confess his love.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Quite frankly, he did not have a solid plan. He didn't need to have one. If their hive was invaded, then the Changelings were bound to respond in some way, especially after what happened in Canterlot.

Lock On had received their banishment with great grief, though he could not blame his Captain and the Royal Princess for doing so. He just felt a bitter resentment for the very situation that made the Changelings want to attack Canterlot.

If only their Queen knew that there was a pony who would have gladly offered the love she needed. If only. Lock On sighed. No matter, he thought. He was in their territory now. All he had to do was to keep walking until he came to them, or they came to him.

And he was not wrong.

As soon as he heard the buzzing sounds, Lock On darted towards the direction it came from. When they saw Lock On running towards them, the Changelings were quick to react, and soon he was crushed under the weight of several Changelings almost suffocating him to death.

But as his consciousness began to slip away, Lock On grinned joyfully. He knew that he was not going to be killed, at least for the time being, but instead would be taken to their place.

Just as planned.

It was a few hours later when Lock On regained consciousness. The air had certainly changed, from that of a hot and arid desert atmosphere to a damp and cool one.

Yes. Yes... It was that familiar feeling of opening many boxes of presents, just for him, on the Hearth’s Warming Eve. His heart beating wildly with anticipation, he would open all of them, one by one, taking a prolonged amount of time to examine and appreciate each to the fullest. This time it was even better, because he knew what he was going to find beforehand.

When he opened his eyes, it was not the all-pervading darkness that he expected to see. He was in the dominion of the Changeling Hive. The bright green light from the malachite-colored orbs on the ceilings forced him to shut his eyes until he could become more used to the luminosity.

His other senses also needed time to adjust. His nose was bombarded with the influx of a cool, sweet fragrance that became a part of the air. The smell dazed him like a very strong perfume worn by the wealthiest Canterlot residents.

But then there were the Changelings and their fascination with all things slimy, promptly ending his admiration for the heavenly bouquet. The floor was coated with a wide patch of verdant mosses, those particular species which thrived on an especially damp environment. He frantically searched for a drier spot, but eventually he had to give up, his hooves making an unpleasant contact with the wet ground.

Though the oil coated surface was nothing compared to the gluey mucus attached to his body. It stuck like the most powerful adhesive he knew; he would have much preferred to roll in a pit filled with tar sands. He shook his body, hoping to get it off for good. He had no desire to be covered with it any longer.

Recovering from the temporary dizziness, Lock On continued his inspection. The location he was currently being held in looked like a cell of some kind. The light from the orbs extended only up to a certain point; beyond it, his eyes could not pierce the blackness. It contrasted strikingly from the radiance he was used to.

Of course, a lack of light did not certainly mean a lack of any presence. His horn, while it had yet to recover from what he suffered when the Changelings attacked, could detect a clear life signal directly in front of him.

When he stepped closer, he heard a voice.

“Finally awake? Good. We shall begin.”

He could now see a hulking shape in the distance. Lock On froze. Something was wrong. The voice was coarse and rough, very different from the lovely hissings that Queen Chrysalis made.

But if he was afraid of what could be awaiting him, then there was no chance for him to have an audience with the Changeling Queen. His love was eternal; it had to be. It gave him strength and courage. Clearing his throat, Lock On spoke. “You are not Queen Chrysalis.”

“And why would you think our queen would want to meet you?”

With the condition of his horn, casting a light spell was out of the question. Instead, he decided it was best to resort to more basic methods. He sensed a faint magical energy that was much like that of a unicorn. The changeling before him was probably powerful enough to cast their kind of magic.

“Because I transgressed onto your land?” Lock On stared at the shape, trying to get a clearer view. If only his horn could cast the light spell right now! He was left puzzled. He was supposed to be transported directly to the Changeling Queen herself. Apparently, he was not. “And that those who wandered into the deeper parts of the desert are caught by the Changeling drones to be taken to the Changeling Queen to meet the most unfortunate fate one can imagine?”

The figure in the shadow laughed harshly. “You are mad, pony. Knowing it so well, why would you want to throw away your life so recklessly?”

“So it is true that intruders are taken to Queen Chrysalis!" Lock On shouted, barely suppressing his excitement.

The Changeling did not reply.

“I mean, I should have met the Queen of the Changelings by now, yet...”

The eerie silence continued.

“She IS here, right? Near? Answer me!”

He had to meet her. By any means necessary. He had to reach what he desired the most.

“Alright, since you do not say anything, I will start walking around this hive in the hopes of meeting Queen Chrysalis. It would be good if I meet some Changelings on the way. Unlike you, they would lose no time to take me to the Queen."

The figure in the shadow growled, signaling that it was still there and clearly not approving of what he just said.

“Then take me to your Queen, right now.”

“You are crazy.”

“Maybe. But that is not important right now. I have to meet Queen Chrysalis.”

“And why would a pony want to do that? I am not a fool; I know you cannot even take the weakest Changeling in this hive. You are not a threat, and that narrows down the possibility. I cannot but repeat what I said before: you are crazy.”

“And I will repeat myself again as well. What if I really am crazy? Would it not be good that your Queen gets a treat she will not regret?”

The Changeling chuckled. “What is this? Perhaps you are a master of disguise and employ our own method, attempting to fool me by saying such words? Perhaps you are hiding your intention, changing it only at the very last minute. But to me, you do not seem to be such an extraordinary kind; all I see is a unicorn who is quite out of his mind, begging for his end. There are less painful ways to do so...why would you choose the hardest, the most painful method?”

Lock On stared into the darkness, believing that the Changeling was looking directly at him. “It is not the end,” said Lock On, fixing his posture upright. “If I can meet Queen Chrysalis, that is. It is only the beginning.”

The sound of laughing the Changeling made echoed against the wall. “This is just priceless! I have never seen more of a fool than you. What, are you going to say that you love our Queen? The facade she wears is truly a cunning one, yes. Do you even know what she truly is, beneath the mask of which she often applies? Will you be able to take it?”

It was his turn to laugh back, louder and harder. “Yes,” said Lock On. “I know what she really is, and I love her still. It is only her Changeling form that I truly desire. I love Queen Chrysalis. Now you Changelings need love, right? I shall gladly offer myself. What is a stallion without his love? To win the heart of my beloved, I am ready to do anything, including offering myself.”

Scarcely after finishing his words, Lock On charged forward. He was not sure what kind of Changeling it was exactly, but he simply could not spare any more time talking with this strange creature who stood in the way between him and the Queen Chrysalis.

“A most extreme degree of insanity I have ever seen; marvelous, I should say. I should have known that your nods were quite sincere back then. Or maybe you still expect me to believe in your lies... I cannot be so sure of myself.”

His body reflexively froze. That voice. He could see the change. It happened so fast, so naturally, as if what stood
before him had been her the whole time. He saw the two green eyes staring at him. He could not move. It was hardly any different from the first time he met her.

“Now tell me: can you say you love Queen Chrysalis? Do you really love me?”

Without hesitation, Lock On nodded.

Hearing your voice, I cannot say but yes.