• Published 1st Aug 2017
  • 1,742 Views, 78 Comments

Once More, with Feeling - Amaranthine Thought

The first chance was little more than a frail shadow. Now, she has a chance. Now, she can do it again. Ponies need to be saved and Twilight Sparkle is just the pony to do so.

  • ...

Chapter 14: New Old Starts

Perhaps the start of the trip to Ponyville had been sort of down. That got better.

“And you see, The Great and Powerful Trixie has had a wonderful, fantastic effect on all of Ponyville,”

She had been optimistic, and seeing the town mostly unchanged was, at least in part, kind of nice. She had even spotted Night, still disguised, at the train station, which was great, considering she had to get Night settled as soon as possible.

“…hard time, but, once again, the Great and Understanding Trixie found the solution to their trouble! She bought them a new window.”

Twilight thought she knew Trixie. Arrogant, a little mouthy, tendency to taunt ponies.

She never knew Trixie could boast without end over something as simple as getting the correct flourish on her bow as Twilight exited her carriage. It was stunning how the mare could just keep going on and on about everything she did.


“That’s very nice Trixie.” she said, not listening. She hadn’t been for some time, both too preoccupied with seeing the town and not paying attention to Trixie.

It was different, and yet, the same. New repairs, a few new constructions. The marketplace had a bit more organization to it. A few new shops, giving the too familiar place just the touch of new that it needed to help her remain grounded in the present.

“I know! Trixie worked so very hard on it!”

Twilight blinked, coming back into focus. Trixie was showing her something, not boasting.

She looked, and froze.

The library was in front of her, sparkling and glittering. The old sign had been replaced with a new one, marked ‘Twilight’s Library’.

“It’s even better inside!” Trixie said, entering.

Twilight almost didn’t move before the cold soothed her mild panic again. She took a deep breath, and stepped within.

It was pristine. Everything gleamed with the shine that came from just having been cleaned. There was a little statue of herself reading a book in the center now as well. But thankfully, something else caught her attention.

The books were organized wrong.

A surge of cold almost made her gasp, and killed the urge to sort them before Twilight’s horn had a chance to light. Death’s help was appreciated, but the ice cube down the back sensation was all too much sometimes.

“It’s… wonderful Trixie.” she said, rational and calm. Cold, but calm.

Trixie nodded in satisfaction.

“Of course it is.” she said. “Trixie wore herself raw, scrubbing and polishing everything. It was so hard for her, but she did it all!”

“Don’t listen to her.”

Twilight and Trixie looked up, and spotted Spike on the stairs.

He was maybe an inch taller, and otherwise, the exact same she had known him.


A cold like no other froze her, and even then, in a near perfect emotionless state, she wanted to rush him. Grab him, laugh and cry, seeing him again. Tell him how much she had missed him.

She noted that Death had likely just saved her.

“I did most of this.”

“Trixie helped!”

“She kept pointing out what I missed,”

“He only did the dusting!”

“And the polishing, which she tried to get me to apply to the books…”

“They were dusty!”

Twilight routed her emotions. She could do this. In the cold keeping her sharp, there was another, similar way to greet Spike affectionately. He had even provided it to her with the little argument.

She laughed, startling Trixie and Spike.

“I truly do appreciate this, the both of you.” she said, smiling, having reason to smile and laugh. “You did very well with this.”

Trixie blinked, while Spike smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

“Well… you’re royalty, you know?” Spike said, looking away, like she knew he would. “Trixie may have gone nuts when she learned you were coming, but I would have cleaned up anyway.”

“Trixie did not go ‘nuts’.” Trixie hissed at him before smiling at Twilight.

“Thank you Princess. This is Spike, our resident librarian.”

“Really?” she asked with a small grin, “So young, and already so important?”

Spike laughed weakly, blushing and looking away again while Trixie nodded. A certain grin came to her.

“Yes. He is ever so helpful.” she said, grabbing him with a hoof and pulling him close. “Trixie doesn’t know what she would do without him.”

Spike was mostly speechless, blushing hard in her grip. He was still modest Twilight noted with a faint smile; Trixie was obviously getting back at him in a little, harmless way.

That it upset her anyway was partly surprising to Twilight.

“But without Trixie, Spike would be lost!” she said, and Twilight suppressed a snicker at Spike’s sudden flash of inspiration.

“Like that time you broke that window.” he said, and Trixie’s eyes widened. She let go of Spike rather quickly.

“Accident.” she explained. “Perfectly accidental.”

“Or the other time, with all the bees.”

“That was not Trixie’s fault! They were being insufferable!”

“And the skunk.”

“That was Rainbow Dash, getting back at Trixie for her pra…”

Trixie took a deep breath.

“…Welcome to the library Princess.” she said, getting back on track. “Welcome to your new abode!”

She reared and gestured, and Twilight and Spike started at the sudden popping.

Colored smoke clouds popped from the corners, along with a variety of sparkling glittering things that trailed glitter along the floor. Trixie pulled a bunch of paper flowers from her cloak in what she thought was a swift, unnoticed way, and tossed them, beaming.

Then everypony heard a party favor, and looked up.

A small storm of confetti greeted them, as did Pinkie, hanging off a banner that hadn’t been there not two seconds ago, reading ‘WELCOME PRINCESS REST!’

“Pinkie!” Trixie yelled, before she was abruptly buried in confetti.

Pinkie dropped, rolled off the pile that was Trixie, and landed perfectly in front of a stunned Twilight while Spike began laughing.

“Is this alright?” she asked, beaming still. “It’s just us: no big crowds.”

Twilight didn’t respond for a second, too stunned. But as Pinkie slowly began deflating, she smiled and said, “I love it Pinkie.”

Pinkie jumped up again immediately.

“Well, welcome to Ponyville Princess!” she yelled. “I’d normally have a lot more than this, but that might upset you. I understand.”

“Thank you Pinkie.”

“You have a cake in your room too.” she whispered in the Pinkie style whisper, which meant everypony could hear her.

Twilight laughed with Pinkie as Trixie fought her way from the confetti.

“Pinkie!” Trixie whined. “This was supposed to be Trixie’s surprise!”

“Sparkly things and smoke?” Pinkie asked. “And those fake flowers? Come on Trixie! That’s no welcome party!”

“And what about burying poor Trixie in confetti?”

“Accident.” Pinkie said, in a way that said she had, in fact, aimed.

“Well… nice as this is, it’s late, and I’m tired.” Twilight said. “You mentioned I have a room here?”

“Only the very best we have.” Spike said in some pride. “This way Princess.”

Pinkie and Twilight followed Spike, and Trixie watched them go before realizing something.

“Wait! Trixie wants cake as well!”

It was fairly nice. In fact, it was her old room, enlarged. The upper library seemed to have gained a whole bunch of new additions.

Eating the cake with them was nice. So familiar, and with Trixie right there, she didn’t really needs Death’s cold to keep her grounded. It was just something good, something simple. Cake, with old and new friends.

It was dark as Pinkie left, the three of them waving her goodbye as she left through the disaster downstairs.

“I’ll get some rest.” Twilight said, already planning ahead. Night would be starving, and she had to set things up for her, now if not sooner.

“Good night Princess.” Trixie said.

Twilight shut the door, but not before she heard one last thing.

“You made a real mess.”

“Half of this is Pinkie’s doing, not Trixie’s.”

“Well… the glitter is going to be impossible to get out of the floor. Good luck.”

“Good luck!? Hang on, where are you going!? Trixie can’t clean all this herself! Spike! Spiiiiike!”

Twilight shook her head as she locked her door. Maybe she’d help Trixie later on; Spike wasn't wrong about the glitter. On the other hoof, her touch might destroy the floor, so… probably not.

She looked out her window and then glanced at her wings.

She hadn’t really used them at all. Best not to, if her last try was any indication. She had no idea how to use them properly anyway.

Instead, she spread them, and gently leapt, not using them for anything but extra air resistance, allowing her to land softly in the growing darkness outside.

Everypony was asleep, only a few still awake. Twilight felt ready to start, though the first barrier might be near insurmountable.

If she wasn't able to get Fluttershy to calm down and actually talk with her soon, Night would either starve, or Twilight would have to find another vic, donation.

She reviewed her idea as she went. Fluttershy was kind, and more to the point, preferred being alone. There was virtually nothing Fluttershy hated as well.

Night did not have to kill her… target. Fluttershy would both be willing to offer, and be the best pony to know when or if something goes wrong, and be able to handle it. Plus, she lived a calm life and thus, would be less effected the blood loss and Night had a very low chance of being seen with her.

On the other hoof… for the same reason, if anything did go wrong, it would go wrong for Fluttershy.

But who else would allow Night to survive? Rarity lived in town, Rainbow would sooner kill her, and the Apples might do the same. Pinkie might, but she would just as soon expose Night, by accident more than likely.

Fluttershy was the only real possibility.

Night found Twilight soon, and Twilight, even in the dark, didn’t fail to see the pains she had, nor the ragged nature to her.

She was hungry, and very close to starving.

“I’m… here.” she rasped, her voice harsh. “So many… I need to eat…”

“…I promise you Night, I won’t let you starve.”

“…Thank you…” Night said. “Nopony… else would… do what you… do… Except him…”

Twilight ignored it. Night sounded a touch confused, saying things she normally wouldn’t. Delirious.

Twilight found Fluttershy’s home still lit, to her minor relief. She didn’t have to wake the pegasus up.

“… Wait nearby.” she said, and Night nodded, hurrying to a bush. Her eyes shone from within.

The hunger they had, and the will to restrain it were obvious. Obviously stretched.

It was possibly just Twilight’s binding that prevented her from attacking somepony.

Twilight knocked, and shifted to seem smaller, and stepped back, to not be so close.

After a moment, Fluttershy opened the door, a touch flurried.

“I’m sorry, I…”

She froze, recognizing Princess Rest. For an instant, Twilight feared she might hide, but Fluttershy didn’t.

She recalled how Princess Rest had cowered before. Back during their meeting. And that first impression of shyness and fear had made an impact. Rest wasn't some big, scary, intimidating alicorn Princess.

She was shy and mildly scared of ponies, much like Fluttershy was. It made a huge difference to the pegasus.

“…P,P, Princess.” she squeaked, trying to calm herself.

“Fluttershy. I need your help.”

Fluttershy blinked, and found a bit more strength.

“Whatever’s the matter? Are you hurt?”

“No… it’s… a long story. Do you have time?”

“Of course, Princess.” Fluttershy said.

“Do you know what a vampony is?”



“…Somepony’s starving, aren’t they?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight blinked, her speech thrown off course. “…What? How do you know that?”

“Well… I… dealt with one once and I can’t think of any other reason you would have come...”

Twilight decided to ask later, and skipped ahead. “Well… I have one that really needs your… help. I promise she won’t hurt you, but she really, really needs somepony to support her.”

“I can do that.” Fluttershy said, determined. Again, startling Twilight; she had expected this to be much harder.

“Night.” Twilight called, feeling a touch… stunned, and Night staggered into view.

“Oh my…”

“Fluttershy, this is Night Light.” Twilight said. “Night Light, this is Fluttershy.”

“…I know her.” Night rasped.

Twilight stared as Fluttershy went to Night, concerned.

“Here.” Fluttershy said, offering a hoof without hesitation. Night swallowed before carefully biting.

“…You know each other?” Twilight said, shocked.

Fluttershy nodded. “Not… not by name, but we do. She was with another, trying to teach that one how to… ow…”

Night shifted faintly and Fluttershy sighed in minor relief.

“How to not kill somepony.” she finished. “So I volunteered.”

Night let go, calmer again. “I remember. It was… shocking, having you come out of the woods and offer. Nopony does that.”

“He needed help.”

“You got him it. He really needed that confidence, and having you stand there and tell him everything you felt was… just what he needed.”

“How is he doing?”

“He’s fine. More than fine.”

“What about you? You look terrible…”

“Well…Princess Rest gave me some of her blood…”

Fluttershy blinked and Night chuckled.

“And it… didn’t agree with me. Still in pain after that…”

“Well… that was very kind of you Princess. But why are you here with her?” she asked Night.

“I’m bound to obey her, and she told me to come.”

Fluttershy almost got a glare off before Night stopped her.

“No, no. I deserved it, and she’s helping. Keeping me from giving into my urges. This is your home?”

“Yes. And you obviously need more.”

“Any more and you would be really weak.”

“I can rest for a few days.”

Night stared, as did Twilight. Twilight felt rather pointless in the whole conversation, and more than a little speechless. What could she say?

“I… you would do that?” Night asked weakly.

Fluttershy nodded. “I want to see you healthy again. I can handle a few days of bed rest.”

“I couldn’t,”

“I insist.” Fluttershy said, nearly dragging Night into her home.

Night paused at the threshold, and looked back at Twilight.

“Be seeing you around I suppose.” she said.


“Coming! Seriously Princess… you did a lot for me… I’m going to make it up to you, I swear.”

“You don’t have to…” Twilight said weakly, still stunned.

“Night! Before your hunger gets worse!”

“Ancestors Fluttershy! I’m a big mare! I can handle a little pain!” Night yelled, entering the small home, and shutting the door behind her.

Twilight shook her head, amazed. She kept hearing a little more through the open window.

“Here is the best place to bite.”

“No way. Give me your neck like a sane pony and put that leg back.”

“It really is best…”

“I am not biting your hind leg. Neck or I’m not drinking. Thank you.”

A chittering sound was heard, followed by a snapping.


“No! Bad Angle!”

“What kind of killer rabbit did you breed!?”

“I found him.”

More chittering and a chomp.

“…And you keep this monster around willingly?”

“Angle! Let her leg go!”

Twilight left, stunned.

Fluttershy knew Night. Had helped Night out at some point in time, and somehow, was near determined to help her. She had expected an uphill battle, not this… abrupt finding exactly what she wanted. It was weird.

Expecting something hard, only to have it happen with almost no input from yourself. Like expected a door to be stuck, only to have it swing open as you rushed at it. In fact, she might have been the only problem: she suspected that if she sent Night to the door, Fluttershy would have helped right there without even thinking.

She made it back to the library, and entered through the front door, still too preoccupied with her… surprise to think otherwise.

Trixie was cleaning up, muttering to herself and she pushed stuff into a bag. Using her magic to try and swoop stuff into the bag with mixed luck. She was not only missing, but leaving behind traces of confetti and glitter.

She glanced up in some surprise as Twilight entered the door.

“Princess! But… you were…” she said, looking back at the stairs and Princess Rest several times before settling on Rest, noticing her… strange look. “Is something wrong?”

“Well… no. Something is very not wrong.” Twilight said, and Trixie looked confused. “It’s perfectly fine in fact.”

“…Trixie doesn’t understand.”

“Neither do I.” Twilight sighed, and glanced at the floor. She could do something, surely. It might even be… a lot like the stars above.

A massive grip. Gentle, so impossibly gentle. Every point help perfectly, so much easier in the library than the expanse above. Careful, the faintest strength could break something…

And then lift…

Trixie started in shock as everything lifted with the gentlest motion. Even the hidden dust, the stuff trapped between shelves and everywhere. It swirled overhead, a galaxy of glitter, confetti, patches of polish left behind, and traces of dust. Leaving the library cleaner than anything could have possibly made it otherwise.

And crush.

It slammed inwards, until all of it was a singular tiny ball maybe a tenth the size of a marble. A small marble.

“There.” Twilight said, deeply satisfied with her work.

Trixie was speechless as Twilight thought for a second, and then flicked the object into the bag, which made the bag skid along the floor and bump into the wall. She smiled, seeing her improvements in her magical strength. That had been almost acceptable.

Then she left the gaping Trixie behind, feeling much better as she went to her bed.