• Published 1st Aug 2017
  • 1,742 Views, 78 Comments

Once More, with Feeling - Amaranthine Thought

The first chance was little more than a frail shadow. Now, she has a chance. Now, she can do it again. Ponies need to be saved and Twilight Sparkle is just the pony to do so.

  • ...

Chapter 20: Night's Night

Night Light was not a curious mare. Curiosity was a danger, possibly a way to expose yourself, get into a bad situation. A very, very long life had taught her that wondering what somepony was doing was bad: they might be trying to lure her out, after all. In general, there was nothing wrong with ignoring such things and remaining safe and sound and secure.

So, when Rainbow came to Futtershy’s home in a sudden panic, she had not been curious to linger where she could hear, and had instead hidden herself in Fluttershy’s bedroom, and would have remained there for some time if Angel hadn’t followed after her.

Hiding under a bed for hours, sure. Doing so with a rabbit that hated her, however, his big teeth firmly planted in her hind leg, no.

Night put up with it until she felt Princess Rest nearby, and then leave, at which point she came to the conclusion that the others had left with her, and it was safe. And that she didn’t care if it wasn't, because Angel had started trying to chew on her.

“Get off.” she muttered, glaring at Angel, before ripping his jaws off of her. Angel almost bit again until Night hissed, making him temporarily hesitate, which let Night rush the door and slam it shut just before Angel reached her again. The resulting thud was rather satisfying to hear for her, and she smirked a little at the door while her leg wound sealed once again. Little monster deserved that one, and now she was free from it, at least for a while.

She spent a moment blocking the door, mostly to satisfy her minor paranoia before heading downstairs. Even as she went, her mind drifted to Fluttershy.

When Rainbow had come to the door, Fluttershy had been weak, but not as weak as she could have been. Night hadn’t drunk as much as she could have, for several reasons, but that Rainbow had come so suddenly and without warning seemed like a good one to her.

Fluttershy was a bit too generous in her opinion; if Night hadn’t put her hoof down, she wouldn’t even have been strong enough to answer the door. As it was, Night was mildly worried about her, which was slightly surprising for Night to discover. Her, worrying about a living pony that she barely knew? It sounded ridiculous, but here she was, worrying.

…Well, Princess Rest and at least Rainbow would be right there for her, so she’d be fine. Mostly fine at any rate; surely Princess Rest would recall that bringing a weak Fluttershy to a doctor would get her little wounds revealed and bring up all kinds of uncomfortable questions… right?

Night frowned for a moment, before dismissing the idea; Rest had been perfectly understanding and secretive, and wouldn’t give her away, not now anyway. Fluttershy was fine, and nothing was going to go bad.

Night, back on the ground floor, took in her surroundings and began thinking. Fluttershy’s home was filled with animals (disgusting really, but it was Fluttershy’s home, not Night’s), and for the most part resembled nothing Night was used to. Far too natural. Too little stone, too much light, windows, but then again, the design was simple and open, and the animals would alert her if anypony came by again. Unless they were back to being terrified of her again; that wasn't particularly normal, though Night was assuming it was due to Fluttershy’s influence making them sensitive.

It was growing late already, and Fluttershy should be back sooner or later. She doubted she’d be called anytime soon, as Princess Rest hadn’t called recently, though Night couldn’t imagine why.

Princess Rest was a big mystery to her. She was strange and reactive, and even after seeing her memories had only left Night more confused. How she thought or why she acted was, as of then, still a big mystery.

That she controlled Night like she did was rather worrisome, but it would be more so if Rest hadn’t proven so determined to want to help her. Night could trust her, even if their relationship had proven… rocky.

So, she was safe, and nothing was likely to go bad soon. Good.

She was hungry still, but that would take at least a day’s more feeding on Fluttershy and as much as Fluttershy insisted she could do with a ‘vacation’ Night wasn't about to get her bedbound. Both that she didn’t really want to hurt Fluttershy, and that Fluttershy’s weakness would attract attention.

Princess Rest had forbidden her from hunting though, so that was gone. So, she had time to kill. Doing what then?

She could go exploring, but doing so while hungry and still weak wasn't a good idea. Meeting the animals, maybe, though Night didn’t see a reason why and the last thing she needed was something more dangerous than Angel deciding she needed attacking. Fluttershy had assured her off their harmlessness, but then again, she’d said the same thing about Angel.

The faintest sound made her turn, and see a cat standing still, staring at the wall. She watched the cat as it slowly hissed, and nodded slowly. Then she went to the cat, and said, rather loudly, “Hissing at nothing, are we?”

She smiled as it startled at her voice, and bent down toward it. Then her rear hoof lashed out and hit somepony, hard.

She whirled, and took in the sight in an instant, even as her mouth opened to bite.

Two ponies, two bat ponies, two male bat ponies, sanguinerians. One hurt, stunned, knocked back, the other shocked, stunned by her action.

Neither were hers.

The one not hit never had a chance as Night bit, her fangs sinking deep into his throat before she ripped. With a gasp, he broke and fell, turning to so much dust.

She pounced on the other, the bite and pounce taking less time than it took for the cat to scramble away, and though she was still weak, she had her fangs on him before he could throw her off.

“Speak, before I send you too.” she hissed, making sure she gripped him strongly.

“Speak to a slave of the mind?” he said, remaining still, though his tone was hostile.

“I am The Great Mother. Speak.”

“We are more than you.” he said, making Night bite down a little more and making him gasp faintly. “You are… weak, we can tell.”

“Taking advantage?” she asked, growling. “Think you know? Stupid youngling…”

He didn’t respond for a few moments, before heaving to try and throw her off, standing up. Night gripped, and let him, before using his own force against him with her grip, getting below him and keeping her bite on his throat, her fangs rather painfully dragging along his skin as she did so.

As he gasped from that, she sucked suddenly, making him fall again, pinning her under him, but she had him, not the other way around. Her wings flicked out, only to suddenly grip him, and his acute pain leaving him very temporarily helpless, she rolled on top of him again. She let go of his neck, only to bite several more times suddenly, each time aiming for a specific spot and each time either sucking slightly or pushing a tiny bit of blood into him. Then, as he began trembling, unable to act, she stood up, standing on top of him.

“Are you done yet?” she whispered, smiling at his wide and panicked eyes.

“W…what did you do?!” he demanded, struggling to move and finding it impossible to do so. As if his command of himself had been cut off.

“Do you imagine that I don’t know how to turn you helpless?” she asked, her voice low and hostile. “I can put you into such pain you will beg for me to let you dust. I should, for this arrogance you two have shown.”

She leaned lower, and whispered in his ear, “Your friend died fast, but you won’t. You’ll scream and beg, but I’m not so kind to children who think that they’re better than their mother.” Her hoof glided down his form, before ending its journey with a sudden scratch, making him gasp, his eyes caught by her own.

“S…spare me, p, please.” he begged, his voice hoarse.

“What is your offering?” she murmured.

“Any, anything. Anything, just… just don’t kill me.”

Night watched him before nodding. “I have it on good authority that dying isn’t so bad.” she said. “But answer my questions and I won’t deliver you into the waiting hooves of Re, of Death.”

He nodded, barely able to make even a faint motion with his head, and Night smiled.

“Whose are you?”

“Blood Moon’s.”

Night frowned. “That spawn?” she whispered to herself, “He’s still around?” She waited a moment more before asking, “How many are here?”

“Just the two of,”

She stamped suddenly, and something snapped under her hoof, making him gape in a soundless scream. “Honest.” she growled, grinding her hoof a little. “I. Said. Honest.”

“Th, three!” he managed through the pain, which made her relax the pressure. She felt his bone renew under her hoof again, and watched the faint relief pass over him. He must have fed recently, she noted. Lots of vitality in him.

“Who’s the third?”

“Blood Moon came with us.”

“And he’s not here? Too afraid to see me?”

“He… he doesn’t know. He’s too focused elsewhere. His plan does not involve,”

“If Blood is focused on anything, it’s because somepony told him to be.” Night interrupted, hissing a little. “Who is he listening to this time?”

“…The Waker.”

Night paused, before giving a short snort. “Blood? The Waker’s servant? No, no, it’s too perfect.” she said, chuckling.


Now you show respect?” she snapped, her mood instantly turning hostile. “No, not yet, youngling. You dared to attack me, and dared to resist me.” She smiled at him, a dangerous and predatory thing. “You will call me Mother, and you will speak when spoken to, unless you wish to suffer.”

He only nodded, showing fear yet.

“Who does Blood truly follow?” she asked, making him pause under her.

“The Waker, I said…”

“Blood does not follow The Waker.” Night said. “He is far too stupid, and The Waker does not enjoy his kind. A spawn like Blood is far too warm for The Waker. He lies to you. He follows someone more willing to use spawn.”


“Silence.” Night said, one hoof moving to his throat, though the threat wasn't required. She stared at the pony pinned under her for a few moments before asking, “What does Blood plan?”

“He seeks to claim a life, Mother.”

Night blinked. “Whose?”

“I do not,”

Night hissed at him, making his admission suddenly stop. “Weak minded spawn.” she spat at him, hissing faintly, her fangs bared. “Worthless…” she murmured, even as her mouth opened once more and descended.

“W, wait!” he yelped, though Night failed to case her slow approach. “I still know more! I can still be of use!” he struggled to even twitch, but whatever Night had done to him left him unable to move more than slight twitches, his strength blocked. He focused like never before as her fangs brushed against him, agonizingly slowly piercing him, and suddenly blurted, “Blood works with the ghouls! He has directed them to dig, and keeps them from hunger!”

Night paused, suddenly giving a faint jerk and he felt her breathe on his throat, a tiny puff of air that tickled his all too sensitive skin and fur, her fangs the smallest bit of force away from puncturing him. The pony under her kept his eyes shut hard and hoping beyond hope she wouldn’t suddenly bite him, or that she wasn't just drawing the experience out to make him suffer.

Then, she slowly released the pressure, though not her touch, just enough to let him see her eyes, watching him. Their purple glint caught his attention greatly, and even if he felt he could, he would not have dared to move his own from hers.

“…Ghouls?” she asked.

“Y, yes, oh Great Mother!” he yelped, trying to speak while remaining absolutely still.

“…Ghouls, digging… Digging to...?” she murmured, her fangs tickling his throat.

“Toward Ponyville! They go towards Ponyville!” he told her, trying to calm down. He was certain she could hear his heartbeat. He could.

“…Where is this?” she asked.

“In the Everfree. Near the place of fallen brothers.”

Night remained close to him before lifting her head just slightly, giving him great relief as her fangs left him. “…The brother’s crypt? Wasn't that destroyed?”

“…Only ages ago, Great Mother.” he said, a little confused and very relieved. It looked like he was going to live. “It was rebuilt, and now harbors a ghoul nest. A new nest.”

“I’m sure of that. Blood couldn’t command an old nest.” she said. “Or even one with a leader.” she added.

“He struggles to keep them under control.” he said, trying to align with her, to better his chances, “They tend to mutter a lot when he tells them to do anything.” Night gave him a tiny smile, making him relax a little.

“Does Blood still have his little necklace?” she asked him happily. “The one with the big ugly stone in the middle of it?”

“…Necklace?” he asked, confused for a moment, before adding, “He doesn’t have a necklace.”


“…Yeah. How did you know about the stone though?”

Night nodded happily, relaxing on top of him and sitting back. “Fun fact for you, youngling. Ghoul leaders have a tiny gemstone they make themselves. They’re called greifstones: they’re made from heart of a child and a lot of suffering, despair, and great, great pain, all of which ghouls cause just by being ghouls. It makes the ghoul holding it get really big and strong, and they become the nest’s leaders. If somepony not a ghoul gets one, the ghouls might listen, though they hate listening to anypony not a ghoul, but even a spawn like Blood can get a leaderless nest to obey.”

The pony under her blinked, listening.

“Brother’s crypt has a really old nest in it; they prey on the animals of the forest, and go unnoticed by the ponies outside the Everfree.” she continued. “The leader in that place was so big he could even talk. Even I would have had have a hard time handling him, and that would be if I hadn’t of had to climb through the entire nest to even reach him at all. Blood would be a big stain on the floor if he had tried anything.”

“… But… but it’s a new nest.” he said weakly. “The ghouls are small and stupid.”

“Yep. Made to look just like that: how many levels does Brother’s crypt have, youngling?”


“Try a few dozen. The top two are built by ponies, and the lower ones and all ghoul made. The stupidest and weakest ones are forced into the top two floors, so they don’t endanger the real nest.”

He gaped.

“Whoever Blood is listening too, youngling, they’re good, really good.” Night said. “They know the real crypt and have the power to kill the leader to get his stone, which makes them a real threat. Blood’s a tool to use for them, and it sure isn’t The Waker; he’d have the whole nest, leader and all, marching right with him. The only problem is that I don’t know anypony who could do that except me or an alicorn, and no alicorn would leave the nest intact or give Blood the griefstone, not that I would either, but you get the point. I don’t know who could or would do this, so that means whoever did is either really good at hiding, or has only just begun to act. Which do you think is worse, youngling?” she asked him.

“…Hiding?” he suggested, more than a little stunned at her revelations.

“Good choice, but mostly wrong.” Night said. “Always suspect something’s out to get you youngling, but I’m the Great Mother. Nothing that can do this can hide from me. Something new has entered play, and its working with Blood. And they’re trying to get somepony alive too, or Blood wouldn’t bother trying to appease ghoul hunger, because that’s not possible. They never stop wanting to eat, but they might hold off eating somepony until their leader tells them its O.K. But if Blood has any sense, which he does not, he’ll get the victim far away from the nest as soon as possible, before the ghouls decide their new ‘leader’ looks a little too much like food.”

Night paused a few moments and then looked to the pony under her, and smiled again. “What am I going to do now, youngling?”

“…Let me go?” he asked hopefully.

Night laughed, making him flinch, in as much as he could flinch. “Where’d you get that idea, youngling?” she asked, still chuckling. “No, no, no. Here’s what I’m going to do.”

She leaned closer, until her purple eyes took up his whole vision. “I’m going to go and see that the nest gets their greifstone back, because I rather liked that ghoul, as murderously bloodthirsty as he was, and I’d rather not see the nest forced to get a new one, as they’d attract the Twins’ attention in doing so. I might feed Blood to them in the process, and see what he might have caught too, since I’m there. As for you…” she finished, her voice heavy and slow, her grin predatory and cruel.

“…Please don’t kill me.” he squeaked, unable to even blink.

“Of course I’m not going to kill you, youngling.” Night chirped suddenly, stepping off him.

“…Really?” he asked, shocked, and barely able to believe that she had stepped off of him.

Night nodded. “I won’t even touch you anymore.”

She turned, and let him see Angel, his teeth firmly buried in her hind leg once more. The tiny rabbit’s eyes looked to him, and then he slowly let go of Night, still gripping her leg, but watching him with intense hatred.

“Not sure if this little guy won’t, but if you’re still alive when I get back I might get him off of you.” Night said, shaking Angel off. “Time to make friends, youngling!” she chirped, heading away happily, even as he screamed as Angel leapt at him, huge front teeth bared.

Night knew Brother’s crypt well, as she had visited there many times before. As she had said, she had known the leader there, a truly monstrous ghoul of great power and unlife, and had enjoyed his pure and honest desire to hurt and main and kill other things. He had been straightforward and hid nothing, as compared to the average sanguinerian, who hid everything and was always plotting something.

The crypt itself was virtually unheard of by living ponies, long since forgotten in the dark forest. And, even as Night spotted it ahead, it wasn't particularly noticeable.

The crypt itself had been greatly damaged by the encroaching woods, and stones littered the nearby ground. What had once been the entrance looked more like a natural cavern of sorts, a rough entry that was mostly standing due to the tree that had grown atop it.

The nearby ground was barren of all life, and notably clean and regular, which was the ghoul’s way of hiding their nest; bloodstains were clear giveaways. However, they weren’t that smart, and having such a clear and normal patch of empty dirt around an entrance into a dark place was, in and of itself, a sign of a ghoul nest.

She spotted Blood lingering near the nest’s entrance, a dark sanguinerian. Rough injuries covered his form, a result of his accidental raising, and the greifstone was obvious, held on a little chain wrapped around his front leg. He was flicking his wings nervously, and occasionally looking around, as if waiting for something. A few ghouls were nearby, unmoving and easily mistaken as piles of dirt and plant matter.

Night nodded to herself, before pausing, and only then seeing another pony there. They were covered in a cloak, a pale grey cloak that hid all of themselves rather well. Night frowned greatly, and backed a bit more into the bushes; she hadn’t noticed him, and even having noticed him, he was hard to continue seeing. And he was standing in the open too…

Was that who Blood was working for? Something felt dangerous about them…

“Where are they…?” she heard Blood hiss, his voice rather rough. “They should have been here by now!”

“You promised tonight, Blood Moon.” the cloaked pony said, his voice passionless and lacking emotion.

“It will be tonight.” he snapped. “But those two idiots should have been back by now…”

Night wondered about that. He was obviously talking about the younglings, but what had they been doing? Attacking her, yes, but what had Blood sent them to do? He seemed overly worried about them, and Blood didn’t care about anypony except himself.

One of the ghouls shifted suddenly, lifting its decayed head to peer into the forest. Night heard the faint sounds of dragging, and Blood and the cloaked pony turned to see as well.

A ghoul hurried into the clearing, walking backwards as its broken front legs held onto a blue unicorn. As it neared the crypt, the other ghouls looked up as well, and Night caught the scent of blood, fresh blood.

Her hunger spiked abruptly, making her wince and grumble under her breath. She should’ve eaten a bit more, but then she wouldn’t have… she hadn’t expected blood to be spilled…

“Be strong Night Light.” she whispered to herself, barely conscious of doing so, forcing her hunger back. “Mare, not monster…”

“I told you I knew what I was doing.” she heard Blood boast suddenly.

She focused again in an instant, silently cursing herself for her lapse of concentration. Both ponies were near the unicorn, the ghouls slowly wandering closer, all smelling blood and seeing prey, but so far unwilling to cross their ‘leader’. She had missed something.

“The task is done.” the cloaked pony said, a single glance from him getting the nearest ghouls to suddenly stop and back away, which made Night take notice. Ghouls lacked self-preservation. The only reason a ghoul would back off is if a leader threatened them like that…

But Blood had the greifstone. Which meant…

Night moved closer, trying to circumnavigate the crypt so as to hear and hopefully see that pony better.

“And? My payment?” Blood said, grinning.

The cloaked pony merely produced a small bag, which Blood snatched suddenly, grinning at it. It instantly caught Night’s attention; whatever was inside that wasn't bits, and she wanted it suddenly without knowing why, but she didn’t particularly care about that. Blood chuckled as he lashed it to one wing, before looking around again, and frowning faintly before looking back to the cloaked pony.

“…Your companions seem to be late, Blood Moon.” the cloaked pony said.

“I know.” Blood growled. “Just have to do it myself then.”

Night blinked as Blood suddenly screamed, the ghouls stopping to scream suddenly as well, their screams echoing and the earth shuddering under Night’s hooves.

“What are you!?” the cloaked pony began, before just growling.

“They might not listen, but they do hunger so!” Blood laughed as other ghouls fought each other to be first out of the crypt, all of them rasping and screaming.

The prey was here, and Blood had given them the O.K. to eat.

Night hissed slightly, as ghouls rushed forward. Wait until they began eating, then attack Blood, get the bag, and get away, simple.

Only for the cloaked pony to suddenly scream as well and as the first ghoul reached him, a sudden motion too fast to see had its head removed.

Night and Blood both blinked and then stared as the cloaked pony rather ably fought ghouls off, fighting them off with stunning skill and speed, though the horde kept growing more and the pony was soon pressured greatly, obviously trying to protect the fallen unicorn.

Night made a sudden choice, and shot forward, keeping herself as silent and swift as possible.

She had intended on taking the bag from Blood, which wouldn’t have been hard at all.

Finding herself grabbing the unicorn, who was stiff and unmoving from ghoul paralysis, was more than a bit surprising for her, and she only had time to realize her hunger had redirected her before the cloaked pony was in front of her.

Instantly, she hissed and near screamed, “Mine!”, holding the unicorn close, and readying to fly.

Which turned into a more disastrous leap as the cloaked pony nearly hit her heart with a dagger when most would have been hard pressed to even hit her at all.

Night flew over the rampaging ghoul mob, impacting the tree over the crypt, blind with pain and raging with her curse as her vitality drained to try and heal what had nearly been a killing blow. She screamed again, an unholy sound, and seized the bark before she fell into the ghouls swarming under her, somehow managing to keep her grip on her prey as she did so. They fought and killed each other to be first, giving her a few precious seconds of time. She focused, stopping her healing and reserving vitality, before heaving herself up and away, prey held tightly under her, a ghoul’s swipe just barely missing her tail. Behind her, denied and raging, the ghouls screamed after her.

The dagger fell from her as she went, and she felt the dry in her; the hit had hurt her badly, and her vitality had been wasted trying to heal her wound, leaving her weak. She’d live, she had a meal, but had to get away from the ghouls before she could feed, relax, heal, and recover.

Night flew a bit more before her sane mind got back to her, screaming about Rest’s compulsion and directing her faltering form toward Fluttershy’s house, instead of some random spot in the Everfree. Fighting her hunger before it saw her die trying in vain to attack the unicorn she held.

And worse, Rest’s ‘don’t hurt ponies’ compulsion also meant she couldn’t just drop the stupid unicorn, and thus had to carry her on top of Night’s own pained and tired body.

She spotted the lights of Fluttershy’s home ahead, and focused, trying to force herself to keep moving and retain the last drops of vitality she had in her. Forcing herself to keep thinking, instead of turning into a mindless monster as her hunger screamed in her, unable to know of the compulsion, and wanting to doom her by its demands.

Until, at last, her wings gave, and the pair plummeted toward the cottage, Night doing her best to slow and direct the fall with wings that barely moved.

She didn’t even notice the unicorn’s horn giving a gentle spark as they fell.