• Published 1st Aug 2017
  • 1,742 Views, 78 Comments

Once More, with Feeling - Amaranthine Thought

The first chance was little more than a frail shadow. Now, she has a chance. Now, she can do it again. Ponies need to be saved and Twilight Sparkle is just the pony to do so.

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Chapter 7: Blood will tell

Twilight smiled as she made it outside, the gardens only dimly lit.

Few ponies were outside, the gardens nice, but the true party taking place inside. Those who were outside were generally shy or preferred a certain amount of solace. And if they did, they avoided others, which left Twilight mostly alone as she headed into the gardens to try and find Luna.



Be on guard.

“Master, what is,”

Left, stop her!

Twilight turned and saw a pair of glowing red eyes in the darkness. Her soul catching spell caught, but whatever it was stayed mostly still as she tugged, resisting her.

“I must have surprised you princess.” it said, the voice soft and soothing, though the eyes were terrifying. “My apologies.”

Twilight lit her horn, and saw a female bat pony, though something seemed off. The eyes shouldn’t look like that, and the wings seemed a bit sharper than they should have been.

More to the point, why was the spell to catch souls working on her? Twilight was sure that it didn’t work on living ponies…

“Who are you?” Twilight asked, watching carefully. She could feel Death’s anger and was wondering why.

“I’m called Night Light. I wanted to speak with you.”

Twilight relaxed and let her spell drop. “What do you want?”

“I just wanted to get to know you. I’m just a little shy, and wanted to catch you alone.”

Twilight smiled. Night seemed nice. A touch odd and creepy, but nice.

“It is nice to meet you Night Light.”

“But… can you help with something?”

“What is it?”

“You see… I’m worried about my eyes.”

“Your eyes?”

“They started glowing recently and I’m not sure why. Do you think you can find out?”

Twilight nodded, wondering what might do that.

“Just look closely.” Night said, opening her glowing eyes wide. “Maybe you can see something.”

Twilight did so, noticing the oddity of them. They seemed to gently pulse, the light brightening and dimming in predictable patterns. The actual color of them was concealed behind the red glow though.

“Little closer.” Night said. Twilight did so, staring into the eyes. There was something…

The eyes seemed to fill her vision as she stared, trying to see what kept evading her. Then it was gone, and she frowned slightly and tried to pull away.

She couldn’t. She couldn’t even blink, Night’s eyes catching her own and holding her. She jerked, but couldn’t pull away and Night shushed her.

“Nothing’s wrong… Just fine… Feeling… Sleepy.” Night murmured, and Twilight found the words affected her. She drooped and her resistance fell as Night smiled.

“Nothing wrong at all…”

Twilight’s vision grew dark, and her thoughts slowed and stopped.


Twilight snapped out of it at Death’s roar, and Night flinched, breaking the gaze.

She is an undead monster Twilight! Defend yourself with the stars!

Twilight acted instantly, and lit the area like it was sunlight. Night hissed, revealing needlelike teeth as she curled away from the light.

Twilight knew what she was. A vampony, or one of several other names for them. Monsters that were once ponies, weak to light. They drank blood, and had several powers. Like capturing a victim’s will by staring into their eyes.

Night managed to move despite the light, and Twilight brightened the light in retaliation.

She tried to resist, her form smoking, but fell to her knees, burning in the light. Twilight kept it up. Better to… stop her now, and guide the soul than allow her to keep living.

“Wait!” Night yelled, her voice desperate. “I can help! I know things!”

“You have many enemies beyond just me! I know them all, I’ll tell you everything! I’ll serve, I’ll do anything, just spare me! Please! I can’t die now!”

Twilight listened. Night was truly desperate, and her voice was strained. She made a choice.

She dimmed the light, but did not dispel it. Night panted in the lower light levels and radiated relief.

Twilight wasn’t sure. Night could help, but she seemed too dangerous. She couldn’t just let her go to continue her life. But what could she do?

Twilight. Use this.

A spell came to her, impossibly complex. Twilight couldn’t even count the layers of magic that made it up, but used it all the same.

A complex web appeared around Night before flashing and vanishing, Twilight already forgetting the spell. Night flinched in pain as it did so, and held her head, shutting her eyes and groaning.

A soul binding. She is bound to your will now. If you find the need to use her, do so. But recall; she is a monster, and very intelligent. She will find a way to abuse the connection if you allow her to.

“I understand Master.”

“Ow…” Night muttered, and one eye cracked open as she rubbed at her head.

It glowed purple. Twilight wondered if they both did and Night started as her head turned toward Twilight and her eyes opened without her action.

Twilight noticed, and with a single thought, Night spun around, yelping as she did so. A few steps, move the wings, turn in circles, and even roll over. Any thought from Twilight controlled Night Light perfectly.

“What did you do to me?” Night demanded as she got to her hooves again, Twilight staring at her.

“I bound you.” she said, smiling. Controlling Night made it much easier to allow her to live; she could prevent any aggression.

“I can tell. Listen;”

“Isn’t it rather evil to bind me? My will destroyed? You can make me do anything you know. I’m little more than a slave to you now.”

Twilight hesitated.

“And I might be like this, but my heart beats still. I still have blood and feel pain and pleasure just like everypony else. I’m just as alive as you are.”

“Would you bind a normal pony? Or am I just a monster to be used and abused without any worries?”

Do not listen. She is cunning, and is trying to get you to dismiss the binding.

Twilight thought. And then she focused and Night tensed.

“…How many ponies have you killed?”

“Over two hundred.” she said automatically. Twilight making her speak and speak the truth.

“How may could you have spared?”

Night tried everything to stop herself. She failed.

“Over two hundred.”

Twilight nodded, and let her go, Night muttering to herself. After hearing that, she was never going to have any thought of feeling bad for Night. If anything, the binding was the only thing saving her from Twilight killing her.

“I want it to be known that half of those were accidents.”


“Accidents. I did not mean to kill them. I either miscalculated, messed up, and two were heart attacks. Yes, I could have prevented them, but I did not intend to kill them.”

Twilight stared at her. “You think that makes it better?”

“Don’t you?”


Night sighed.

Twilight kept staring at her for a moment before asking, “What other enemies?”

“The Sanguinerians. Like me, vamponies they call us nowadays. Lots of us want to… take advantage of you. From either stupidity in thinking that they are stronger, or fear of you.”

“Fear? Of me? Why not Celestia?”

“Because you’re a reaper, maybe even the reaper. And that means you can make us die without any effort. One tug, and we are sent to rest. Unable to protect ourselves.”

“So some of us want you dead or controlled. A few want your protection: they want to live like normal ponies and they think you can do that. I decided to act first.”

“What did you want?” Twilight asked.

“I… I wanted to make you my slave, but in a good way!” Night tried to smile at Twilight’s frown before sighing. “Alright, yes, evil, I know, bad Night Light.” she muttered.

“Is there anypony else?”

“Sure. Dark magic users all over are worried at a new alicorn. A few powers don’t like the idea of a third princess either. I know a bunch of undead and ghosts that really want you dead, and there’s a good chance they all do. Pretty much anything that cheats Death in some fashion hates you.”

“There’s even a necromancer that is watching closely. Watch out for him, he’s good. Really good.”

Twilight nodded, concerned. Those things were supposed to be tales. Not real. And yet, she was talking with one, and being warned about the others. Rather suddenly, her enemies and threats had increased.

“You should feel lucky, getting me bound.”


“I’m the oldest one there is. If there is anypony who knows what’s going on, it’s me.”

Twilight nodded. “What about Gold Coin?”

Night gave her a look. “Alright. I know that you probably think that Sanguinerians can creep around undetected amongst ponies, that’s a common tale. Look at my eyes. Imagine how I blend in so well, walking with my bat wings and glowing eyes, and if it’s sunlight, the slight hiss of my fur burning off…”

“I get it.” Twilight said.

“I don’t have a clue as to most of normal ponies. You’ll have to get somepony else for that. Dead things, hidden things, hidden dead things, that’s me.”

“I need a drink.” Night muttered. The comment made Twilight blink and remember.

“By the way. You aren’t going to hurt anypony else ever again.” Twilight focused, making sure that her words were commands.

Night looked worried. “You do realize I need to drink blood.”

“I do. Animals have blood.”

Night looked sick. “But animals are disgusting.” she whined. “Come on, just a little bite, most ponies never even notice…”

“Animals. Get used to them.”

Night sighed.

“Yes…” she hesitated for a moment before smirking. “Yes Mistress.”

Twilight started. “What?”

“Mistress. You command me perfectly, hence, Mistress, Mistress.”

“My name is T… Rest.”

“But you’re my Mistress.”

She half closed her eyes and leaned forward slightly, gently shaking her rear, her tail flicking up a little.

“We can have all kinds of fun together… I even know how to,”

Night yelped, dragged backward to collide with the bush she came out of and then forcibly sat down, scrapping her on that same bush as she winced.

Twilight was as tense as she could be, and glared at Night, a mixture of angry and distressed.

“Alright, alright.” Night said, getting to her hooves again and rubbing her flank, “That hurt.”

Never do that.”

“I get it. Look, let’s make this easier on the both of us. I’ll listen better, and you don’t drag me around like some kind of toy, fair?”

Twilight kept staring for a long moment before she nodded and Night smiled.

“See? We can get along.”

“I… suppose.” Twilight said, far more uncertain of that.

“Now I should go.” Night said, and found herself pinned in place.

“Hang on.”

“I really have to go.” Night said, getting nervous.

“I have a few more questions.”

Night whimpered, growing stressed and fearful. Twilight paused, wondering why.

“What is wrong?”

“Luna is coming and I am pinned in place and really obvious. She really, really hates me and she is going to kill me if I don’t get away, right now.” Night said, her voice terrified but quiet. “Let me go and don’t tell her about me.” she near begged.

Twilight blinked. She wanted to know, but the desperation of Night made her loose the mare who gave her a look of deep gratitude before darting into the shadows and vanishing.

She heard wing beats, and soon after Luna landed, looking concerned.

“Rest. Are you alright?” she asked. “We saw a light, and felt you might require our aid.”

“No. Everything’s fine. I just wanted to see the plants a little better.” Twilight said.

Luna nodded, and relaxed slightly. She walked closer to Twilight.

“Are you feeling well? I know of your concerns from earlier…”

“I’m alright. I talked with some ponies, danced with Blueblood, and met the Wonderbolts, but I enjoy a little alone time every now and then.”

Luna chuckled, looking around the garden. “As do I.”

“…Do you enjoy the night Rest?”

Twilight though about it for a moment. “Yes. It’s… calming in a way. Everything resting or sleeping. I get a lot of work done during the night.”

Twilight looked up at the sky. “You know… I used to keep track of the stars. As a hobby.”


Twilight nodded. “And now I’m supposed to control them.” she sighed. “Which I keep failing at.” she said, drooping.


“Will it ever get better Luna? My life is just a big mess right now. I can’t seem to get control of anything anymore.”

Luna touched Rest and Twilight looked over.

“Rest… When I first became an alicorn, my moon might have been the most unpredictable thing in the sky.”


“I could never gain control of it well, and started by simply flicking it into the sky, and then pulling it back down when the dawn came. My sister was the same with her sun.”

“Nopony is born with the knowledge or skill to use the power of an alicorn. We can only learn as we use them, and eventually, slowly, we become what we are meant to be.”

Luna looked uncertain for a moment before nodding to herself.

“And whatever failure you feel you have done, know that I and my sister have done them before, and worse. You were a unicorn, correct?”

Twilight started. “How…”

“A slip of your tongue. When asked to describe yourself, you said alicorn, but began with uni. Unicorn.”

“…” Was that very bad?

Luna sighed. “And even being born with magic as a unicorn, you have difficulty controlling your magic now, yes?”


“And your wings are unknown to you.”

Twilight only nodded.

Luna chuckled a little and looked away.

“Me and my sister… we began life… as earth ponies.”

Twilight blinked and gaped. Luna looked to her again, a serious look in her eyes.

“It is a great secret I give you Rest. It…It is not a good time to remember, and not something you should share.”

“I… I won’t Luna. I promise.”

Luna nodded and sighed, her eyes growing a little distant.

“Imagine what difficulties we might have faced. When Lux came to us, we became the first alicorns. Our strength lifted past our reasonable control. Given wings we didn’t know how to use. We didn’t even know how to use our newfound magic.”

“Lux had to stay behind just to teach us a little. Enough that we wouldn’t destroy everything by accident. But the moment we were skilled enough to prevent the sun and moon from crashing, he left.”

“It took centuries before we became who we are now. We did it alone, slowly and painfully. Those were not good times.”

“…I don’t want to see you do it like we had to.” Luna looked back to Twilight. “I want to see you soar with grace, and see you control your power with perfection. I want to see your stars move like they are caught in a slow dance. And if it is within our power, we will catch you every time you fall.”

“Me and my sister will be there for you.”

Twilight blinked, a single tear glistening in one eye.

Luna walked closer, and draped one wing over her. Twilight leaned her head against Luna’s neck.

“Thank you.” she whispered. “It’s… so hard. Just…”

Twilight began gently crying. The pain of secrecy and the constant failure of her new powers finally allowed an outlet. Every pain she had suffered thus far coming to the forefront.

Luna didn’t say anything, and simply let Twilight lean on her, crying softly. Twilight slowly calmed again, and eventually, the pain was less.

“…Luna?” she asked, not moving from her position.


“Can… Can I say something? Something that’s… hard to say…”

Luna nodded, slightly curious.

“Luna… I…” Twilight took a deep breath. “I love,”

“Princess Luna!”

The pair started and separated, Luna gasping in shock and Twilight shaking herself. A royal guard flew over in some urgency, and Luna near glared at him.

“Princess Luna, and Princess Rest, Princess Celestia requires your presence in the strategy room. The bearers have been gathered, and they only wait for your presence.”

“We shall be there immediately.” Luna said, unhappy and yet relieved. “Rest! Rouse thyself, we are needed.”

Luna nearly took flight before hesitating and simply hurrying forward on hoof. Twilight took a moment to compose herself before hurrying after her, the party having ended almost an hour ago. They had spent some time together in the gardens.

She had been interrupted just when she was going to tell Luna about her being a reaper, and the problems the undead poised. Prefacing it with ‘I love what you’re doing for me.’

Of course, her mind was now focused on whatever new problem there was. Focused on getting her friends, and getting to Celestia as quickly as possible. Working on old thoughts and memories, her nature as a hero coming to the forefront, and temporarily forgetting about her situation.

Luna was having a hard time focusing on the same, and was caught between relief and irritation.

Irritation, because Rest almost revealed her true feelings, and did in a way. Just not all the way, but more than enough for her to work it out.

Rest was in love with her.

On the other hoof, while Luna had anticipated that, she was still lost as to what she should do or say in response. So she felt some relief that she didn’t have to.

But she was going to have to do something.

A massive lifespan, and not one year of it spent in romance. Luna was suddenly regretting that. She felt like a young filly, both overjoyed that Rest felt that way, and trying to determine her own feelings on the matter.

Should she reciprocate? Or gently refuse?

She didn’t know. She didn’t know what she wanted.

The pair hurried through the castle, but with Luna’s mind preoccupied, and somewhat unused to simply running to her destinations, she tripped.

But before she could fall very far, Twilight caught her in her own magic and managed to carry her along with her. It was an instinctual response from Twilight, but the success of the spell made her overjoyed.

Luna was shocked, and saw Twilight glance back and smile as brightly as she could, using all of her effort to right Luna once more.

“I got you!” Twilight said, feeling happy and bursting with nervous energy, a faint blush to her; one from excitement. She had finally gotten one of her normal spells to work properly! Things might just be getting better!

After a moment, she set Luna down, Luna recovering and standing still for a moment, stunned as Twilight kept going. She was blushing heavily and for the life of her, she could not forget the happy smile on Rest’s face, nor the delicacy that she had been caught with.

And in a worrying way, she couldn’t get rid of the image of the way Rest ran, nor the motion of her form as she did so.

Then she nodded, set her face, and ran forward.

She knew what she was going to do.