• Published 6th Aug 2017
  • 5,907 Views, 460 Comments

Regarding: Gary Stu - Bed Head

Twilight Sparkle makes a shocking discovery about Equestria's greatest hero.

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Dear Princess Luna

Lady Twilight Sparkle,

Allow me first to extend my sister’s apologies for not writing herself. Both she and I have been rather busy studying the story disks you sent to us. In fact she is still researching them at this very moment, no doubt making further comparisons between what they contain and her own records of events (a great many of which I failed to be privy to considering I did not truly rejoin Equestrian Society before your town’s Nightmare Night celebration.)

She also wished that I tell you that she’s very impressed by the spell you fashioned so said disks could be researched. A feeling which is most assuredly mutual. Haycartes himself would be most impressed with how you advanced his magic!

Back to the point of this letter, my sister and I were curious about how much you actually read on those story disks. And whether, perhaps, Pinkie Pie had also seen them? A simple curiousity since we have seen enough to verify these disks do have recordings of events that have already (and likely have yet to) come to pass and share your concerns about this future knowledge and whom has had access to it.

Also neither of us have received a missive from Flash Sentry since his initial report. Considering he planned to go speak with your friend Fluttershy perhaps you could check in with her about whether she has seen him? Though he’s a trained guard Celestia and I do worry about our little ponies.

Please respond with all due haste.


Princess Luna

Dear Princess Luna,

I do hope you’ll forgive the poor choice of ink color and how it clashes with my stationary. It would seem that a certain somepony’s aerial antics from earlier shattered every bottle of plain black that I had in my shop! Fortunately I had just reorganized so none of the merchandise was damaged but it was quite a mess to clean up

Apologies, I’m digressing. Though you’ll also need to forgive your little ponies’ confusion in this case.

In regards to Sir Flash Sentry I can help with that at the very least. I was having tea at Fluttershy’s cottage not too long ago when Rainbow Dash interrupted it with her ill-timed Sonic Rainboom. Something I’ve grown used to since the Best Young Flier’s competition, but apparently Fluttershy’s animal friends have not seeing as they panicked. Unfortunately they did so right when your knight was arriving!

Now the good news is he wasn’t seriously injured. Still, Harry the Bear is a shockingly timid soul when it comes to loud noises and often doesn’t remember to look where he’s going when frightened.

To make a long story short, Fluttershy and I escorted Sir Sentry to Ponyville General Hospital to receive treatment for a few scrapes. And bruises. And possibly some mild head trauma and bee stings but Nurse Redheart assured us that he’ll be back on his hooves by this evening!

Which brings me back around to the confusion I mentioned earlier. You see, Sir Flash Sentry was unfortunately in no condition to explain just what a Royal Guard was doing in Ponyville. Compounding matters, as Fluttershy and I were leaving the hospital, we found dear little Spikey sulking in the town square!

Now, Spike on his own is hardly anything new, but to see him looking rather upset without either Twilight or Gary around trying to cheer him up was something neither of us could ignore. The fact that he didn’t lapse into his (admittedly flattering and rather adorable) habit of fawning over me the second I walked up gave away that something must be wrong.

Therefore, Spike is currently at Carousel Boutique. Which might have lead to me reading accidentally seeing the message you sent for Twilight. Given the way he reacts whenever her or Gary Stu’s names come up and this talk of “story disks” and such I get the sneaking suspicion that Fluttershy and I are dreadfully out of the loop on some very important matter.

Your faithful and concerned citizen,


Dear Miss Rarity,

My thanks to both you and Fluttershy for attending to Sir Flash Sentry in his time of need. As for the current situation, I think it would be better if you heard it from a friend rather than myself or Celestia. Sometimes the words of royalty can have more of an unintentional sway over a pony’s response then I can begin to describe.

By all means, stay with Spike for the time being. I’m certain that either Twilight will find you all soon enough or he’ll likely inform you about what’s happened.

Your loving ruler,

Princess Luna

Dear Princess Lu

Dear Prin


Dear Princesses Luna,

Please pardon all the extra ink I used. I’m still not quite used to writing to royalty like this. Even though I’ve already done it a few times and

I should be more careful, I don’t want to waste the last of Rarity’s ink.

I’m afraid things are only getting more confusing here. Especially with poor Spike. Not that Rarity and I aren’t doing the very best we can to try and cheer him up! It’s just that, after your letter, Rarity tried (very calmly and nicely of course!) to get him to tell us what was going on. He really must not be up for talking though because he just stammered and then started looking like he was going to cry

Oh, I wish Pinkie Pie were here. Nopony is better at cheering up sad children than her.

Anyway, Rarity took Spike to the back of the shop where it’s quieter to try and help him calm down. Which is why I’m writing to you now.

I couldn’t really understand most of what Spike was saying, but I swear he mentioned something about either Gary or Twilight taking something from him? Or possibly the both of them doing it? Maybe I misheard that part but then he definitely said that Sir Sentry was looking for Gary Stu.

Well I do remember seeing Gary a little bit before Rarity showed up for tea. He passed by my cottage and didn’t even notice when I waved to him. I guess he was really busy or something since he just walked right into the Everfree Forest. Maybe he was going to visit our friend Zecora? You remember her from Nightmare Night, I hope. She keeps a relatively safe trail to her hut and it wouldn’t be the first time any of us went in the forest alone to see her.

Oh dear, we’re almost out of ink. I hope that helps with whatever is going on! I think Spike has settled a bit so I’ll go see if he’s up for sending this message and maybe telling us what happened.

Your faithful citizen,


To: Acting Guard Captain Steel Hoof

Re: New Orders

Captain Steel Hoof, we require a new detachment of soldiers to be sent to Ponyville immediately.

As per our previous order, the human known as Gary Stu is involved in a matter of great importance to Equestria. Latest reports from Ponyville indicate a strong possibility that he has entered the Everfree Forest unaccompanied. I do not believe it necessary to mention how dangerous those woods can be even to those of us able to use magic.

Included with these orders is a copy of the intel we received. Although the area Mister Stu should be travelling through is said to be safer remind your stallions to be vigilant as well as thorough.

We also believe there’s a slim chance he might be seeking the ancient castle within the forest, once the hiding place of the Elements of Harmony. Ensure that your men proceed with all due caution and speed. Finding Gary is your top priority.

From: Princess Luna of Equestria


Sir Flash Sentry is currently interned with minor injuries at Ponyville General Hospital and still requires proper debriefing. I assume you’ll attend to that before allowing the poor colt to return to Canterlot.

Author's Note:

Yes, I know what I said/ranted in the author's notes last chapter. My point and feelings there still stand.

That doesn't mean that the situation in this story would be so cut and dry though, especially when I'm having this much fun exploring this idea.


Things planned for next chapter:

Rarity's feelings on the matter

Some input from Fluttershy (possibly)

and a letter from Spike regarding Gary Stu