• Published 6th Aug 2017
  • 5,905 Views, 460 Comments

Regarding: Gary Stu - Bed Head

Twilight Sparkle makes a shocking discovery about Equestria's greatest hero.

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Dear Spike

Dear Princess Celesita

Dear Princess Luna

Somepony please help

I wish Id never found those stupid disks I’m sorry I touched them please just make this whole mess stop I dont know what to do cuz twilight and the others are yelling for me through the door but i just can’t talk to anypony because everythings just messed up so bad and its all my fault!

now i have to clean all this ink up

Please help


My dear little dragon,

Just take a moment and breathe.

Luna has caught me up about what’s happened in Ponyville. Know, Spike, that I’m ready and more than willing to listen to whatever is troubling you. Even if I can only do so through these letters.

So please, tell me what’s wrong.

Your loving Princess/One-time caretaker,



I’m sorry about all the ink stains but my paws just won’t stop shaking. I almost can’t believe it but Twilight said she saw it herself in the story disks. That when she got caught in a trap and couldn’t get the Crystal Heart to Cadence I did.

But that isn’t what happened when we went to the Crystal Empire. I thought I’d be more help if I kept the fair going with Rarity and the others so Gary just ran off and became the hero in my place

It’s not even all Gary’s fault. I’m the one that told him to go. And then Twilight said that he suggested asking the rest of us for help while they were searching but she wouldn’t let him because we all thought she was supposed to do it herself. Except Gary knew that wasn’t gonna happen anyway and he never said anything to me about any of this and

I hate this. I hate feeling like this. I just want those stupid disks to go back under Gary’s bed so everypony can go back to being happy again. Gary’s my friend Gary’s supposed to be our friend but now everypony’s all mad at him because of those dumb disks and I still tried to stick up for him. I believed Twilight about all the stuff she saw but I thought Gary must’ve had a good reason.

Until she told me about the Crystal Empire.

I don’t want this. I don’t want to only be angry at Gary because he did something to me. But I can’t help it because he took my chance to be the hero and that’s not fair but it’s not fair to blame him because I could’ve gone instead of him or Twilight could’ve listened to him and it’s not fair to Twilight or any of the others if I hate him now after the way I’ve been trying to defend the guy when they’ve all been mad at him and I don’t want to be a horrible selfish dragon that only cares that he got hurt and

Please help

I don’t know what to do


You are by no means a selfish or horrible dragon.

I just finished observing the disks’ version of the Crystal Empire’s return myself. While I’ll admit the outcome of you saving the day surprised me, I was unsurprised by how the events transpired. Placing the safety and feelings of your friends first. Defending what was important even against seemingly impossible odds. Never once worrying for yourself so long as somepony else needed you.

Those traits were not conjured out of nowhere for the sake of a story, my little dragon. You've demonstrated them in defending Mister Stu this long and I’d say he has been fortunate to have you on his side.

That being said you are most certainly not wrong to feel wronged by Gary’s actions. Nor are you a terrible creature for changing your opinion because of them (Though I urge you to remember we've yet to hear Mister Stu's side of the story). An unfortunate truth is that sometimes, even among close friends, it’s difficult to understand another’s feelings until we’ve been put into a similar situation. I can offer only one piece of advice to truly help remedy the situation, though it is guaranteed to work:

Talk with your friends, Spike. Be open and honest with them about how you feel. They will not think any less of you, of that I’m certain.

Wishing you the best,

Princess Celestia

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have to admit this ink looks rather nice on the parchment Twilight brought. Perhaps I should use it more often after all. How fortunate she brought a spare bottle

Dear me I seem to be doing that a lot today. I suppose it’s simply relief taking hold. Whatever was on that letter you sent to Spike did the trick: He finally came out of the back room of my shop. He and Twilight are both “hugging it out” at time of writing and apologizing to one another almost non-stop.

The rest of us elected to give them some privacy while Fluttershy and I were availed of the situation.

So, it is my understanding that Twilight was supposed to be gathering our opinions about this matter regarding Gary Stu. Well, no time like the present. Especially seeing as Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack (who finished cleaning up after her family and came by to see what word there was on Gary shortly after Twilight arrived) have rather thoroughly explained the whole thing about the story disks and Gary knowing about our adventures from watching them.

Shocking as it might sound, however, I believe I can understand Mister Stu’s position somewhat.

I, of course, in no way mean to imply that I know what is to be done better than yourself, so perhaps some explanation is needed.

You see, your majesty, I am a fan of a good novel during my free time. While I enjoy a thrilling mystery or adventure story though I have been known to occasionally indulge in bit-store (what others colloquially might refer to as “trashy”) romance stories. And, on the even rarer occasion… pen such stories myself.

Nothing professional of course! Certainly not anything worthy of a Princess reading! Just the odd short story or two submitted to a small magazine created for fans of such works. There are somethings my artistic soul can only express through ink and paper as opposed to cloth and jewels after all.

That being said these stories are something of a guilty pleasure of mine. Often they’re as simple as taking a book I particularly enjoyed and inserting myself (perhaps with some occasional touch-ups) into the story. Usually to resolve an issue in the plot in a way I felt was more favorable to myself the characters I liked.

So, putting that out in the open, you might begin to see where I empathize with Gary Stu over this matter. My novels, his story disks, both of these were fictional stories to us. I can only imagine, were I to find myself magically transported into one of my books, I’d be sorely tempted to act like my avatar in the stories I’ve written and assist the main characters (among other, shall we say, minor indulgences.). From my point of view Gary’s actions are understandable.

By no means, however, do I feel that what he did was right.

While writing one’s own version of a story is one thing, actually living that story and interfering in events is quite another. Assuming that the story disks are accurate then Gary knew (or at least should have strongly suspected) that his influence was unnecessary for any of us to succeed. Yet still he indulged, he inserted himself into our lives, and he took triumphs that should have rightfully been ours and ours alone to claim and spoonfed us answers he saw us come up with!

Were this a story it would be a rather dull one, that’s for certain. An infallible main hero who only succeeds through the writer’s abuse of future knowledge? I know quite a few ponies who have sent letters with feedback on my work that would have quite a bit to say on the matter.

The chief problem with this matter is that, to those of us native to Equestria, it’s not a story. These are our lives that Gary saw fit to play with, whether it was small things like cheering on Rainbow Dash and helping Applejack or larger issues like stealing poor Spike’s moment of glory. Mister Stu has said time and again that the reason he helps out so much is simply because he desires to be a good friend to the rest of us.

Given his actions, I can’t help but feel that being our friend matters far less to him than living out his self-indulgent fantasy of being the one being in Equestria that we rely on more than yourself, Princess.

I expect I shall have quite a few things to say to Gary myself once he has been found.

Respectfully yours,





(I’m feeling good enough to write now. Good timing since Fluttershy is kinda nervous about adding her two bits herself. — Spike)


So, about Gary.

I agree with most of what Rarity said, actually. All except for the last part. And the part about what Gary did not being right. Not that I think he was entirely right to let Rarity fall up in Cloudsdale or steal Spike's moment at the Crystal Empire or honestly just tell Rarity that I wasn't comfortable being a model when I asked him to keep that a secret even if it did turn out alright

I’m sorry. What I’m saying is, I don’t know what else I would have expected Gary to do.

Equestria was some kind of story to Gary, right? And he just got magically transported into it? Well we were the first creatures Gary met after arriving. Given that he knew about our world, and us, and everything that was going to happen…

I guess I just don’t think this situation is really fair to poor Gary.

(Apologies, Princess, I need to take over again. Also I might have needed to use that stasis spell that you told me to only use in emergencies in order to get everypony calm enough that Fluttershy could finish speaking. I promise it was only for a few seconds! — Twilight)

Um, right. So Gary.

Really, he knew what was going to happen. It’s not like he or the rest of us could have done anything to change that, right? But that means that he was going to get somepony mad no matter what. I mean, he either had to use what he knew to try and change things, which has already made so many ponies upset, or he had to keep what he knew a secret, which wouldn’t be much better once we found out.

Oh dear, I know I’m upsetting a few of my friends but I actually feel sorry for Gary. There really wasn’t anyway things could end well if we found out he could see the future. Maybe if he’d told us the first time we met but even then I don’t how things would’ve wound up if we even believed him back then. Perhaps he was just trying to hog all the glory for himself…

But I want to think that he really wanted to be our friend. He just made a really, really bad choice about how to do it.

Your faithful citizen,


P. P. S.

I’m adding this last note in a special ink I developed some time ago. One that shouldn’t be visible until exposed to Spike’s flames.

I know I shouldn’t hide things from my friends like this but since this matter regards information from those disks I felt it was prudent. Since my special assignment is now complete, Princess, I was hoping that you’d have the chance to answer a very, very personal question for me.

Gary stealing Spike’s place at the Crystal Empire and my own role in that since I ignored Gary’s advice to ask for help were only part of the reason I tried to avoid bringing it up to anypony but you and Princess Luna. And since you asked about how much of the disks I’d seen

I have to confess, Princess, I read every word on the disks and boxes as I said. Particularly the titles of each story and those combined with what I saw of you and Princess Luna after our Crystal Empire adventure

Is it true?

Am I supposed to become a Princess?

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Author's Note:

And we're back baby!

Man this took me a while to figure out the right way to frame the scene. I considered for a while doing it as a back-and-forth of notes being slid under the door between Spike and the Mane Six as they try to coax him out of the room he's locked in.

Gotta say, the trickiest part of this story is balancing between what the characters would actually write in a letter and what they need to write in order for you, the audience, to get enough of the picture. I still do like this model for the story though.

If you'd like to see how the professionals do it by the way, pretend you have a very young cousin or son/daughter and purchase a copy of Regarding the Fountain by Kate Klise as it was the chief inspiration for using this writing style.