• Published 6th Aug 2017
  • 5,905 Views, 460 Comments

Regarding: Gary Stu - Bed Head

Twilight Sparkle makes a shocking discovery about Equestria's greatest hero.

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My Faithful and Beloved Student

My faithful and beloved student,

You have my personal thanks for tending to this matter, Twilight Sparkle. I knew, even under the circumstances, that I could trust in your judgement and discretion.

The chiefest problem regarding the case against Mister Stu, of course, remains the questions of intent behind what he did and the extent of what (if any) damage his actions may have caused. While we still, unfortunately, have no answer to the former, Princess Luna and I agree that the latter is a different story. We have studied the story disks as thoroughly as we dared given the knowledge they do, and potentially still could, reveal.

Know that I must remain impartial on this matter if I am to properly judge it. The disks’ version of events should, at most, be taken as merely one possible way your adventures could have resolved. Consideration should even be given, perhaps, to the possibility that Gary Stu’s mere presence in our world could have changed things with or without his interference.

Yet even as I bear all that in mind I can’t help but feel so deeply saddened as I see what you and your friends might have become.

I saw Applejack, so steadfast and strong. Yes, perhaps sometimes a bit too much so for her own good. Yet her decisions were fueled by the deep love she holds for her family and friends, and her mistakes only served to deepen those bonds and made her strive to do better in the future.

Rainbow Dash, endlessly courageous, always pushing herself and those around her to be their very best. Brash? Naturally. Arrogant? At times, yes. But as quick to make amends as she is to do anything else and never letting her defeats hold her back.

Loving and loyal Spike, always loathe to leave his friends’ side or leave them wanting for help. A dragon who, despite his uncommon upbringing, is stronger and braver than any other Equestria has seen.

The joy and laughter Pinkie Pie spreads hardly needs to be mentioned. But even in her moments of doubt, those rare times when she had trouble finding happiness for herself, her first worry was whether or not those around her were happy. And each of those trying moments only made her bounce back brighter and more cheerful than ever.

Rarity’s kind and giving spirit, so often torn between her own desires and the wishes of those closest to her. Yet she chose to sacrifice of herself every time, and showed so many others the wonders of sharing with those around you. That such efforts are never truly wasted or unappreciated.

Gentle Fluttershy, soft-spoken as her name implies. Yet possessing such unyielding strength and desire to protect and nurture those around her, to make sure they are happy and safe. Kindness, truthfully, is not always easy and yet she never failed to make it seem as effortless as breathing.

And last, but certainly not least, my wonderful student Twilight Sparkle. A brilliant young mare, yet still consumed by curiosity about the world around her. Learning something new everyday that was spent with her wonderful friends and growing stronger, not simply in terms of her magical prowess and knowledge but in her heart as well.

I see all this in the disks, and then I see what it is Gary Stu has truly done: He’s stifled your potential, and the proof is in the adventures you’ve lived with him and especially in today’s series of letters.

Applejack so readily kowtowing to another’s suggestions? Rainbow Dash doubting her ability to have saved her friends when they most needed her? Spike believing that anyone could assist Twilight better than himself? Fluttershy actually being worried about showing another creature, especially one who’s most in need of somepony to hear and listen to his side of the story, a measure of kindness?

It’s true, Gary’s guidance has protected many of you from mistakes and embarrassments. It has also shielded all of you from your ability to learn from those same mistakes. From discovering new sides to yourselves beyond even the Elements of Harmony that bonded to each of you. With each adventure, even ones where his advice may have been disregarded at first, at the end I can see only one lesson the truly repeats itself in every report I received.

“Gary was right.”

It was a pattern I could see developing long ago, and yet how could I have done anything about it? Argued against a friend who seemed so wise, who had played a role in saving my sister and all of Equestria even as I saw him slowly crush the ponies I at the time only suspected you could have been? Like yourselves I simply accepted that Gary’s presence was a miraculous boon for Equestria and believed that intervening would only cause more problems than it could potentially solve.

Now I can only curse myself a fool for not suspecting the source of his apparent “wisdom” sooner.

Please understand, my little ponies. I am in no way disappointed in any of you. Nor am I prematurely condemning Mister Stu. The motives behind his actions are yet to be understood, as is whether or not he was aware of the potential consequences of them. Judgement on that matter and how public to make it still falls to my sister and I.

Know full well though that whatever you may feel towards Gary; Be it anger, sorrow, sympathy, confusion, or anything else, I most assuredly share all of those sentiments and more.

Your loving teacher,

Princess Celestia


Twilight (for your eyes only),

Hurting you is the last thing I ever wished to do. Yet I hope that I have answered your question.

I hope you understand why I might not have felt you were ready for such lofty heights.

I’m sorry.

With deepest sympathies,


Dear Princess Celestia,

It’s alright. I suspected as much.

Eagerly awaiting further news with the others.

Your still-faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle


I know I shouldn’t have read this before I sent it. Bad habits, I’m a good dragon, I know. But Twilight’s crying again and I’m worried! What’s going on?


To: Princesses Celestia and Luna

Re: Gary Stu

Excellent news your majesties. The human known as Gary Stu has been recovered as ordered.

As Princess Luna suspected, Mister Stu had gone to the ancient castle in the Everfree Forest. We discovered him in a cavern in the ravine surrounding the ruins, digging at the base of a crystal tree.

On a personal note I have several questions about what that was about. Regrettably Mister Stu was acting rather manic, refusing to come with us and insisting that he had to “prove he was there to help”. I recommend a royal commendation is in order for Private First Class Scale Mail for his skillfully timed sleeping spell that allowed us to bring Mister Stu in unharmed.

Gary Stu is currently still sleeping, but being kept under our watch at Ponyville’s Town Hall. We await further orders.


Acting Guard Captain Steel Hoof


Private First Class Flash Sentry has fully recovered and was debriefed, but expressed a significant unwillingness to return to Canterlot until this case was closed. Unwillingness bordering on insubordination, I should mention. Perhaps you could offer a suggestion before I need to write up a promising young soldier?

To: Acting Guard Captain Steel Hoof

Re: Gary Stu

Keep Mister Stu under watch, and send PFC Sentry to Carousel Boutique to attend to Miss Sparkle and her friends. He may feel free to take official statements from them as well, but make it clear they are not to leave the shop.

My sister and I shall be in Ponyville presently.


Princess Luna