• Published 9th Aug 2017
  • 332 Views, 21 Comments

Barnacle's Adventure: Pony Pirates on the High Seas - Paradise Oasis

Arrrr, a pony pirate crew sets out for high seas adventure for gold, fame, and fortune! But will they be finding treasure, or walking the plank?

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Back on the open ocean!

"Wheeeee, this is soooo much fun!" Fizzy giggled, standing with her front hooves outstretched on the mast. "I love sailing on the big blue ocean!"

The great vessel sailed across the mighty ocean, crashing up and down upon the mighty waves. Once again, the sea ponies were swimming around down by the ship's hull, singing and calling to the stallion sailors on the vessel. Barnacle and Salty were prepared, however, and they had their ears stuffed with wax. And while Salty worked on the rigging, and Barnacle was looking over the map in his private quarters, Wave Runner and North Star at the helm, guiding the vessel.

"Wow, Fizzy has sure taken well to her drop in intelligence, hasn't she?" Wave Runner noted, turning the wheel slightly. "I know she used to be the meanest mare on this ship, but now..."

"Like I said before, I actually think she's happier this way." North Star replied, watching her unicorn friend acting like a silly goofball. "She was always so upset about everything all of the time, but now she seems to so the brighter side of everything."

"Well, I wish I could be as blissfully happy as Fizzy, considering where we are headed next." Wave Runner Sighed. "The captain is insane to be taking us to our next destination."

"Blimey, Wave Runner! Salty and I noticed how hard you came down on the cap'n!" North Star noted, flapping her wings. "Where could we possibly be possibly be heading, that would upset you so much?"

"To the kingdom of the hippogriffs, North. To the kingdom of the pony/eagle hybrids." Wave Runner replied. "They have the second key, and getting it from not be as easy as it was getting the one the cats had in their possession."

"Wait, why should we be worried about the hippogriffs?" North Star asked, puzzled. "I've never heard of those creatures being very hostile or aggressive to visitors or outsiders."

"Yeah, but that's not the problem, North." Wave Runner explained. "The hippogriffs were the original race who possessed the enchanted pearl. In fact, it was the pearl that brought their species into existence, by giving ponies eagle traits."

"Just like how the griffins were created, by fusing other kinds of birds with ponies." North Star finished. "Crikey, the hippogriffs must believe the pearl to be sacred! They might not exactly be happy we're trying to retrieve the pearl, and might actually try and stop us!"

"Exactly, and they might not be exactly happy to have us show up." The helmsmare explained. "If we want to get that key they posses, we might just have to break down, and actually act like pirates."

North Star nodded, and the two mares stood there silently for several minutes. Then, trying to change the subject, North Star looked down into the water around the boat, at the mermares singing at the stallions aboard alluringly.

"Blimey, those girls sure don't give up easily, do they?" North shook her head. "I've heard stories about mermares luring land stallions to their doom by drowning, but that doesn't sound like something mermares would actually do."

"Those aren't regular mermares, North." Wave Runner spun the wheel in a hard right. "Those are creatures called Sirens. They hypnotize stallions with their songs, and feed off of the emotions of their victims as they die."

"That's horrible!" North Star whinnied, staring down at the sirens in disgust. "I've heard stories from old sailors about those horrid creatures, but I've never actually seen them before now." The Pegasus narrowed her eyes. "Now, I wish those buggers actually were only an old sailor's tale."

"Don't worry, the boys are safe." Wave Runner reassured her, pointing a hoof up towards Salty in the crow's nest. "The cap'n was smart enough to prepare for these creatures, and picked up some wax in the port of Abysinnia. Barnacle seems to always be prepared for any situation that we might encounter on the open ocean, I'll give him that much."

"Well then, if you trust him to deal with any problem we might run into while sailing," North Star asked. "Don't you think we can trust him to have planned how to deal with the hippogriffs?"

Wave Runner thoguht for a moment, then shook her head. "Yes, I suppose you're right." She looked back towards Barnacle's quarters. "The cap'n has proven that he knows what he's doing on this voyage, I guess I shouldn't be so hard on him about the whole thing."

"I understand why you were so apprehensive about him, though." North Star replied dreamily. "There's something incredible about that stallion, though I can't quite put my hoof on it..."

"Oh my, it sounds like a certain mare has a crush on our dashing young captain." Wave Dancer teased her.

"Well.... I ... that is...." North Star stuttered, her face turning a deep red. "I just... I don't.... I couldn't..."

"Don't worry about it, honey. You're not the first mare to fall head- over- hooves for a dashing stallion sailor." Wave Dancer laughed. "Just be careful with Barnacle, North Star. A pirate captain can be a whole lot of fun, but in the end, he'll break your heart."

North Star merely nodded, and looked silently back towards the churning ocean.

Far down in the water below, the sirens looked up at Salty in the crow's nest longingly, and sang sweet songs of longing to him.

"Come away with us, handsome stallion..." Their sweet voices sang in unison. "You have been sailing for so long, and your heart is so burdened with the troubles of the world." They stared at him with lust-filled eyes. "Come over the deck, and join us in the water. It's so very warm. Join us, and we'll make all of the the pain and bad memories that are troubling you alllll go away, forever..."

Seeing the mares swimming around down there, Fizzy picked up a cannonball off the deck, and chucked it into the water, crushing the one of the sirens, and causing both the corpse of the mermare and the cannonball to slowly sink beneath the waves.

"Awww, shut up, you stupid sea floozies!" Fizzy yelled down, as the rest of the sirens scattered. "Your singing is terrible, and you all smell like fish!"

As the ponies sailed on towards the hippogriff kingdom, no other sirens bothered them for the remainder of the journey there.