• Published 9th Aug 2017
  • 332 Views, 21 Comments

Barnacle's Adventure: Pony Pirates on the High Seas - Paradise Oasis

Arrrr, a pony pirate crew sets out for high seas adventure for gold, fame, and fortune! But will they be finding treasure, or walking the plank?

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A Tale of Treasure

As the Celestia's Revenge sat floating in the city of Panthera's harbor, Barnacle had called a meeting of the entire crew. They had all gathered at a table in the ship's cargo hold, at the good captain's request, so that he could discuss more about the purpose of the voyage. And that was a question Wave Runner was VERY eager to ask.

"Okay, Barnacle... you've been keeping the details of this treasure hush hush, and we've blindly gone along with you thus far." The Pegasus mare stated, her face illuminated in the darkened hold by the light of the kerosene lamp. "But it's time you show us the map, and explain what this treasure is all about."

As if in response, Barnacle lit his pipe, and looked around the table at all of the others. Setting the map he carried on the table and unrolling it, the other four gathered around close to take a look and the mysterious map's contents.

"Aye, we're all in this together, so I'll be honest with all 'o ye." Barnacle exhaled a puff of smoke. "Have any o' ye evar heard of an enchanted artifact, called the pearl of change?"

"The pearl!? You mean that magical thingy that could change creatures from one thing, into something else?" Wave Runner asked thoughtfully. "I've heard that nobody knows whatever happened to it, nor does anybody remember the full extent of it's powers."

"Blimey, but I heard the pearl was lost after the Grogar wars." North Star added. "How could you have possibly have found a map to something that just disappeared?"

"Actually, in one of that is entirely true. It didn't really disappear... in truth, it was actually hidden away." Barnacle explained. "Ya see, according to the pearl originally created by the Penna, the ancient bird-race who ruled this world long before any of the other animals came along. Back when the Penna first made friends with the first ponies, they felt sorry for them because they were all earth ponies had so few abilities." The captain continued, reading from the ancient script on the map. "So, the penna used the power of the pearls to give some ponies wings, and other ponies horns, and grant the earth ponies that remained powers over growing things in the soil."

Everybody in the cargo hold fell silent for a moment, fully absorbing what Barnacle had just said... and what it's ramifications were for all of ponykind.

"Wait a second... you mean to tell me, that this pearl is the very reason Pegasus and unicorns even exist?" Fizzy asked in disbelief, vocalizing what the other three were thinking. "That the Penna actually used the pearl to give us our flight and magical powers?"

"Aye, that's exactly what I'm sayin', lass." The captain nodded. "Anyway, after the fall of the penna civilization, the pearl fell into the hooves of a tribe of ponies who lived among these islands, and they used it's power to transform themselves into hippogriffs to become stronger. After a millennium in their possession, the hippogriffs were threatened by an invading enemy, who desired to capture the artifact." He looked back down at the writing on the back of the map again. "So in order to escape their invaders, they transformed themselves into sea ponies, and established an undersea kingdom."

"Oh, wait cap'n! I think I've heard this story from me mum before!" Salty added proudly. "Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends had an adventure in the seapony kingdom, and managed to get the pearl from them!"

"That's right, Mister Salty. She then gave the pearl to princess Luna, who then used it to turn several hundred pony volunteers the freshwater sea ponies." Barnacle replied, reading from the story on the back of the map again. "Eventually, the alicorn princesses decided the pearl was too dangerous, and decided to seal it away in a temple hidden here on the great southern sea."

"And this map leads to the island where this temple is located, correct?" Wave Runner pointed out. "Then what are we doing here off the coast of Abyssinia, instead of following the map straight to the treasure?"

"That's because the princesses didn't want the pearl to fall into evil hands- or hooves, as the case may be." Barnacle explained. "So they crafted an enchanted door, and sealed it with five keys that they gave to five kingdoms spread out over the southern ocean."

"And let me guess... she gave the first key to the royal family of the kingdom of Abyssnia?" Fizzy asked, rolling her eyes. "Why do these crazy treasure hunts ALWAYS involve going around and collecting stuff you need to get before you can collect the treasure?! That is soooo STUPID!"

"So, we have to convince the royal family to just hand over the key, one of their greatest treasures in their possession, and not let them know we're after the pearl for selfish purposes, correct?" North Star shook her head. "Oh yeah, this is going to be a jolly good fun time, isn't it?"

"Would you please stop being so cynical, North?" Wave Runner snapped defensively. "I'm sure that Barnacle has a plan to get the key from the king!"

"Yeah, the Cap'n would never throw us up the creek, without a paddle! He's gotta have a plan!" Salty looked back at his captain. "Uhhhh, you do have a plan, don't you, cap'n?"

"Oh, of course I do, Laddie." Barnacle smiled, puffing on his pipe. "Did ya see how empty the harbor is out there? Abyssinia doesn't get many visitors these days."

"Probably because of all those big, ugly storms out there." Fizzy pointed her hoof towards the porthole facing the open sea. "I still don't' understand how we avoided those storms on the way to the island."

"Those typhoons are created by the Storm King, who sees himself as the ruler of this whole ocean." Barnacle explained, leaning back in his chair smugly. "And he uses those nasty storms to force the inhabitants of the various islands to bend to his will, and obey him."

"So, you're going to promise to use the pearl to take down the Storm King, in order to get their trust!" North Star exclaimed, realizing his plan. "But... do you actually plan to help them with the pearl, or is it just a ruse?"

But Barnacle simply stood up and walked away from the worried ponies at the table, leaving the question hanging in the air, unanswered.