• Published 9th Aug 2017
  • 332 Views, 21 Comments

Barnacle's Adventure: Pony Pirates on the High Seas - Paradise Oasis

Arrrr, a pony pirate crew sets out for high seas adventure for gold, fame, and fortune! But will they be finding treasure, or walking the plank?

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Making a Good Impression

The Abyssinian delegation rowed out to the vessel, putting on their best faces to greet the strange new arrivals. As the rowboat approached the ship, the five pony crew came up from below decks to greet them. The small craft came up to dock next to the Celestia's revenge, and Salty threw a rope ladder over the side for their feline guests. A trio of humanoid cats climbed up the ladder, and came aboard the ship.

"Ahoy thar, my honorable Abyssinian guests." Barnacle bowed to to them, his smile widening into a great big grin as all of the ponies bowed to the three cats. "I am captain Horatio J. Barnacle, and me crew and I humbly welcome you aboard our vessel, and thank ye for gracing us with your presence."

"Thank you for your warm welcome, Captain Barnacle." The lone tomcat of the three greeted them, returning the bow. "I am Mesafint Fasilides, noble of the royal court, and representative of the crown to your and your gallant crew." He motioned a paw behind him. "This is my sister, the lady Katrina, the court's royal alchemist. And the tigress beside her is the Lady Kyarr, representative of the capital's merchant guilds."

"Blimey, we are really pleased to meet all of you." North Star greeted them, approaching the tigress. "My name is North Star, I can't wait to go and shop in your fair city's shop's and businesses."

"Why, thank you, Miss Star!" The striped orange tiger smiled, brushing the wrinkles out of her blue shemma gown. "They will be pleased to have a foreign customer again, after all this time."

"Speaking of which, that brings up a few curiosities our kingdom has about your voyage." Katrina asked, her voice dripping with skepticism. "Such as why you are here, and and how you got through the Storm King's barrier?"

""Wow, getting a bit nosy there, aren't you, lady?" Fizzy asked, annoyed. "Isn't that a violation of the laws of hospitality?"

"Fizzy! That's enough!" Wave Runner snapped at her crew mate. "I've very, very sorry about that, honorable guests. Our cook can be a bit... abrasive, at times."

"Oh, don't worry about it." Fasilides laughed nervously. "My sister can be stubborn and troublesome at times. I'm certain we can work things out in these matters."

"Perhaps we should board our rowboats, and make our way into the city." Salty suggested. "We'd have much more space on land, and I'm sure you have a better place for us to sit down and talk ashore. Everything here on the ship is far too tight and cramped."

"Of course, we'd be happy to have all of you come ashore!" Lady Kyarr replied, as the three felines returned to the boat. "Follow us back towards the shore, and we'll take you to the palace for negotiations."

Barnacle nodded, and ordered his crew to board one of the rowboats, and they followed the welcoming committee back to the shore. And when the five ponies set hoof on the shore once more, they were amazed by what they saw. Tents and stalls lined the main road, with cats of every shape, size, and color selling their wares. Pottery and furniture, clothing and tools... the bazaar had everything a feline... or a pony... could possibly ask for. As they passed a food vendor, the cook doled up a bowl of soup, and handed it to Salty.

"Here you go, young man." The tomcat smiled. "Enjoy."

"Mmmmm, this is really good!" Salty exclaimed, taking a bite. "What is this stuff?"

"We call it wat stew, a mix of lamb, and vegetables!" The chef replied. "I am very pleased that you enjoyed it. And do not worry, you owe me nothing."

"Ohhh, I think these shawls look simply lovely!" Wave runner exclaimed, pulling one of the long white scarves off of one of the clothing stalls, and holding it in her hooves. "The cloth is so thin and delicate!"

"That is the Netela; it is a favored piece of clothing here in Abyssinia." The cat woman explained, wrapping the shawl over the pony's head. "And it is a free gift to you, honored guest."

"Oh, I couldn't accept this!" The Pegasus protested. "Here, let me give you a few coins for this."

"Oh, no no no! I insist!" the tabby cat shop keep raised a paw. "It is our way of saying thanks to you, for bringing trade back to this island!"

Both Katrina and Barnacle took note of these exchanges, and both harbored their suspicions about what it's true purpose was. Meanwhile, one of the Pegasus was staring at the whole bazaar in disbelief.

"Blimey, I never thought this place would be so colorful!" North Star exclaimed. "I mean, it looks incredible compared to Dream Valley's tiny little marketplace! I've never seen so many things for sale!"

"But of course, we have one of the most extensive selection among the southern islands." Kyarr bragged, pleased that the ponies had taken notice. "Even though we have been cut off from overseas markets, our merchants still maintain the finest stalls in this part of the world!"

They passed several stalls, where merchants held up all sorts of jewelry and trinkets, which sparkled in the eyes of the three mares in the group, before they forced themselves to continue on through the crowd. As they passed by the last of the merchant stalls, they came to a large building of mud and adobe. As they entered the great hall, the five ponies simply couldn't believe how large a structure made out of the simplest materials was.

"This is our guild hall, where the merchants discuss matters of business." Lady Kyaa explained. "We can carry out our negotiations here, where you may enjoy our most generous hospitality."

"Your generous hospitality is exactly what I'd like to discuss." Barnacle replied, and they all sat down to the massive wooden table in front of them. "Particularly, why your merchants are being so nice to me crew."

"And we'd be happy to answer your question," Katrina replied, putting a claw on the table. "As soon as you address our suspicions about you mysterious and sudden arrival."

Both parties stared across the table, waiting for the other side to be the first to speak up....