• Published 21st Aug 2017
  • 1,776 Views, 98 Comments

Dark Star of Shadows - Super Ponyman

There will always be good and evil in Equestia, but one cannot exist without the other. When the shadow king Sombra returns after hiding for four years, he plots his revenge. This time, he has a student of his own, and he shows no mercy

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Chapter 10: Shadow Armor

Author's Note:

Time for another chapter with King Sombra! This time he may be creating something evil out of something good! Enjoy the Chapter!

(Castle Nevermore, Throne Chamber)

King Sombra sat in his throne, an entire sandwich in his magic grasp. Nocturne had dropped off the daily Shadow Guard reports.

He said to himself through the chewing, "What is with these guards? I swear they are more incompetent than Princess Celestia's soldiers."

Nocturne walked in with a massive stack of papers on her back, she slipped them off in front of her king.

"Here are the rest of the complaints from the guard commander my king. And before you ask, no, these are not the last of these." Nocturne said, stepping back as King Sombra got up and ignited his horn.

King Sombra growled and blasted the stack of papers with a bolt of dark magic, leaving them a pile of ashes.

"For buck's sake Nocturne! How many of these wretched things do I have to read?"

Nocturne backed away slowly and said, "you still have 3,745 military complaints to address, my king."

King Sombra roared in anger, "This would not be a problem if my head commander wasn't bucking retarded... the little idiot can't even quell a rebellion."

Nocturne looked at her king and said, "Yes. It it truly unfortunate that such a mighty king like you, must be surrounded by idiots. Perhaps you need a better commander."

King Sombra sat back down on his throne, facehoofing. "Of course I need a better commander Nocturne. But slaves don't make for good leaders, well except you."

Nocturne blushed a bit, "Thank you for the compliment my king, I only wish to help you in any way I can."

Sombra narrowed his eyes and said, "I've ran out of ideas, why is it so HARD to get competent leadership?The strongest military leader I've ever gone up against is that wretched Shining Armor, But he would never join my side! I need someone like him to lead my forces into battle..."

Nocturne put her hoof on her kings hoof and said, "Well if you want a commander like Shining Armor why don't you just make one?"

Suddenly, an idea popped into the Shadow King's head, he rushed over to Nocturne and grabbed her face with his hooves. "What did you say?"

Nocturne repeated her statement, "well if you want a commander like Shining Armor why don't you just make one?" She looked confused.

King Sombra smiled, "THATS IT! I'll just make a commander like Shining Armor to lead my armies. Nocturne, you are a bucking genius!"

Nocturne blushed, "thank you your highness. It is my job to advise you on certain things."

King Sombra went into the storage room, then came back with a hood and cloak as well as a jar.

He said to his advisor, "Here! Take this cloak and travel to the Crystal empire. Get me a shard of Shining Armor's horn, and a piece of his hair. Meanwhile, I'll go get myself ready for the spell we need to preform."

King Sombra was practically pushing Nocturne out the door. "Go! Hurry! The sooner I get these materials the better. I'll transport you there via my Shadow Form."

With that, King Sombra transformed him and Nocturne into shadow form and flew out into the frozen north. Eventually after a few days, they reached the outskirts of the Crystal Empire.

(The Crystal Empire)

King Sombra and Nocturne reverted back to thier pony forms and Sombra said to his advisor, "so, here's the plan Nocturne. You are going to infiltrate the Crystal Empire under the cover of night, get to the Crystal Castle, find Shining Armor's and Princess Cadence's Bedroom, and cut off a part of Shining Armor's mane and a small piece of his horn. I'll be waiting for you outside in that storehouse."

King Sombra pulled out the cloak he was carrying, there was a variety of gadgets and weapons inside. Such as climbing rope, sleeping darts with a blowpipe, flashbangs, and two knives. "You'll need these."

Nocturne nodded and took the cloak, "I won't come back until I have that hair and horn sample."

Sombra turned into shadow and said, "I know you won't disappoint me Nocturne."

Nocturne threw the climbing rope over the wall and climbed up onto the wall walkway. She saw multiple guards coming, and Nocturne ran into a nearby tower. When the guards turned the corner and entered the tower, Nocturne fell from the ceiling and hit them in the back of the head, knocking them out. She then jumped out onto the roof of a house, and jumped from rooftop to rooftop towards the Crystal Castle.

(Crystal Castle, Royal Bedroom)

Nocturne Arrived at the bottom of the Crystal Castle's tower. She said in her head, "This is too easy."

Nocturne pulled out a pair of climbing gloves, and started to ascend the tower wall. A few minutes later, she reached the balcony, the door was already open.

"This has got to be the worst security ever. I don't know why King Sombra was so worried about." She said, walking slowly into the room and approaching the Bed, Shining Armor was sleeping peacefully.

Nocturne pulled out a knife and leaned in to cut a piece of Shining Armor's mane, it came off easily. The cloaked pony put the mane sample in the jar she had in her bag.

Nocturne went to his horn to scrape a piece off, but stopped dead as Shining Armor turned in his sleep. Nocturne sighed softly and chipped a piece of Shining Armor's horn off, placing it in the jar before sealing it and walking back to the open balcony. She looked back on her work.

Shining Armor was still sleeping like a filly!

Just as she was about to exit, Nocturne bumped into somepony, knocking her to her flanks. The other intruder looked at Nocturne and Nocturne saw a sight that she thought would never come back. Before her stood the Changeling Queen Chrysalis!

Both Chrysalis and Nocturne freaked out, waking Shining Armor. Who then shouted out, "Guards!"

Queen Chrysalis said to her black-clad opponent, "So! Another ruler is trying to take my Shining Armor before me. I'll show you who is more deserving of his love."

Chrysalis unleashed a storm of energy balls, Nocturne ran past the queen's onslaught and slid down the rope she still had left.

Nocturne ran as fast she could, dodging guards that were alerted by the shouting. Eventually, she jumped over the barriers and ran into the Storehouse where King Sombra was waiting.

"Did you get the samples?" He said, hearing the voices from outside.

Nocturne replied in a nervous voice, "YES! Let's get our flanks out of here!"

King Sombra transformed himself and Nocturne into Shadow, and flew out of the storehouse.

(Castle Nevermore, King Sombra's Ritual Room)

King Sombra and Nocturne walked downstairs into the basement of the castle, Sombra was smiling his evil grin, knowing full well what he was going to do.

The pair stopped in front of a pair of levers, "Nocturne! Pull the lever!"

Nocturne pulled the lever and King Sombra fell down a trapdoor, "Wrong Lever Nocturne!!!!" He screamed before a large thud was heard.

King Sombra walked up the staircase that led downstairs into the dungeon torture chambers, "this is the third time this week this has happened! I have to put a massive label on this thing that only I can see." He said, tail slightly singed.

Nocturne pulled the other lever and the wall opened up, revealing a large room with a pit of green slime in it.

"My king, I have two questions. One, what the hell is that stuff? And two, are you really sure this is a good idea?"

King Sombra looked at his advisor and said, "That is a pool of pure Dark Magic, and yes, this is a brilliant idea!"

Nocturne moved towards a large pillar with different symbols on it as King Sombra dropped the jar containing Shining Armor's mane and horn shard into it.

The Shadow King began the spell, "Dark Magic, lend me your power! Let me create a evil servant from these offerings, and bring him to life!"

King Sombra laughed as the green aura of dark magic filled his eyes, purple smoke billowing out of his eyes as he shot a beam of black lightning into the pool.

Nocturne stood back and held onto the ground as the purple smoke emanating from the pool was turning into a raging tornado. King Sombra was standing there, laughing evilly.


Nocturne activated the pillar and a torrent of dark magic smoke was absorbed into the pillar. Then everything went black!

When the smoke cleared, King Sombra lit up his horn to see what happened, in the middle of the hole where the pool of magic was, was a unicorn stallion. It shuddered and opened its eyes.

King Sombra ran into the pit and said to his new creation, "rise my new military commander..."

The new stallion said in a voice slightly deeper than Shining Armor, "who are you? What am I?"

King Sombra smiled and said, "I am king Sombra, your Leader and King. You are a commander in my military."

The stallion nodded his head, "yes. That sounds about right... what is my purpose?

King Sombra said in his evil voice, "You are my Weapon against the light, you are the dark sword that destroys everything good in the world. Do you have a name for yourself?"

Suddenly the Stallion's eyes narrowed and he said, "I am the Military Commander of King Sombra! My name is..."

he ignited his horn and a cutie Mark of a razor sword appeared on his flank, "SHADOW ARMOR!"

Nocturne looked on with fear at Shadow Armor's form, he was covered in steel gray fur, which was covering up lean and powerful muscles. His Wild, unkept mane was blood red and had shades of dark green in it. His eyes were crimson, and were filled with Dark Magic.

King Sombra laughed and said, "soon my Knight in Shadow Armor, I will send you on a mission for me."

Shadow Armor snarled a response, "What is it master?"

King Sombra took out a photo of a pony and showed it to his new minion. "I want you to find this pony and bring it to me, ALIVE."

Shadow Armor bared his teeth, "and what should I do if anyone gets in my way?"

King Sombra whispered into his dark knight's ear. "Kill Them."

Shadow Armor smiled and said, "as you command my king!" With that, Shadow Armor ran up the stairs with the picture in his mouth. The picture was of Twilight Sparkle!

Nocturne was terrified. She ran off to her quarters and began to write quickly.

"Dear Princess Celestia and Luna,

"This is Nocturne, The personal advisor to King Sombra. Before you toss this letter into the trash, I have something to tell you..."

"I bring grave news! King Sombra has unleashed a terrible monster on Equestria. It wears the face of Prince Shining Armor, and it is hunting Twilight Sparkle."

"He plans to capture Twilight and bring her back to Sombra's castle in the Frozen North. Send all the best guards you have to Twilight's home. Trust me on this one, I may work for King Sombra, but I am not a liar."


With that, Nocturne used King Sombra's scroll sender and sent the message to Princess Celestia.

"If Celestia cannot defeat him, then heaven help us..."