• Published 21st Aug 2017
  • 1,776 Views, 98 Comments

Dark Star of Shadows - Super Ponyman

There will always be good and evil in Equestia, but one cannot exist without the other. When the shadow king Sombra returns after hiding for four years, he plots his revenge. This time, he has a student of his own, and he shows no mercy

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Chapter 18: United! We! Stand!

Author's Note:

Here's where the going gets tough people and ponies everywhere! The groups meet up to discuss thier plan to counter Daybreaker and King Sombra.

Also, Burning Star has a LOT of explaining to do and a lot of Drunk Lavender Alicorn to deal with...

(Canterlot Castle, Main Courtyard)

Luna sat in her seat, waiting for Twilight Sparkle to show up, she had a letter in her hand addressed to her, it was from The Crystal Empire. Luna tapped her hoof on her seat arm, anxious as hell.

Some of the generals started to mumble to each other, Luna could hear them perfectly

"Where is Celestia?"
"Why is she giving the orders?"
"We need Celestia, not her..."

"She should have stayed on the moon..."

One of the generals spoke just loud enough to attract the ears of a Red Earth Pony Stallion, that general was hit square in the head with a left hook from a hoof that could stop a carriage.

Big Mac walked over to Luna and said, "he ain't gon' bother you no more princess Luna."

Big Macintosh looked around, "Anypony else say somentin' nasty about Princess Luna and I'll know, and you'll be sorry you ever said it." The rest of the generals were silent.

Big Mac was dressed in the Armor of the Lunar Guard, he had Crescent shaped Captians Bars on his shoulder pads. Luna steadied her captain's hoof.

Originally, Big Mac came to Canterlot to see what all the fuss was about. He wandered into a sparring match, and beat everypony easily. Luna noticed his strength and made him captain, since he kind of sent the previous one flying twenty feet into the air and out the window.

Princess Luna saw a group of ponies in the distance, it was The Main Six, Tirek, and Discord, minus Burning Star.

Twilight Sparkle flew up to Luna and gave her a hug, Luna asked the lavender Alicorn, "Where is Burning Star? I thought he was with you?"

Twilight Sparkle looked skyward, "He is on his way, Oh here he is. Stand back everypony!" Everypony backed up as a red light filled the sky.

Luna looked up as a fireball descended from the sky in the shape of a pony. It landed with a crash that sent many of the tables and chairs flying. When the dust cleared, Luna saw Burning Star standing there, with giant black wings on his back!

Rainbow Dash shouted out, "Now that's an entrance!"

She said in a shocked voice, "Burning Star? Is that you?"

The Black Alicorn nodded, "Yep. This was my secret, Luna. You surprised?"

Luna shook her head to make sure she wasn't dreaming, and then said "In the name of Faust, how did you get these?"

Burning Star answered her question as he stretched his wings, "I was born with these wings. They really are impressive, aren't they?"

Luna walked over and touched the wing rods. they weren't soft fur like Twilight's or her's, they were covered in rough fur and Luna could see the strong muscles underneath.

Some of the generals bowed, others kneeled, and some saluted Burning Star.

He said, "Greetings Generals and Politicians of Equestria, I am Burning Star, the Black Alicorn of Fire, I have come before you to say that I am going to be assisting Princess Luna when the time comes to go to war, which is fast approaching."

He continued, flaring out his wings to show them his strength and power, "I am sure you have all heard rumors of the Shadow King, King Sombra being alive and well. Let me put those rumors to rest, they are true."

Many of the politicians and generals gasped in shock. Burning Star put out a wing, motioning to sit down. "Be silent, everypony. That isn't the main issue here."

He put his front legs on the podium that was set up for Luna and said, "I'm sure you have heard about the recent string of attacks and destruction caused by a White Alicorn going by the name of Daybreaker, yes?"

General Thunderhooves The Pegasus got up and said, "Yeah, we have. Do you know anything about her?"

Burning Star spoke into the Microphone, "Yes I do, Daybreaker is none other than Princess Celestia herself! The reason I know this is because a unicorn known as Starlight Glimmer told me of the time Celestia and Luna switched Cutie Marks..."

Many of the ponies gasped, While the main six looked on with shock. Had Celestia gone nuts!

Applejack spoke up, "What do ya mean that Princess Celestia is Daybreaker? Celestia ain't evil!"

Twilight Sparkle spoke next, tears visible in her eyes. "Unfortunately Burning Star is right, Princess Celestia is Daybreaker. In order to deal with her effectively, He called in an old friend of his."

The generals then looked up and saw Tirek's massive shadow looming over them. He said in his booming voice, "Greetings Ponies. it is I, Lord Tirek. I'm Burning Star's Weapon against Daybreaker, I am not here for anypony else. Trust me..."

Many of the generals stared up in shock, "Why have you let Tirek escape from Tartarus! Surely you have heard of his ability to steal magic!"

Burning Star nodded, "Yes, I have. But that ability will come in handy during the inevitable fight against Daybreaker and King Sombra."

He flew into the air, giving him a good view of the ponies below him. "If anypony can stop Daybreaker and King Sombra, its us! Now go to your soldiers and tell them to prepare for war. King Sombra will likely be bringing an army, We have to be ready for that, and any other situation he can throw at us."

Luna handed Burning Star a letter, "This came in this morning, Burning Star. It's addressed to Twilight Sparkle, its from the Crystal Empire."

Burning Star picked up the paper, then said his conclusion, "Thank you for your time."

He walked off the stage and towards Twilight's friends. They began to leave, while the generals and politicians began to deliberate between each other.

Pinkie Pie ran up to Burning Star and gave him a hug, "that was a super duper speech Burning Star! I bet that those nasty meanies Daybreaker and King Sombra are shaking in their hooves. Especially Sombra, you were his former student right? I guess you'll be fighting fire with Fire."

Burning Star looked at Pinkie Pie with a deadpan stare, "Really? A pun?"

Rarity gave him a friendly grin. "Yes Darling. You may have a future in public speaking when this dreadful battle is over and done with."

(Twilight Sparkle's Castle, Friendship Map room)

Everypony and Triek was standing or sitting down as Twilight stood in front of them. Triek had to shrink down to fit inside the Castle.

Twilight opened the letter and read it aloud,

"Dear Twilight Sparkle,

"This is your brother Shining Armor, I am writing this letter to announce that Cadence and I are coming to visit to discuss this Daybreaker and King Sombra matter. Earlier this month, King Sombra showed up, and soon afterwards Daybreaker. I fought hard to defeat her, and I won, but Daybreaker escaped."

Twilight continued, not hearing the knocking on the door.

"I am bringing a few guests with me. You and your friends are to treat them well, ok? If we all work together, we can destroy King Sombra and return Celestia back to normal!"

"Love your BBBFF,
Shining Armor"

Burning Star looked at Tirek and said, "Do not engage in combat Tirek, or I'll send you back to Tartarus!"

Tirek sighed, "Fine."

Suddenly, a knock was heard on the doors, and Twilight saw her brother Shining Armor and Princess Cadence walk in, they were flanked by a steel gray stallion that looked like Shining Armor and QUEEN CHRYSALIS! Queen Chrysalis was holding hooves with Shining Armor.

Twilight Sparkle sat there, jaw on the floor. So did the rest of her friends, except Burning Star, he simply stared, wide eyed at the Changeling Queen.

Shining Armor walked up to Twilight and said, "Your wondering why I'm holding hooves with Queen Chrysalis, huh?"

Rainbow Dash tackled Chrysalis to the ground, pinning her to the floor. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE! I thought we sent you packing twice now! What did you do to Shining Armor!"

Chrysalis threw Rainbow Dash off her and snarled, "What makes you think I did anything to anypony?!"

Shining Armor walked up to Twilight and said, "Twily! its nice to see you again."

Twilight Sparkle gave her brother a weird glance, "why did you bring Queen Chrysalis here exactly?"

Chrysalis got up and sat next to Burning Star, since he was the only one not snarling and glaring at her.

Shining Armor motioned to everypony to relax, "Listen up. Queen Chrysalis saved my life and helped us repel Daybreaker... Alongside that pony."

Shining Armor pointed at Shadow Armor "everypony, this is..."

Shadow Armor walked up to Twilight and interrupted Shining, "I'm Shadow Armor. I was created by King Sombra as a way to capture you Twilight Sparkle. But, seeing you know, I could never injure such a pretty face..." Shadow Armor picked up Twilight's right hoof and kissed it.

The Lavender Alicorn blushed, "Well... If we are all ready to discuss our plans, let's settle this."

Hours passed, Ponies outside of the castle waited to hear from their princesses and leaders. This was a big deal, Equestria had never had a real big war before...

Burning Star exited the castle first, he stood up to announce the decision. "We will take on Daybreaker and King Sombra!"

Twilight sat in her throne, with Burning Star right next to her. Around the table sat ponies, Changeling, centaur/minotaur, and dragon. She looked on the now-named "Concil of Free Equestria" and was filled with pride.

Burning Star began to speak, "Ok... So let's go over the plan for the future."

He pointed to Chrysalis, "Queen Chrysalis, gather all the changeling hives together and tear up the land, if we can swamp them with rough terrain and barren villages, we can slow their march to a crawl."

He then pointed to Tirek, "Tirek, you and your forces will help separate King Sombra from Daybreaker, so we can deal with them one at a time."

Twilight Sparkle spoke next, "Luna. Send out the word to every village in Daybreaker and King Sombra's path to clear out. We can't allow civilians to take the brunt of the onslaught."

Burning Star spoke next, "When Daybreaker and King Sombra arrive, we will all fight as one."

He put his hoof in to the middle of the table, "All in! Who is with me?"

Tirek put his massive hand in, "I'm going, this is a danger to everyone, including me."

Chrysalis put her hole-filled hoof in, "I'm coming as well... I won't let my children be slaughtered at the hands of those two monsters..."

Everypony put thier hooves in and said all together, "United! We! Stand!

Burning Star spoke in a triumphant tone, "Now, let's go get cider! Go and Drink up my friends, for tomorrow we dance with death!"

(Sweet Apple Acres, The Cider Bar)

Twilight Sparkle sat at a table, nursing her forth mug of Cider. Burning Star sat next to her, drinking his cider as well.

He said to her, "What are you drinking to forget?"

Twilight put down her mug and said, "I just realized that I'm going to be fighting my mentor and she will try to kill me, no matter how much I would plead with her, she would kill me."

Burning Star took another slurp from his mug and said, "Your not alone in that feeling, King Sombra was my mentor as well... You once asked about my name, Twilight Sparkle. Burning Star is not my real Name."

Rainbow Dash was competing with Shadow Armor to see how strong he was at hoof-wrestling, she got an answer when Shadow Armor slammed her through the table.

Queen Chrysalis and Princess Cadence were laughing, talking about the times gone by when they were enemies, they were suprised that they shared so much in common.

Triek was hoof-wrestling with Applejack, and he was suprised that Applejack won. Fluttershy was singing alongside Discord. Luna was out on the floor, completely drunk.

Burning Star grabbed Twilight and teleported with her home. "Come now, You need sleep Twilight."

Twilight was snapped out of spacing out by Burning Star saying, "Twilight! That's your fourth one, don't you think you had too much."

Twilight slowly said, "Hey *hic, you say too much. Well I say not enough..."

Burning Star pulled the mug away from her, Twilight spoke slowly again, "Hey. *hic, give that back. I'm *hic not finished with it yet."

Burning Star shook his head, "Twilight you're drunk." He took her to her room and opened the door.

Twilight Sparkle got up, shut the door behind him, and replied in a lustful, yet still drunk tone. "And you're sexy..." she fell down on her bed, and used her magic to bring Burning Star down with her.

Burning Star knew what was coming and locked the door and shut the windows.

He said in his head, "It is finally
happening, she needed to be drunk, but its finally happening!"

Luna, being the Princess of the Night, saw this and went red in the face.

"O-oh dear. I should not be looking at this..."