• Published 21st Aug 2017
  • 1,776 Views, 98 Comments

Dark Star of Shadows - Super Ponyman

There will always be good and evil in Equestia, but one cannot exist without the other. When the shadow king Sombra returns after hiding for four years, he plots his revenge. This time, he has a student of his own, and he shows no mercy

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Chapter 5: The Fires of Betrayal and Battle!

(Castle Nevermore, Home of King Sombra)

Castle Nevermore was huge, almost twice the size of the Canterlot Castle. It was made of dark gray basalt and black crystal, perfectly reflecting the rulers personality.

Said ruler was not happy at the moment, he had just lost his one of his family members and student Dark Star...

King Sombra flung a large rock off the mountain cliff into the snow with his magic. He was clearly frustrated about the issue of losing Dark Star/Burning Star, so his advisor, Nocturne, tried to ease his anger.

"Don't get yourself too mad my king, you can't win all the time." Nocturne said, before she was picked up by Sombra's Magic as well and tossed inside.

King Sombra roared, shaking the walls of his massive castle, "This isn't possible! My mind control spell was flawless! HOW THE BUCK DID CELESTIA AND LUNA BREAK IT!" King Sombra's eyes burned with hatred and Dark Magic.

Nocturne put a hoof on her kings horn and said, "Princess Luna must have reversed it somehow, which is unfortunate, but lashing out at your student now is only going to waste your energy. Go get some rest my king, you look exhausted."

King Sombra was admittedly... very tired, having spent all his energy establishing a shared dream with Twilight Sparkle, shielding himself from the influence of Princess Luna, and transforming into his Shadow Form over and over.

King Sombra grasped Nocturne's face and said to his advisor, "You are wise beyond your age Nocturne. I am greatful that I brought you back from the dead."

Nocturne gave King Sombra an almost motherly look, "Can I ask you a question your highness?"

Sombra turned around to answer, "Yes, what is it?"

"Why are you "really" going after Twilight Sparkle?"

King Sombra looked away, suddenly finding great interest in the ceiling. "Uh... Well, She is extremely powerful Alicorn and can use dark magic. Does that answer your question?"

Nocturne walked over to her king, "While that may be true, I think we both know why you are after Twilight Sparkle." King Sombra visibly blushed, smiling sheepishly.

"Are you implying that I like her?" King Sombra said as his face went bright red.

Nocturne nodded, "Well... yes. I've seen what she looks like, she is quite beautiful, and she is a princess after all."

"Tha-that is not the reason why I am after her! What would have given you that reason?!" Sombra said, embarrassment in his voice and his face practically glowing red.

"You are currently the only real king in all of Equestria. You are also the oldest living Bachelor in the world, I think It would be very apparent as to why you want her to be your slave..."

King Sombra huffed, "How dare you imply that I have some sort of affection towards her! My heart is still as black as night!" He said as he pounded his chest.

Nocturne sighed, "While that may be true, I feel as if something has changed about you, my king."

"I only want her for her magic, nothing more! I'm going to bed. Wake me when it is nightfall again." With that, King Sombra stomped off to his room.

Nocturne simply sighed again, "As you wish my king."

(Castle of The Two Sisters, Everfree Forest)

The old ruins of Celestia and Luna's castle were quite a sight to behold, they held many secrets and was living history of a time before Canterlot and Equestria. The battle between Nightmare Moon and Celestia took place here, and now another battle is beginning between the students of two opposite teachers.

Princess Twilight Sparkle the Alicorn, student of Princess Celestia.

And Burning Star, the powerful fire unicorn, student of King Sombra.

Burning Star smirked, his head held high, "You still want to fight me Twilight Sparkle? If you lose, I will kill you, you know."

Twilight Sparkle shuddered at the thought of death, but stood her ground, "I'm not backing down. If I win, you surrender to me, Burning Star."

Burning Star bared his teeth and said, "Then give me all you got, Element of Magic!"

His mane and tail ignited into fire as his horn glowed with red energy, and his fur glowed bright red. His eyes were filled with flames, ready to annihilate this Alicorn.

Twilight Sparkle ignited her horn and flared her wings, even if she could not stun Burning Star, she could certainly beat and batter him to make him cool off and listen to reason.

Burning Star led off the battle with a swarm of Fireballs that erupted from his horn, Twilight countered with a blast of pink lightning. The two attacks collided midair, sending up a large cloud of smoke as well as shockwave that rattled the old walls of the castle.

Burning Star continued his attack with a spiraling blast of fire from his horn. Twilight shielded the attack, but she could feel the intense heat from the flames even inside her shield.

Twilight Sparkle was about to drop her shield and counter, but she had to pull it up again as Burning Star rammed headfirst into it with his hooves thrust forward, her shield broke and the impact sent her flying across the room.

Twilight Sparkle shouted, "You know, you are quite strong, for a unicorn." She Attacked with a purple laser beam of magic, which Burning Star blocked with a wall of fire.

Burning Star smiled, "Same to you, but you are no where near as strong as me, but I'm still impressed Twilight Sparkle, Celestia taught you how to defend yourself pretty well, but yet you don't try to attack me with anything lethal. Then again, Celestia never taught you those spells, did she?"

Twilight Sparkle snorted like a real horse and said to her opponent, "At least my teacher didn't enslave an entire empire! King Sombra is Evil! He is nothing like Celestia!"

Burning Star responded in a truly scary tone, sending a chill down the Alicorn's spine.

"Really now? She is nothing like my mentor?" He stepped forward, eyes, mane, and tail ablaze. Twilight Sparkle backed up, her flank hitting the old stone wall.

Burning Star hissed, "Let me list a few things that may make you see Celestia in a more educated light. Yes, She assembled Equestria and defeated Discord and the monsters. That was a good thing, but the results were not what should have happened. Ponies looked to her and Luna as gods, but a kingdom is not built by two ponies."

He edged closer to her face, "You see, a true kingdom is built by carpenters, soldiers, doctors, and teachers. It is NOT built by someone who thinks that they can do anything with thier power, that Twilight, is what is called a Dictator. Somepony who controls absolute power, something you do not have, power over the ponies of Ponyville and every other town and city across Equestria."

Burning Star's horn was touching hers, she could feel him breathing his hot breath on her face.

Burning Star continued to speak, "Princess or not, Celestia has done some very nasty things. Let's see..."

Twilight backed away as a wall of fire erupted from the ground. It began to play back Historical events using the dancing flames representing ponies.

"Celestia's first mistake was when banished her own sister Luna to the moon when she could not defeat her as Nightmare Moon, leaving you and friends to deal with her when she returned. No doubt she was too scared to deal with her sister, she has no backbone Twilight."

An recreation of the scene where Celestia sent Luna to the moon appeared, Twilight started to tear up a bit. She was seeing some of her teachers worst moments.

Burning Star whipped his horn, causing the wall of fire to change appearance "She drove the changelings to near extinction, when she probably knew that they were starving. Now that is just cruelty incarnate, isn't it? Leaving a race to starve to death? If I were her, I would have killed them all to spare them the trouble..."

A recreation of Queen Chrysalis being flung out of Canterlot appeared.

"And worst of all, she sent you and your friends to contend with my previous mentor, King Sombra, while she sat on her flank eating cake and tricking you into believing that defeating Sombra was a test to earn your Alicornhood, trust me, you could of had it at any time you wanted. I should know, I can sense the powerful magic coming off you."

The final image played out, King Sombra being shattered into pieces by the Crystal Heart.

Twilight Sparkle folded her ears back, trying to ignore Burning Star's words. "You're doing this just because you hate the princesses!" She shouted, causing Burning Star to back up, and smile even wider.

He spoke again, silencing the Alicorn, "Quiet! Do you know what greatest thing she has done is, Twilight Sparkle? She has convinced Equestria that she is a fair and caring ruler, what about the griffons? What about the Buffalo? She has made her statement very clear Twilight, she does not care for them in the least... why are they left In poverty while the Ponies flourish under her rule? Because of her greatest similarity between my former mentor and your mentor is this..."

Burning Star inhaled, preparing to release the final nail in the coffin, the final phrase to break Twilight's mind. "The reason for that is because of one thing, who would stand against someone who could torch the land with the sun? Who could fight someone who could drown your armies by just adjusting the moon a bit? No one, Twilight. Celestia is similar to King Sombra in one very obvious way, they both are rulers that rule by FEAR."

He ended his rant with a quick flick of his hair, sending flames dancing in the air.

Twilight Sparkle backed away from him, then screamed in anger. "DONT MOCK MY TEACHER!" She slammed Burning Star with the full force of a magic laser that blew the stained glass windows out and left a giant crater in the wall.

Burning Star slowly go up, "Well... huff... well played, I did not see that coming,
Well done Twilight Sparkle. I surrender to you, I've shown you my side of the story, Now show me yours, so I can compare who is really right." He said as he bowed his head, before collapsing to the floor unconscious.

Twilight sat there, stunned. This Unicorn had been able to shatter her perspective of reality so much that it made her rethink everything.

She curled up into a ball next to the large unicorn's body and cried softly,

"Celestia's the good pony, not a villain, right?" She said over and over, quietly sobbing to herself as the moon rose and a group of shadows settled over them.

Author's Note:

well... that chapter was pretty deep. I hoped you all enjoyed! :)