• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 493 Views, 67 Comments

Shattered Glass - Lucky Seven

The story of a man turned pony who finds love in a very unlikely place. Kill me for writing this please.

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"Can we talk in private real quick Twilight?", asked the princess

"Sure, we'll be right back Andrew"

Celestia and Twilight walked into the kitchen, leaving Andrew to wonder what they could be talking about that they didn't want him to hear. He wondered if he was in trouble, or if Twilight was in trouble for letting him into her home. He was also thinking of a new name for himself, in case he had to stay forever. It was a toss-up between Solar Flare and Wind Chaser. He decided he would ask Twilight and Celestia for their opinions when they came back to the main room. He could hear them whispering, but couldn't make out what they were saying, but he did hear his name as least once. Twilight and Celestia finally walked back into the main room, and Celestia started to talk.

"Twilight has informed me that you aren't from this dimension Andrew?"

"No, I'm not, but I also had a question I wanted to ask you two."

"Ask away," responded Twilight

"Well I've decided that if I'm going to live here now, I'll need a new name, Andrew just doesn't seem right, you know?"

Celestia spoke up once again, "Well, what name did you have in mind?"

"I actually have two, and I really like them both, but I can obviously only have one. The names I thought of are Solar Flare, and Wind Chaser."

"I for one, really like Solar Flare," said Twilight, and the princess nodded her head in agreement.

Celestia summoned a scroll and held it out in front of him, "Alright, just sign on the dotted line, and your name change will be official Andrew!"

Andrew tried to grab a quill, but didn't know how to pick it up without fingers. He thought for a second, and then realized he needed to pick it up with his mouth. He picked it up, but had trouble keeping it steady. After a moment though, he finally got in front of the paper and was preparing to sign when it dawned on him.

"Do I sign as Andrew or as Solar Flare?", he asked.

"Sign as Andrew since it is still technically your name," Celestia said with a chuckle.

Andrew quickly signed the scroll, and Celestia rolled it up and handed it to Twilight. He was no longer Andrew, he was now Solar Flare!

"Now, Solar, I need you to come back to Canterlot with me."


"It is the capital city of Equestria, where me and my sister rule over the land."

"Alright then, I'm ready when you are!"

"Excellent, let's go then."

They departed via magic, and were inside the castle in seconds. Solar stared at his surroundings in wonderment, he had never seen a more beautiful, more regal building in his life, and that's when SHE trotted into view. She had a sapphire coat, a cobalt blue mane and tail, and the most beautiful cyan eyes he had ever seen. He quickly found himself staring at her, captivated by her beauty.

"I see you have an eye for my sister Luna," Celestia whispered into his ear

Solar quickly blushed and turned away as Luna waltzed over to them to greet her sister. God, even the way she trotted was beautiful to him, there was just something magical about this Princess Luna. He had never believed in love at first sight, but he did now. Luna noticed Solar staring at her, and walked up to him first.

"Hello, my name is..."

"Princess Luna."

"How did you know that?"

"Twilight Sparkle told me everything about you and your sister. When she told me the story of Nightmare Moon, I couldn't help but feel bad for you, it must have been awful, having evil consume you like that!"

Luna chuckled nervously, "Well, you could say it was quite the experience, but I have a question. Why were you staring at me when I was trotting over here?"

This caused Solar to blush furiously, damn, she had noticed huh?

"Uh, well you see, it's um..."

"HE THINKS YOUR PRETTY!", interrupted Celestia. "Oh, I've said too much haven't I?"

Solar was blushing even more now and had to look towards the ground to avoid eye contact with Luna now. After a few seconds, he felt something on his shoulder, it was Luna's hoof. He looked up at her and she gave him a reassuring smile.

"There's no need to be embarassed, I'm actually quite flattered that you think I'm pretty! By the way, I never got your name?"

"It's, uh, Solar, um, Flare", great, he was sounding more and more like Fluttershy every second.

"It's very nice to meet you Solar, and again, you don't need to be embarassed, you are a stallion after all."

"Um, thanks Luna."

Luna turned towards her sister and started to say something, "So, what was so urgent about him, he's just a regular pegasus pony."

Celestia pointed at his head, "Go move his hair to the side, and you'll see for yourself."

Luna trotted back towards Solar and told him to stay still. He did as she said, and she looked at his head, not noticing anything out of the ordinary. However, when she moved his hair slightly to the left, she saw his broken horn, and freaking out, stumbled backwards.

"He's an... an alicorn?!"

"I don't get it, what is an alicorn?"

"It's a very powerful pony, possessing the speed and agility of a pegasus pony, the strength and endurance of a normal pony, and the raw magical abilities of a unicorn," said Celestia

"But what does it mean?", asked Luna.

"It means that this young stallion here, is the most important pony in existence."

Celestia thought back to 500 years prior, when it was foretold by the great wizard Starswirl the Bearded that one day, a new alicorn would reveal itself, and become the savior of all ponykind.


Celestia started to tell the prophecy to Solar, "Yes, it was foretold by the great wizard Starswirl the Bearded, that one day, a pony such as yourself would be thrust into Equestria by means unknown. The pony would face the greatest threat to ever loom over Equestria, and would come out victorious, and be revered for all time as the greatest hero known to ponykind. He would be looked upon as a hero by the citizens of Equestria, and he would rule over the land alongside my sister and I. That pony, Solar Flare, is YOU."

"What is the threat Celestia?", questioned Luna.

"Nopony knows Luna, but it is known that it will thrust Equestria into an eternal state of darkness and despair if nothing is done to stop him."

"I see"

"Yes, and Solar, this is YOUR destiny, YOUR future, YOUR fate. When this great and terrible evil comes, you will be ready for it, and will rise up against it. You will defeat this evil and become a hero to all of Equestria."

"Man, how did I get dragged into this?", Solar sighed in defeat.

Alright guys, that's it for chapter three, I know it's a bit on the short side, but I was running out of ideas. I'll make the next chapter much longer though, in order to make up for it. As always, rate, comment, favorite, leave your feedback, and follow if you liked it enough. The next chapter should be up by Monday, but no guarantees, after all, it will be much longer, as I'm aiming for about 3000 to 3500 words in it. Cya guys soon!