• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 480 Views, 66 Comments

Shattered Glass - Lucky Seven

The story of a man turned pony who finds love in a very unlikely place. Kill me for writing this please.

  • ...

Solar's Real Talent

Solar watched Luna leave in her chariot, and went to bed feeling content. He did nothing but think of Luna as he lied down to sleep, and a little smile grew on his face as he eventually dozed off. He woke up the next morning feeling exceptionally well, except for one thing. It was Sunday, he hated that day the most, though he didn't know why, he just despised it. He walked downstairs with a frown, singing a song from his world.

"You will release you life, joining with the god damned world of the dead and the lonely..."

"What are you singing Solar?" asked Twilight when she heard him.

"Oh, um, nothing, just a song from my world."

"Well, not to encourage you, but you sound like you would have the voice for that kind of song."

"Really? You think I have a voice that could be good for a heavy metal band?"

"Yeah, it's all throaty and scratchy when you sing."

"Maybe you're right."

He walked outside, and the first thing he saw was a flyer on the ground.

"Tryouts for new singer for rock band..." he read aloud.

"Want me to take you there?"

He jumped at the voice, but calmed down once he realized it was Twilight.

"Uh, yeah, sure Twilight, that would be nice."

She giggled, and quickly charged her spell, teleporting them right into a garage as a band was practicing. The band members looked stunned, but quickly regained their composure.

"Why are you two here?" asked the drummer.

"Um, I'm here for the tryouts..."

"Well, okay, but your cutie mark doesn't show singing as your special talent."

"Just give it your best shot," Twilight reassured him.

"What should I sing?" asked Solar.

"Whatever you want," replied the drummer.

"Why don't you sing the song from earlier Solar?" Twilight suggested

"Um, okay, here goes."

"You will release your life! Joining with the god damned world of the dead and the lonely..."

"You will believe the lie! Now do you think your too damn good for the killing kind..."

"That was great man, congrats, you're hired!" exclaimed the drummer. "But can I ask you something?"


"I've never heard those lyrics before, where did they come from?"

"Oh, um, they come from a band I liked where I came from."

"Okay, well, can you remember the rest of those lyrics and write them down? It'd make a great song."

"Alright, but I have to go see somepony for now."

"Alright, but here tomorrow with those lyrics."

"Will do!"

Twilight then teleported them back home. She was wondering what he meant when he said he had to go see somepony, but just decided to ask him.

"So who are you going to see?"

"Oh, I was gonna ask you if you could teleport me to Canterlot Castle again?"

"Ah, I see, you wanna go see your special somepony."

"I don't think she wants to be my special somepony..."

"Don't think like that! I'm sure she likes you!"

"Yeah, I hope you're right."

"I am, now hold on and I'll teleport you."

And with that, she teleported him all the way to Canterlot. He was standing right in front of the castle gates, and was nervous about asking Luna out on another date. But he really liked her, and even though their last date had ended up becoming a disaster, he thought this next one would make up for it all. He walked up to the doors of the castle and knocked, expecting a guard to answer this time around, but surprisingly, it was Luna.

"Oh, hi Solar, what can I do for you?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go on another date sometime?"

"I'd love to, but it won't be for a little while. My sister and I have been dealing with a lot of issues these past few weeks, and it's getting even worse."

"That's fine princess, as long as I get to go on a date with you."

"Alright, well, do you want to come in for a little bit?"

"If it's not to much of a bother."

"Nonsense, I offered!"

"Well, okay then."

They walked inside, and Solar followed Luna to a strange purple and blue door.

"Whose room is this?"

"Mine silly!"

"Well, I'm not sure we should be alone in your room, it could give people the wrong idea."

"Don't be such a wuss Solar," she said, earning a glare. "Look, just come on okay?"

He simply nodded his head in confirmation, and followed her into her room. Once inside, he noticed the ceiling was painted to look like the night sky, and the walls were painted pitch black. The floor was more of a midnight blue, and her bed was azure blue, like her coat, with her cutie mark laid over the middle of it.

"This is a nice room Luna, it remind me a lot of you."

"Well, that was the main goal hehe..."

"Right, I guess that is true, so I sound kind of dumb now huh?"

"I don't think you're dumb, but I do want to know something."

"What's that?"

"Why do you like me so much?"


"It's just that I'm not used to this kind of affection, but why?"

"Well, it's a lot of things. I think you're the most beautiful mare I've ever laid my eyes on, you make the night what it is, a beautiful thing for those who want to accept it, and you're really nice."

"Ah, I see..."

"Is something wrong Lu-"

He was suddenly cut off by something, but he didn't know what it was. He opened his eyes to see that it was Luna herself. She had her muzzle up against Solar's and was kissing him. Not in the 'I need you right now' way, but in a more pleasant, first kiss kind of way. He started to kiss back, and to him it was like heaven, and he didn't want it to end. But as soon as it started, Luna pulled her head back, and the kiss was over.

"So, do you still care what the guards think Solar?"

All he could do was shake his head back and forth, as he was in too much shock over what had just happened to speak.

That's it for chapter 6, but there is great news, I'm off work until Friday at 5:00, so I'll have plenty of time to work on the next chapter and get it out before then. Also, sorry this chapter took so long. As always, rate, comment, like, favorite, follow, feedback, whatever. Until we meet again!