• Published 23rd Aug 2017
  • 3,313 Views, 24 Comments

The Big and Cuddly Ursa Minor - Foal Star

After her defeat in Ponyville, Trixie accidently wanders into a cave with a Ursa Major. When she wakes the next day she finds herself adopted by the Beast. To make matters worse she eventually learns that her body is morphing into a Ursa Minor.

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Chapter 2: Trixie's first escape!

Trixie woke the next morning with a jolt, turning her head to see the hulking Ursa Major lifting the mare near it’s bulging teats again. The still groggy magician just sighed, latched on one and started to suckle the hot, creamy milk from the breast. Oddly enough, Trixie was actually starting to enjoy the taste, gulping it down for several minutes without stopping.

Who’d have thought Ursa Major milk would be so rich and creamy? I can't think of anything that tastes, pity I have to suckle for it like a newborn.”

Trixie continued to suckle for sometime, until she started to become drowsy and was slowly lulled into the comfort of the Ursa’s belly.

However, she was suddenly woken again, as the Ursa Major lowered the magician into the bed of leaves and roots, nuzzling her as she did. Trixie turned to the Ursa Major and returned the gesture, nuzzling the giant purple cheek, with the Ursa giving the mare a massive, motherly smile. The Ursa then slowly turned to her son, picked him up by the gruff of his neck and lumbered to the side of the cave to breastfeed him.

Trixie just turned on her side with a loud plop from her belly,slowly rising from the nest on all fours, groaning from the excess weight on her aching muscles. Once she was able to stand, she slowly turned towards the mouth of the cave, light breaking through the darkness. The sight prompted an unamused glare from the mare, who grumbled sleepily,“Trixie can’t believe it’s morning already.”

Trixie groaned, slowly heaving and puffing as she stood upwards,wheezing with each movement., “What is happening to Trixie's body? It feels like Trixie ate a ton of bricks last night.”

Her perplextion over her weight ceased, when she felt something soft fall from her head. She brushed the spot on her head for a few moments, before lowering her hoof to her face. To her horror, there were clumps of very familiar looking, blue and white hair on her hoof,”Trixie..Trixie’s mane!”

Trixie brushed again, with greater vigor, revealing more clumps and pieces. The action persisted until, to her growing distress, she felt nothing but a few strands of mane hair, amidst her fur. The poor mare’s pupils shrank as she started to whimper and tremble in shock.”T..Tr...Tri…”

She gulped rubbing her hoof over her head again, trying to find any sign of her mane, only to feel her fur. The confirmation hit her like a battering ram, and she responded the only way she could….screaming., “TRIXIE’S BALD!”

Trixie then noticed some weight was missing from her rump and gulped. The mare slowly turned to her backside, finding her tail and cutie mark were gone! The showmare tentatively brushed her flank, numb with shock as she tried to confirm what she feared. When it was clear that her tail and cutie mark were truly gone she responded with….more screaming. “Where did Trixie's cutie mark and tail go!”

She circled her rump, gasping for breath, having to try and keep herself from going into a panic attack. Her sense of calm was quelled when she saw the Ursa Major had returned its attention to her.. As the frightened magician looked up at her captor, she whimpered out,”Ur..Ursa Major. I’m cl..clean and full..I...I would like to… to leave, please?”

The Ursa Major just gave a snort, crawling over to the mare, and nudging her towards the entrance of the cave. Trixie could do nothing but slowly get up, straining from the excess weight, and toddling towards the entrance, while the Ursa Major continued to push her, with it’s oversized muzzle, out of the cave and into the sunlit, Everfree Forest. Trixie lumbered in silence alongside the Ursa Minor who kept giving her a nasty glare, the two eventually reaching the pond outside of the cave.

Trixie gulped as she looked down at the stagnant water, moving closer towards it and just stared at the reflection. The sight brought renewed horror, not only was she bulkier and taller than anypony she’s ever seen, but her now clearly maneless head gave her cause to stare in morbid awe. Trixie's blue and white mane was completely gone, and tiny sprouts of strange starry blue fur was growing all over her coat and face. The sight brought the mare to a whimpering mess, left only to ponder her current situation., “Is..is this it? Is Trixie going to become a Ursa Minor?”

Lost in thought, the paralyzed mare didn’t realise she was being pushed by huge claw, crashing into the water with a huge splash. Trixie quickly surfaced,shivering from the cold, crisp water, seeing the Ursa Minor gently enter the pond, quietly grumbling to himself. The Ursa Major smirked as it towered over them. Trixie, confused, turned to the Ursa Minor and asked,”So what does she want us to do?”

The Ursa Minor turned and splashed a massive wall of water at Trixie, knocking her back. Trixie quickly rose up, anger clear in her eyes,her horn quickly ignited, shoving a wall of water right back at the Ursa Minor. The Ursa didn’t take kindly to the aquatic assault, roaring back at Trixie in fury. Trixie in turn and to her own surprise, took a deep breath, and without warning,gave a loud guttural roar right back at him, making the Ursa Minor blink in surprise at the sudden outburst. Once her senses were regained, the soaked magician mirrored the Ursa’s shock at her actions. She whispered to herself, “Did that roar come out of Trixie?”

Trixie slowly turned to the Ursa Major, again smirking at the mare as if she knew what was going on. Trixie turned back to the Ursa Minor, now crossing his paws and resuming his previous frustrated grumbling towards her. The sight got Trixie to smirk. “He’s jealous that Trixie is getting all the attention from his mother.”

Unfortunately for Trixie, her smirk/subtle mockery, prompted the Ursa Minor to roar in frustration, before he started to charge Trixie charging. The massive bear, collided with Trixe at full speed,pushing her across the pond like with minimum effort. The mare shrieked as she was pushed, trying to cover herself with her forehooves after reaching the ponds edge. However, the Ursa Major’s shadow suddenly fell over the pair, growling glaring angrily at her son. The Ursa Minor quickly lost his courage, instead whining and stomping his legs like an angry foal. The Ursa Major only shook its head in annoyance, clearly annoyed at her child’s petty display. When he finally settled down, the Minor took a seat in the pond, pouting as he sat, which would have been adorable were it not for his size.The Ursa Major shook her head,scooping up her son before carrying him out of the pond.

Trixie, seeing the events unfold, realised that both the Ursa Major and Minor were away. A sense of excitement grew, as she turned her attention to the Everfree Forest. “This is may be Trixie’s best chance of escaping.”

She slowly got up and started to waddle towards the dark forest. She grunted with each step,her soaked fur and added bulk weighing her down, made more arduous by the leaves and twigs catching onto her fur. Yet, she still trudged onward, her exhaustion growing with each second she moved through the Everfree Forest. However, after only a few minutes of running, her belly started to swell outwards, causing her to fall on her bottom with a loud plop, groaning all the way.

“What’s happening!”

To her growing surprise, her hooves started to grow,becoming pudgier as starry blue fur grew all over. At the same time, she could feel her body swell and grow as well.

It didn’t take long for her to figure out the cause of her transformation. “It's that stupid Ursa Major’s milk!”

She shrieked once again, realizing her voice was now gruff and coarse. Trixie panicked, quickly getting up and waddling away as fast as she could, leaving behind clumps of blue fur along the way. However,as she grew bigger, so did her exhaustion, as she continued panting and heaving more deeply with each step, before stumbling over a root, onto her belly. “Tr...Trixie can’t do this...Tr...Trixie doesn’t think she can take...another...step.”

She somehow managed to push herself up, seeing again how big and pudgy her legs were, all covered in starry blue fur. She finally plopped onto her chubby rump and leaned against a tree. She looked up at the sun, tears leaking from her eyes she shouted in frustration, “Trixie was so close...so close to getting out of this stupid forest!”

Of course nopony responded and soon she could hear the roar of the Ursa Major, her heavy footsteps growing closer as she crashed through the trees. . The mare simply started to cry once again, feeling completely defeated. There was no way she could outrun the Ursa in her current state and even if she did, how could she return to Pony society the way she was. By all accounts, she was completely stuck.

“This is it, this is the end of The Great and Powerful Trixie.”

She closed her eyes and could only hear loud booms coming closer towards her, with trees being smashed just a few feet away. It was then, that everything became silent and the frightened magician felt herself being picked up. The Ursa Major threw her into a giant hug, crushing her face into the sea of starry fur, nuzzling her and licking the mare’s fur again.

Trixie blushed, her feelings of hopelessness and grief, replaced with something akin to love for the massive creature. Thus, she let let the Ursa Major finish cleaning her up, offering no resistance. The giant bear took the mare by the gruff of her neck and started to lumber towards the cave. Trixie was just stunned as she swayed back and forth, piddling a little on the forest floor, thinking about what she could do with her current situation.

“I guess that the Ursa Major really thinks Trixie is just a baby Ursa Minor. That means she won't hurt Trixie. Maybe just maybe...Trixie can bide her time and get used to this body, and then Trixie will make her escape.”